All of this information is in shared memory, is it not? For example,
you could patch the ring library to give a programmable interface to
the following function:
This would allow you to see the full set of rings in a process that
has attached as a secondary to DPDK. Write a process that does this,
and then interfaces with whatever you have running in the kernel.

Ultimately, the architecture is pulling from userspace and pushing
into the kernel, rather than pulling directly from the kernel.

Does that help?



On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 11:53 AM, ?? <zhangwqh at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to ask does anybody know how kernel can share the info from dpdk 
> hugepage. My project has a requirement which kernel needs to get some info 
> from dpdk application. Eg, in multi-process example, every client has a 
> shared ring buffer with server. The shared ring contains some meta data of 
> packets. Is it possible that dpdk share this info to kernel, then kernel can 
> access it? What are the key points that can help to achieve the goal?

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