Minutes of Technical Board Meeting, 2022-Nov-2 Members Attending ----------------- -Aaron -Bruce -Honnappa -Jerin -Kevin (Chair) -Maxime -Stephen -Thomas
NOTE: The technical board meetings every second Wednesday at https://meet.jit.si/DPDK at 3 pm UTC. Meetings are public, and DPDK community members are welcome to attend. NOTE: Next meeting will be on Wednesday 2022-Nov-16 @3pm UTC, and will be chaired by Maxime. Tech board writer follow up thoughts - Nathan Southern ------------------------------------------------------ - Interviews underway - Statement of work will be reviewed and may be elaborated on - Length and project options discussed License exception for GVE code from kernel (under MIT license) - NS ------------------------------------------------------------------- - General update for charter on this a todo for Gov board Governing board minutes on dpdk.org website - NS ------------------------------------------------ - Done https://www.dpdk.org/news/governing-board-minutes/ Request re: List of projects on the DPDK ecosystem page ------------------------------------------------------- - Note to be added website to say that patches for ecosystem updates should be sent to w...@dpdk.org