From: Beilei Xing <>

Move most of the virtual channel functions to idpf common module.

Signed-off-by: Wenjun Wu <>
Signed-off-by: Beilei Xing <>
 drivers/common/idpf/base/       |   2 +-
 drivers/common/idpf/idpf_common_device.c   |   8 +
 drivers/common/idpf/idpf_common_device.h   |  61 ++
 drivers/common/idpf/idpf_common_logs.h     |  23 +
 drivers/common/idpf/idpf_common_virtchnl.c | 815 +++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/common/idpf/idpf_common_virtchnl.h |  48 ++
 drivers/common/idpf/            |   5 +
 drivers/common/idpf/            |  20 +-
 drivers/net/idpf/idpf_ethdev.c             |   9 +-
 drivers/net/idpf/idpf_ethdev.h             |  85 +--
 drivers/net/idpf/idpf_vchnl.c              | 815 +--------------------
 11 files changed, 983 insertions(+), 908 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 drivers/common/idpf/idpf_common_device.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/common/idpf/idpf_common_logs.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/common/idpf/idpf_common_virtchnl.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/common/idpf/idpf_common_virtchnl.h

diff --git a/drivers/common/idpf/base/ 
index 183587b51a..dc4b93c198 100644
--- a/drivers/common/idpf/base/
+++ b/drivers/common/idpf/base/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
 # Copyright(c) 2022 Intel Corporation
-sources = files(
+sources += files(
diff --git a/drivers/common/idpf/idpf_common_device.c 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5062780362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/common/idpf/idpf_common_device.c
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2022 Intel Corporation
+ */
+#include <rte_log.h>
+#include <idpf_common_device.h>
+RTE_LOG_REGISTER_SUFFIX(idpf_common_logtype, common, NOTICE);
diff --git a/drivers/common/idpf/idpf_common_device.h 
index b7fff84b25..a7537281d1 100644
--- a/drivers/common/idpf/idpf_common_device.h
+++ b/drivers/common/idpf/idpf_common_device.h
@@ -7,6 +7,12 @@
 #include <base/idpf_prototype.h>
 #include <base/virtchnl2.h>
+#include <idpf_common_logs.h>
+#define IDPF_CTLQ_LEN          64
+#define IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE 4096
+#define IDPF_MAX_PKT_TYPE      1024
 struct idpf_adapter {
        struct idpf_hw hw;
@@ -76,4 +82,59 @@ struct idpf_vport {
        bool stopped;
+/* Message type read in virtual channel from PF */
+enum idpf_vc_result {
+       IDPF_MSG_ERR = -1, /* Meet error when accessing admin queue */
+       IDPF_MSG_NON,      /* Read nothing from admin queue */
+       IDPF_MSG_SYS,      /* Read system msg from admin queue */
+       IDPF_MSG_CMD,      /* Read async command result */
+/* structure used for sending and checking response of virtchnl ops */
+struct idpf_cmd_info {
+       uint32_t ops;
+       uint8_t *in_args;       /* buffer for sending */
+       uint32_t in_args_size;  /* buffer size for sending */
+       uint8_t *out_buffer;    /* buffer for response */
+       uint32_t out_size;      /* buffer size for response */
+/* notify current command done. Only call in case execute
+ * _atomic_set_cmd successfully.
+ */
+static inline void
+notify_cmd(struct idpf_adapter *adapter, int msg_ret)
+       adapter->cmd_retval = msg_ret;
+       /* Return value may be checked in anither thread, need to ensure the 
coherence. */
+       rte_wmb();
+       adapter->pend_cmd = VIRTCHNL2_OP_UNKNOWN;
+/* clear current command. Only call in case execute
+ * _atomic_set_cmd successfully.
+ */
+static inline void
+clear_cmd(struct idpf_adapter *adapter)
+       /* Return value may be checked in anither thread, need to ensure the 
coherence. */
+       rte_wmb();
+       adapter->pend_cmd = VIRTCHNL2_OP_UNKNOWN;
+       adapter->cmd_retval = VIRTCHNL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+/* Check there is pending cmd in execution. If none, set new command. */
+static inline bool
+atomic_set_cmd(struct idpf_adapter *adapter, uint32_t ops)
+       uint32_t op_unk = VIRTCHNL2_OP_UNKNOWN;
+       bool ret = __atomic_compare_exchange(&adapter->pend_cmd, &op_unk, &ops,
+                                           0, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE, 
+       if (!ret)
+               DRV_LOG(ERR, "There is incomplete cmd %d", adapter->pend_cmd);
+       return !ret;
 #endif /* _IDPF_COMMON_DEVICE_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/common/idpf/idpf_common_logs.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe36562769
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/common/idpf/idpf_common_logs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2022 Intel Corporation
+ */
+#include <rte_log.h>
+extern int idpf_common_logtype;
+#define DRV_LOG_RAW(level, ...)                                        \
+       rte_log(RTE_LOG_ ## level,                              \
+               idpf_common_logtype,                            \
+               RTE_FMT("%s(): "                                \
+                       RTE_FMT_HEAD(__VA_ARGS__,) "\n",        \
+                       __func__,                               \
+                       RTE_FMT_TAIL(__VA_ARGS__,)))
+#define DRV_LOG(level, fmt, args...)           \
+       DRV_LOG_RAW(level, fmt "\n", ## args)
+#endif /* _IDPF_COMMON_LOGS_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/common/idpf/idpf_common_virtchnl.c 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e94a95876
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/common/idpf/idpf_common_virtchnl.c
@@ -0,0 +1,815 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2022 Intel Corporation
+ */
+#include <idpf_common_virtchnl.h>
+#include <idpf_common_logs.h>
+static int
+idpf_vc_clean(struct idpf_adapter *adapter)
+       struct idpf_ctlq_msg *q_msg[IDPF_CTLQ_LEN];
+       uint16_t num_q_msg = IDPF_CTLQ_LEN;
+       struct idpf_dma_mem *dma_mem;
+       int err;
+       uint32_t i;
+       for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+               err = idpf_ctlq_clean_sq(adapter->hw.asq, &num_q_msg, q_msg);
+               msleep(20);
+               if (num_q_msg > 0)
+                       break;
+       }
+       if (err != 0)
+               return err;
+       /* Empty queue is not an error */
+       for (i = 0; i < num_q_msg; i++) {
+               dma_mem = q_msg[i]->ctx.indirect.payload;
+               if (dma_mem != NULL) {
+                       idpf_free_dma_mem(&adapter->hw, dma_mem);
+                       rte_free(dma_mem);
+               }
+               rte_free(q_msg[i]);
+       }
+       return 0;
+static int
+idpf_send_vc_msg(struct idpf_adapter *adapter, uint32_t op,
+                uint16_t msg_size, uint8_t *msg)
+       struct idpf_ctlq_msg *ctlq_msg;
+       struct idpf_dma_mem *dma_mem;
+       int err;
+       err = idpf_vc_clean(adapter);
+       if (err != 0)
+               goto err;
+       ctlq_msg = rte_zmalloc(NULL, sizeof(struct idpf_ctlq_msg), 0);
+       if (ctlq_msg == NULL) {
+               err = -ENOMEM;
+               goto err;
+       }
+       dma_mem = rte_zmalloc(NULL, sizeof(struct idpf_dma_mem), 0);
+       if (dma_mem == NULL) {
+               err = -ENOMEM;
+               goto dma_mem_error;
+       }
+       dma_mem->size = IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE;
+       idpf_alloc_dma_mem(&adapter->hw, dma_mem, dma_mem->size);
+       if (dma_mem->va == NULL) {
+               err = -ENOMEM;
+               goto dma_alloc_error;
+       }
+       memcpy(dma_mem->va, msg, msg_size);
+       ctlq_msg->opcode = idpf_mbq_opc_send_msg_to_pf;
+       ctlq_msg->func_id = 0;
+       ctlq_msg->data_len = msg_size;
+       ctlq_msg->cookie.mbx.chnl_opcode = op;
+       ctlq_msg->cookie.mbx.chnl_retval = VIRTCHNL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+       ctlq_msg->ctx.indirect.payload = dma_mem;
+       err = idpf_ctlq_send(&adapter->hw, adapter->hw.asq, 1, ctlq_msg);
+       if (err != 0)
+               goto send_error;
+       return 0;
+       idpf_free_dma_mem(&adapter->hw, dma_mem);
+       rte_free(dma_mem);
+       rte_free(ctlq_msg);
+       return err;
+static enum idpf_vc_result
+idpf_read_msg_from_cp(struct idpf_adapter *adapter, uint16_t buf_len,
+                     uint8_t *buf)
+       struct idpf_hw *hw = &adapter->hw;
+       struct idpf_ctlq_msg ctlq_msg;
+       struct idpf_dma_mem *dma_mem = NULL;
+       enum idpf_vc_result result = IDPF_MSG_NON;
+       uint32_t opcode;
+       uint16_t pending = 1;
+       int ret;
+       ret = idpf_ctlq_recv(hw->arq, &pending, &ctlq_msg);
+       if (ret != 0) {
+               DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "Can't read msg from AQ");
+               if (ret != -ENOMSG)
+                       result = IDPF_MSG_ERR;
+               return result;
+       }
+       rte_memcpy(buf, ctlq_msg.ctx.indirect.payload->va, buf_len);
+       opcode = rte_le_to_cpu_32(ctlq_msg.cookie.mbx.chnl_opcode);
+       adapter->cmd_retval = rte_le_to_cpu_32(ctlq_msg.cookie.mbx.chnl_retval);
+       DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "CQ from CP carries opcode %u, retval %d",
+               opcode, adapter->cmd_retval);
