Hi all,

Here is a new stable release:

The git tree is at:

Luca Boccassi

 .github/workflows/build.yml                        |  19 +-
 VERSION                                            |   2 +-
 app/test-pmd/cmdline.c                             |  50 +++
 app/test-pmd/config.c                              |   4 -
 app/test-pmd/csumonly.c                            |   6 +
 app/test-pmd/meson.build                           |   1 +
 app/test-pmd/noisy_vnf.c                           |   2 +-
 app/test-pmd/testpmd.c                             |   6 +-
 app/test-pmd/testpmd.h                             |   3 +-
 app/test/meson.build                               |   2 +-
 app/test/test_common.c                             |  52 +++-
 app/test/test_cryptodev.c                          |  20 +-
 app/test/test_cryptodev_asym.c                     |   4 +-
 .../test_cryptodev_security_pdcp_test_vectors.h    | 280 ++++++++---------
 app/test/test_efd_perf.c                           |   1 -
 app/test/test_event_timer_adapter.c                |   2 -
 app/test/test_hash_perf.c                          |  11 +-
 app/test/test_hash_readwrite_lf_perf.c             |   1 -
 app/test/test_ipsec.c                              |   9 +-
 app/test/test_member.c                             |   1 -
 app/test/test_member_perf.c                        |   1 -
 app/test/test_service_cores.c                      |  49 ++-
 app/test/test_trace.c                              |  59 ++--
 app/test/test_trace.h                              |   2 +
 config/arm/meson.build                             |   2 +-
 config/meson.build                                 |   2 +-
 config/x86/meson.build                             |   2 +-
 devtools/checkpatches.sh                           |  35 +--
 doc/guides/contributing/abi_policy.rst             |   2 +-
 doc/guides/contributing/abi_versioning.rst         |   2 +-
 doc/guides/cryptodevs/armv8.rst                    |   2 +-
 doc/guides/cryptodevs/bcmfs.rst                    |   2 +-
 doc/guides/freebsd_gsg/build_dpdk.rst              |   2 +-
 doc/guides/howto/openwrt.rst                       |   2 +-
 doc/guides/linux_gsg/build_dpdk.rst                |   8 +-
 .../linux_gsg/cross_build_dpdk_for_arm64.rst       |   4 +-
 doc/guides/nics/ark.rst                            |   2 +-
 doc/guides/nics/index.rst                          |   8 +-
 doc/guides/nics/mlx5.rst                           |   2 +
 doc/guides/nics/mvneta.rst                         |   3 +-
 doc/guides/nics/mvpp2.rst                          |   3 +-
 doc/guides/nics/virtio.rst                         |   2 +-
 doc/guides/platform/bluefield.rst                  |   4 +-
 doc/guides/platform/octeontx.rst                   |   8 +-
 doc/guides/platform/octeontx2.rst                  |   4 +-
 doc/guides/prog_guide/build-sdk-meson.rst          |  39 +--
 doc/guides/prog_guide/event_timer_adapter.rst      |  11 +-
 doc/guides/prog_guide/lto.rst                      |   2 +-
 doc/guides/prog_guide/profile_app.rst              |   2 +-
 doc/guides/prog_guide/ring_lib.rst                 |   2 +-
 doc/guides/prog_guide/trace_lib.rst                |  14 +-
 doc/guides/prog_guide/vhost_lib.rst                |   6 +
 doc/guides/rel_notes/release_20_11.rst             | 336 +++++++++++++++++++++
 doc/guides/sample_app_ug/vm_power_management.rst   |   4 +-
 doc/guides/testpmd_app_ug/testpmd_funcs.rst        |   8 +-
 doc/guides/tools/proc_info.rst                     |  16 +-
 doc/guides/windows_gsg/build_dpdk.rst              |   4 +-
 drivers/baseband/acc100/rte_acc100_pmd.c           | 112 ++++---
 drivers/bus/dpaa/base/qbman/bman.h                 |   4 +-
 drivers/common/iavf/iavf_adminq.c                  |   3 +-
 drivers/common/mlx5/linux/meson.build              |   2 +-
 drivers/common/sfc_efx/base/ef10_nic.c             |   2 +-
 drivers/crypto/kasumi/rte_kasumi_pmd.c             |   7 +-
 drivers/crypto/qat/qat_sym_session.c               |  23 +-
 drivers/crypto/snow3g/rte_snow3g_pmd.c             |   7 +-
 drivers/event/dlb2/dlb2.c                          |   9 +-
 drivers/event/dsw/dsw_evdev.h                      |   8 +-
 drivers/event/dsw/dsw_event.c                      | 315 +++++++++++++------
 drivers/event/sw/sw_evdev.c                        |   4 +-
 drivers/event/sw/sw_evdev_selftest.c               |   5 +-
 drivers/net/atlantic/atl_rxtx.c                    |   5 +-
 drivers/net/axgbe/axgbe_rxtx.c                     | 117 ++++---
 drivers/net/axgbe/axgbe_rxtx.h                     |   6 +
 drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_ethdev.c                     |   5 +-
 drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_hwrm.c                       |   2 +-
 drivers/net/bnxt/tf_ulp/ulp_flow_db.h              |   4 +-
