Setup hugepages on nodes. This is useful not only on SUT nodes, but
also on TG nodes which use TGs that utilize hugepages.

Signed-off-by: Juraj Linkeš <>
 dts/framework/config/              | 16 ++++
 dts/framework/config/                  | 57 +++++++++++++
 dts/framework/remote_session/ | 85 +++++++++++++++++++
 dts/framework/remote_session/    | 10 +++
 dts/framework/testbed_model/           | 15 ++++
 5 files changed, 183 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 dts/framework/config/

diff --git a/dts/framework/config/ b/dts/framework/config/
index 17b917f3b3..ce6e709c6f 100644
--- a/dts/framework/config/
+++ b/dts/framework/config/
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
 from framework.settings import SETTINGS
+from .arch import PPC64, Arch, Arm64, i686, x86_32, x86_64
 class StrEnum(Enum):
@@ -176,3 +178,17 @@ def load_config() -> Configuration:
 CONFIGURATION = load_config()
+def create_arch(node_config: NodeConfiguration) -> Arch:
+    match node_config.arch:
+        case Architecture.x86_64:
+            return x86_64()
+        case Architecture.x86_32:
+            return x86_32()
+        case Architecture.i686:
+            return i686()
+        case Architecture.ppc64le:
+            return PPC64()
+        case Architecture.arm64:
+            return Arm64()
diff --git a/dts/framework/config/ b/dts/framework/config/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a226b9a6a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dts/framework/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Copyright(c) 2023 s.r.o.
+class Arch(object):
+    """
+    Stores architecture-specific information.
+    """
+    @property
+    def default_hugepage_memory(self) -> int:
+        """
+        Return the default amount of memory allocated for hugepages DPDK will 
+        The default is an amount equal to 256 2MB hugepages (512MB memory).
+        """
+        return 256 * 2048
+    @property
+    def hugepage_force_first_numa(self) -> bool:
+        """
+        An architecture may need to force configuration of hugepages to first 
+        """
+        return False
+class x86_64(Arch):
+    @property
+    def default_hugepage_memory(self) -> int:
+        return 4096 * 2048
+class x86_32(Arch):
+    @property
+    def hugepage_force_first_numa(self) -> bool:
+        return True
+class i686(Arch):
+    @property
+    def default_hugepage_memory(self) -> int:
+        return 512 * 2048
+    @property
+    def hugepage_force_first_numa(self) -> bool:
+        return True
+class PPC64(Arch):
+    @property
+    def default_hugepage_memory(self) -> int:
+        return 512 * 2048
+class Arm64(Arch):
+    @property
+    def default_hugepage_memory(self) -> int:
+        return 2048 * 2048
diff --git a/dts/framework/remote_session/ 
index 6809102038..4dc52132d3 100644
--- a/dts/framework/remote_session/
+++ b/dts/framework/remote_session/
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
 # Copyright(c) 2023 s.r.o.
 # Copyright(c) 2023 University of New Hampshire
+from framework.exception import RemoteCommandExecutionError
 from framework.testbed_model import LogicalCore
+from framework.utils import expand_range
 from .posix_session import PosixSession
@@ -27,3 +29,86 @@ def get_remote_cpus(self, use_first_core: bool) -> 
     def get_dpdk_file_prefix(self, dpdk_prefix) -> str:
         return dpdk_prefix
+    def setup_hugepages(
+        self, hugepage_amount: int, force_first_numa: bool = False
+    ) -> None:
+"Getting Hugepage information.")
+        hugepage_size = self._get_hugepage_size()
+        hugepages_total = self._get_hugepages_total()
+        self._numa_nodes = self._get_numa_nodes()
+        target_hugepages_total = int(hugepage_amount / hugepage_size)
+        if hugepage_amount % hugepage_size:
+            target_hugepages_total += 1
+        if force_first_numa or hugepages_total != target_hugepages_total:
+            # when forcing numa, we need to clear existing hugepages regardless
+            # of size, so they can be moved to the first numa node
+            self._configure_huge_pages(
+                target_hugepages_total, hugepage_size, force_first_numa
+            )
+        else:
+  "Hugepages already configured.")
+        self._mount_huge_pages()
+    def _get_hugepage_size(self) -> int:
+        hugepage_size = self.remote_session.send_command(
+            "awk '/Hugepagesize/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo"
+        ).stdout
+        return int(hugepage_size)
+    def _get_hugepages_total(self) -> int:
