> >Either other "debug" logs can be put as INFO level, or
> >you need a level 9 for verbose debug.
> >But I don't really understand what is the problem of a verbose debug.
> >
> >It is not critical for the acceptance of this patch. Just wanted to
> >discuss
> >it as we have many config options to tune the debug.
> >
> >Please, at least, use the DEBUG word in the option name as done for
> >
> Currently PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG,..) is used all over the places and converting
> that into INFO/NOTICE levels results in lot of changes.

Having a lot of changes to do is not a good argument.
But that's an argument to reduce the size of the bnx2x driver.
And more generally, this driver would deserve some big changes.

> Even if we convert other debug logs as INFO level logs, since level 8 is
> the default debug level,  the user would have to edit config file to
> prevent flooding of the messages on the console.

The user *should* change the log evel in most cases.
Or we could raise the default level to INFO.
And users of packaged DPDK may already have a different configuration
from the distribution.

> So I guess adding a debug
> option without needing additional level would suffice for now. I shall
> rename it as CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_BNX2X_DEBUG_PERIODIC and include all
> periodic events like statistics, register R/Ws etc under this debug.

Yes it could work.
But it would be nice to have a consistent log management across drivers.

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