On Fri, Feb 03, 2023 at 11:45:04AM -0500, Ben Magistro wrote: > In our case we have other libraries that we are using that have > required us to specify a minimum c++ version (14/17 most recently for > one) so it doesn't feel like a big ask/issue to us (provided things > don't start conflicting...hah; not anticipating any issue). Our > software is also used internally so we have a fair bit of control over > how fast we can adopt changes. > This got me wondering what some other projects in the DPDK ecosystem > are saying/doing around language standards/gcc versions. So some quick > checking of the projects I am aware of/looked at/using... > * trex: cannot find an obvious minimum gcc requirement > * tldk: we are running our own public folk with several fixes, need to > find time to solve the build sys change aspect to continue providing > patches upstream; I know I have hit some places where it was easier to > say the new minimum DPDK version is x at which point you just adopt the > minimum requirements of DPDK > * ovs: looks to be comfortable with an older gcc still > * seastar: seems to be the most aggressive with adopting language > standards/compilers I've seen [1] and are asking for gcc 9+ and cpp17+ > * ans: based on release 19.02 (2019), they are on gcc >= 5.4 [2] and is > the same on the main README file > I do understand the concern, but if no one is voicing an > opinion/objection does that mean they agree with/will not be affected > by the change.... > 1) [1]https://docs.seastar.io/master/md_compatibility.html > 2) [2]https://github.com/ansyun/dpdk-ans/releases > Cheers > Thanks for the info. I also notice that since gcc 5, the default language version used - if none is explicitly specified - is gnu11 (or higher for later versions). Clang seems to do something similar, but not sure at what point it started defaulting to a standard >=c11.