On 2023/7/3 20:33, Ali Alnubani wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Jie Hai <haij...@huawei.com>
Sent: Monday, July 3, 2023 2:03 PM
To: Aman Singh <aman.deep.si...@intel.com>; Yuying Zhang
<yuying.zh...@intel.com>; Ferruh Yigit <ferruh.yi...@amd.com>; Shiyang He
Cc: dev@dpdk.org; liudongdo...@huawei.com; Ali Alnubani
Subject: [PATCH] app/testpmd: fix invalid queue ID when start port
Function update_queue_state updates queue state of all queues
of all ports, using the queue num nb_rxq|nb_txq stored locally
by testpmd. Error on invalid queue ID occurs if we start testpmd
with two ports and detach-attach one of them and start the other
port first. That's because the attached port has zero queues and
that differs from the nb_rxq|nb_txq. The similar error happens
in multi-process senoris if secondary process attaches a port
Do you mean scenarios?
Yes, sorry for the spelling mistake. I'll correct it.
and starts it.
This patch updates queue state according to the num of queues
reported by driver instead of testpmd.
Fixes: 141a520b35f7 ("app/testpmd: fix primary process not polling all
Fixes: 5028f207a4fa ("app/testpmd: fix secondary process packet
Cc: sta...@dpdk.org
Signed-off-by: Jie Hai <haij...@huawei.com>
Thanks Jie.
Tested-by: Ali Alnubani <alia...@nvidia.com>