> >>>>>>>>>> diff --git a/lib/pmu/rte_pmu.h b/lib/pmu/rte_pmu.h new file
> >>>>>>>>>> mode
> >>>>>>>>>> 100644 index 0000000000..6b664c3336
> >>>>>>>>>> --- /dev/null
> >>>>>>>>>> +++ b/lib/pmu/rte_pmu.h
> >>>>>>>>>> @@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
> >>>>>>>>>> +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
> >>>>>>>>>> + * Copyright(c) 2023 Marvell  */
> >>>>>>>>>> +
> >>>>>>>>>> +#ifndef _RTE_PMU_H_
> >>>>>>>>>> +#define _RTE_PMU_H_
> >>>>>>>>>> +
> >>>>>>>>>> +/**
> >>>>>>>>>> + * @file
> >>>>>>>>>> + *
> >>>>>>>>>> + * PMU event tracing operations
> >>>>>>>>>> + *
> >>>>>>>>>> + * This file defines generic API and types necessary to setup
> >>>>>>>>>> +PMU and
> >>>>>>>>>> + * read selected counters in runtime.
> >>>>>>>>>> + */
> >>>>>>>>>> +
> >>>>>>>>>> +#ifdef __cplusplus
> >>>>>>>>>> +extern "C" {
> >>>>>>>>>> +#endif
> >>>>>>>>>> +
> >>>>>>>>>> +#include <linux/perf_event.h>
> >>>>>>>>>> +
> >>>>>>>>>> +#include <rte_atomic.h>
> >>>>>>>>>> +#include <rte_branch_prediction.h> #include <rte_common.h>
> >>>>>>>>>> +#include <rte_compat.h> #include <rte_spinlock.h>
> >>>>>>>>>> +
> >>>>>>>>>> +/** Maximum number of events in a group */ #define
> >>>>>>>>>> +MAX_NUM_GROUP_EVENTS 8
> >>>>>>>>>> +
> >>>>>>>>>> +/**
> >>>>>>>>>> + * A structure describing a group of events.
> >>>>>>>>>> + */
> >>>>>>>>>> +struct rte_pmu_event_group {
> >>>>>>>>>> +  struct perf_event_mmap_page
> >>>>>>>>>> +*mmap_pages[MAX_NUM_GROUP_EVENTS];
> >>>>>>>>>> +/**< array of user pages
> >>>>>>> */
> >>>>>>>>>> +  int fds[MAX_NUM_GROUP_EVENTS]; /**< array of event descriptors 
> >>>>>>>>>> */
> >>>>>>>>>> +  bool enabled; /**< true if group was enabled on particular 
> >>>>>>>>>> lcore */
> >>>>>>>>>> +  TAILQ_ENTRY(rte_pmu_event_group) next; /**< list entry */ }
> >>>>>>>>>> +__rte_cache_aligned;
> >>>>>>>>>> +
> >>>>>>>>>> +/**
> >>>>>>>>>> + * A structure describing an event.
> >>>>>>>>>> + */
> >>>>>>>>>> +struct rte_pmu_event {
> >>>>>>>>>> +  char *name; /**< name of an event */
> >>>>>>>>>> +  unsigned int index; /**< event index into fds/mmap_pages */
> >>>>>>>>>> +  TAILQ_ENTRY(rte_pmu_event) next; /**< list entry */ };
> >>>>>>>>>> +
> >>>>>>>>>> +/**
> >>>>>>>>>> + * A PMU state container.
> >>>>>>>>>> + */
> >>>>>>>>>> +struct rte_pmu {
> >>>>>>>>>> +  char *name; /**< name of core PMU listed under 
> >>>>>>>>>> /sys/bus/event_source/devices */
> >>>>>>>>>> +  rte_spinlock_t lock; /**< serialize access to event group list 
> >>>>>>>>>> */
> >>>>>>>>>> +  TAILQ_HEAD(, rte_pmu_event_group) event_group_list; /**< list 
> >>>>>>>>>> of event groups */
> >>>>>>>>>> +  unsigned int num_group_events; /**< number of events in a group 
> >>>>>>>>>> */
> >>>>>>>>>> +  TAILQ_HEAD(, rte_pmu_event) event_list; /**< list of matching 
> >>>>>>>>>> events */
> >>>>>>>>>> +  unsigned int initialized; /**< initialization counter */ };
> >>>>>>>>>> +
> >>>>>>>>>> +/** lcore event group */
> >>>>>>>>>> +RTE_DECLARE_PER_LCORE(struct rte_pmu_event_group,
> >>>>>>>>>> +_event_group);
> >>>>>>>>>> +
> >>>>>>>>>> +/** PMU state container */
> >>>>>>>>>> +extern struct rte_pmu rte_pmu;
> >>>>>>>>>> +
> >>>>>>>>>> +/** Each architecture supporting PMU needs to provide its own
> >>>>>>>>>> +version */ #ifndef rte_pmu_pmc_read #define
> >>>>>>>>>> +rte_pmu_pmc_read(index) ({ 0; }) #endif
> >>>>>>>>>> +
> >>>>>>>>>> +/**
> >>>>>>>>>> + * @warning
> >>>>>>>>>> + * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice
> >>>>>>>>>> + *
> >>>>>>>>>> + * Read PMU counter.
> >>>>>>>>>> + *
> >>>>>>>>>> + * @warning This should be not called directly.
> >>>>>>>>>> + *
> >>>>>>>>>> + * @param pc
> >>>>>>>>>> + *   Pointer to the mmapped user page.
> >>>>>>>>>> + * @return
> >>>>>>>>>> + *   Counter value read from hardware.
> >>>>>>>>>> + */
> >>>>>>>>>> +static __rte_always_inline uint64_t
> >>>>>>>>>> +__rte_pmu_read_userpage(struct perf_event_mmap_page *pc) {
> >>>>>>>>>> +  uint64_t width, offset;
> >>>>>>>>>> +  uint32_t seq, index;
> >>>>>>>>>> +  int64_t pmc;
> >>>>>>>>>> +
> >>>>>>>>>> +  for (;;) {
> >>>>>>>>>> +          seq = pc->lock;
> >>>>>>>>>> +          rte_compiler_barrier();
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Are you sure that compiler_barrier() is enough here?
> >>>>>>>>> On some archs CPU itself has freedom to re-order reads.
> >>>>>>>>> Or I am missing something obvious here?
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> It's a matter of not keeping old stuff cached in registers and