 drivers/net/bonding/rte_eth_bond_api.c             |   5 +
 drivers/net/bonding/rte_eth_bond_pmd.c             | 123 ++++----
 drivers/net/dpaa/dpaa_ethdev.c                     |   5 +-
 drivers/net/dpaa/dpaa_flow.c                       |  13 +-
 drivers/net/dpaa/dpaa_flow.h                       |   5 +-
 drivers/net/dpaa/dpaa_rxtx.c                       |  23 +-
 drivers/net/ena/ena_ethdev.c                       |  10 +-
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_cmd.h                        |   9 +
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_dcb.h                        |   3 +
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_ethdev.c                     |  39 ++-
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_ethdev.h                     |  15 +-
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_ethdev_vf.c                  |  31 +-
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_fdir.c                       |   3 +
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_fdir.h                       |   3 +
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_flow.c                       | 264 +++++++++-------
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_intr.c                       |  29 +-
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_intr.h                       |   4 +-
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_mbx.c                        |   8 +-
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_mbx.h                        |   4 +
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_regs.h                       |   2 +
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_rss.c                        | 297 ++++++++++++------
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_rss.h                        |   8 +-
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_rxtx.c                       |  18 +-
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_rxtx.h                       |  22 +-
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_rxtx_vec_sve.c               |  27 +-
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_stats.c                      |  43 +--
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_stats.h                      |  13 +-
 drivers/net/i40e/i40e_ethdev.c                     |   9 +-
 drivers/net/i40e/i40e_vf_representor.c             |   4 +-
 drivers/net/iavf/iavf.h                            |   2 +
 drivers/net/iavf/iavf_ethdev.c                     |   5 +
 drivers/net/iavf/iavf_fdir.c                       |  32 ++
 drivers/net/iavf/iavf_hash.c                       |   7 +-
 drivers/net/iavf/iavf_rxtx.c                       |  54 +++-
 drivers/net/iavf/iavf_rxtx.h                       |   2 +
 drivers/net/iavf/iavf_rxtx_vec_avx2.c              | 118 ++++++--
 drivers/net/iavf/iavf_rxtx_vec_avx512.c            | 133 ++++++--
 drivers/net/iavf/iavf_rxtx_vec_sse.c               |  76 +++--
 drivers/net/iavf/iavf_vchnl.c                      | 147 ++++++++-
 drivers/net/ice/base/ice_common.c                  |   2 +-
 drivers/net/ice/base/ice_switch.c                  |   8 +-
 drivers/net/ice/ice_ethdev.c                       |   4 +-
 drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx.c                         |  43 ++-
 drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx.h                         |   2 +
 drivers/net/igc/base/igc_i225.c                    |  14 +-
 drivers/net/igc/base/igc_phy.c                     |   6 +-
 drivers/net/ionic/ionic_dev.c                      |   5 +-
 drivers/net/ionic/ionic_lif.c                      |   6 +-
 drivers/net/ionic/ionic_rxtx.c                     |  29 +-
 drivers/net/ixgbe/ixgbe_ethdev.c                   |  12 +-
 drivers/net/ixgbe/ixgbe_pf.c                       |   8 +-
 drivers/net/memif/rte_eth_memif.c                  |   8 +-
 drivers/net/mlx4/meson.build                       |   2 +-
 drivers/net/mlx4/mlx4.c                            |   9 +-
 drivers/net/mlx4/mlx4_mp.c                         |   7 +-
 drivers/net/mlx5/linux/mlx5_mp_os.c                |   6 +-
 drivers/net/mlx5/linux/mlx5_os.c                   |  11 +-
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.c                            |  33 +-
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.h                            |   7 +-
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_devx.c                       |   3 +-
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.c                       |  54 ++--
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.h                       |   3 +
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_dv.c                    |  77 ++---
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_meter.c                 |   3 +-
