Dear Bruce Richardson and DPDK experts.

Thank you very much for your the best great efforts and precious answers.

I will study and think about it.

Thank you very much.

Sincerely Yours,

Ick-Sung Choi.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Bruce Richardson"<> 
To: "???"<pnk003 at>; 
Cc: <dev at>; 
Sent: 2015-09-30 (?) 21:03:44
Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] Is there any example application to used DPDK packet 
distributor library?

On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 08:41:04PM +0900, ??? wrote:
>  Dear Bruce Richardson and DPDK experts.
> Thank you very much for your precious answer.
> I found it. It seems very short and simple.
> Thank you very much.
> I have another question.
> I don't know how the following steps work from new_tag to match variables.
> /* in dpdk library. ~/dpdk-?.?.?/lib/librte_distributor/rte_distributor.c 
> /* process a set of packets to distribute them to workers */
> rte_distributor_process(struct rte_distributor *d, struct rte_mbuf 
**mbufs, unsigned num_mbufs)
> {
> ...
>      new_tag = next_mb->hash.usr;  /* flow ID hash.usr is set by NIC */
>      for (i = 0; i < d->num_workers; i++)
>           match |= (!(d->in_flight_tags[i] ^ new_tag) << i);
>      /* Only turned-on bits are considered as match */
>      match &= d->in_flight_bitmask;
>      unsigned worker = __builtin_ctzl(match);
> ...
> }
> I will appreciate if you let me know the steps.

We build up a bitmask for each worker, where the bit is set of the new_tag
matches the inflight tag for the worker. We then find the matching worker, if
any using count-training-zeros (ctz) operation.


> Thank you very much.
> Sincerely Yours,
> Ick-Sung Choi.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Bruce Richardson"<bruce.richardson at> 
> To: "???"<pnk003 at>; 
> Cc: <dev at>; 
> Sent: 2015-09-30 (?) 19:56:28
> Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] Is there any example application to used DPDK 
packet distributor library?
> On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 02:45:20PM +0900, ??? wrote:
> > Dear DPDK experts.
> >  
> > I am Ick-Sung Choi living in South Korea.
> >  
> > I have a question about DPDK? packet distributor library.
> >  
> > Is there any example application to used DPDK packet distributor 
> >  
> > I am trying to experiment simple function using DPDK packet 
distributor library.
> >  
> > If I can study an example application of DPDK packet distributor 
library, it would be very helpful for my experiment.
> >  
> > I will appreciate if I can be given any example applications, advice, 
and information.
> >  
> > Thank you very much.
> >  
> > Sincerely Yours,
> >  
> > Ick-Sung Choi.
> >  
> Hi,
> there is a "distributor" example app in the examples directory.
> /Bruce

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