On 29/08/2023 09:22, Xu, HailinX wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Xueming Li <xuemi...@nvidia.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2023 2:14 PM
To: sta...@dpdk.org
Cc: xuemi...@nvdia.com; dev@dpdk.org; Abhishek Marathe
<abhishek.mara...@microsoft.com>; Ali Alnubani <alia...@nvidia.com>;
Walker, Benjamin <benjamin.wal...@intel.com>; David Christensen
<d...@linux.vnet.ibm.com>; Hemant Agrawal <hemant.agra...@nxp.com>;
Stokes, Ian <ian.sto...@intel.com>; Jerin Jacob <jer...@marvell.com>;
Mcnamara, John <john.mcnam...@intel.com>; Ju-Hyoung Lee
<juh...@microsoft.com>; Kevin Traynor <ktray...@redhat.com>; Luca Boccassi
<bl...@debian.org>; Pei Zhang <pezh...@redhat.com>; Xu, Qian Q
<qian.q...@intel.com>; Raslan Darawsheh <rasl...@nvidia.com>; Thomas
Monjalon <tho...@monjalon.net>; Yanghang Liu <yangh...@redhat.com>;
Peng, Yuan <yuan.p...@intel.com>; Chen, Zhaoyan <zhaoyan.c...@intel.com>
Subject: 22.11.3 patches review and test
Hi all,
Here is a list of patches targeted for stable release 22.11.3.
The planned date for the final release is 31th August.
Please help with testing and validation of your use cases and report any
issues/results with reply-all to this mail. For the final release the fixes and
reported validations will be added to the release notes.
A release candidate tarball can be found at:
These patches are located at branch 22.11 of dpdk-stable repo:
We are conducting DPDK testing and have found two issues.
1. The startup speed of testpmd is significantly slower in the os of SUSE
This issue fix patch has been merged into main, But it has not backported to
Fix patch commit id on DPDK main: 7e7b6762eac292e78c77ad37ec0973c0c944b845
2. The SCTP tunnel packet of iavf cannot be forwarded in avx512 mode
commit 9b7215f150d0bfc5cb00fce68ff08e5217c7f2b3 on v22.11.3-rc1.
This commit is for the new feature (avx512 checksum offload) in DPDK 23.03,
which should not be backported to the LTS version since avx512 checksum offload
is not supported in v22.11.3 LTS.
Thanks for flagging Xueming.
The issue is that it was listed as fixing 059f18ae2aec ("net/iavf: add
offload path for Tx AVX512") which goes back to 21.05.
This could have been avoided if the 'Fixes:' tag was correct, or if the
authors replied to the email about queued backports :/
Requesting iavf/next-net-intel maintainers to check Fixes: tags are
correct before merging.
DPDK 21.11.5 is already released with this patch. Any idea why it did
not show up in validation for 21.11.5 ? Is it an issue for 21.11.5 ? How
critical is it ?
I can revert it on the 21.11 branch, but it will need to wait until
21.11.6 in December before it will be reverted in a released version.
Xu, Hailin