Rather than having the test suites listed out in the meson.build files
and having to have them enabled/disabled selectively based on what libs
are being built, pull the tests to run from the source files which were
added to the build.

Most test suites require no additional info other than the list of test
names in the suite. However the fast-test are special that they have
additional parameters associated with them. This requires some
additional work in the test extraction script and in the meson.build
file for processing the output.

Signed-off-by: Bruce Richardson <bruce.richard...@intel.com>
 app/meson.build                               |  7 +-
 app/test/suites/meson.build                   | 76 +++++++++++++++++++
 buildtools/get-test-suites.py                 | 33 ++++++++
 .../has-hugepages.py                          |  0
 buildtools/meson.build                        |  2 +
 5 files changed, 117 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 app/test/suites/meson.build
 create mode 100644 buildtools/get-test-suites.py
 rename app/test/has_hugepage.py => buildtools/has-hugepages.py (100%)

diff --git a/app/meson.build b/app/meson.build
index 0d8b618e7f..c14dc80892 100644
--- a/app/meson.build
+++ b/app/meson.build
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ foreach app:apps
         link_libs = dpdk_static_libraries + dpdk_drivers
-    executable('dpdk-' + name,
+    exec = executable('dpdk-' + name,
             c_args: cflags,
             link_args: ldflags,
@@ -110,4 +110,9 @@ foreach app:apps
             include_directories: includes,
             install_rpath: join_paths(get_option('prefix'), 
             install: true)
+    if name == 'test'
+        dpdk_test = exec
+        autotest_sources = sources
+        subdir('test/suites')  # define the pre-canned test suites
+    endif
diff --git a/app/test/suites/meson.build b/app/test/suites/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df0c66ff0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/test/suites/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Copyright(c) 2023 Intel Corporation
+# some perf tests (eg: memcpy perf autotest)take very long
+# to complete, so timeout to 10 minutes
+timeout_seconds = 600
+timeout_seconds_fast = 10
+test_no_huge_args = ['--no-huge', '-m', '2048']
+has_hugepage = run_command(has_hugepages_cmd, check: true).stdout().strip() != 
+message('hugepage availability: @0@'.format(has_hugepage))
+# process source files to determine the different unit test suites
+# - fast_tests
+# - perf_tests
+# - driver_tests
+test_suites = run_command(get_test_suites_cmd, autotest_sources,
+         check: true).stdout().strip().split()
+foreach suite:test_suites
+    # simple cases - tests without parameters or special handling
+    suite = suite.split('=')
+    suite_name = suite[0]
+    suite_tests = suite[1].split(',')
+    if suite_name != 'fast-tests'
+        # simple cases - tests without parameters or special handling
+        foreach t: suite_tests
+            test(t, dpdk_test,
+                    args: ['--', t],
+                    timeout: timeout_seconds,
+                    is_parallel: false,
+                    suite: suite_name)
+        endforeach
+    else
+    # special fast-test handling here
+        foreach t: suite_tests
+            params = t.split(':')
+            test_name = params[0]
+            nohuge = params[1] == 'true'
+            asan = params[2] == 'true'
+            test_args = []
+            if nohuge
+                test_args += test_no_huge_args
+            elif not has_hugepage
+                continue  #skip this tests
+            endif
+            if not asan and (get_option('b_sanitize') == 'address'
+                    or get_option('b_sanitize') == 'address,undefined')
+                continue  # skip this test
+            endif
+            if (get_option('default_library') == 'shared'
+                    and test_name == 'event_eth_tx_adapter_autotest')
+                test_args += ['-d', dpdk_drivers_build_dir]
+            endif
+            if is_linux
+                test_args += ['--file-prefix=@0@'.format(arg[0])]
+            endif
+            test(test_name, dpdk_test,
+                args : test_args + ['--', test_name],
+                timeout : timeout_seconds_fast,
+                is_parallel : false,
+                suite : 'fast-tests')
+            if not is_windows and test_name == 'trace_autotest'
+                test_args += ['--trace=.*']
+                test_args += 
+                test(test_name + '_with_traces', dpdk_test,
+                    args : test_args + ['--', test_name],
+                    timeout : timeout_seconds_fast,
+                    is_parallel : false,
+                    suite : 'fast-tests')
+            endif
+        endforeach
+    endif
diff --git a/buildtools/get-test-suites.py b/buildtools/get-test-suites.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..95a9cad4c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildtools/get-test-suites.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Copyright(c) 2023 Intel Corporation
+import sys
+import re
+input_list = sys.argv[1:]
+test_def_regex = re.compile("REGISTER_([A-Z]+)_TEST\s*\(\s*([a-z0-9_]+)")
+test_suites = {}
+def get_fast_test_params(test_name, ln):
+    "Extract the extra fast-test parameters from the line"
+    #print(f"ln: {ln.rstrip()}, test_name: {test_name}, split: 
{ln.split(test_name, 1)}")
+    (_, rest_of_line) = ln.split(test_name, 1)
+    (_, nohuge, asan, _func) = rest_of_line.split(',', 3)
+    return f":{nohuge.strip().lower()}:{asan.strip().lower()}"
+for fname in input_list:
+    with open(fname) as f:
+        contents = [ln for ln in f.readlines() if 
+    for ln in contents:
+        (test_suite, test_name) = test_def_regex.match(ln).group(1, 2)
+        suite_name = f"{test_suite.lower()}-tests"
+        if suite_name in test_suites:
+            test_suites[suite_name].append(test_name)
+        else:
+            test_suites[suite_name] = [test_name]
+        if suite_name == "fast-tests":
+            test_suites["fast-tests"][-1] += get_fast_test_params(test_name, 
+for suite in test_suites.keys():
+    print(f"{suite}={','.join(test_suites[suite])}")
diff --git a/app/test/has_hugepage.py b/buildtools/has-hugepages.py
similarity index 100%
rename from app/test/has_hugepage.py
rename to buildtools/has-hugepages.py
diff --git a/buildtools/meson.build b/buildtools/meson.build
index e1c600e40f..ac5e4dcf08 100644
--- a/buildtools/meson.build
+++ b/buildtools/meson.build
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ map_to_win_cmd = py3 + files('map_to_win.py')
 sphinx_wrapper = py3 + files('call-sphinx-build.py')
 get_cpu_count_cmd = py3 + files('get-cpu-count.py')
 get_numa_count_cmd = py3 + files('get-numa-count.py')
+get_test_suites_cmd = py3 + files('get-test-suites.py')
+has_hugepages_cmd = py3 + files('has-hugepages.py')
 binutils_avx512_check = (py3 + files('binutils-avx512-check.py') +
                         [objdump] + cc.cmd_array())

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