+       if (opcode == VIRTCHNL2_OP_EVENT) {
+               struct virtchnl2_event *ve = ctlq_msg.ctx.indirect.payload->va;
+               result = IDPF_MSG_SYS;
+               switch (ve->event) {
+               case VIRTCHNL2_EVENT_LINK_CHANGE:
+                       /* TBD */
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       DRV_LOG(ERR, "%s: Unknown event %d from CP",
+                               __func__, ve->event);
+                       break;
+               }
+       } else {
+               /* async reply msg on command issued by pf previously */
+               result = IDPF_MSG_CMD;
+               if (opcode != adapter->pend_cmd) {
+                       DRV_LOG(WARNING, "command mismatch, expect %u, get %u",
+                               adapter->pend_cmd, opcode);
+                       result = IDPF_MSG_ERR;
+               }
+       }
+       if (ctlq_msg.data_len != 0)
+               dma_mem = ctlq_msg.ctx.indirect.payload;
+       else
+               pending = 0;
+       ret = idpf_ctlq_post_rx_buffs(hw, hw->arq, &pending, &dma_mem);
+       if (ret != 0 && dma_mem != NULL)
+               idpf_free_dma_mem(hw, dma_mem);
+       return result;
+#define MAX_TRY_TIMES 200
+#define ASQ_DELAY_MS  10
+idpf_read_one_msg(struct idpf_adapter *adapter, uint32_t ops, uint16_t buf_len,
+                 uint8_t *buf)
+       int err = 0;
+       int i = 0;
+       int ret;
+       do {
+               ret = idpf_read_msg_from_cp(adapter, buf_len, buf);
+               if (ret == IDPF_MSG_CMD)
+                       break;
+               rte_delay_ms(ASQ_DELAY_MS);
+       } while (i++ < MAX_TRY_TIMES);
+       if (i >= MAX_TRY_TIMES ||
+           adapter->cmd_retval != VIRTCHNL_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+               err = -EBUSY;
+               DRV_LOG(ERR, "No response or return failure (%d) for cmd %d",
+                       adapter->cmd_retval, ops);
+       }
+       return err;
+idpf_execute_vc_cmd(struct idpf_adapter *adapter, struct idpf_cmd_info *args)
+       int err = 0;
+       int i = 0;
+       int ret;
+       if (atomic_set_cmd(adapter, args->ops))
+               return -EINVAL;
+       ret = idpf_send_vc_msg(adapter, args->ops, args->in_args_size, 
+       if (ret != 0) {
+               DRV_LOG(ERR, "fail to send cmd %d", args->ops);
+               clear_cmd(adapter);
+               return ret;
+       }
+       switch (args->ops) {
+       case VIRTCHNL2_OP_GET_CAPS:
+       case VIRTCHNL2_OP_SET_RSS_KEY:
+       case VIRTCHNL2_OP_SET_RSS_LUT:
+               /* for init virtchnl ops, need to poll the response */
+               err = idpf_read_one_msg(adapter, args->ops, args->out_size, 
+               clear_cmd(adapter);
+               break;
+               /* for multuple response message,
+                * do not handle the response here.
+                */
+               break;
+       default:
+               /* For other virtchnl ops in running time,
+                * wait for the cmd done flag.
+                */
+               do {
+                       if (adapter->pend_cmd == VIRTCHNL_OP_UNKNOWN)
+                               break;
+                       rte_delay_ms(ASQ_DELAY_MS);
+                       /* If don't read msg or read sys event, continue */
+               } while (i++ < MAX_TRY_TIMES);
+               /* If there's no response is received, clear command */
+               if (i >= MAX_TRY_TIMES  ||
+                   adapter->cmd_retval != VIRTCHNL_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+                       err = -EBUSY;
+                       DRV_LOG(ERR, "No response or return failure (%d) for 
cmd %d",
+                               adapter->cmd_retval, args->ops);
+                       clear_cmd(adapter);
+               }
+               break;
+       }
+       return err;
+idpf_vc_check_api_version(struct idpf_adapter *adapter)
+       struct virtchnl2_version_info version, *pver;
+       struct idpf_cmd_info args;
+       int err;
+       memset(&version, 0, sizeof(struct virtchnl_version_info));
+       version.major = VIRTCHNL2_VERSION_MAJOR_2;
+       version.minor = VIRTCHNL2_VERSION_MINOR_0;
+       args.ops = VIRTCHNL_OP_VERSION;
+       args.in_args = (uint8_t *)&version;
+       args.in_args_size = sizeof(version);
+       args.out_buffer = adapter->mbx_resp;
+       args.out_size = IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE;
+       err = idpf_execute_vc_cmd(adapter, &args);
+       if (err != 0) {
+               DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                       "Failed to execute command of VIRTCHNL_OP_VERSION");
+               return err;
+       }
+       pver = (struct virtchnl2_version_info *)args.out_buffer;
+       adapter->virtchnl_version = *pver;
+       if (adapter->virtchnl_version.major != VIRTCHNL2_VERSION_MAJOR_2 ||
+           adapter->virtchnl_version.minor != VIRTCHNL2_VERSION_MINOR_0) {
+               DRV_LOG(ERR, "VIRTCHNL API version mismatch:(%u.%u)-(%u.%u)",
+                       adapter->virtchnl_version.major,
+                       adapter->virtchnl_version.minor,
+                       VIRTCHNL2_VERSION_MAJOR_2,
+                       VIRTCHNL2_VERSION_MINOR_0);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       return 0;
+idpf_vc_get_caps(struct idpf_adapter *adapter)
+       struct virtchnl2_get_capabilities caps_msg;
+       struct idpf_cmd_info args;
+       int err;
+       memset(&caps_msg, 0, sizeof(struct virtchnl2_get_capabilities));
+       caps_msg.csum_caps =
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_TX_CSUM_L3_IPV4          |
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_TX_CSUM_L4_IPV4_TCP      |
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_TX_CSUM_L4_IPV4_UDP      |
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_TX_CSUM_L4_IPV4_SCTP     |
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_TX_CSUM_L4_IPV6_TCP      |
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_TX_CSUM_L4_IPV6_UDP      |
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_TX_CSUM_L4_IPV6_SCTP     |
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_TX_CSUM_GENERIC          |
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RX_CSUM_L3_IPV4          |
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RX_CSUM_L4_IPV4_TCP      |
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RX_CSUM_L4_IPV4_UDP      |
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RX_CSUM_L4_IPV4_SCTP     |
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RX_CSUM_L4_IPV6_TCP      |
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RX_CSUM_L4_IPV6_UDP      |
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RX_CSUM_L4_IPV6_SCTP     |
+       caps_msg.rss_caps =
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS_IPV4_TCP             |
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS_IPV4_UDP             |
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS_IPV4_SCTP            |
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS_IPV4_OTHER           |
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS_IPV6_TCP             |
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS_IPV6_UDP             |
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS_IPV6_SCTP            |
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS_IPV6_OTHER           |
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS_IPV4_AH              |
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS_IPV4_ESP             |
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS_IPV4_AH_ESP          |
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS_IPV6_AH              |
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS_IPV6_ESP             |
+               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS_IPV6_AH_ESP;
+       caps_msg.other_caps = VIRTCHNL2_CAP_WB_ON_ITR;
+       args.ops = VIRTCHNL2_OP_GET_CAPS;
+       args.in_args = (uint8_t *)&caps_msg;
+       args.in_args_size = sizeof(caps_msg);
+       args.out_buffer = adapter->mbx_resp;
+       args.out_size = IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE;
+       err = idpf_execute_vc_cmd(adapter, &args);
+       if (err != 0) {
+               DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                       "Failed to execute command of VIRTCHNL2_OP_GET_CAPS");
+               return err;
+       }
+       rte_memcpy(&adapter->caps, args.out_buffer, sizeof(caps_msg));
+       return 0;
+idpf_vc_create_vport(struct idpf_vport *vport,
+                    struct virtchnl2_create_vport *vport_req_info)
+       struct idpf_adapter *adapter = vport->adapter;
+       struct virtchnl2_create_vport vport_msg;
+       struct idpf_cmd_info args;
+       int err = -1;
+       memset(&vport_msg, 0, sizeof(struct virtchnl2_create_vport));
+       vport_msg.vport_type = vport_req_info->vport_type;
+       vport_msg.txq_model = vport_req_info->txq_model;
+       vport_msg.rxq_model = vport_req_info->rxq_model;
+       vport_msg.num_tx_q = vport_req_info->num_tx_q;