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_verbs.c                 |  23 +-
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_rxq.c                        |   5 +-
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_rxtx.c                       | 108 ++++---
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_trigger.c                    |  16 +
 drivers/net/mvneta/mvneta_rxtx.c                   |   4 +
 drivers/net/nfp/nfp_net.c                          |  12 +-
 drivers/net/nfp/nfpcore/nfp_hwinfo.c               |   2 +-
 drivers/net/qede/base/ecore_init_fw_funcs.c        |   2 +-
 drivers/net/qede/base/ecore_int.c                  |   4 +-
 drivers/net/qede/qede_rxtx.c                       |   3 +-
 drivers/net/tap/tap_flow.c                         |   2 +-
 drivers/net/tap/tap_tcmsgs.c                       |  18 +-
 drivers/net/tap/tap_tcmsgs.h                       |  16 +-
 drivers/net/txgbe/base/txgbe_eeprom.c              |  32 --
 drivers/net/txgbe/base/txgbe_type.h                |   4 +-
 drivers/net/txgbe/txgbe_ethdev.c                   |  11 +-
 drivers/net/virtio/virtio_ethdev.c                 |   7 +
 drivers/net/virtio/virtqueue.h                     |   4 -
 drivers/vdpa/ifc/ifcvf_vdpa.c                      |  27 +-
 examples/fips_validation/main.c                    |   4 +-
 examples/ipsec-secgw/ipsec-secgw.c                 |  21 +-
 examples/ipsec-secgw/sa.c                          |  45 ++-
 examples/l2fwd-crypto/main.c                       |   2 +-
 .../performance-thread/pthread_shim/pthread_shim.c |   9 +
 examples/qos_sched/cfg_file.c                      |   2 +-
 examples/qos_sched/profile.cfg                     |   2 -
 examples/vhost/main.c                              |   7 +-
 examples/vm_power_manager/channel_manager.c        |  19 +-
 kernel/linux/kni/meson.build                       |   2 +-
 kernel/linux/meson.build                           |   4 +-
 lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_cryptodev.c               |  20 +-
 lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_cryptodev_pmd.c           |   4 +-
 lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_cryptodev_pmd.h           |   2 +-
 lib/librte_eal/common/eal_common_proc.c            |  17 +-
 lib/librte_eal/common/eal_common_trace.c           |  69 ++---
 lib/librte_eal/common/eal_common_trace_ctf.c       |   3 -
 lib/librte_eal/common/eal_common_trace_utils.c     |  11 +-
 lib/librte_eal/common/eal_trace.h                  |   3 +-
 lib/librte_eal/common/malloc_heap.c                |   2 +-
 lib/librte_eal/common/malloc_mp.c                  |   2 +-
 lib/librte_eal/common/rte_service.c                |  44 ++-
 lib/librte_eal/include/rte_common.h                |   4 +-
 lib/librte_eal/include/rte_memzone.h               |   3 -
 lib/librte_eal/include/rte_uuid.h                  |   4 +-
 lib/librte_eal/x86/include/rte_memcpy.h            |  17 ++
 lib/librte_eventdev/rte_event_crypto_adapter.c     |  30 +-
 lib/librte_eventdev/rte_event_eth_rx_adapter.h     |   2 +-
 lib/librte_eventdev/rte_event_eth_tx_adapter.c     |  15 +-
 lib/librte_graph/rte_graph_worker.h                |   4 +-
 lib/librte_gro/gro_tcp4.c                          |  10 +-
 lib/librte_gro/gro_udp4.c                          |   6 +-
 lib/librte_hash/rte_cuckoo_hash.c                  |   1 +
 lib/librte_ipsec/esp_outb.c                        |   8 +-
 lib/librte_kni/rte_kni.h                           |   4 +-
 lib/librte_mbuf/rte_mbuf.h                         |   3 -
 lib/librte_mempool/rte_mempool.h                   |   1 -
 lib/librte_net/rte_ip.h                            |  17 +-
 lib/librte_node/ethdev_ctrl.c                      |   2 +
 lib/librte_pdump/rte_pdump.c                       |   6 +
 lib/librte_power/rte_power.h                       |  55 ----
 lib/librte_ring/rte_ring.h                         |  15 +-
 lib/librte_ring/rte_ring_core.h                    |   4 +-
 lib/librte_ring/rte_ring_elem.h                    |   1 -
 lib/librte_sched/rte_sched.c                       |   2 -
 lib/librte_telemetry/telemetry.c                   |  11 +-
 lib/librte_telemetry/telemetry_json.h              |  48 ++-
 lib/librte_timer/rte_timer.c                       |  13 +-
 lib/librte_vhost/rte_vhost.h                       |  15 +
 lib/librte_vhost/version.map                       |   3 +
 lib/librte_vhost/vhost.c                           |  30 ++
 lib/librte_vhost/vhost_user.c                      |   1 +
 license/README                                     |   9 +-
 meson.build                                        |   2 +-
 213 files changed, 3130 insertions(+), 1559 deletions(-)
Abdullah Sevincer (1):
      event/dlb2: handle enqueuing more than maximum depth

