From: Sinan Kaya <>

Initialize worker threads once and keep a flag
for other init calls.

Signed-off-by: Sinan Kaya <>
 lib/eal/linux/eal.c | 68 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/eal/linux/eal.c b/lib/eal/linux/eal.c
index 385a3427d4..d12b438d2b 100644
--- a/lib/eal/linux/eal.c
+++ b/lib/eal/linux/eal.c
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ int rte_cycles_vmware_tsc_map;
 static uint32_t run_once;
+static bool worker_initialized;
@@ -1236,46 +1237,49 @@ rte_eal_init(int argc, char **argv)
                config->main_lcore, (uintptr_t)pthread_self(), cpuset,
                ret == 0 ? "" : "...");
+       if (worker_initialized == false) {
+               RTE_LCORE_FOREACH_WORKER(i) {
                 * create communication pipes between main thread
                 * and children
-               if (pipe(lcore_config[i].pipe_main2worker) < 0)
-                       rte_panic("Cannot create pipe\n");
-               if (pipe(lcore_config[i].pipe_worker2main) < 0)
-                       rte_panic("Cannot create pipe\n");
-               lcore_config[i].state = WAIT;
-               /* create a thread for each lcore */
-               ret = eal_worker_thread_create(i);
-               if (ret != 0)
-                       rte_panic("Cannot create thread\n");
-               /* Set thread_name for aid in debugging. */
-               snprintf(thread_name, sizeof(thread_name),
-                       "rte-worker-%d", i);
-               ret = rte_thread_setname(lcore_config[i].thread_id,
-                                               thread_name);
-               if (ret != 0)
-                       RTE_LOG(DEBUG, EAL,
-                               "Cannot set name for lcore thread\n");
+                       if (pipe(lcore_config[i].pipe_main2worker) < 0)
+                               rte_panic("Cannot create pipe\n");
+                       if (pipe(lcore_config[i].pipe_worker2main) < 0)
+                               rte_panic("Cannot create pipe\n");
+                       lcore_config[i].state = WAIT;
+                       /* create a thread for each lcore */
+                       ret = eal_worker_thread_create(i);
+                       if (ret != 0)
+                               rte_panic("Cannot create thread\n");
+                       /* Set thread_name for aid in debugging. */
+                       snprintf(thread_name, sizeof(thread_name),
+                               "rte-worker-%d", i);
+                       ret = rte_thread_setname(lcore_config[i].thread_id,
+                                                       thread_name);
+                       if (ret != 0)
+                               RTE_LOG(DEBUG, EAL,
+                                       "Cannot set name for lcore thread\n");
+                       ret = pthread_setaffinity_np(lcore_config[i].thread_id,
+                               sizeof(rte_cpuset_t), &lcore_config[i].cpuset);
+                       if (ret != 0)
+                               rte_panic("Cannot set affinity\n");
+               }
-               ret = pthread_setaffinity_np(lcore_config[i].thread_id,
-                       sizeof(rte_cpuset_t), &lcore_config[i].cpuset);
-               if (ret != 0)
-                       rte_panic("Cannot set affinity\n");
+               /*
+                * Launch a dummy function on all worker lcores, so that main 
+                * knows they are all ready when this function returns.
+                */
+               rte_eal_mp_remote_launch(sync_func, NULL, SKIP_MAIN);
+               rte_eal_mp_wait_lcore();
+               worker_initialized = true;
-       /*
-        * Launch a dummy function on all worker lcores, so that main lcore
-        * knows they are all ready when this function returns.
-        */
-       rte_eal_mp_remote_launch(sync_func, NULL, SKIP_MAIN);
-       rte_eal_mp_wait_lcore();
        /* initialize services so vdevs register service during bus_probe. */
        ret = rte_service_init();
        if (ret) {

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