> >>>>>>>> making sure that we have two reads of lock. CPU reordering won't
> >>>>>>>> do any harm here.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Sorry, I didn't get you here:
> >>>>>>> Suppose CPU will re-order reads and will read lock *after* index or 
> >>>>>>> offset value.
> >>>>>>> Wouldn't it mean that in that case index and/or offset can contain 
> >>>>>>> old/invalid values?
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> This number is just an indicator whether kernel did change something 
> >>>>>> or not.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> You are talking about pc->lock, right?
> >>>>> Yes, I do understand that it is sort of seqlock.
> >>>>> That's why I am puzzled why we do not care about possible cpu 
> >>>>> read-reordering.
> >>>>> Manual for perf_event_open() also has a code snippet with compiler 
> >>>>> barrier only...
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> If cpu reordering will come into play then this will not change
> >>>>>> anything from pov of this
> >>> loop.
> >>>>>> All we want is fresh data when needed and no involvement of
> >>>>>> compiler when it comes to reordering code.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Ok, can you probably explain to me why the following could not happen:
> >>>>> T0:
> >>>>> pc->seqlock==0; pc->index==I1; pc->offset==O1;
> >>>>> T1:
> >>>>>       cpu #0 read pmu (due to cpu read reorder, we get index value 
> >>>>> before seqlock):
> >>>>>        index=pc->index;  //index==I1;
> >>>>> T2:
> >>>>>       cpu #1 kernel vent_update_userpage:
> >>>>>       pc->lock++; // pc->lock==1
> >>>>>       pc->index=I2;
> >>>>>       pc->offset=O2;
> >>>>>       ...
> >>>>>       pc->lock++; //pc->lock==2
> >>>>> T3:
> >>>>>       cpu #0 continue with read pmu:
> >>>>>       seq=pc->lock; //seq == 2
> >>>>>        offset=pc->offset; // offset == O2
> >>>>>        ....
> >>>>>        pmc = rte_pmu_pmc_read(index - 1);  // Note that we read at I1, 
> >>>>> not I2
> >>>>>        offset += pmc; //offset == O2 + pmcread(I1-1);
> >>>>>        if (pc->lock == seq) // they are equal, return
> >>>>>              return offset;
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Or, it can happen, but by some reason we don't care much?
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> This code does self-monitoring and user page (whole group actually)
> >>>> is per thread running on current cpu. Hence I am not sure what are
> >>>> you trying to prove with that
> >>> example.
> >>>
> >>> I am not trying to prove anything so far.
> >>> I am asking is such situation possible or not, and if not, why?
> >>> My current understanding (possibly wrong) is that after you mmaped
> >>> these pages, kernel still can asynchronously update them.
> >>> So, when reading the data from these pages you have to check 'lock'
> >>> value before and after accessing other data.
> >>> If so, why possible cpu read-reordering doesn't matter?
> >>>
> >>
> >> Look. I'll reiterate that.
> >>
> >> 1. That user page/group/PMU config is per process. Other processes do not 
> >> access that.
> >
> >Ok, that's clear.
> >
> >
> >>     All this happens on the very same CPU where current thread is running.
> >
> >Ok... but can't this page be updated by kernel thread running simultaneously 
> >on different CPU?
> >
> I already pointed out that event/counter configuration is bound to current 
> cpu. How can possibly
> other cpu update that configuration? This cannot work.
Can you elaborate a bit what you mean with 'event/counter configuration is 
bound to current cpu'?
If that means it could be updated only by code running on given, CPU - yes it 
is clear.
But can this page be read by user-space from different CPU? 
Or you just assume that your user-space thread will *always* be bounded just to 
particular CPU and would never switch?

> If you think that there's some problem with the code (or is simply broken on 
> your setup) and logic[] a bit
> has obvious flaw and you can provide meaningful evidence of that then I'd be 
> more than happy to
> apply that fix. Otherwise that discussion will get us nowhere.

Yes, we are going in cycles here.
I keep asking you same questions about library function internals, you keep 
refusing to explain things
to me insisting that it is 'way too obvious'.
Well, sorry but it is not obvious to me.
So I still insist that a clearly documented internal design and expected usage 
is required for that patch
before it can be accepted.


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