Aleksandr Miloshenko (1):
      net/iavf: fix Tx done descriptors cleanup

Alex Kiselev (1):
      net/tap: fix overflow of network interface index

Alexander Chernavin (1):
      net/virtio: fix crash when configured twice

Alexander Kozyrev (1):
      net/mlx5: fix first segment inline length

Ali Alnubani (1):
      examples/l2fwd-crypto: fix typo in error message

Amit Prakash Shukla (5):
      net/mvneta: fix build with GCC 12
      test/ipsec: fix build with GCC 12
      ipsec: fix build with GCC 12
      crypto/qat: fix build with GCC 12
      net/qede/base: fix 32-bit build with GCC 12

Andrew Boyer (4):
      net/ionic: fix endianness for Rx and Tx
      net/ionic: fix endianness for RSS
      net/ionic: fix adapter name for logging
      net/ionic: fix reported error stats

Anoob Joseph (1):
      test/crypto: fix PDCP vectors

Bhagyada Modali (9):
      net/axgbe: fix scattered Rx
      net/axgbe: fix mbuf lengths in scattered Rx
      net/axgbe: fix length of each segment in scattered Rx
      net/axgbe: fix checksum and RSS in scattered Rx
      net/axgbe: optimise scattered Rx
      net/axgbe: remove freeing buffer in scattered Rx
      net/axgbe: reset end of packet in scattered Rx
      net/axgbe: clear buffer on scattered Rx chaining failure
      net/axgbe: save segment data in scattered Rx

Brian Dooley (1):
      crypto/qat: fix null hash algorithm digest size

Bruce Richardson (1):
      telemetry: fix escaping of invalid json characters

Changpeng Liu (1):
      vhost: add non-blocking API for posting interrupt

Chaoyong He (1):
      net/nfp: fix Rx descriptor DMA address

Chengwen Feng (7):
      net/hns3: fix next-to-use overflow in SVE Tx
      net/hns3: fix next-to-use overflow in simple Tx
      net/hns3: optimize SVE Tx performance
      net/hns3: fix crash when secondary process access FW
      net/hns3: fix header files includes
      net/hns3: revert fix mailbox communication with HW
      net/hns3: fix VF mailbox message handling

Ciara Power (1):
      test/crypto: fix wireless auth digest segment

Dariusz Sosnowski (1):
      net/mlx5: fix hairpin split with set VLAN VID action

David Marchand (21):
      vhost: fix virtqueue use after free on NUMA reallocation
      app/testpmd: restore ixgbe bypass commands
      net/bnxt: fix build with GCC 13
      trace: fix mode for new trace point
      trace: fix mode change
      trace: fix leak with regexp
      trace: fix dynamically enabling trace points
      trace: fix race in debug dump
      trace: fix metadata dump
      ci: bump versions of actions in GHA
      ci: update to new API for step outputs in GHA
      service: fix build with clang 15
      bus/dpaa: fix build with clang 15
      net/atlantic: fix build with clang 15
      app/testpmd: fix build with clang 15
      app/testpmd: fix build with clang 15 in flow code
      test/efd: fix build with clang 15
      test/member: fix build with clang 15
      test/event: fix build with clang 15
      net/ena: fix build with GCC 12
      crypto/ipsec_mb: fix build with GCC 12

Dmitry Kozlyuk (1):
      eal: fix side effect in some pointer arithmetic macros

Dong Zhou (1):
      net/mlx5: fix thread workspace memory leak

Dongdong Liu (2):
      net/hns3: fix build with gcov
      doc: fix application name in procinfo guide

