> From: Stephen Hemminger [mailto:stephen at networkplumber.org] > > +/* [rt]x_qX_ is prepended to the name string here */ static const > > +struct rte_virtio_xstats_name_off rte_virtio_q_stat_strings[] = { > > + {"packets", offsetof(struct virtqueue, packets)}, > > + {"bytes", offsetof(struct virtqueue, bytes)}, > > + {"errors", offsetof(struct virtqueue, errors)}, } > > I don't see the point of this. The point of xstats is to tell the application > about > statistics not available through other means. > > These stats should be available already in the per queue stats.
You're right - these stats are already available in the per-Q stats part of rte_eth_stats. The virtio implementation of xstats is mostly framework code so we can add other stats, for example packet size counters, in the near future. Thanks for reviewing, -Harry