+       vport_msg.num_tx_complq = vport_req_info->num_tx_complq;
+       vport_msg.num_rx_q = vport_req_info->num_rx_q;
+       vport_msg.num_rx_bufq = vport_req_info->num_rx_bufq;
+       memset(&args, 0, sizeof(args));
+       args.ops = VIRTCHNL2_OP_CREATE_VPORT;
+       args.in_args = (uint8_t *)&vport_msg;
+       args.in_args_size = sizeof(vport_msg);
+       args.out_buffer = adapter->mbx_resp;
+       args.out_size = IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE;
+       err = idpf_execute_vc_cmd(adapter, &args);
+       if (err != 0) {
+               DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                       "Failed to execute command of 
+               return err;
+       }
+       rte_memcpy(vport->vport_info, args.out_buffer, IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE);
+       return 0;
+idpf_vc_destroy_vport(struct idpf_vport *vport)
+       struct idpf_adapter *adapter = vport->adapter;
+       struct virtchnl2_vport vc_vport;
+       struct idpf_cmd_info args;
+       int err;
+       vc_vport.vport_id = vport->vport_id;
+       memset(&args, 0, sizeof(args));
+       args.ops = VIRTCHNL2_OP_DESTROY_VPORT;
+       args.in_args = (uint8_t *)&vc_vport;
+       args.in_args_size = sizeof(vc_vport);
+       args.out_buffer = adapter->mbx_resp;
+       args.out_size = IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE;
+       err = idpf_execute_vc_cmd(adapter, &args);
+       if (err != 0)
+               DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to execute command of 
+       return err;
+idpf_vc_set_rss_key(struct idpf_vport *vport)
+       struct idpf_adapter *adapter = vport->adapter;
+       struct virtchnl2_rss_key *rss_key;
+       struct idpf_cmd_info args;
+       int len, err;
+       len = sizeof(*rss_key) + sizeof(rss_key->key[0]) *
+               (vport->rss_key_size - 1);
+       rss_key = rte_zmalloc("rss_key", len, 0);
+       if (rss_key == NULL)
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       rss_key->vport_id = vport->vport_id;
+       rss_key->key_len = vport->rss_key_size;
+       rte_memcpy(rss_key->key, vport->rss_key,
+                  sizeof(rss_key->key[0]) * vport->rss_key_size);
+       memset(&args, 0, sizeof(args));
+       args.ops = VIRTCHNL2_OP_SET_RSS_KEY;
+       args.in_args = (uint8_t *)rss_key;
+       args.in_args_size = len;
+       args.out_buffer = adapter->mbx_resp;
+       args.out_size = IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE;
+       err = idpf_execute_vc_cmd(adapter, &args);
+       if (err != 0)
+               DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to execute command of 
+       rte_free(rss_key);
+       return err;
+idpf_vc_set_rss_lut(struct idpf_vport *vport)
+       struct idpf_adapter *adapter = vport->adapter;
+       struct virtchnl2_rss_lut *rss_lut;
+       struct idpf_cmd_info args;
+       int len, err;
+       len = sizeof(*rss_lut) + sizeof(rss_lut->lut[0]) *
+               (vport->rss_lut_size - 1);
+       rss_lut = rte_zmalloc("rss_lut", len, 0);
+       if (rss_lut == NULL)
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       rss_lut->vport_id = vport->vport_id;
+       rss_lut->lut_entries = vport->rss_lut_size;
+       rte_memcpy(rss_lut->lut, vport->rss_lut,
+                  sizeof(rss_lut->lut[0]) * vport->rss_lut_size);
+       memset(&args, 0, sizeof(args));
+       args.ops = VIRTCHNL2_OP_SET_RSS_LUT;
+       args.in_args = (uint8_t *)rss_lut;
+       args.in_args_size = len;
+       args.out_buffer = adapter->mbx_resp;
+       args.out_size = IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE;
+       err = idpf_execute_vc_cmd(adapter, &args);
+       if (err != 0)
+               DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to execute command of 
+       rte_free(rss_lut);
+       return err;
+idpf_vc_set_rss_hash(struct idpf_vport *vport)
+       struct idpf_adapter *adapter = vport->adapter;
+       struct virtchnl2_rss_hash rss_hash;
+       struct idpf_cmd_info args;
+       int err;
+       memset(&rss_hash, 0, sizeof(rss_hash));
+       rss_hash.ptype_groups = vport->rss_hf;
+       rss_hash.vport_id = vport->vport_id;
+       memset(&args, 0, sizeof(args));
+       args.ops = VIRTCHNL2_OP_SET_RSS_HASH;
+       args.in_args = (uint8_t *)&rss_hash;
+       args.in_args_size = sizeof(rss_hash);
+       args.out_buffer = adapter->mbx_resp;
+       args.out_size = IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE;
+       err = idpf_execute_vc_cmd(adapter, &args);
+       if (err != 0)
+               DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to execute command of OP_SET_RSS_HASH");
+       return err;
+idpf_vc_config_irq_map_unmap(struct idpf_vport *vport, uint16_t nb_rxq, bool 
+       struct idpf_adapter *adapter = vport->adapter;
+       struct virtchnl2_queue_vector_maps *map_info;
+       struct virtchnl2_queue_vector *vecmap;
+       struct idpf_cmd_info args;
+       int len, i, err = 0;
+       len = sizeof(struct virtchnl2_queue_vector_maps) +
+               (nb_rxq - 1) * sizeof(struct virtchnl2_queue_vector);
+       map_info = rte_zmalloc("map_info", len, 0);
+       if (map_info == NULL)
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       map_info->vport_id = vport->vport_id;
+       map_info->num_qv_maps = nb_rxq;
+       for (i = 0; i < nb_rxq; i++) {
+               vecmap = &map_info->qv_maps[i];
+               vecmap->queue_id = vport->qv_map[i].queue_id;
+               vecmap->vector_id = vport->qv_map[i].vector_id;
+               vecmap->itr_idx = VIRTCHNL2_ITR_IDX_0;
+               vecmap->queue_type = VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_TYPE_RX;
+       }
+       args.ops = map ? VIRTCHNL2_OP_MAP_QUEUE_VECTOR :
+       args.in_args = (uint8_t *)map_info;
+       args.in_args_size = len;
+       args.out_buffer = adapter->mbx_resp;
+       args.out_size = IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE;
+       err = idpf_execute_vc_cmd(adapter, &args);
+       if (err != 0)
+               DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to execute command of 
+                       map ? "MAP" : "UNMAP");
+       rte_free(map_info);
+       return err;
+idpf_vc_alloc_vectors(struct idpf_vport *vport, uint16_t num_vectors)
+       struct idpf_adapter *adapter = vport->adapter;
+       struct virtchnl2_alloc_vectors *alloc_vec;
+       struct idpf_cmd_info args;
+       int err, len;
+       len = sizeof(struct virtchnl2_alloc_vectors) +
+               (num_vectors - 1) * sizeof(struct virtchnl2_vector_chunk);
+       alloc_vec = rte_zmalloc("alloc_vec", len, 0);
+       if (alloc_vec == NULL)
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       alloc_vec->num_vectors = num_vectors;
+       args.ops = VIRTCHNL2_OP_ALLOC_VECTORS;
+       args.in_args = (uint8_t *)alloc_vec;
+       args.in_args_size = sizeof(struct virtchnl2_alloc_vectors);
+       args.out_buffer = adapter->mbx_resp;
+       args.out_size = IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE;
+       err = idpf_execute_vc_cmd(adapter, &args);
+       if (err != 0)
+               DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to execute command 
+       if (vport->recv_vectors == NULL) {
+               vport->recv_vectors = rte_zmalloc("recv_vectors", len, 0);
+               if (vport->recv_vectors == NULL) {
+                       rte_free(alloc_vec);
+                       return -ENOMEM;
+               }
+       }
+       rte_memcpy(vport->recv_vectors, args.out_buffer, len);
+       rte_free(alloc_vec);
+       return err;
+idpf_vc_dealloc_vectors(struct idpf_vport *vport)
+       struct idpf_adapter *adapter = vport->adapter;
+       struct virtchnl2_alloc_vectors *alloc_vec;
+       struct virtchnl2_vector_chunks *vcs;
+       struct idpf_cmd_info args;
+       int err, len;
+       alloc_vec = vport->recv_vectors;
+       vcs = &alloc_vec->vchunks;
+       len = sizeof(struct virtchnl2_vector_chunks) +
+               (vcs->num_vchunks - 1) * sizeof(struct virtchnl2_vector_chunk);
+       args.ops = VIRTCHNL2_OP_DEALLOC_VECTORS;
+       args.in_args = (uint8_t *)vcs;
+       args.in_args_size = len;
+       args.out_buffer = adapter->mbx_resp;
+       args.out_size = IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE;
+       err = idpf_execute_vc_cmd(adapter, &args);
+       if (err != 0)
+               DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to execute command 
+       return err;
+static int
+idpf_vc_ena_dis_one_queue(struct idpf_vport *vport, uint16_t qid,
+                         uint32_t type, bool on)
+       struct idpf_adapter *adapter = vport->adapter;
+       struct virtchnl2_del_ena_dis_queues *queue_select;
+       struct virtchnl2_queue_chunk *queue_chunk;
+       struct idpf_cmd_info args;
+       int err, len;
+       len = sizeof(struct virtchnl2_del_ena_dis_queues);
+       queue_select = rte_zmalloc("queue_select", len, 0);
+       if (queue_select == NULL)
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       queue_chunk = queue_select->chunks.chunks;
+       queue_select->chunks.num_chunks = 1;
+       queue_select->vport_id = vport->vport_id;