Erik Gabriel Carrillo (1):
      service: fix early move to inactive status

Ferruh Yigit (1):
      net/ena: remove useless address check

Fidaullah Noonari (1):
      malloc: fix storage size for some allocations

Gagandeep Singh (1):
      net/dpaa: fix buffer freeing in slow path

Ganapati Kundapura (1):
      eventdev/crypto: fix multi-process

Gregory Etelson (5):
      net/mlx5: fix RSS expansion buffer size
      app/testpmd: fix MAC header in checksum forward engine
      net/mlx5: fix port initialization with small LRO
      net/mlx5: fix maximum LRO message size
      doc: add LRO size limitation in mlx5 guide

Haiyue Wang (1):
      ring: fix description

Hamza Khan (1):
      examples/vm_power_manager: use safe list iterator

Harry van Haaren (2):
      service: fix stats race condition for MT safe service
      test/service: fix spurious failures by extending timeout

Hernan Vargas (9):
      baseband/acc100: fix memory leak
      baseband/acc100: add LDPC encoder padding function
      baseband/acc100: check turbo dec/enc input
      baseband/acc100: add null checks
      baseband/acc100: fix ring/queue allocation
      baseband/acc100: fix input length for CRC24B
      baseband/acc100: fix clearing PF IR outside handler
      baseband/acc100: fix device minimum alignment
      baseband/acc100: fix close cleanup

Huisong Li (17):
      net/hns3: delete unused markup
      net/hns3: fix RSS filter restore
      net/hns3: fix lock protection of RSS flow rule
      net/hns3: fix RSS flow rule restore
      net/hns3: move flow direction rule recovery
      net/hns3: fix restore filter function input
      net/hns3: fix packet type for GENEVE
      net/hns3: fix IPv4 and IPv6 RSS
      net/hns3: fix typos in IPv6 SCTP fields
      net/hns3: fix IPv4 RSS
      net/hns3: add L3 and L4 RSS types
      net/hns3: extract functions to create RSS and FDIR flow rule
      net/hns3: fix RSS rule restore
      net/hns3: fix clearing hardware MAC statistics
      net/bonding: fix slave device Rx/Tx offload configuration
      net/bonding: fix dropping valid MAC packets
      net/bonding: fix mbuf fast free handling

Huzaifa Rahman (1):
      net/memif: fix crash with different number of Rx/Tx queues

Ivan Malov (4):
      common/sfc_efx/base: fix maximum Tx data count
      net/bonding: fix descriptor limit reporting
      net/bonding: fix flow flush order on close
      net/bonding: set initial value of descriptor count alignment

James Hershaw (1):
      net/nfp: improve HW info header log readability

Jeremy Spewock (1):
      test/ipsec: skip if no compatible device

Jerin Jacob (2):
      eal: fix doxygen comments for UUID
      power: fix some doxygen comments

Jiawei Wang (2):
      net/mlx5: fix modify action with tunnel decapsulation
      net/mlx5: fix tunnel header with IPIP offload

Jiawen Wu (2):
      net/txgbe: remove semaphore between SW/FW
      net/txgbe: rename some extended statistics

Jie Hai (1):
      net/hns3: fix minimum Tx frame length

Jie Wang (1):
      net/i40e: fix jumbo frame Rx with X722

Jun Qiu (3):
      gro: trim tail padding bytes
      net/bonding: fix Tx hash for TCP
      hash: fix RCU configuration memory leak

Kai Ji (1):
      test/crypto: fix bitwise operator in a SNOW3G case

Kalesh AP (2):
      net/bnxt: remove unnecessary check
      net/bnxt: fix representor info freeing

Ke Zhang (1):
      net/i40e: fix VF representor release

Kevin Liu (2):
      net/iavf: check illegal packet sizes
      net/ice: check illegal packet sizes

Kevin Traynor (1):
      examples/performance-thread: fix build with GCC 12

Kumara Parameshwaran (2):
      gro: fix chain index for more than 2 packets
      gro: check payload length after trim

Long Li (2):
      net/mlx4: fix Verbs FD leak in secondary process
      net/mlx5: fix Verbs FD leak in secondary process

Long Wu (1):
      net/nfp: fix memory leak in Rx

Luca Boccassi (5):
      Revert "build: fix warnings when running external commands"
      drivers: fix typos found by Lintian
      version: 20.11.7-rc1
      Revert "mempool: fix get objects from mempool with cache"
      version: 20.11.7

Mah Yock Gen (1):
      net/igc: remove unnecessary PHY ID checks

Mao YingMing (1):
      net/bnxt: fix null pointer dereference in LED config

Mattias Rönnblom (3):
      net: accept unaligned data in checksum routines
      event/dsw: fix flow migration
      doc: fix event timer adapter guide