+        hugepages_total = self.remote_session.send_command(
+            "awk '/HugePages_Total/ { print $2 }' /proc/meminfo"
+        ).stdout
+        return int(hugepages_total)
+    def _get_numa_nodes(self) -> list[int]:
+        try:
+            numa_count = self.remote_session.send_command(
+                "cat /sys/devices/system/node/online", verify=True
+            ).stdout
+            numa_range = expand_range(numa_count)
+        except RemoteCommandExecutionError:
+            # the file doesn't exist, meaning the node doesn't support numa
+            numa_range = []
+        return numa_range
+    def _mount_huge_pages(self) -> None:
+"Re-mounting Hugepages.")
+        hugapge_fs_cmd = "awk '/hugetlbfs/ { print $2 }' /proc/mounts"
+        self.remote_session.send_command(f"umount $({hugapge_fs_cmd})")
+        result = self.remote_session.send_command(hugapge_fs_cmd)
+        if result.stdout == "":
+            remote_mount_path = "/mnt/huge"
+            self.remote_session.send_command(f"mkdir -p {remote_mount_path}")
+            self.remote_session.send_command(
+                f"mount -t hugetlbfs nodev {remote_mount_path}"
+            )
+    def _supports_numa(self) -> bool:
+        # the system supports numa if self._numa_nodes is non-empty and there 
are more
+        # than one numa node (in the latter case it may actually support numa, 
+        # there's no reason to do any numa specific configuration)
+        return len(self._numa_nodes) > 1
+    def _configure_huge_pages(
+        self, amount: int, size: int, force_first_numa: bool
+    ) -> None:
+"Configuring Hugepages.")
+        hugepage_config_path = (
+            f"/sys/kernel/mm/hugepages/hugepages-{size}kB/nr_hugepages"
+        )
+        if force_first_numa and self._supports_numa():
+            # clear non-numa hugepages
+            self.remote_session.send_command(
+                f"echo 0 | sudo tee {hugepage_config_path}"
+            )
+            hugepage_config_path = (
+                f"/sys/devices/system/node/node{self._numa_nodes[0]}/hugepages"
+                f"/hugepages-{size}kB/nr_hugepages"
+            )
+        self.remote_session.send_command(
+            f"echo {amount} | sudo tee {hugepage_config_path}"
+        )
diff --git a/dts/framework/remote_session/ 
index c30753e0b8..966b7f76d5 100644
--- a/dts/framework/remote_session/
+++ b/dts/framework/remote_session/
@@ -151,3 +151,13 @@ def get_dpdk_file_prefix(self, dpdk_prefix) -> str:
         Get the DPDK file prefix that will be used when running DPDK apps.
+    @abstractmethod
+    def setup_hugepages(
+        self, hugepage_amount: int, force_first_numa: bool = False
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Get the node's Hugepage Size, configure the specified amount of 
+        if needed and mount the hugepages if needed.
+        If force_first_numa is True, configure hugepages just on the first 
+        """
diff --git a/dts/framework/testbed_model/ 
index cf2af2ca72..d22bf3b7d2 100644
--- a/dts/framework/testbed_model/
+++ b/dts/framework/testbed_model/
@@ -8,9 +8,11 @@
 from framework.config import (
+    Arch,
+    create_arch,
 from framework.logger import DTSLOG, getLogger
 from framework.remote_session import OSSession, create_session
@@ -37,6 +39,7 @@ class Node(object):
     lcores: list[LogicalCore]
     _logger: DTSLOG
     _other_sessions: list[OSSession]
+    _arch: Arch
     def __init__(self, node_config: NodeConfiguration):
         self.config = node_config
@@ -51,6 +54,7 @@ def __init__(self, node_config: NodeConfiguration):
         self._other_sessions = []
+        self._arch = create_arch(self.config)
 "Created node: {}")
@@ -59,6 +63,7 @@ def set_up_execution(self, execution_config: 
ExecutionConfiguration) -> None:
         Perform the execution setup that will be done for each execution
         this node is part of.
+        self._setup_hugepages()
     def _set_up_execution(self, execution_config: ExecutionConfiguration) -> 
@@ -153,6 +158,16 @@ def _get_remote_cpus(self) -> None:"Getting CPU information.")
         self.lcores = 
+    def _setup_hugepages(self):
+        """
+        Setup hugepages on the Node. Different architectures can supply 
+        amounts of memory for hugepages and numa-based hugepage allocation may 
+        to be considered.
+        """
+        self.main_session.setup_hugepages(
+            self._arch.default_hugepage_memory, 
+        )
     def close(self) -> None:
         Close all connections and free other resources.

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