+       queue_chunk->type = type;
+       queue_chunk->start_queue_id = qid;
+       queue_chunk->num_queues = 1;
+       args.ops = on ? VIRTCHNL2_OP_ENABLE_QUEUES :
+       args.in_args = (uint8_t *)queue_select;
+       args.in_args_size = len;
+       args.out_buffer = adapter->mbx_resp;
+       args.out_size = IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE;
+       err = idpf_execute_vc_cmd(adapter, &args);
+       if (err != 0)
+               DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to execute command of 
+                       on ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
+       rte_free(queue_select);
+       return err;
+idpf_switch_queue(struct idpf_vport *vport, uint16_t qid,
+                 bool rx, bool on)
+       uint32_t type;
+       int err, queue_id;
+       /* switch txq/rxq */
+       if (type == VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_TYPE_RX)
+               queue_id = vport->chunks_info.rx_start_qid + qid;
+       else
+               queue_id = vport->chunks_info.tx_start_qid + qid;
+       err = idpf_vc_ena_dis_one_queue(vport, queue_id, type, on);
+       if (err != 0)
+               return err;
+       /* switch tx completion queue */
+       if (!rx && vport->txq_model == VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_MODEL_SPLIT) {
+               type = VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_TYPE_TX_COMPLETION;
+               queue_id = vport->chunks_info.tx_compl_start_qid + qid;
+               err = idpf_vc_ena_dis_one_queue(vport, queue_id, type, on);
+               if (err != 0)
+                       return err;
+       }
+       /* switch rx buffer queue */
+       if (rx && vport->rxq_model == VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_MODEL_SPLIT) {
+               type = VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_TYPE_RX_BUFFER;
+               queue_id = vport->chunks_info.rx_buf_start_qid + 2 * qid;
+               err = idpf_vc_ena_dis_one_queue(vport, queue_id, type, on);
+               if (err != 0)
+                       return err;
+               queue_id++;
+               err = idpf_vc_ena_dis_one_queue(vport, queue_id, type, on);
+               if (err != 0)
+                       return err;
+       }
+       return err;
+idpf_vc_ena_dis_queues(struct idpf_vport *vport, bool enable)
+       struct idpf_adapter *adapter = vport->adapter;
+       struct virtchnl2_del_ena_dis_queues *queue_select;
+       struct virtchnl2_queue_chunk *queue_chunk;
+       uint32_t type;
+       struct idpf_cmd_info args;
+       uint16_t num_chunks;
+       int err, len;
+       num_chunks = IDPF_RXTX_QUEUE_CHUNKS_NUM;
+       if (vport->txq_model == VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_MODEL_SPLIT)
+               num_chunks++;
+       if (vport->rxq_model == VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_MODEL_SPLIT)
+               num_chunks++;
+       len = sizeof(struct virtchnl2_del_ena_dis_queues) +
+               sizeof(struct virtchnl2_queue_chunk) * (num_chunks - 1);
+       queue_select = rte_zmalloc("queue_select", len, 0);
+       if (queue_select == NULL)
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       queue_chunk = queue_select->chunks.chunks;
+       queue_select->chunks.num_chunks = num_chunks;
+       queue_select->vport_id = vport->vport_id;
+       type = VIRTCHNL_QUEUE_TYPE_RX;
+       queue_chunk[type].type = type;
+       queue_chunk[type].start_queue_id = vport->chunks_info.rx_start_qid;
+       queue_chunk[type].num_queues = vport->num_rx_q;
+       type = VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_TYPE_TX;
+       queue_chunk[type].type = type;
+       queue_chunk[type].start_queue_id = vport->chunks_info.tx_start_qid;
+       queue_chunk[type].num_queues = vport->num_tx_q;
+       if (vport->rxq_model == VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_MODEL_SPLIT) {
+               type = VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_TYPE_RX_BUFFER;
+               queue_chunk[type].type = type;
+               queue_chunk[type].start_queue_id =
+                       vport->chunks_info.rx_buf_start_qid;
+               queue_chunk[type].num_queues = vport->num_rx_bufq;
+       }
+       if (vport->txq_model == VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_MODEL_SPLIT) {
+               type = VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_TYPE_TX_COMPLETION;
+               queue_chunk[type].type = type;
+               queue_chunk[type].start_queue_id =
+                       vport->chunks_info.tx_compl_start_qid;
+               queue_chunk[type].num_queues = vport->num_tx_complq;
+       }
+       args.ops = enable ? VIRTCHNL2_OP_ENABLE_QUEUES :
+       args.in_args = (uint8_t *)queue_select;
+       args.in_args_size = len;
+       args.out_buffer = adapter->mbx_resp;
+       args.out_size = IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE;
+       err = idpf_execute_vc_cmd(adapter, &args);
+       if (err != 0)
+               DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to execute command of 
+                       enable ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
+       rte_free(queue_select);
+       return err;
+idpf_vc_ena_dis_vport(struct idpf_vport *vport, bool enable)
+       struct idpf_adapter *adapter = vport->adapter;
+       struct virtchnl2_vport vc_vport;
+       struct idpf_cmd_info args;
+       int err;
+       vc_vport.vport_id = vport->vport_id;
+       args.ops = enable ? VIRTCHNL2_OP_ENABLE_VPORT :
+       args.in_args = (uint8_t *)&vc_vport;
+       args.in_args_size = sizeof(vc_vport);
+       args.out_buffer = adapter->mbx_resp;
+       args.out_size = IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE;
+       err = idpf_execute_vc_cmd(adapter, &args);
+       if (err != 0) {
+               DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to execute command of 
+                       enable ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
+       }
+       return err;
+idpf_vc_query_ptype_info(struct idpf_adapter *adapter)
+       struct virtchnl2_get_ptype_info *ptype_info;
+       struct idpf_cmd_info args;
+       int len, err;
+       len = sizeof(struct virtchnl2_get_ptype_info);
+       ptype_info = rte_zmalloc("ptype_info", len, 0);
+       if (ptype_info == NULL)
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       ptype_info->start_ptype_id = 0;
+       ptype_info->num_ptypes = IDPF_MAX_PKT_TYPE;
+       args.ops = VIRTCHNL2_OP_GET_PTYPE_INFO;
+       args.in_args = (uint8_t *)ptype_info;
+       args.in_args_size = len;
+       err = idpf_execute_vc_cmd(adapter, &args);
+       if (err != 0)
+               DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to execute command of 
+       rte_free(ptype_info);
+       return err;
diff --git a/drivers/common/idpf/idpf_common_virtchnl.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbc66d63c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/common/idpf/idpf_common_virtchnl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2022 Intel Corporation
+ */
+#include <idpf_common_device.h>
+int idpf_vc_check_api_version(struct idpf_adapter *adapter);
+int idpf_vc_get_caps(struct idpf_adapter *adapter);
+int idpf_vc_create_vport(struct idpf_vport *vport,
+                        struct virtchnl2_create_vport *vport_info);
+int idpf_vc_destroy_vport(struct idpf_vport *vport);
+int idpf_vc_set_rss_key(struct idpf_vport *vport);
+int idpf_vc_set_rss_lut(struct idpf_vport *vport);
+int idpf_vc_set_rss_hash(struct idpf_vport *vport);
+int idpf_switch_queue(struct idpf_vport *vport, uint16_t qid,
+                     bool rx, bool on);
+int idpf_vc_ena_dis_queues(struct idpf_vport *vport, bool enable);
+int idpf_vc_ena_dis_vport(struct idpf_vport *vport, bool enable);
+int idpf_vc_config_irq_map_unmap(struct idpf_vport *vport,
+                                uint16_t nb_rxq, bool map);
+int idpf_vc_alloc_vectors(struct idpf_vport *vport, uint16_t num_vectors);
+int idpf_vc_dealloc_vectors(struct idpf_vport *vport);
+int idpf_vc_query_ptype_info(struct idpf_adapter *adapter);
+int idpf_read_one_msg(struct idpf_adapter *adapter, uint32_t ops,
+                     uint16_t buf_len, uint8_t *buf);
+int idpf_execute_vc_cmd(struct idpf_adapter *adapter,
+                       struct idpf_cmd_info *args);
+#endif /* _IDPF_COMMON_VIRTCHNL_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/common/idpf/ b/drivers/common/idpf/
index 77d997b4a7..d1578641ba 100644
--- a/drivers/common/idpf/
+++ b/drivers/common/idpf/
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
 # Copyright(c) 2022 Intel Corporation
+sources = files(
+    'idpf_common_device.c',
+    'idpf_common_virtchnl.c',
diff --git a/drivers/common/idpf/ b/drivers/common/idpf/
index bfb246c752..a2b8780780 100644
--- a/drivers/common/idpf/
+++ b/drivers/common/idpf/
@@ -1,12 +1,28 @@
+       idpf_ctlq_clean_sq;
-       idpf_ctlq_clean_sq;
+       idpf_ctlq_post_rx_buffs;
-       idpf_ctlq_post_rx_buffs;
+       idpf_execute_vc_cmd;
+       idpf_read_one_msg;
+       idpf_switch_queue;
