From: Suanming Mou <>

As hardware steering mode translates flow matcher and value in two
different stages, split the flow item matcher and value translation
to help reuse the code.

Signed-off-by: Suanming Mou <>
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.h    |   32 +
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_dv.c | 2314 +++++++++++++++----------------
 2 files changed, 1185 insertions(+), 1161 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.h b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.h
index 0fa1735b1a..2ebb8496f2 100644
--- a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.h
+++ b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.h
@@ -1264,6 +1264,38 @@ struct mlx5_flow_workspace {
        uint32_t skip_matcher_reg:1;
        /* Indicates if need to skip matcher register in translate. */
        uint32_t mark:1; /* Indicates if flow contains mark action. */
+       uint32_t vport_meta_tag; /* Used for vport index match. */
+/* Matcher translate type. */
+       MLX5_SET_MATCHER_SW_V = 1 << 0,
+       MLX5_SET_MATCHER_SW_M = 1 << 1,
+       MLX5_SET_MATCHER_HS_V = 1 << 2,
+       MLX5_SET_MATCHER_HS_M = 1 << 3,
+/* Flow matcher workspace intermediate data. */
+struct mlx5_dv_matcher_workspace {
+       uint8_t priority; /* Flow priority. */
+       uint64_t last_item; /* Last item in pattern. */
+       uint64_t item_flags; /* Flow item pattern flags. */
+       uint64_t action_flags; /* Flow action flags. */
+       bool external; /* External flow or not. */
+       uint32_t vlan_tag:12; /* Flow item VLAN tag. */
+       uint8_t next_protocol; /* Tunnel next protocol */
+       uint32_t geneve_tlv_option; /* Flow item Geneve TLV option. */
+       uint32_t group; /* Flow group. */
+       uint16_t udp_dport; /* Flow item UDP port. */
+       const struct rte_flow_attr *attr; /* Flow attribute. */
+       struct mlx5_flow_rss_desc *rss_desc; /* RSS descriptor. */
+       const struct rte_flow_item *tunnel_item; /* Flow tunnel item. */
+       const struct rte_flow_item *gre_item; /* Flow GRE item. */
 struct mlx5_flow_split_info {
diff --git a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_dv.c b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_dv.c
index 70a3279e2f..0589cafc30 100644
--- a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_dv.c
+++ b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_dv.c
@@ -63,6 +63,25 @@
+#define MLX5_ITEM_VALID(item, key_type) \
+       (((MLX5_SET_MATCHER_SW & (key_type)) && !((item)->spec)) || \
+        ((MLX5_SET_MATCHER_HS_V == (key_type)) && !((item)->spec)) || \
+        ((MLX5_SET_MATCHER_HS_M == (key_type)) && !((item)->mask)))
+#define MLX5_ITEM_UPDATE(item, key_type, v, m, gm) \
+       do { \
+               if ((key_type) == MLX5_SET_MATCHER_SW_V) { \
+                       v = (item)->spec; \
+                       m = (item)->mask ? (item)->mask : (gm); \
+               } else if ((key_type) == MLX5_SET_MATCHER_HS_V) { \
+                       v = (item)->spec; \
+                       m = (v); \
+               } else { \
+                       v = (item)->mask ? (item)->mask : (gm); \
+                       m = (v); \
+               } \
+       } while (0)
 union flow_dv_attr {
        struct {
                uint32_t valid:1;
@@ -8323,70 +8342,61 @@ flow_dv_check_valid_spec(void *match_mask, void 
 static inline void
 flow_dv_set_match_ip_version(uint32_t group,
                             void *headers_v,
-                            void *headers_m,
+                            uint32_t key_type,
                             uint8_t ip_version)
-       if (group == 0)
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, ip_version, 0xf);
+       if (group == 0 && (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_M))
+               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, ip_version, 0xf);
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, ip_version,
+               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, ip_version,
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, ip_version, ip_version);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, ethertype, 0);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, ethertype, 0);
- * Add Ethernet item to matcher and to the value.
+ * Add Ethernet item to the value.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] item
  *   Flow pattern to translate.
  * @param[in] inner
  *   Item is inner pattern.
