On 10/27/2015 04:25 PM, Bruce Richardson wrote:
> Just clarify a bit further the idea I had in mind, I've put together the 
> following
> two example patches. After applying these patches the following sequence of
> operations works to install dpdk libraries and headers into /opt 
> (/opt/lib/dpdk
> and /opt/include/dpdk respectively). Also the machine type is changed from 
> native
> to default, and the settings for KNI are disabled.
>       ./configure --prefix=/opt --machine=default \
>               --config=RTE_LIBRTE_KNI=n \
>               --config=CONFIG_RTE_KNI_KMOD=n
>       cd build
>       make
>       sudo make install

I think I like the idea of a configure script that hides (some of) the 
DPDK config peculiarities behind a more familiar looking interface. For 
example it could be used for figuring out the machine-os-compiler 
triplet automatically for the common cases.

However having "make install" behave differently depending on which 
directory its invoked from I dunno. Its unlike anything else out there 
(that I know of) and I thought the idea was to make DPDK behave more 
like a normal OSS citizen :)

        - Panu -

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