On 1/17/23 23:36, Nicolas Chautru wrote:
In this serie we are renaming the ACC200PMD to a more generic
VRB PMD (Intel vRAN Boost). The 2nd commit is also making sure this
is future prood to be able to support both the first implementation
of VRB (The one in SPR-EE) as well as future implementations of
integrated product.
Most of changes are really rename to a large extend aanmaking the
distinction of what is specific to current implementation (VRB1)
vs more generic functions (VRB) which would be common to VRB1,
VRB2, etc...

Nicolas Chautru (6):
   baseband/acc: file renaming from acc200 to generic vrb
   baseband/acc: extension of the device structure
   baseband/acc: adding prefix to VRB1 registers
   baseband/acc: update prefix for VRB PMD functions
   baseband/acc: rename of remaining acc200 prefix to vrb1
   doc: updated naming convention for acc200 PMD

  .../bbdevs/features/{acc200.ini => vrb1.ini}  |   2 +-
  doc/guides/bbdevs/{acc200.rst => vrb1.rst}    |  33 +-
  drivers/baseband/acc/acc200_pf_enum.h         | 108 ---
  drivers/baseband/acc/acc200_pmd.h             | 196 -----
  drivers/baseband/acc/acc200_vf_enum.h         |  83 --
  drivers/baseband/acc/acc_common.h             |  18 +-
  drivers/baseband/acc/meson.build              |   2 +-
  drivers/baseband/acc/rte_acc100_pmd.c         |   6 +-
  .../acc/{rte_acc200_pmd.c => rte_vrb_pmd.c}   | 820 +++++++++---------
  drivers/baseband/acc/vrb1_pf_enum.h           | 108 +++
  drivers/baseband/acc/vrb1_vf_enum.h           |  83 ++
  .../baseband/acc/{acc200_cfg.h => vrb_cfg.h}  |  16 +-
  drivers/baseband/acc/vrb_pmd.h                | 208 +++++
  13 files changed, 843 insertions(+), 840 deletions(-)
  rename doc/guides/bbdevs/features/{acc200.ini => vrb1.ini} (83%)
  rename doc/guides/bbdevs/{acc200.rst => vrb1.rst} (90%)
  delete mode 100644 drivers/baseband/acc/acc200_pf_enum.h
  delete mode 100644 drivers/baseband/acc/acc200_pmd.h
  delete mode 100644 drivers/baseband/acc/acc200_vf_enum.h
  rename drivers/baseband/acc/{rte_acc200_pmd.c => rte_vrb_pmd.c} (82%)
  create mode 100644 drivers/baseband/acc/vrb1_pf_enum.h
  create mode 100644 drivers/baseband/acc/vrb1_vf_enum.h
  rename drivers/baseband/acc/{acc200_cfg.h => vrb_cfg.h} (65%)
  create mode 100644 drivers/baseband/acc/vrb_pmd.h

Applied to dpdk-next-baseband/for-main, with typo reported by checkpatch
in the doc fixed.


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