Megha Ajmera (2):
      sched: fix subport profile configuration
      examples/qos_sched: fix number of subport profiles

Michael Baum (5):
      net/mlx5: fix race condition in counter pool resizing
      net/mlx5: fix port event cleaning order
      net/mlx5: fix port closing
      doc: fix underlines in testpmd guide
      doc: fix colons in testpmd aged flow rules

Min Hu (Connor) (1):
      net/hns3: fix code check warnings

Mingjin Ye (2):
      net/ice: fix scalar Rx path segment
      net/ice: fix scalar Tx path segment

Morten Brørup (2):
      eal/x86: add 256 bytes copy for AVX2
      mempool: fix get objects from mempool with cache

Naga Harish K S V (4):
      eventdev/eth_tx: add spinlock for adapter start/stop
      eventdev/eth_tx: fix adapter stop
      timer: fix stopping all timers
      eventdev/eth_tx: fix queue delete

Nicolas Chautru (1):
      baseband/acc100: fix input error related to padding

Nithin Dabilpuram (1):
      examples/ipsec-secgw: use Tx checksum offload conditionally

Olivier Matz (9):
      cryptodev: fix unduly newlines in logs
      mem: fix API doc about allocation on secondary processes
      event/sw: fix flow ID init in self test
      event/sw: fix log in self test
      net/virtio: remove declaration of undefined function
      net/ixgbe: fix broadcast Rx on VF after promisc removal
      net/ixgbe: fix unexpected VLAN Rx in promisc mode on VF
      net/ixgbevf: fix promiscuous and allmulti
      devtools: fix checkpatch header retrieval from stdin

Pablo de Lara (1):
      examples/fips_validation: fix typo in error log

Qi Zhang (4):
      net/ice/base: fix media type of PHY 10G SFI C2C
      net/ice/base: fix array overflow in add switch recipe
      net/ice/base: fix add MAC rule
      net/ice/base: ignore promiscuous already exist

Radu Nicolau (3):
      net/iavf: fix queue stop for large VF
      examples/ipsec-secgw: fix Tx checksum offload flag
      examples/ipsec-secgw: fix Tx checksum offload flag

Raja Zidane (1):
      net/mlx5: fix Tx check for hardware descriptor length

Rohit Raj (1):
      net/dpaa: fix jumbo packet Rx in case of VSP

Shiqi Liu (1):
      node: check Rx element allocation

Shun Hao (2):
      net/mlx5: fix meter profile delete after disable
      net/mlx5: fix drop action validation

Stephen Coleman (1):
      doc: fix typo depreciated instead of deprecated

Stephen Hemminger (8):
      event/sw: fix device name in dump
      eal: fix data race in multi-process support
      pdump: do not allow enable/disable in primary process
      license: fix paths
      app/testpmd: make quit flag volatile
      doc: fix net drivers ordering
      ring: remove leftover comment about watermark
      doc: avoid meson deprecation in setup

Steve Yang (2):
      net/iavf: fix pattern check for flow director parser
      net/iavf: fix tainted scalar

Steven Zou (1):
      common/iavf: avoid copy in async mode

Sunyang Wu (1):
      test/crypto: fix debug messages

Taekyung Kim (1):
      vdpa/ifc: handle data path update failure

Thomas Monjalon (1):
      net/qede: fix minsize build

Tomasz Jonak (1):
      net/ice: fix null function pointer call

Usman Tanveer (1):
      net/bonding: fix mode 4 with dedicated queues

Viacheslav Ovsiienko (3):
      net/mlx5: fix check for orphan wait descriptor
      net/mlx5: fix single not inline packet storing
      net/mlx5: fix inline length exceeding descriptor limit

Vladimir Medvedkin (2):
      test/hash: remove dead code in extendable bucket test
      test/hash: fix bulk lookup check

Volodymyr Fialko (1):
      eventdev: fix name of Rx conf type in documentation

Wenwu Ma (1):
      examples/vhost: fix use after free

Yi Li (1):
      doc: fix maximum packet size of virtio driver

Yiding Zhou (2):
      net/iavf: add thread for event callbacks
      net/ice/base: fix duplicate flow rules

Yunjian Wang (2):
      net/bonding: fix array overflow in Rx burst
      net/bonding: fix double slave link status query

Zhichao Zeng (2):
      net/ice: fix RSS hash update
      net/iavf: fix outer checksum flags

Zhirun Yan (1):
      graph: fix node objects allocation

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