+       idpf_vc_alloc_vectors;
+       idpf_vc_check_api_version;
+       idpf_vc_config_irq_map_unmap;
+       idpf_vc_create_vport;
+       idpf_vc_dealloc_vectors;
+       idpf_vc_destroy_vport;
+       idpf_vc_ena_dis_queues;
+       idpf_vc_ena_dis_vport;
+       idpf_vc_get_caps;
+       idpf_vc_query_ptype_info;
+       idpf_vc_set_rss_hash;
+       idpf_vc_set_rss_key;
+       idpf_vc_set_rss_lut;
        local: *;
diff --git a/drivers/net/idpf/idpf_ethdev.c b/drivers/net/idpf/idpf_ethdev.c
index 72a5c9f39b..759fc981d7 100644
--- a/drivers/net/idpf/idpf_ethdev.c
+++ b/drivers/net/idpf/idpf_ethdev.c
@@ -942,13 +942,6 @@ idpf_adapter_init(struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev, struct 
idpf_adapter_ext *adapt
                goto err_api;
-       adapter->max_rxq_per_msg = (IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE -
-                               sizeof(struct virtchnl2_config_rx_queues)) /
-                               sizeof(struct virtchnl2_rxq_info);
-       adapter->max_txq_per_msg = (IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE -
-                               sizeof(struct virtchnl2_config_tx_queues)) /
-                               sizeof(struct virtchnl2_txq_info);
        adapter->cur_vports = 0;
        adapter->cur_vport_nb = 0;
@@ -1075,7 +1068,7 @@ static const struct rte_pci_id pci_id_idpf_map[] = {
        { .vendor_id = 0, /* sentinel */ },
-struct idpf_adapter_ext *
+static struct idpf_adapter_ext *
 idpf_find_adapter_ext(struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev)
        struct idpf_adapter_ext *adapter;
diff --git a/drivers/net/idpf/idpf_ethdev.h b/drivers/net/idpf/idpf_ethdev.h
index 8c29019667..efc540fa32 100644
--- a/drivers/net/idpf/idpf_ethdev.h
+++ b/drivers/net/idpf/idpf_ethdev.h
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #include "idpf_logs.h"
 #include <idpf_common_device.h>
+#include <idpf_common_virtchnl.h>
 #include <base/idpf_prototype.h>
 #include <base/virtchnl2.h>
@@ -31,8 +32,6 @@
 #define IDPF_RX_BUFQ_PER_GRP   2
 #define IDPF_CTLQ_ID           -1
-#define IDPF_CTLQ_LEN          64
-#define IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE 4096
 #define IDPF_DFLT_Q_VEC_NUM    1
 #define IDPF_DFLT_INTERVAL     16
@@ -44,8 +43,6 @@
 #define IDPF_NUM_MACADDR_MAX   64
-#define IDPF_MAX_PKT_TYPE      1024
 #define IDPF_VLAN_TAG_SIZE     4
@@ -66,14 +63,6 @@
-/* Message type read in virtual channel from PF */
-enum idpf_vc_result {
-       IDPF_MSG_ERR = -1, /* Meet error when accessing admin queue */
-       IDPF_MSG_NON,      /* Read nothing from admin queue */
-       IDPF_MSG_SYS,      /* Read system msg from admin queue */
-       IDPF_MSG_CMD,      /* Read async command result */
 struct idpf_vport_param {
        struct idpf_adapter_ext *adapter;
        uint16_t devarg_id; /* arg id from user */
@@ -103,10 +92,6 @@ struct idpf_adapter_ext {
        uint16_t used_vecs_num;
-       /* Max config queue number per VC message */
-       uint32_t max_rxq_per_msg;
-       uint32_t max_txq_per_msg;
        uint32_t ptype_tbl[IDPF_MAX_PKT_TYPE] __rte_cache_min_aligned;
        bool rx_vec_allowed;
@@ -125,74 +110,6 @@ TAILQ_HEAD(idpf_adapter_list, idpf_adapter_ext);
 #define IDPF_ADAPTER_TO_EXT(p)                                 \
        container_of((p), struct idpf_adapter_ext, base)
-/* structure used for sending and checking response of virtchnl ops */
-struct idpf_cmd_info {
-       uint32_t ops;
-       uint8_t *in_args;       /* buffer for sending */
-       uint32_t in_args_size;  /* buffer size for sending */
-       uint8_t *out_buffer;    /* buffer for response */
-       uint32_t out_size;      /* buffer size for response */
-/* notify current command done. Only call in case execute
- * _atomic_set_cmd successfully.
- */
-static inline void
-notify_cmd(struct idpf_adapter *adapter, int msg_ret)
-       adapter->cmd_retval = msg_ret;
-       /* Return value may be checked in anither thread, need to ensure the 
coherence. */
-       rte_wmb();
-       adapter->pend_cmd = VIRTCHNL2_OP_UNKNOWN;
-/* clear current command. Only call in case execute
- * _atomic_set_cmd successfully.
- */
-static inline void
-clear_cmd(struct idpf_adapter *adapter)
-       /* Return value may be checked in anither thread, need to ensure the 
coherence. */
-       rte_wmb();
-       adapter->pend_cmd = VIRTCHNL2_OP_UNKNOWN;
-       adapter->cmd_retval = VIRTCHNL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
-/* Check there is pending cmd in execution. If none, set new command. */
-static inline bool
-atomic_set_cmd(struct idpf_adapter *adapter, uint32_t ops)
-       uint32_t op_unk = VIRTCHNL2_OP_UNKNOWN;
-       bool ret = __atomic_compare_exchange(&adapter->pend_cmd, &op_unk, &ops,
-                                           0, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE, 
-       if (!ret)
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "There is incomplete cmd %d", 
-       return !ret;
-struct idpf_adapter_ext *idpf_find_adapter_ext(struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev);
-void idpf_handle_virtchnl_msg(struct rte_eth_dev *dev);
-int idpf_vc_check_api_version(struct idpf_adapter *adapter);
 int idpf_get_pkt_type(struct idpf_adapter_ext *adapter);
-int idpf_vc_get_caps(struct idpf_adapter *adapter);
-int idpf_vc_create_vport(struct idpf_vport *vport,
-                        struct virtchnl2_create_vport *vport_info);
-int idpf_vc_destroy_vport(struct idpf_vport *vport);
-int idpf_vc_set_rss_key(struct idpf_vport *vport);
-int idpf_vc_set_rss_lut(struct idpf_vport *vport);
-int idpf_vc_set_rss_hash(struct idpf_vport *vport);
-int idpf_switch_queue(struct idpf_vport *vport, uint16_t qid,
-                     bool rx, bool on);
-int idpf_vc_ena_dis_queues(struct idpf_vport *vport, bool enable);
-int idpf_vc_ena_dis_vport(struct idpf_vport *vport, bool enable);
-int idpf_vc_config_irq_map_unmap(struct idpf_vport *vport,
-                                uint16_t nb_rxq, bool map);
-int idpf_vc_alloc_vectors(struct idpf_vport *vport, uint16_t num_vectors);
-int idpf_vc_dealloc_vectors(struct idpf_vport *vport);
-int idpf_vc_query_ptype_info(struct idpf_adapter *adapter);
-int idpf_read_one_msg(struct idpf_adapter *adapter, uint32_t ops,
-                     uint16_t buf_len, uint8_t *buf);
 #endif /* _IDPF_ETHDEV_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/net/idpf/idpf_vchnl.c b/drivers/net/idpf/idpf_vchnl.c
index 633d3295d3..576b797973 100644
--- a/drivers/net/idpf/idpf_vchnl.c
+++ b/drivers/net/idpf/idpf_vchnl.c
@@ -23,293 +23,6 @@
 #include "idpf_ethdev.h"
 #include "idpf_rxtx.h"
-static int
-idpf_vc_clean(struct idpf_adapter *adapter)
-       struct idpf_ctlq_msg *q_msg[IDPF_CTLQ_LEN];
-       uint16_t num_q_msg = IDPF_CTLQ_LEN;
-       struct idpf_dma_mem *dma_mem;
-       int err;
-       uint32_t i;
-       for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-               err = idpf_ctlq_clean_sq(adapter->hw.asq, &num_q_msg, q_msg);
-               msleep(20);
-               if (num_q_msg > 0)
-                       break;
-       }
-       if (err != 0)
-               return err;
-       /* Empty queue is not an error */
-       for (i = 0; i < num_q_msg; i++) {
-               dma_mem = q_msg[i]->ctx.indirect.payload;
-               if (dma_mem != NULL) {
-                       idpf_free_dma_mem(&adapter->hw, dma_mem);
-                       rte_free(dma_mem);
-               }
-               rte_free(q_msg[i]);
-       }
-       return 0;
-static int
-idpf_send_vc_msg(struct idpf_adapter *adapter, uint32_t op,
-                uint16_t msg_size, uint8_t *msg)
-       struct idpf_ctlq_msg *ctlq_msg;
-       struct idpf_dma_mem *dma_mem;
-       int err;
-       err = idpf_vc_clean(adapter);
-       if (err != 0)
-               goto err;
-       ctlq_msg = rte_zmalloc(NULL, sizeof(struct idpf_ctlq_msg), 0);
-       if (ctlq_msg == NULL) {
-               err = -ENOMEM;
-               goto err;
-       }
-       dma_mem = rte_zmalloc(NULL, sizeof(struct idpf_dma_mem), 0);
-       if (dma_mem == NULL) {
-               err = -ENOMEM;
-               goto dma_mem_error;
-       }
-       dma_mem->size = IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE;
-       idpf_alloc_dma_mem(&adapter->hw, dma_mem, dma_mem->size);
-       if (dma_mem->va == NULL) {
-               err = -ENOMEM;
-               goto dma_alloc_error;
-       }
-       memcpy(dma_mem->va, msg, msg_size);
-       ctlq_msg->opcode = idpf_mbq_opc_send_msg_to_pf;
-       ctlq_msg->func_id = 0;
-       ctlq_msg->data_len = msg_size;
-       ctlq_msg->cookie.mbx.chnl_opcode = op;
-       ctlq_msg->cookie.mbx.chnl_retval = VIRTCHNL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
-       ctlq_msg->ctx.indirect.payload = dma_mem;
-       err = idpf_ctlq_send(&adapter->hw, adapter->hw.asq, 1, ctlq_msg);
-       if (err != 0)
-               goto send_error;
-       return 0;
-       idpf_free_dma_mem(&adapter->hw, dma_mem);
-       rte_free(dma_mem);
-       rte_free(ctlq_msg);
-       return err;
-static enum idpf_vc_result
-idpf_read_msg_from_cp(struct idpf_adapter *adapter, uint16_t buf_len,
