This patch series adds support for packet number threshold events to be
received on the respective ethernet port. For this a sa to port mapping
is created during sa creation. When the pn threshold event is received
then the check for port id is made to receive the event on the correct

Ankur Dwivedi (2):
  common/cnxk: add sa to port mapping
  net/cnxk: update sa to port map

 drivers/common/cnxk/roc_mcs.c         | 22 +++++++++++++++++++---
 drivers/common/cnxk/roc_mcs.h         |  8 ++++++--
 drivers/common/cnxk/roc_mcs_sec_cfg.c |  6 ++++++
 drivers/common/cnxk/       |  1 +
 drivers/net/cnxk/cnxk_ethdev_mcs.c    | 14 +++++++++++++-
 5 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)


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