>Add ability to set enqueue burst size for crypto producer.
>Existing parameter `--prod_enq_burst_sz` can be used in combination with
>`--prod_type_cryptodev` to enable burst enqueue for crypto producer.
>    ./dpdk-test-eventdev -l 0-2 -a <EVENTDEV> -a <CRYPTODEV> -- \
>    --prod_type_cryptodev --crypto_adptr_mode 1 --test=perf_atq \
>    --stlist=a --wlcores 1 --plcores 2 --prod_enq_burst_sz 32
>Signed-off-by: Volodymyr Fialko <vfia...@marvell.com>
Acked-by: Shijith Thotton <sthot...@marvell.com>

> app/test-eventdev/test_perf_common.c | 235
> doc/guides/tools/testeventdev.rst    |   3 +-
> 2 files changed, 235 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
>diff --git a/app/test-eventdev/test_perf_common.c b/app/test-
>index 8d7e483c55..c54f0ba1df 100644
>--- a/app/test-eventdev/test_perf_common.c
>+++ b/app/test-eventdev/test_perf_common.c
>@@ -554,6 +554,233 @@ perf_event_crypto_producer(void *arg)
>       return 0;
> }
>+static void
>+crypto_adapter_enq_op_new_burst(struct prod_data *p)
>+      const struct test_perf *t = p->t;
>+      const struct evt_options *opt = t->opt;
>+      struct rte_mbuf *m, *pkts_burst[MAX_PROD_ENQ_BURST_SIZE];
>+      struct rte_crypto_op *ops_burst[MAX_PROD_ENQ_BURST_SIZE];
>+      const uint32_t burst_size = opt->prod_enq_burst_sz;
>+      uint8_t *result[MAX_PROD_ENQ_BURST_SIZE];
>+      const uint32_t nb_flows = t->nb_flows;
>+      const uint64_t nb_pkts = t->nb_pkts;
>+      uint16_t len, enq, nb_alloc, offset;
>+      struct rte_mempool *pool = t->pool;
>+      uint16_t qp_id = p->ca.cdev_qp_id;
>+      uint8_t cdev_id = p->ca.cdev_id;
>+      uint64_t alloc_failures = 0;
>+      uint32_t flow_counter = 0;
>+      uint64_t count = 0;
>+      uint32_t  i;
>+      if (opt->verbose_level > 1)
>+              printf("%s(): lcore %d queue %d cdev_id %u cdev_qp_id %u\n",
>+                     __func__, rte_lcore_id(), p->queue_id, p->ca.cdev_id,
>+                     p->ca.cdev_qp_id);
>+      offset = sizeof(struct perf_elt);
>+      len = RTE_MAX(RTE_ETHER_MIN_LEN + offset, opt->mbuf_sz);
>+      while (count < nb_pkts && t->done == false) {
>+              if (opt->crypto_op_type == RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_SYMMETRIC)
>+                      struct rte_crypto_sym_op *sym_op;
>+                      int ret;
>+                      nb_alloc = rte_crypto_op_bulk_alloc(t->ca_op_pool,
>+                                      RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_SYMMETRIC,
>ops_burst, burst_size);
>+                      if (unlikely(nb_alloc != burst_size)) {
>+                              alloc_failures++;
>+                              continue;
>+                      }
>+                      ret = rte_pktmbuf_alloc_bulk(pool, pkts_burst,
>+                      if (unlikely(ret != 0)) {
>+                              alloc_failures++;
>+                              rte_mempool_put_bulk(t->ca_op_pool, (void
>**)ops_burst, burst_size);
>+                              continue;
>+                      }
>+                      for (i = 0; i < burst_size; i++) {
>+                              m = pkts_burst[i];
>+                              rte_pktmbuf_append(m, len);
>+                              sym_op = ops_burst[i]->sym;
>+                              sym_op->m_src = m;
>+                              sym_op->cipher.data.offset = offset;
>+                              sym_op->cipher.data.length = len - offset;
>+                              rte_crypto_op_attach_sym_session(ops_burst[i],
>+                                              p-
>>ca.crypto_sess[flow_counter++ % nb_flows]);
>+                      }
>+              } else {
>+                      struct rte_crypto_asym_op *asym_op;
>+                      nb_alloc = rte_crypto_op_bulk_alloc(t->ca_op_pool,
>+                                      RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_ASYMMETRIC,
>ops_burst, burst_size);
>+                      if (unlikely(nb_alloc != burst_size)) {
>+                              alloc_failures++;
>+                              continue;
>+                      }
