> -----Original Message-----
> From: Morten Brørup <m...@smartsharesystems.com>
> Sent: Friday, February 24, 2023 6:13 AM
> To: Harris, James R <james.r.har...@intel.com>; dev@dpdk.org
> Subject: RE: Bug in rte_mempool_do_generic_get?
> > From: Harris, James R [mailto:james.r.har...@intel.com]
> > Sent: Friday, 24 February 2023 04.03
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've tracked down a regression in SPDK to DPDK commit a2833ecc5
> ("mempool: fix get objects from mempool with cache").
> The problem probably goes all the way back to the introduction of the cache
> flush threshold, which effectively increased the cache size to 1.5 times the
> configured cache size, in this commit:
> http://git.dpdk.org/dpdk/commit/lib/librte_mempool/rte_mempool.h?id=ea
> 5dd2744b90b330f07fd10f327ab99ef55c7266
> It might even go further back.
> >
> > Here's an example that demonstrates the problem:
> >
> > Allocate mempool with 2048 buffers and cache size 256.
> > Core 0 allocates 512 buffers. Mempool pulls 512 + 256 buffers from
> backing ring, returns 512 of them to caller, puts the other 256 in core 0
> cache. Backing ring now has 1280 buffers.
> > Core 1 allocates 512 buffers. Mempool pulls 512 + 256 buffers from
> backing ring, returns 512 of them to caller, puts the other 256 in core 1
> cache. Backing ring now has 512 buffers.
> > Core 2 allocates 512 buffers. Mempool pulls remaining 512 buffers from
> backing ring and returns all of them to caller. Backing ring now has 0
> buffers.
> > Core 3 tries to allocate 512 buffers and it fails.
> >
> > In the SPDK case, we don't really need or use the mempool cache in this
> case, so changing the cache size to 0 fixes the problem and is what we're
> going to move forward with.
> If you are not making get/put requests smaller than the cache size, then yes,
> having no cache is the best solution.
> >
> > But the behavior did cause a regression so I thought I'd mention it here.
> Thank you.
> > If you have a mempool with 2048 objects, shouldn't 4 cores each be able to
> do a 512 buffer bulk get, regardless of the configured cache size?
> No, the scenario you described above is the expected behavior. I think it is
> documented somewhere that objects in the caches are unavailable for other
> cores, but now I cannot find where this is documented.
> Furthermore, since the effective per-core cache size is 1.5 * configured cache
> size, a configured cache size of 256 may leave up to 384 objects in each per-
> core cache.
> With 4 cores, you can expect up to 3 * 384 = 1152 objects sitting in the
> caches of other cores. If you want to be able to pull 512 objects with each
> core, the pool size should be 4 * 512 + 1152 objects.
May be we should document this in mempool library?