> -----Original Message----- > + uint8_t *rss_key; Instead of pointer can you just take key of type below, so u no need to do dynamic memory allocation using malloc and free . Ex: uint8_t hash_key[RSS_HASH_KEY_LENGTH]; And then do below ? rss_conf.rss_key = hash_key;
- [PATCH v2 2/5] net/hns3: support setting and querying RSS h... Jie Hai
- [PATCH v3 0/5] support setting and querying RSS algorithms Jie Hai
- [PATCH v3 1/5] app/proc-info: fix never show RSS info Jie Hai
- [PATCH v3 2/5] app/proc-info: adjust the display forma... Jie Hai
- [PATCH v3 3/5] app/proc-info: support querying RSS has... Jie Hai
- [PATCH v3 4/5] app/testpmd: add RSS hash algorithms di... Jie Hai
- [PATCH v3 5/5] app/testpmd: add RSS hash algorithms se... Jie Hai
- Re: [PATCH v3 0/5] support setting and querying RSS al... Jie Hai
- [PATCH 0/5] support setting and querying RSS algorithms Jie Hai
- [PATCH 3/5] app/proc-info: fix never show RSS info Jie Hai
- RE: [PATCH 3/5] app/proc-info: fix never show RSS ... Pattan, Reshma
- [PATCH 5/5] app/proc-info: support querying RSS hash a... Jie Hai
- [PATCH 2/5] net/hns3: support setting and querying RSS... Jie Hai
- [PATCH 4/5] app/proc-info: adjust the display format o... Jie Hai
- [PATCH 1/5] ethdev: support setting and querying RSS a... Jie Hai
- [PATCH v4 0/7] support setting and querying RSS algori... Jie Hai