On 5/23/2023 3:50 AM, Kaisen You wrote:
When a DPDK application is started on only one numa node, memory is
allocated for only one socket. When interrupt threads use memory,
memory may not be found on the socket where the interrupt thread
is currently located, and memory has to be reallocated on the hugepage,
this operation will lead to performance degradation.
Fixes: 705356f0811f ("eal: simplify control thread creation")
Fixes: 770d41bf3309 ("malloc: fix allocation with unknown socket ID")
Cc: sta...@dpdk.org
Signed-off-by: Kaisen You <kaisenx....@intel.com>
For the record, I still think that this is a solution for a problem that
should be fixed elsewhere, because a DPDK lcore (even main lcore!)
having a specific NUMA node affinity is one of the most fundamental
assumptions about DPDK, and I feel like we're inviting problems if we
allow lcores to have multiple NUMA node affinities.
For example, if I run DPDK test app with the following command-line:
--lcores "1@(1,29),2@(30)"
The malloc autotest will fail because main lcore now returns -1 when
we're calling `rte_socket_id()` from it. Correspondigly, any API's that
use `rte_socket_id()` internally for various purposes (especially
indexing arrays!) will now have to account for the fact that
`rte_socket_id()` can just return -1 and it is not an exceptional situation.
IMO if we want to keep this behavior, EAL should at least warn the user
that a DPDK lcore was assigned SOCKET_ID_ANY on account of multiple NUMA
nodes being in its cpuset. So, as an unrealted change (so, i'm not
suggesting doing it in this specific patchset), I would suggest that
`thread_update_affinity()` should warn about DPDK lcore being assigned
socket ID like that.