From: Huisong Li <>

Currently, reta_query() API reports the redirection table from software.
This patch uses the one in hardware to report.

Fixes: c37ca66f2b27 ("net/hns3: support RSS")

Signed-off-by: Huisong Li <>
Signed-off-by: Dongdong Liu <>
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_cmd.h |  1 +
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_rss.c | 65 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 2 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/hns3/hns3_cmd.h b/drivers/net/hns3/hns3_cmd.h
index 994dfc48cc..eb394c9dec 100644
--- a/drivers/net/hns3/hns3_cmd.h
+++ b/drivers/net/hns3/hns3_cmd.h
@@ -606,6 +606,7 @@ struct hns3_rss_input_tuple_cmd {
 #define HNS3_RSS_CFG_TBL_SIZE_H                4
 #define HNS3_RSS_CFG_TBL_BW_H          2
 #define HNS3_RSS_CFG_TBL_BW_L          8
+#define HNS3_RSS_CFG_TBL_BW_H_M                0x3
 /* Configure the indirection table, opcode:0x0D07 */
 struct hns3_rss_indirection_table_cmd {
diff --git a/drivers/net/hns3/hns3_rss.c b/drivers/net/hns3/hns3_rss.c
index 21266d64b7..fe9ad609b7 100644
--- a/drivers/net/hns3/hns3_rss.c
+++ b/drivers/net/hns3/hns3_rss.c
@@ -480,6 +480,54 @@ hns3_set_rss_indir_table(struct hns3_hw *hw, uint16_t 
*indir, uint16_t size)
        return 0;
+static int
+hns3_get_rss_indir_table(struct hns3_hw *hw, uint16_t *indir, uint16_t size)
+       struct hns3_rss_indirection_table_cmd *req;
+       uint16_t max_bd_num, cfg_tbl_size;
+       uint8_t qid_msb_off, qid_msb_idx;
+       struct hns3_cmd_desc desc;
+       uint16_t q_id, q_hi, q_lo;
+       uint8_t rss_result_h;
+       uint16_t i, j;
+       int ret;
+       req = (struct hns3_rss_indirection_table_cmd *);
+       max_bd_num = DIV_ROUND_UP(size, HNS3_RSS_CFG_TBL_SIZE);
+       for (i = 0; i < max_bd_num; i++) {
+               hns3_cmd_setup_basic_desc(&desc, HNS3_OPC_RSS_INDIR_TABLE,
+                                         true);
+               req->start_table_index =
+                               rte_cpu_to_le_16(i * HNS3_RSS_CFG_TBL_SIZE);
+               ret = hns3_cmd_send(hw, &desc, 1);
+               if (ret) {
+                       hns3_err(hw, "fail to get RSS indirection table from 
firmware, ret = %d",
+                                ret);
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               if (i == max_bd_num - 1 && (size % HNS3_RSS_CFG_TBL_SIZE) != 0)
+                       cfg_tbl_size = size % HNS3_RSS_CFG_TBL_SIZE;
+               else
+                       cfg_tbl_size = HNS3_RSS_CFG_TBL_SIZE;
+               for (j = 0; j < cfg_tbl_size; j++) {
+                       qid_msb_idx =
+                               j * HNS3_RSS_CFG_TBL_BW_H / HNS3_BITS_PER_BYTE;
+                       rss_result_h = req->rss_result_h[qid_msb_idx];
+                       qid_msb_off =
+                               j * HNS3_RSS_CFG_TBL_BW_H % HNS3_BITS_PER_BYTE;
+                       q_hi = (rss_result_h >> qid_msb_off) &
+                                               HNS3_RSS_CFG_TBL_BW_H_M;
+                       q_lo = req->rss_result_l[j];
+                       q_id = (q_hi << HNS3_RSS_CFG_TBL_BW_L) | q_lo;
+                       indir[i * HNS3_RSS_CFG_TBL_SIZE + j] = q_id;
+               }
+       }
+       return 0;
 hns3_rss_reset_indir_table(struct hns3_hw *hw)
@@ -841,10 +889,11 @@ hns3_dev_rss_reta_query(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
                        uint16_t reta_size)
        struct hns3_adapter *hns = dev->data->dev_private;
+       uint16_t reta_table[HNS3_RSS_IND_TBL_SIZE_MAX];
        struct hns3_hw *hw = &hns->hw;
-       struct hns3_rss_conf *rss_cfg = &hw->rss_info;
        uint16_t idx, shift;
        uint16_t i;
+       int ret;
        if (reta_size != hw->rss_ind_tbl_size) {
                hns3_err(hw, "The size of hash lookup table configured (%u)"
@@ -853,14 +902,22 @@ hns3_dev_rss_reta_query(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
                return -EINVAL;
+       ret = hns3_get_rss_indir_table(hw, reta_table, reta_size);
+       if (ret != 0) {
+               rte_spinlock_unlock(&hw->lock);
+               hns3_err(hw, "query RSS redirection table failed, ret = %d.",
+                        ret);
+               return ret;
+       }
+       rte_spinlock_unlock(&hw->lock);
        for (i = 0; i < reta_size; i++) {
                idx = i / RTE_ETH_RETA_GROUP_SIZE;
                shift = i % RTE_ETH_RETA_GROUP_SIZE;
                if (reta_conf[idx].mask & (1ULL << shift))
-                       reta_conf[idx].reta[shift] =
-                                               rss_cfg->rss_indirection_tbl[i];
+                       reta_conf[idx].reta[shift] = reta_table[i];
-       rte_spinlock_unlock(&hw->lock);
        return 0;

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