On 5/16/2023 10:55 AM, Ferruh Yigit wrote:
> On 5/16/2023 2:28 AM, Stephen Hemminger wrote:
>> On Tue, 16 May 2023 00:35:56 +0100
>> Ferruh Yigit <ferruh.yi...@amd.com> wrote:
>>> Yes only some scripts and possible applications that hotplug tap
>>> interface with hardcoded parameters may impacted, don't know how big is
>>> this amount but this ends up breaking something that was working before
>>> upgrading DPDK for them.
>>> And I believe the motivation is weak to break the behavior.
>>> Won't it be better to update 'rte_ether_unformat_addr()' to accept more
>>> flexible syntax, and use it? Is there any disadvantage of this approach?
>> It is already more flexible than the standard ether_aton().
> I mean to accept single chars, as 'tap' currently does, like "a:a:a:a:a:a".
> Agree that impact of tap change is small, but if we can eliminate it
> completely without any side affect, why not?
> As accepting single char will be expanding 'rte_ether_unformat_addr()'
> capability, it will be backward compatible, am I missing anything?

Hi David,

If API update is not planned, what do you think to just solve the build
error without changing functionality with a change something like below:

 -       (strlen(mac_byte) == strspn(mac_byte,
 -                       ETH_TAP_CMP_MAC_FMT))) {
 +       (strlen(mac_byte) == strspn(mac_byte, ETH_TAP_CMP_MAC_FMT)) &&
 +                       index < RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN) {


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