Add flex item modify field HWS implementation.
The minimum modify boundary is one byte.

Signed-off-by: Rongwei Liu <>
Acked-by: Viacheslav Ovsiienko <>
 doc/guides/nics/mlx5.rst        |   4 +-
 drivers/common/mlx5/mlx5_prm.h  |   1 +
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.h    |   3 +
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_dv.c | 165 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_hw.c |  14 ++-
 5 files changed, 173 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/guides/nics/mlx5.rst b/doc/guides/nics/mlx5.rst
index f182baa37e..09828a5cf4 100644
--- a/doc/guides/nics/mlx5.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/nics/mlx5.rst
@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ Features
 - Sub-Function.
 - Matching on represented port.
 - Matching on IPv6 routing extension header.
+- Modify flex item field.
@@ -291,11 +292,12 @@ Limitations
   - Firmware supports 8 global sample fields.
     Each flex item allocates non-shared sample fields from that pool.
   - Supported flex item can have 1 input link - ``eth`` or ``udp``
-    and up to 2 output links - ``ipv4`` or ``ipv6``.
+    and up to 3 output links - ``ipv4`` or ``ipv6``.
   - Flex item fields (``next_header``, ``next_protocol``, ``samples``)
     do not participate in RSS hash functions.
   - In flex item configuration, ``next_header.field_base`` value
     must be byte aligned (multiple of 8).
+  - Modify field with flex item, the offset must be byte aligned (multiple of 
 - No Tx metadata go to the E-Switch steering domain for the Flow group 0.
   The flows within group 0 and set metadata action are rejected by hardware.
diff --git a/drivers/common/mlx5/mlx5_prm.h b/drivers/common/mlx5/mlx5_prm.h
index 613cc6face..74c5e2e371 100644
--- a/drivers/common/mlx5/mlx5_prm.h
+++ b/drivers/common/mlx5/mlx5_prm.h
@@ -761,6 +761,7 @@ enum mlx5_modification_field {
        MLX5_MODI_GTPU_FIRST_EXT_DW_0 = 0x76,
        MLX5_MODI_HASH_RESULT = 0x81,
        MLX5_MODI_OUT_IPV6_NEXT_HDR = 0x4A,
 /* Total number of metadata reg_c's. */
diff --git a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.h b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.h
index ae2fc0aabe..d6831d849d 100644
--- a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.h
+++ b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.h
@@ -1084,6 +1084,8 @@ struct field_modify_info {
        uint32_t size; /* Size of field in protocol header, in bytes. */
        uint32_t offset; /* Offset of field in protocol header, in bytes. */
        enum mlx5_modification_field id;
+       uint32_t shift;
+       uint8_t is_flex; /* Temporary indicator for flex item modify filed WA. 
 /* HW steering flow attributes. */
@@ -1248,6 +1250,7 @@ struct rte_flow_actions_template {
        uint16_t mhdr_off; /* Offset of DR modify header action. */
        uint32_t refcnt; /* Reference counter. */
        uint16_t rx_cpy_pos; /* Action position of Rx metadata to be copied. */
+       uint8_t flex_item; /* flex item index. */
 /* Jump action struct. */
diff --git a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_dv.c b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_dv.c
index 9e7ab08b32..8355249ce5 100644
--- a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_dv.c
+++ b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_dv.c
@@ -414,10 +414,15 @@ flow_dv_convert_modify_action(struct rte_flow_item *item,
-               /* Deduce actual data width in bits from mask value. */
-               off_b = rte_bsf32(mask) + carry_b;
-               size_b = sizeof(uint32_t) * CHAR_BIT -
-                        off_b - __builtin_clz(mask);
+               if (type == MLX5_MODIFICATION_TYPE_COPY && field->is_flex) {
+                       off_b = 32 - field->shift + carry_b - field->size * 
+                       size_b = field->size * CHAR_BIT - carry_b;
+               } else {
+                       /* Deduce actual data width in bits from mask value. */
+                       off_b = rte_bsf32(mask) + carry_b;
+                       size_b = sizeof(uint32_t) * CHAR_BIT -
+                                off_b - __builtin_clz(mask);
+               }
                actions[i] = (struct mlx5_modification_cmd) {
                        .action_type = type,
@@ -437,40 +442,46 @@ flow_dv_convert_modify_action(struct rte_flow_item *item,
                         * Destination field overflow. Copy leftovers of
                         * a source field to the next destination field.
