On 23/08/2023 10:55, Mcnamara, John wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Traynor <ktray...@redhat.com>
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2023 1:38 PM
To: Mcnamara, John <john.mcnam...@intel.com>; sta...@dpdk.org; Peng, Yuan
<yuan.p...@intel.com>; Chen, Zhaoyan <zhaoyan.c...@intel.com>; Xu, HailinX
Cc: dev@dpdk.org; Walker, Benjamin <benjamin.wal...@intel.com>; Stokes,
Ian <ian.sto...@intel.com>; Luca Boccassi <bl...@debian.org>; Thomas
Monjalon <tho...@monjalon.net>
Subject: Re: 21.11.5 patches review and test

On 21/08/2023 11:50, Mcnamara, John wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Traynor <ktray...@redhat.com>

Any updates from Intel validation team ? The release is due tomorrow
(22nd) but I can postpone it if you need a few more days to complete


We have had some attritions on the Intel validation team so some of the
co-ordination is behind schedule. Let me look into the current status.

ok, thanks John. No problem, I'll hold on the release and please let me
know when there is some news or an ETA.


The testing is now ongoing and almost complete so we should have results in the 
next 1-2 days.


Great, thanks for the update John.

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