>+                      if (rte_mempool_get_bulk(pool, (void **)result,
>burst_size)) {
>+                              alloc_failures++;
>+                              rte_mempool_put_bulk(t->ca_op_pool, (void
>**)ops_burst, burst_size);
>+                              continue;
>+                      }
>+                      for (i = 0; i < burst_size; i++) {
>+                              asym_op = ops_burst[i]->asym;
>+                              asym_op->modex.base.data =
>+                              asym_op->modex.base.length =
>+                              asym_op->modex.result.data = result[i];
>+                              asym_op->modex.result.length =
>       rte_crypto_op_attach_asym_session(ops_burst[i],
>+                                              p-
>>ca.crypto_sess[flow_counter++ % nb_flows]);
>+                      }
>+              }
>+              enq = 0;
>+              while (!t->done) {
>+                      enq += rte_cryptodev_enqueue_burst(cdev_id, qp_id,
>ops_burst + enq,
>+                                      burst_size - enq);
>+                      if (enq == burst_size)
>+                              break;
>+              }
>+              count += burst_size;
>+      }
>+      if (opt->verbose_level > 1 && alloc_failures)
>+              printf("%s(): lcore %d allocation failures: %"PRIu64"\n",
>+                     __func__, rte_lcore_id(), alloc_failures);
>+static void
>+crypto_adapter_enq_op_fwd_burst(struct prod_data *p)
>+      const struct test_perf *t = p->t;
>+      const struct evt_options *opt = t->opt;
>+      struct rte_mbuf *m, *pkts_burst[MAX_PROD_ENQ_BURST_SIZE];
>+      struct rte_crypto_op *ops_burst[MAX_PROD_ENQ_BURST_SIZE];
>+      const uint32_t burst_size = opt->prod_enq_burst_sz;
>+      struct rte_event ev[MAX_PROD_ENQ_BURST_SIZE];
>+      uint8_t *result[MAX_PROD_ENQ_BURST_SIZE];
>+      const uint32_t nb_flows = t->nb_flows;
>+      const uint64_t nb_pkts = t->nb_pkts;
>+      uint16_t len, enq, nb_alloc, offset;
>+      struct rte_mempool *pool = t->pool;
>+      const uint8_t dev_id = p->dev_id;
>+      const uint8_t port = p->port_id;
>+      uint64_t alloc_failures = 0;
>+      uint32_t flow_counter = 0;
>+      uint64_t count = 0;
>+      uint32_t  i;
>+      if (opt->verbose_level > 1)
>+              printf("%s(): lcore %d port %d queue %d cdev_id %u cdev_qp_id
>+                     __func__, rte_lcore_id(), port, p->queue_id,
>+                     p->ca.cdev_id, p->ca.cdev_qp_id);
>+      offset = sizeof(struct perf_elt);
>+      len = RTE_MAX(RTE_ETHER_MIN_LEN + offset, opt->mbuf_sz);
>+      for (i = 0; i < burst_size; i++) {
>+              ev[i].event = 0;
>+              ev[i].op = RTE_EVENT_OP_NEW;
>+              ev[i].queue_id = p->queue_id;
>+              ev[i].sched_type = RTE_SCHED_TYPE_ATOMIC;
>+              ev[i].event_type = RTE_EVENT_TYPE_CPU;
>+      }
>+      while (count < nb_pkts && t->done == false) {
>+              if (opt->crypto_op_type == RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_SYMMETRIC)
>+                      struct rte_crypto_sym_op *sym_op;
>+                      int ret;
>+                      nb_alloc = rte_crypto_op_bulk_alloc(t->ca_op_pool,
>+                                      RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_SYMMETRIC,
>ops_burst, burst_size);
>+                      if (unlikely(nb_alloc != burst_size)) {
>+                              alloc_failures++;
>+                              continue;
>+                      }
>+                      ret = rte_pktmbuf_alloc_bulk(pool, pkts_burst,
>+                      if (unlikely(ret != 0)) {
>+                              alloc_failures++;
>+                              rte_mempool_put_bulk(t->ca_op_pool, (void
>**)ops_burst, burst_size);
>+                              continue;
>+                      }
>+                      for (i = 0; i < burst_size; i++) {
>+                              m = pkts_burst[i];
>+                              rte_pktmbuf_append(m, len);
>+                              sym_op = ops_burst[i]->sym;
