> From: Thomas Monjalon [mailto:tho...@monjalon.net]
> Sent: Wednesday, 11 January 2023 15.24
> 11/01/2023 11:08, Morten Brørup:
> > Thomas, Nathan,
> >
> > The DPDK roadmap web page [1] is essentially two lists of specific
> features probably coming in the short term, or in some unknown future.
> >
> > [1] https://core.dpdk.org/roadmap/
> >
> > We might want to publish the list of high level, long term ambitions
> here, as they are decided by the Tech Board. This would provide
> valuable information for DPDK application developers (if not following
> the mailing list).
> >
> > I'm thinking of topics such as:
> > * DTS in the main repository,
> > * C99 and C11 support (preferably with release dates/versions), and
> > * Slimming the EAL (if this becomes an official goal of the project).
> I agree, we should better publish the intents in the roadmap page.
> For driver-specific changes, it goes through the roadmap easily
> already.
> For global technical changes, it may require a techboard vote first.

In principle, the current decision process should suffice: The DPDK high level 
roadmap should reflect consensus in the community. And if there is no 
consensus, it becomes a techboard decision.

On the other hand, techboard meetings are relatively frequent, so requiring 
techboard approval for wide ranging changes could be a good safeguard.

> I would like to add a section for easy work that newcomers could pick.

Good idea!

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