-                     uint8_t *buf)
-       struct idpf_hw *hw = &adapter->hw;
-       struct idpf_ctlq_msg ctlq_msg;
-       struct idpf_dma_mem *dma_mem = NULL;
-       enum idpf_vc_result result = IDPF_MSG_NON;
-       uint32_t opcode;
-       uint16_t pending = 1;
-       int ret;
-       ret = idpf_ctlq_recv(hw->arq, &pending, &ctlq_msg);
-       if (ret != 0) {
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "Can't read msg from AQ");
-               if (ret != -ENOMSG)
-                       result = IDPF_MSG_ERR;
-               return result;
-       }
-       rte_memcpy(buf, ctlq_msg.ctx.indirect.payload->va, buf_len);
-       opcode = rte_le_to_cpu_32(ctlq_msg.cookie.mbx.chnl_opcode);
-       adapter->cmd_retval =
-               (enum 
-       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "CQ from CP carries opcode %u, retval %d",
-                   opcode, adapter->cmd_retval);
-       if (opcode == VIRTCHNL2_OP_EVENT) {
-               struct virtchnl2_event *ve =
-                       (struct virtchnl2_event 
-               result = IDPF_MSG_SYS;
-               switch (ve->event) {
-               case VIRTCHNL2_EVENT_LINK_CHANGE:
-                       /* TBD */
-                       break;
-               default:
-                       PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "%s: Unknown event %d from CP",
-                                   __func__, ve->event);
-                       break;
-               }
-       } else {
-               /* async reply msg on command issued by pf previously */
-               result = IDPF_MSG_CMD;
-               if (opcode != adapter->pend_cmd) {
-                       PMD_DRV_LOG(WARNING, "command mismatch, expect %u, get 
-                                   adapter->pend_cmd, opcode);
-                       result = IDPF_MSG_ERR;
-               }
-       }
-       if (ctlq_msg.data_len != 0)
-               dma_mem = ctlq_msg.ctx.indirect.payload;
-       else
-               pending = 0;
-       ret = idpf_ctlq_post_rx_buffs(hw, hw->arq, &pending, &dma_mem);
-       if (ret != 0 && dma_mem != NULL)
-               idpf_free_dma_mem(hw, dma_mem);
-       return result;
-#define MAX_TRY_TIMES 200
-#define ASQ_DELAY_MS  10
-idpf_read_one_msg(struct idpf_adapter *adapter, uint32_t ops, uint16_t buf_len,
-                 uint8_t *buf)
-       int err = 0;
-       int i = 0;
-       int ret;
-       do {
-               ret = idpf_read_msg_from_cp(adapter, buf_len, buf);
-               if (ret == IDPF_MSG_CMD)
-                       break;
-               rte_delay_ms(ASQ_DELAY_MS);
-       } while (i++ < MAX_TRY_TIMES);
-       if (i >= MAX_TRY_TIMES ||
-           adapter->cmd_retval != VIRTCHNL_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
-               err = -EBUSY;
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "No response or return failure (%d) for cmd 
-                           adapter->cmd_retval, ops);
-       }
-       return err;
-static int
-idpf_execute_vc_cmd(struct idpf_adapter *adapter, struct idpf_cmd_info *args)
-       int err = 0;
-       int i = 0;
-       int ret;
-       if (atomic_set_cmd(adapter, args->ops))
-               return -EINVAL;
-       ret = idpf_send_vc_msg(adapter, args->ops, args->in_args_size, 
-       if (ret != 0) {
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "fail to send cmd %d", args->ops);
-               clear_cmd(adapter);
-               return ret;
-       }
-       switch (args->ops) {
-       case VIRTCHNL2_OP_GET_CAPS:
-       case VIRTCHNL2_OP_SET_RSS_KEY:
-       case VIRTCHNL2_OP_SET_RSS_LUT:
-               /* for init virtchnl ops, need to poll the response */
-               err = idpf_read_one_msg(adapter, args->ops, args->out_size, 
-               clear_cmd(adapter);
-               break;
-               /* for multuple response message,
-                * do not handle the response here.
-                */
-               break;
-       default:
-               /* For other virtchnl ops in running time,
-                * wait for the cmd done flag.
-                */
-               do {
-                       if (adapter->pend_cmd == VIRTCHNL_OP_UNKNOWN)
-                               break;
-                       rte_delay_ms(ASQ_DELAY_MS);
-                       /* If don't read msg or read sys event, continue */
-               } while (i++ < MAX_TRY_TIMES);
-               /* If there's no response is received, clear command */
-               if (i >= MAX_TRY_TIMES  ||
-                   adapter->cmd_retval != VIRTCHNL_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
-                       err = -EBUSY;
-                       PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "No response or return failure (%d) 
for cmd %d",
-                                   adapter->cmd_retval, args->ops);
-                       clear_cmd(adapter);
-               }
-               break;
-       }
-       return err;
-idpf_vc_check_api_version(struct idpf_adapter *adapter)
-       struct virtchnl2_version_info version, *pver;
-       struct idpf_cmd_info args;
-       int err;
-       memset(&version, 0, sizeof(struct virtchnl_version_info));
-       version.major = VIRTCHNL2_VERSION_MAJOR_2;
-       version.minor = VIRTCHNL2_VERSION_MINOR_0;
-       args.ops = VIRTCHNL_OP_VERSION;
-       args.in_args = (uint8_t *)&version;
-       args.in_args_size = sizeof(version);
-       args.out_buffer = adapter->mbx_resp;
-       args.out_size = IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE;
-       err = idpf_execute_vc_cmd(adapter, &args);
-       if (err != 0) {
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
-                           "Failed to execute command of VIRTCHNL_OP_VERSION");
-               return err;
-       }
-       pver = (struct virtchnl2_version_info *)args.out_buffer;
-       adapter->virtchnl_version = *pver;
-       if (adapter->virtchnl_version.major != VIRTCHNL2_VERSION_MAJOR_2 ||
-           adapter->virtchnl_version.minor != VIRTCHNL2_VERSION_MINOR_0) {
-               PMD_INIT_LOG(ERR, "VIRTCHNL API version 
-                            adapter->virtchnl_version.major,
-                            adapter->virtchnl_version.minor,
-                            VIRTCHNL2_VERSION_MAJOR_2,
-                            VIRTCHNL2_VERSION_MINOR_0);
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       return 0;
 int __rte_cold
 idpf_get_pkt_type(struct idpf_adapter_ext *adapter)
@@ -333,7 +46,7 @@ idpf_get_pkt_type(struct idpf_adapter_ext *adapter)
        while (ptype_recvd < IDPF_MAX_PKT_TYPE) {
                ret = idpf_read_one_msg(base, VIRTCHNL2_OP_GET_PTYPE_INFO,
-                                       IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE, (u8 
+                                       IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE, (uint8_t 
                if (ret != 0) {
                        PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Fail to get packet type information");
                        goto free_ptype_info;
@@ -349,7 +62,7 @@ idpf_get_pkt_type(struct idpf_adapter_ext *adapter)
                        uint32_t proto_hdr = 0;
                        ptype = (struct virtchnl2_ptype *)
-                                       ((u8 *)ptype_info + ptype_offset);
+                                       ((uint8_t *)ptype_info + ptype_offset);
                        ptype_offset += IDPF_GET_PTYPE_SIZE(ptype);
                        if (ptype_offset > IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE) {
                                ret = -EINVAL;
@@ -523,223 +236,6 @@ idpf_get_pkt_type(struct idpf_adapter_ext *adapter)
        return ret;
-idpf_vc_get_caps(struct idpf_adapter *adapter)
-       struct virtchnl2_get_capabilities caps_msg;
-       struct idpf_cmd_info args;
-       int err;
-       memset(&caps_msg, 0, sizeof(struct virtchnl2_get_capabilities));
-       caps_msg.csum_caps =
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_TX_CSUM_L3_IPV4          |
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_TX_CSUM_L4_IPV4_TCP      |
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_TX_CSUM_L4_IPV4_UDP      |
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_TX_CSUM_L4_IPV4_SCTP     |
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_TX_CSUM_L4_IPV6_TCP      |
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_TX_CSUM_L4_IPV6_UDP      |
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_TX_CSUM_L4_IPV6_SCTP     |
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_TX_CSUM_GENERIC          |
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RX_CSUM_L3_IPV4          |
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RX_CSUM_L4_IPV4_TCP      |
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RX_CSUM_L4_IPV4_UDP      |
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RX_CSUM_L4_IPV4_SCTP     |
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RX_CSUM_L4_IPV6_TCP      |
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RX_CSUM_L4_IPV6_UDP      |
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RX_CSUM_L4_IPV6_SCTP     |