-                       carry_b = 0;
                        if ((size_b > dcopy->size * CHAR_BIT - dcopy->offset) &&
                            dcopy->size != 0) {
                                actions[i].length =
                                        dcopy->size * CHAR_BIT - dcopy->offset;
-                               carry_b = actions[i].length;
+                               carry_b += actions[i].length;
                                next_field = false;
+                       } else {
+                               carry_b = 0;
                         * Not enough bits in a source filed to fill a
                         * destination field. Switch to the next source.
                        if ((size_b < dcopy->size * CHAR_BIT - dcopy->offset) &&
-                           (size_b == field->size * CHAR_BIT - off_b)) {
-                               actions[i].length =
-                                       field->size * CHAR_BIT - off_b;
+                           ((size_b == field->size * CHAR_BIT - off_b) ||
+                            field->is_flex)) {
+                               actions[i].length = size_b;
                                dcopy->offset += actions[i].length;
                                next_dcopy = false;
-                       if (next_dcopy)
-                               ++dcopy;
                } else {
                        data = flow_dv_fetch_field((const uint8_t *)item->spec +
                                                   field->offset, field->size);
                        /* Shift out the trailing masked bits from data. */
                        data = (data & mask) >> off_b;
+                       if (field->is_flex)
+                               actions[i].offset = 32 - field->shift - 
field->size * CHAR_BIT;
                        actions[i].data1 = rte_cpu_to_be_32(data);
                /* Convert entire record to expected big-endian format. */
                actions[i].data0 = rte_cpu_to_be_32(actions[i].data0);
+               if ((type != MLX5_MODIFICATION_TYPE_COPY ||
+                    dcopy->id != (enum mlx5_modification_field)UINT32_MAX) &&
+                   field->id != (enum mlx5_modification_field)UINT32_MAX)
+                       ++i;
+               if (next_dcopy && type == MLX5_MODIFICATION_TYPE_COPY)
+                       ++dcopy;
                if (next_field)
-               ++i;
        } while (field->size);
        if (resource->actions_num == i)
                return rte_flow_error_set(error, EINVAL,
@@ -1422,6 +1433,131 @@ flow_modify_info_mask_32_masked(uint32_t length, 
uint32_t off, uint32_t post_mas
        return rte_cpu_to_be_32(mask & post_mask);
+static void
+mlx5_modify_flex_item(const struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+                     const struct mlx5_flex_item *flex,
+                     const struct rte_flow_action_modify_data *data,
+                     struct field_modify_info *info,
+                     uint32_t *mask, uint32_t width)
+       struct mlx5_priv *priv = dev->data->dev_private;
+       struct mlx5_hca_flex_attr *attr = &priv->sh->cdev->config.hca_attr.flex;
+       uint32_t i, j;
+       int id = 0;
+       uint32_t pos = 0;
+       const struct mlx5_flex_pattern_field *map;
+       uint32_t offset = data->offset;
+       uint32_t width_left = width;
+       uint32_t def;
+       uint32_t cur_width = 0;
+       uint32_t tmp_ofs;
+       uint32_t idx = 0;
+       struct field_modify_info tmp;
+       int tmp_id;
+       if (!attr->ext_sample_id) {
+               DRV_LOG(ERR, "FW doesn't support modify field with flex item.");
+               return;
+       }
+       /*
+        * search for the mapping instance until Accumulated width is no
+        * less than data->offset.
+        */
+       for (i = 0; i < flex->mapnum; i++) {
+               if (flex->map[i].width + pos > data->offset)
+                       break;
+               pos += flex->map[i].width;
+       }
+       if (i >= flex->mapnum)
+               return;
+       tmp_ofs = pos < data->offset ? data->offset - pos : 0;
+       for (j = i; i < flex->mapnum && width_left > 0; ) {
+               map = flex->map + i;
+               id = mlx5_flex_get_sample_id(flex, i, &pos, false, &def);
+               if (id == -1) {
+                       i++;
+                       /* All left length is dummy */
+                       if (pos >= data->offset + width)
+                               return;
+                       cur_width = map->width;
+               /* One mapping instance covers the whole width. */
+               } else if (pos + map->width >= (data->offset + width)) {
+                       cur_width = width_left;
+               } else {
+                       cur_width = cur_width + map->width - tmp_ofs;
+                       pos += map->width;
+                       /*
+                        * Continue to search next until:
+                        * 1. Another flex parser ID.
+                        * 2. Width has been covered.
