If end of file is reached on input, then cmdline_poll() will
return 1 (ie file has something); and then the cmdline_in()
call to read will return 0. With the existing code,
caller has no way to tell that end of file has been reached
 and will retry forever.

A good way to handle this is to make end of file equivalent
to the quit command. Since no more input is possible at that

Fixes: 067855e651d6 ("cmdline: add polling mode")
Cc: pawelx.wodkow...@intel.com
Signed-off-by: Stephen Hemminger <step...@networkplumber.org>
Note: cmdline_poll() should not have been added back
in 2015, looks like there is no users, and no tests for this.

 lib/cmdline/cmdline.c | 11 ++++++++---
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/cmdline/cmdline.c b/lib/cmdline/cmdline.c
index e1009ba4c413..8ad0690d8533 100644
--- a/lib/cmdline/cmdline.c
+++ b/lib/cmdline/cmdline.c
@@ -197,9 +197,14 @@ cmdline_poll(struct cmdline *cl)
                if (read_status < 0)
                        return read_status;
-               status = cmdline_in(cl, &c, 1);
-               if (status < 0 && cl->rdl.status != RDLINE_EXITED)
-                       return status;
+               if (read_status == 0) {
+                       /* end of file is implicit quit */
+                       cmdline_quit(cl);
+               } else {
+                       status = cmdline_in(cl, &c, 1);
+                       if (status < 0 && cl->rdl.status != RDLINE_EXITED)
+                               return status;
+               }
        return cl->rdl.status;

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