-       caps_msg.rss_caps =
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS_IPV4_TCP             |
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS_IPV4_UDP             |
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS_IPV4_SCTP            |
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS_IPV4_OTHER           |
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS_IPV6_TCP             |
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS_IPV6_UDP             |
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS_IPV6_SCTP            |
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS_IPV6_OTHER           |
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS_IPV4_AH              |
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS_IPV4_ESP             |
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS_IPV4_AH_ESP          |
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS_IPV6_AH              |
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS_IPV6_ESP             |
-               VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS_IPV6_AH_ESP;
-       caps_msg.other_caps = VIRTCHNL2_CAP_WB_ON_ITR;
-       args.ops = VIRTCHNL2_OP_GET_CAPS;
-       args.in_args = (uint8_t *)&caps_msg;
-       args.in_args_size = sizeof(caps_msg);
-       args.out_buffer = adapter->mbx_resp;
-       args.out_size = IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE;
-       err = idpf_execute_vc_cmd(adapter, &args);
-       if (err != 0) {
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
-                           "Failed to execute command of 
-               return err;
-       }
-       rte_memcpy(&adapter->caps, args.out_buffer, sizeof(caps_msg));
-       return 0;
-idpf_vc_create_vport(struct idpf_vport *vport,
-                    struct virtchnl2_create_vport *vport_req_info)
-       struct idpf_adapter *adapter = vport->adapter;
-       struct virtchnl2_create_vport vport_msg;
-       struct idpf_cmd_info args;
-       int err = -1;
-       memset(&vport_msg, 0, sizeof(struct virtchnl2_create_vport));
-       vport_msg.vport_type = vport_req_info->vport_type;
-       vport_msg.txq_model = vport_req_info->txq_model;
-       vport_msg.rxq_model = vport_req_info->rxq_model;
-       vport_msg.num_tx_q = vport_req_info->num_tx_q;
-       vport_msg.num_tx_complq = vport_req_info->num_tx_complq;
-       vport_msg.num_rx_q = vport_req_info->num_rx_q;
-       vport_msg.num_rx_bufq = vport_req_info->num_rx_bufq;
-       memset(&args, 0, sizeof(args));
-       args.ops = VIRTCHNL2_OP_CREATE_VPORT;
-       args.in_args = (uint8_t *)&vport_msg;
-       args.in_args_size = sizeof(vport_msg);
-       args.out_buffer = adapter->mbx_resp;
-       args.out_size = IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE;
-       err = idpf_execute_vc_cmd(adapter, &args);
-       if (err != 0) {
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR,
-                           "Failed to execute command of 
-               return err;
-       }
-       rte_memcpy(vport->vport_info, args.out_buffer, IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE);
-       return 0;
-idpf_vc_destroy_vport(struct idpf_vport *vport)
-       struct idpf_adapter *adapter = vport->adapter;
-       struct virtchnl2_vport vc_vport;
-       struct idpf_cmd_info args;
-       int err;
-       vc_vport.vport_id = vport->vport_id;
-       memset(&args, 0, sizeof(args));
-       args.ops = VIRTCHNL2_OP_DESTROY_VPORT;
-       args.in_args = (uint8_t *)&vc_vport;
-       args.in_args_size = sizeof(vc_vport);
-       args.out_buffer = adapter->mbx_resp;
-       args.out_size = IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE;
-       err = idpf_execute_vc_cmd(adapter, &args);
-       if (err != 0)
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to execute command of 
-       return err;
-idpf_vc_set_rss_key(struct idpf_vport *vport)
-       struct idpf_adapter *adapter = vport->adapter;
-       struct virtchnl2_rss_key *rss_key;
-       struct idpf_cmd_info args;
-       int len, err;
-       len = sizeof(*rss_key) + sizeof(rss_key->key[0]) *
-               (vport->rss_key_size - 1);
-       rss_key = rte_zmalloc("rss_key", len, 0);
-       if (rss_key == NULL)
-               return -ENOMEM;
-       rss_key->vport_id = vport->vport_id;
-       rss_key->key_len = vport->rss_key_size;
-       rte_memcpy(rss_key->key, vport->rss_key,
-                  sizeof(rss_key->key[0]) * vport->rss_key_size);
-       memset(&args, 0, sizeof(args));
-       args.ops = VIRTCHNL2_OP_SET_RSS_KEY;
-       args.in_args = (uint8_t *)rss_key;
-       args.in_args_size = len;
-       args.out_buffer = adapter->mbx_resp;
-       args.out_size = IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE;
-       err = idpf_execute_vc_cmd(adapter, &args);
-       if (err != 0)
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to execute command of 
-       rte_free(rss_key);
-       return err;
-idpf_vc_set_rss_lut(struct idpf_vport *vport)
-       struct idpf_adapter *adapter = vport->adapter;
-       struct virtchnl2_rss_lut *rss_lut;
-       struct idpf_cmd_info args;
-       int len, err;
-       len = sizeof(*rss_lut) + sizeof(rss_lut->lut[0]) *
-               (vport->rss_lut_size - 1);
-       rss_lut = rte_zmalloc("rss_lut", len, 0);
-       if (rss_lut == NULL)
-               return -ENOMEM;
-       rss_lut->vport_id = vport->vport_id;
-       rss_lut->lut_entries = vport->rss_lut_size;
-       rte_memcpy(rss_lut->lut, vport->rss_lut,
-                  sizeof(rss_lut->lut[0]) * vport->rss_lut_size);
-       memset(&args, 0, sizeof(args));
-       args.ops = VIRTCHNL2_OP_SET_RSS_LUT;
-       args.in_args = (uint8_t *)rss_lut;
-       args.in_args_size = len;
-       args.out_buffer = adapter->mbx_resp;
-       args.out_size = IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE;
-       err = idpf_execute_vc_cmd(adapter, &args);
-       if (err != 0)
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to execute command of 
-       rte_free(rss_lut);
-       return err;
-idpf_vc_set_rss_hash(struct idpf_vport *vport)
-       struct idpf_adapter *adapter = vport->adapter;
-       struct virtchnl2_rss_hash rss_hash;
-       struct idpf_cmd_info args;
-       int err;
-       memset(&rss_hash, 0, sizeof(rss_hash));
-       rss_hash.ptype_groups = vport->rss_hf;
-       rss_hash.vport_id = vport->vport_id;
-       memset(&args, 0, sizeof(args));
-       args.ops = VIRTCHNL2_OP_SET_RSS_HASH;
-       args.in_args = (uint8_t *)&rss_hash;
-       args.in_args_size = sizeof(rss_hash);
-       args.out_buffer = adapter->mbx_resp;
-       args.out_size = IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE;
-       err = idpf_execute_vc_cmd(adapter, &args);
-       if (err != 0)
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to execute command of 
-       return err;
 #define IDPF_RX_BUF_STRIDE             64
 idpf_vc_config_rxq(struct idpf_vport *vport, struct idpf_rx_queue *rxq)
@@ -899,310 +395,3 @@ idpf_vc_config_txq(struct idpf_vport *vport, struct 
idpf_tx_queue *txq)
        return err;
-idpf_vc_config_irq_map_unmap(struct idpf_vport *vport, uint16_t nb_rxq, bool 
-       struct idpf_adapter *adapter = vport->adapter;
-       struct virtchnl2_queue_vector_maps *map_info;
-       struct virtchnl2_queue_vector *vecmap;
-       struct idpf_cmd_info args;
-       int len, i, err = 0;
-       len = sizeof(struct virtchnl2_queue_vector_maps) +
-               (nb_rxq - 1) * sizeof(struct virtchnl2_queue_vector);
-       map_info = rte_zmalloc("map_info", len, 0);
-       if (map_info == NULL)
-               return -ENOMEM;
-       map_info->vport_id = vport->vport_id;
-       map_info->num_qv_maps = nb_rxq;
-       for (i = 0; i < nb_rxq; i++) {
-               vecmap = &map_info->qv_maps[i];
-               vecmap->queue_id = vport->qv_map[i].queue_id;
-               vecmap->vector_id = vport->qv_map[i].vector_id;
-               vecmap->itr_idx = VIRTCHNL2_ITR_IDX_0;
-               vecmap->queue_type = VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_TYPE_RX;
-       }
-       args.ops = map ? VIRTCHNL2_OP_MAP_QUEUE_VECTOR :
-       args.in_args = (u8 *)map_info;
-       args.in_args_size = len;
-       args.out_buffer = adapter->mbx_resp;
-       args.out_size = IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE;
-       err = idpf_execute_vc_cmd(adapter, &args);
-       if (err != 0)
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to execute command of 
-                           map ? "MAP" : "UNMAP");
-       rte_free(map_info);
-       return err;
-idpf_vc_alloc_vectors(struct idpf_vport *vport, uint16_t num_vectors)
-       struct idpf_adapter *adapter = vport->adapter;
-       struct virtchnl2_alloc_vectors *alloc_vec;
-       struct idpf_cmd_info args;
-       int err, len;
-       len = sizeof(struct virtchnl2_alloc_vectors) +
-               (num_vectors - 1) * sizeof(struct virtchnl2_vector_chunk);
-       alloc_vec = rte_zmalloc("alloc_vec", len, 0);
-       if (alloc_vec == NULL)
-               return -ENOMEM;
-       alloc_vec->num_vectors = num_vectors;
-       args.ops = VIRTCHNL2_OP_ALLOC_VECTORS;
