After the session mempool creation API is changed, some
description is no longer valid. This patch fixes the
descriptions in both API comment and the programmer's guide.

Fixes: bdce2564dbf7 ("cryptodev: rework session framework")

Signed-off-by: Fan Zhang <>
 doc/guides/prog_guide/cryptodev_lib.rst       |  41 +-
 .../prog_guide/img/cryptodev_sym_sess.svg     | 417 ------------------
 lib/cryptodev/rte_cryptodev.h                 |  17 +-
 3 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 449 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 doc/guides/prog_guide/img/cryptodev_sym_sess.svg

diff --git a/doc/guides/prog_guide/cryptodev_lib.rst 
index 01aad842a9..6963229898 100644
--- a/doc/guides/prog_guide/cryptodev_lib.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/prog_guide/cryptodev_lib.rst
@@ -499,37 +499,28 @@ a flow. Crypto sessions cache this immutable data in a 
optimal way for the
 underlying PMD and this allows further acceleration of the offload of
 Crypto workloads.
-.. figure:: img/cryptodev_sym_sess.*
 The Crypto device framework provides APIs to create session mempool and 
 and initialize sessions for crypto devices, where sessions are mempool objects.
 The application has to use ``rte_cryptodev_sym_session_pool_create()`` to
-create the session header mempool that creates a mempool with proper element
-size automatically and stores necessary information for safely accessing the
-session in the mempool's private data field.
-To create a mempool for storing session private data, the application has two
-options. The first is to create another mempool with elt size equal to or
-bigger than the maximum session private data size of all crypto devices that
-will share the same session header. The creation of the mempool shall use the
-traditional ``rte_mempool_create()`` with the correct ``elt_size``. The other
-option is to change the ``elt_size`` parameter in
-``rte_cryptodev_sym_session_pool_create()`` to the correct value. The first
-option is more complex to implement but may result in better memory usage as
-a session header normally takes smaller memory footprint as the session private
+create the session mempool header and the private data with the size specified
+by the user through the ``elt_size`` parameter in the function. The session
+private data is for the driver to initialize and access during crypto 
+hence the ``elt_size`` should be big enough for all drivers that will share 
+mempool. To obtain the proper session private data size of a crypto device, the
+user can call ``rte_cryptodev_sym_get_private_session_size()`` function. In 
+of heterogeneous crypto devices will share the same session mempool, the 
+session private data size of them should be passed.
 Once the session mempools have been created, 
-is used to allocate an uninitialized session from the given mempool.
-The session then must be initialized using ``rte_cryptodev_sym_session_init()``
-for each of the required crypto devices. A symmetric transform chain
-is used to specify the operation and its parameters. See the section below for
-details on transforms.
+is used to allocate and initialize the session from the given mempool. The
+created session can ONLY be used by the crypto devices sharing the same driver 
+as the device ID passed into the function as the parameter. In addition, a 
+transform chain is used to specify the operation and its parameters.
+See the section below for details on transforms.
-When a session is no longer used, user must call 
-for each of the crypto devices that are using the session, to free all driver
-private session data. Once this is done, session should be freed using
-``rte_cryptodev_sym_session_free`` which returns them to their mempool.
+When a session is no longer used, user must call 
+to uninitialize the session data and return the session back to the mempool it
 Transforms and Transform Chaining
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-       x="-240.04274">} session_data[];</text>
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/cryptodev/rte_cryptodev.h b/lib/cryptodev/rte_cryptodev.h
index 86d792e2e7..ed4112c625 100644
--- a/lib/cryptodev/rte_cryptodev.h
+++ b/lib/cryptodev/rte_cryptodev.h
@@ -911,11 +911,14 @@ rte_cryptodev_get_sec_ctx(uint8_t dev_id);
  * @param nb_elts
  *   The number of elements in the mempool.
  * @param elt_size
- *   The size of the element. This value will be ignored if it is smaller than
- *   the minimum session header size required for the system. For the user who
- *   want to use the same mempool for sym session and session private data it
- *   can be the maximum value of all existing devices' private data and session
- *   header sizes.
+ *   The size of the element. This should be the size of the cryptodev PMD
+ *   session private data obtained through
+ *   rte_cryptodev_sym_get_private_session_size() function call.
+ *   For the user who wants to use the same mempool for heterogeneous PMDs
+ *   this value should be the maximum value of their private session sizes.
+ *   Please note the created mempool will have bigger elt size than this
+ *   value as necessary session header and the possible padding are filled
+ *   into each elt.
  * @param cache_size
  *   The number of per-lcore cache elements
  * @param priv_size
@@ -926,8 +929,8 @@ rte_cryptodev_get_sec_ctx(uint8_t dev_id);
  *   constraint for the reserved zone.
  * @return
- *  - On success return size of the session
- *  - On failure returns 0
+ *  - On success returns the created session mempool pointer
+ *  - On failure returns NULL
 struct rte_mempool *

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