>+                              sym_op->m_src = m;
>+                              sym_op->cipher.data.offset = offset;
>+                              sym_op->cipher.data.length = len - offset;
>+                              rte_crypto_op_attach_sym_session(ops_burst[i],
>+                                              p-
>>ca.crypto_sess[flow_counter++ % nb_flows]);
>+                              ev[i].event_ptr = ops_burst[i];
>+                      }
>+              } else {
>+                      struct rte_crypto_asym_op *asym_op;
>+                      nb_alloc = rte_crypto_op_bulk_alloc(t->ca_op_pool,
>+                                      RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_ASYMMETRIC,
>ops_burst, burst_size);
>+                      if (unlikely(nb_alloc != burst_size)) {
>+                              alloc_failures++;
>+                              continue;
>+                      }
>+                      if (rte_mempool_get_bulk(pool, (void **)result,
>burst_size)) {
>+                              alloc_failures++;
>+                              rte_mempool_put_bulk(t->ca_op_pool, (void
>**)ops_burst, burst_size);
>+                              continue;
>+                      }
>+                      for (i = 0; i < burst_size; i++) {
>+                              asym_op = ops_burst[i]->asym;
>+                              asym_op->modex.base.data =
>+                              asym_op->modex.base.length =
>+                              asym_op->modex.result.data = result[i];
>+                              asym_op->modex.result.length =
>       rte_crypto_op_attach_asym_session(ops_burst[i],
>+                                              p-
>>ca.crypto_sess[flow_counter++ % nb_flows]);
>+                              ev[i].event_ptr = ops_burst[i];
>+                      }
>+              }
>+              enq = 0;
>+              while (!t->done) {
>+                      enq += rte_event_crypto_adapter_enqueue(dev_id,
>port, ev + enq,
>+                                      burst_size - enq);
>+                      if (enq == burst_size)
>+                              break;
>+              }
>+              count += burst_size;
>+      }
>+      if (opt->verbose_level > 1 && alloc_failures)
>+              printf("%s(): lcore %d allocation failures: %"PRIu64"\n",
>+                     __func__, rte_lcore_id(), alloc_failures);
>+static inline int
>+perf_event_crypto_producer_burst(void *arg)
>+      struct prod_data *p = arg;
>+      struct evt_options *opt = p->t->opt;
>+      if (opt->crypto_adptr_mode ==
>+              crypto_adapter_enq_op_new_burst(p);
>+      else
>+              crypto_adapter_enq_op_fwd_burst(p);
>+      return 0;
> static int
> perf_producer_wrapper(void *arg)
> {
>@@ -580,8 +807,12 @@ perf_producer_wrapper(void *arg)
>       else if (t->opt->prod_type == EVT_PROD_TYPE_EVENT_TIMER_ADPTR &&
>                       t->opt->timdev_use_burst)
>               return perf_event_timer_producer_burst(arg);
>-      else if (t->opt->prod_type == EVT_PROD_TYPE_EVENT_CRYPTO_ADPTR)
>-              return perf_event_crypto_producer(arg);
>+      else if (t->opt->prod_type == EVT_PROD_TYPE_EVENT_CRYPTO_ADPTR) {
>+              if (t->opt->prod_enq_burst_sz > 1)
>+                      return perf_event_crypto_producer_burst(arg);
>+              else
>+                      return perf_event_crypto_producer(arg);
>+      }
>       return 0;
> }
>diff --git a/doc/guides/tools/testeventdev.rst
>index 6f065b9752..33cbe04d70 100644
>--- a/doc/guides/tools/testeventdev.rst
>+++ b/doc/guides/tools/testeventdev.rst
>@@ -176,7 +176,8 @@ The following are the application command-line options:
>        Set producer enqueue burst size. Can be used to configure the number of
>        events the producer(s) will enqueue as a burst to the event device.
>-       Only applicable for `perf_queue` test.
>+       Only applicable for `perf_queue` and `perf_atq` test in combination 
>+       CPU (default) or crypto device (``--prod_type_cryptodev``) producers.
> * ``--nb_eth_queues``

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