-       args.in_args = (u8 *)alloc_vec;
-       args.in_args_size = sizeof(struct virtchnl2_alloc_vectors);
-       args.out_buffer = adapter->mbx_resp;
-       args.out_size = IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE;
-       err = idpf_execute_vc_cmd(adapter, &args);
-       if (err != 0)
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to execute command 
-       if (vport->recv_vectors == NULL) {
-               vport->recv_vectors = rte_zmalloc("recv_vectors", len, 0);
-               if (vport->recv_vectors == NULL) {
-                       rte_free(alloc_vec);
-                       return -ENOMEM;
-               }
-       }
-       rte_memcpy(vport->recv_vectors, args.out_buffer, len);
-       rte_free(alloc_vec);
-       return err;
-idpf_vc_dealloc_vectors(struct idpf_vport *vport)
-       struct idpf_adapter *adapter = vport->adapter;
-       struct virtchnl2_alloc_vectors *alloc_vec;
-       struct virtchnl2_vector_chunks *vcs;
-       struct idpf_cmd_info args;
-       int err, len;
-       alloc_vec = vport->recv_vectors;
-       vcs = &alloc_vec->vchunks;
-       len = sizeof(struct virtchnl2_vector_chunks) +
-               (vcs->num_vchunks - 1) * sizeof(struct virtchnl2_vector_chunk);
-       args.ops = VIRTCHNL2_OP_DEALLOC_VECTORS;
-       args.in_args = (u8 *)vcs;
-       args.in_args_size = len;
-       args.out_buffer = adapter->mbx_resp;
-       args.out_size = IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE;
-       err = idpf_execute_vc_cmd(adapter, &args);
-       if (err != 0)
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to execute command 
-       return err;
-static int
-idpf_vc_ena_dis_one_queue(struct idpf_vport *vport, uint16_t qid,
-                         uint32_t type, bool on)
-       struct idpf_adapter *adapter = vport->adapter;
-       struct virtchnl2_del_ena_dis_queues *queue_select;
-       struct virtchnl2_queue_chunk *queue_chunk;
-       struct idpf_cmd_info args;
-       int err, len;
-       len = sizeof(struct virtchnl2_del_ena_dis_queues);
-       queue_select = rte_zmalloc("queue_select", len, 0);
-       if (queue_select == NULL)
-               return -ENOMEM;
-       queue_chunk = queue_select->chunks.chunks;
-       queue_select->chunks.num_chunks = 1;
-       queue_select->vport_id = vport->vport_id;
-       queue_chunk->type = type;
-       queue_chunk->start_queue_id = qid;
-       queue_chunk->num_queues = 1;
-       args.ops = on ? VIRTCHNL2_OP_ENABLE_QUEUES :
-       args.in_args = (u8 *)queue_select;
-       args.in_args_size = len;
-       args.out_buffer = adapter->mbx_resp;
-       args.out_size = IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE;
-       err = idpf_execute_vc_cmd(adapter, &args);
-       if (err != 0)
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to execute command of 
-                           on ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
-       rte_free(queue_select);
-       return err;
-idpf_switch_queue(struct idpf_vport *vport, uint16_t qid,
-                    bool rx, bool on)
-       uint32_t type;
-       int err, queue_id;
-       /* switch txq/rxq */
-       if (type == VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_TYPE_RX)
-               queue_id = vport->chunks_info.rx_start_qid + qid;
-       else
-               queue_id = vport->chunks_info.tx_start_qid + qid;
-       err = idpf_vc_ena_dis_one_queue(vport, queue_id, type, on);
-       if (err != 0)
-               return err;
-       /* switch tx completion queue */
-       if (!rx && vport->txq_model == VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_MODEL_SPLIT) {
-               type = VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_TYPE_TX_COMPLETION;
-               queue_id = vport->chunks_info.tx_compl_start_qid + qid;
-               err = idpf_vc_ena_dis_one_queue(vport, queue_id, type, on);
-               if (err != 0)
-                       return err;
-       }
-       /* switch rx buffer queue */
-       if (rx && vport->rxq_model == VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_MODEL_SPLIT) {
-               type = VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_TYPE_RX_BUFFER;
-               queue_id = vport->chunks_info.rx_buf_start_qid + 2 * qid;
-               err = idpf_vc_ena_dis_one_queue(vport, queue_id, type, on);
-               if (err != 0)
-                       return err;
-               queue_id++;
-               err = idpf_vc_ena_dis_one_queue(vport, queue_id, type, on);
-               if (err != 0)
-                       return err;
-       }
-       return err;
-idpf_vc_ena_dis_queues(struct idpf_vport *vport, bool enable)
-       struct idpf_adapter *adapter = vport->adapter;
-       struct virtchnl2_del_ena_dis_queues *queue_select;
-       struct virtchnl2_queue_chunk *queue_chunk;
-       uint32_t type;
-       struct idpf_cmd_info args;
-       uint16_t num_chunks;
-       int err, len;
-       num_chunks = IDPF_RXTX_QUEUE_CHUNKS_NUM;
-       if (vport->txq_model == VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_MODEL_SPLIT)
-               num_chunks++;
-       if (vport->rxq_model == VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_MODEL_SPLIT)
-               num_chunks++;
-       len = sizeof(struct virtchnl2_del_ena_dis_queues) +
-               sizeof(struct virtchnl2_queue_chunk) * (num_chunks - 1);
-       queue_select = rte_zmalloc("queue_select", len, 0);
-       if (queue_select == NULL)
-               return -ENOMEM;
-       queue_chunk = queue_select->chunks.chunks;
-       queue_select->chunks.num_chunks = num_chunks;
-       queue_select->vport_id = vport->vport_id;
-       type = VIRTCHNL_QUEUE_TYPE_RX;
-       queue_chunk[type].type = type;
-       queue_chunk[type].start_queue_id = vport->chunks_info.rx_start_qid;
-       queue_chunk[type].num_queues = vport->num_rx_q;
-       type = VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_TYPE_TX;
-       queue_chunk[type].type = type;
-       queue_chunk[type].start_queue_id = vport->chunks_info.tx_start_qid;
-       queue_chunk[type].num_queues = vport->num_tx_q;
-       if (vport->rxq_model == VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_MODEL_SPLIT) {
-               type = VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_TYPE_RX_BUFFER;
-               queue_chunk[type].type = type;
-               queue_chunk[type].start_queue_id =
-                       vport->chunks_info.rx_buf_start_qid;
-               queue_chunk[type].num_queues = vport->num_rx_bufq;
-       }
-       if (vport->txq_model == VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_MODEL_SPLIT) {
-               type = VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_TYPE_TX_COMPLETION;
-               queue_chunk[type].type = type;
-               queue_chunk[type].start_queue_id =
-                       vport->chunks_info.tx_compl_start_qid;
-               queue_chunk[type].num_queues = vport->num_tx_complq;
-       }
-       args.ops = enable ? VIRTCHNL2_OP_ENABLE_QUEUES :
-       args.in_args = (u8 *)queue_select;
-       args.in_args_size = len;
-       args.out_buffer = adapter->mbx_resp;
-       args.out_size = IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE;
-       err = idpf_execute_vc_cmd(adapter, &args);
-       if (err != 0)
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to execute command of 
-                           enable ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
-       rte_free(queue_select);
-       return err;
-idpf_vc_ena_dis_vport(struct idpf_vport *vport, bool enable)
-       struct idpf_adapter *adapter = vport->adapter;
-       struct virtchnl2_vport vc_vport;
-       struct idpf_cmd_info args;
-       int err;
-       vc_vport.vport_id = vport->vport_id;
-       args.ops = enable ? VIRTCHNL2_OP_ENABLE_VPORT :
-                           VIRTCHNL2_OP_DISABLE_VPORT;
-       args.in_args = (uint8_t *)&vc_vport;
-       args.in_args_size = sizeof(vc_vport);
-       args.out_buffer = adapter->mbx_resp;
-       args.out_size = IDPF_DFLT_MBX_BUF_SIZE;
-       err = idpf_execute_vc_cmd(adapter, &args);
-       if (err != 0) {
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to execute command of 
-                           enable ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
-       }
-       return err;
-idpf_vc_query_ptype_info(struct idpf_adapter *adapter)
-       struct virtchnl2_get_ptype_info *ptype_info;
-       struct idpf_cmd_info args;
-       int len, err;
-       len = sizeof(struct virtchnl2_get_ptype_info);
-       ptype_info = rte_zmalloc("ptype_info", len, 0);
-       if (ptype_info == NULL)
-               return -ENOMEM;
-       ptype_info->start_ptype_id = 0;
-       ptype_info->num_ptypes = IDPF_MAX_PKT_TYPE;
-       args.ops = VIRTCHNL2_OP_GET_PTYPE_INFO;
-       args.in_args = (u8 *)ptype_info;
-       args.in_args_size = len;
-       err = idpf_execute_vc_cmd(adapter, &args);
-       if (err != 0)
-               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to execute command of 
-       rte_free(ptype_info);
-       return err;

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