Hi, > -----Original Message----- > From: Shun Hao <sh...@nvidia.com> > Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 12:07 PM > To: Slava Ovsiienko <viachesl...@nvidia.com>; Matan Azrad > <ma...@nvidia.com>; Ori Kam <or...@nvidia.com>; Bing Zhao > <bi...@nvidia.com> > Cc: dev@dpdk.org; Raslan Darawsheh <rasl...@nvidia.com>; > sta...@dpdk.org > Subject: [PATCH v1] net/mlx5: fix action flag data type > > MLX5_FLOW_ACTION flags are used as uint64_t now, but some old flags > are not defined as 64 bits. So if they are type casted to uint64 after > bitwise operations, the high 32-bit data might be incorrect. > > E.g. Currently MLX5_FLOW_ACTION_DROP is defined as 0x1u, when it is > used > like: > (action_flags & ~MLX5_FLOW_ACTION_DROP) > action_flags is uint64_t so (~MLX5_FLOW_ACTION_DROP) will be casted to > uint64_t as well, but its high 32 bits will be all 0s. This will make the > result not as expected. > > This patch fixes this by making all action flags definition as 64-bit > data type. > > Fixes: 4b7bf3ff ("net/mlx5: support yellow in meter policy validation") > Cc: sta...@dpdk.org
Patch applied to next-net-mlx, Kindest regards, Raslan Darawsheh