For test-pipeline application, there are some problems with the normal
operation of the program and security issues. These patches can fix
these issues.

v3: fix SIGINT handling issue and add dev close operation

Feifei Wang (3):
  app/test-pipeline: relax RSS hash requirement
  app/test-pipeline: fix SIGINT handling issue
  app/test-pipeline: add dev close operation

 app/test-pipeline/init.c              |  22 ++++-
 app/test-pipeline/main.c              |  33 +++++++
 app/test-pipeline/main.h              |   2 +
 app/test-pipeline/pipeline_acl.c      |   6 +-
 app/test-pipeline/pipeline_hash.c     | 110 ++++++++++-----------
 app/test-pipeline/pipeline_lpm.c      |   6 +-
 app/test-pipeline/pipeline_lpm_ipv6.c |   6 +-
 app/test-pipeline/pipeline_stub.c     |   6 +-
 app/test-pipeline/runtime.c           | 132 ++++++++++++++------------
 9 files changed, 198 insertions(+), 125 deletions(-)


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