+                        */
+                       for (j = i + 1; j < flex->mapnum; j++) {
+                               tmp_id = mlx5_flex_get_sample_id(flex, j, &pos, 
false, &def);
+                               if (tmp_id == -1) {
+                                       i = j;
+                                       pos -= flex->map[j].width;
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                               if (id >= (int)flex->devx_fp->num_samples ||
+                                   id >= MLX5_GRAPH_NODE_SAMPLE_NUM ||
+                                   tmp_id >= (int)flex->devx_fp->num_samples ||
+                                   tmp_id >= MLX5_GRAPH_NODE_SAMPLE_NUM)
+                                       return;
+                               if (flex->devx_fp->sample_ids[id].id !=
flex->devx_fp->sample_ids[tmp_id].id ||
+                                   flex->map[j].shift != flex->map[j - 
1].width +
+                                                         flex->map[j - 
1].shift) {
+                                       i = j;
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                               if ((pos + flex->map[j].width) >= (data->offset 
+ width)) {
+                                       cur_width = width_left;
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                               pos += flex->map[j].width;
+                               cur_width += flex->map[j].width;
+                       }
+               }
+               if (cur_width > width_left)
+                       cur_width = width_left;
+               else if (cur_width < width_left && (j == flex->mapnum || i == 
+                       return;
+               MLX5_ASSERT(id < (int)flex->devx_fp->num_samples);
+               if (id >= (int)flex->devx_fp->num_samples || id >= 
+                       return;
+               /* Use invalid entry as placeholder for DUMMY mapping. */
+               info[idx] = (struct field_modify_info){cur_width / CHAR_BIT, 
offset / CHAR_BIT,
+                            id == -1 ? MLX5_MODI_INVALID :
+                            (enum mlx5_modification_field)
+                            flex->devx_fp->sample_ids[id].modify_field_id,
+                            map->shift + tmp_ofs, 1};
+               offset += cur_width;
+               width_left -= cur_width;
+               if (!mask) {
+                       info[idx].offset = (32 - cur_width - map->shift - 
+                       info[idx].size = cur_width / CHAR_BIT + 
info[idx].offset / CHAR_BIT;
+               }
+               cur_width = 0;
+               tmp_ofs = 0;
+               idx++;
+       }
+       if (unlikely(width_left > 0)) {
+               MLX5_ASSERT(false);
+               return;
+       }
+       if (mask)
+               memset(mask, 0xff, data->offset / CHAR_BIT + width / CHAR_BIT);
+       /* Re-order the info to follow IPv6 address. */
+       for (i = 0; i < idx / 2; i++) {
+               tmp = info[i];
+               MLX5_ASSERT(info[i].id);
+               MLX5_ASSERT(info[idx - 1 - i].id);
+               info[i] = info[idx - 1 - i];
+               info[idx - 1 - i] = tmp;
+       }
                (const struct rte_flow_action_modify_data *data,
@@ -1893,6 +2029,11 @@ mlx5_flow_field_id_to_modify_info
                        info[idx].offset = off_be;
+               MLX5_ASSERT(data->flex_handle != NULL && !(data->offset & 0x7));
+               mlx5_modify_flex_item(dev, (const struct mlx5_flex_item 
+                                     data, info, mask, width);
+               break;
        case RTE_FLOW_FIELD_VALUE:
diff --git a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_hw.c b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_hw.c
index 1066829ca5..907aab8bf3 100644
--- a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_hw.c
+++ b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_hw.c
@@ -4562,6 +4562,17 @@ flow_hw_actions_template_create(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
                        at->actions[i].conf = actions->conf;
                        at->masks[i].conf = masks->conf;
+               if (actions->type == RTE_FLOW_ACTION_TYPE_MODIFY_FIELD) {
+                       const struct rte_flow_action_modify_field *info = 
+                       if ((info->dst.field == RTE_FLOW_FIELD_FLEX_ITEM &&
+                            flow_hw_flex_item_acquire(dev, 
+                                                      &at->flex_item)) ||
+                            (info->src.field == RTE_FLOW_FIELD_FLEX_ITEM &&
+                             flow_hw_flex_item_acquire(dev, 
+                                                       &at->flex_item)))
+                               goto error;
+               }
        at->tmpl = flow_hw_dr_actions_template_create(at);
        if (!at->tmpl)
@@ -4593,7 +4604,7 @@ flow_hw_actions_template_create(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
  *   0 on success, a negative errno value otherwise and rte_errno is set.
 static int
-flow_hw_actions_template_destroy(struct rte_eth_dev *dev __rte_unused,
+flow_hw_actions_template_destroy(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
                                 struct rte_flow_actions_template *template,
                                 struct rte_flow_error *error __rte_unused)
@@ -4606,6 +4617,7 @@ flow_hw_actions_template_destroy(struct rte_eth_dev *dev 
                                   "action template in using");
        LIST_REMOVE(template, next);
+       flow_hw_flex_item_release(dev, &template->flex_item);
        if (template->tmpl)

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