+ * @param[in] grpup
+ *   Flow matcher group.
+ * @param[in] key_type
+ *   Set flow matcher mask or value.
 static void
-flow_dv_translate_item_eth(void *matcher, void *key,
-                          const struct rte_flow_item *item, int inner,
-                          uint32_t group)
+flow_dv_translate_item_eth(void *key, const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+                          int inner, uint32_t group, uint32_t key_type)
-       const struct rte_flow_item_eth *eth_m = item->mask;
-       const struct rte_flow_item_eth *eth_v = item->spec;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_eth *eth_vv = item->spec;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_eth *eth_m;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_eth *eth_v;
        const struct rte_flow_item_eth nic_mask = {
                .dst.addr_bytes = "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff",
                .src.addr_bytes = "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff",
                .type = RTE_BE16(0xffff),
                .has_vlan = 0,
-       void *hdrs_m;
        void *hdrs_v;
        char *l24_v;
        unsigned int i;
-       if (!eth_v)
+       if (MLX5_ITEM_VALID(item, key_type))
-       if (!eth_m)
-               eth_m = &nic_mask;
-       if (inner) {
-               hdrs_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                        inner_headers);
+       MLX5_ITEM_UPDATE(item, key_type, eth_v, eth_m, &nic_mask);
+       if (!eth_vv)
+               eth_vv = eth_v;
+       if (inner)
                hdrs_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, inner_headers);
-       } else {
-               hdrs_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                        outer_headers);
+       else
                hdrs_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
-       }
-       memcpy(MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_m, dmac_47_16),
-              &eth_m->dst, sizeof(eth_m->dst));
        /* The value must be in the range of the mask. */
        l24_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_v, dmac_47_16);
        for (i = 0; i < sizeof(eth_m->dst); ++i)
                l24_v[i] = eth_m->dst.addr_bytes[i] & eth_v->dst.addr_bytes[i];
-       memcpy(MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_m, smac_47_16),
-              &eth_m->src, sizeof(eth_m->src));
        l24_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_v, smac_47_16);
        /* The value must be in the range of the mask. */
        for (i = 0; i < sizeof(eth_m->dst); ++i)
@@ -8400,145 +8410,149 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_eth(void *matcher, void *key,
         * eCPRI over Ether layer will use type value 0xAEFE.
        if (eth_m->type == 0xFFFF) {
+               rte_be16_t type = eth_v->type;
+               /*
+                * When set the matcher mask, refer to the original spec
+                * value.
+                */
+               if (key_type == MLX5_SET_MATCHER_SW_M) {
+                       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_v, cvlan_tag, 1);
+                       type = eth_vv->type;
+               }
                /* Set cvlan_tag mask for any single\multi\un-tagged case. */
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_m, cvlan_tag, 1);
-               switch (eth_v->type) {
+               switch (type) {
                case RTE_BE16(RTE_ETHER_TYPE_VLAN):
                        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_v, cvlan_tag, 1);
                case RTE_BE16(RTE_ETHER_TYPE_QINQ):
-                       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_m, svlan_tag, 1);
                        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_v, svlan_tag, 1);
                case RTE_BE16(RTE_ETHER_TYPE_IPV4):
-                       flow_dv_set_match_ip_version(group, hdrs_v, hdrs_m, 4);
+                       flow_dv_set_match_ip_version(group, hdrs_v, key_type,
+                                                    4);
                case RTE_BE16(RTE_ETHER_TYPE_IPV6):
-                       flow_dv_set_match_ip_version(group, hdrs_v, hdrs_m, 6);
+                       flow_dv_set_match_ip_version(group, hdrs_v, key_type,
+                                                    6);
-       if (eth_m->has_vlan) {
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_m, cvlan_tag, 1);
-               if (eth_v->has_vlan) {
-                       /*
-                        * Here, when also has_more_vlan field in VLAN item is
-                        * not set, only single-tagged packets will be matched.
-                        */
-                       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_v, cvlan_tag, 1);
+       /*
+        * Only SW steering value should refer to the mask value.
+        * Other cases are using the fake masks, just ignore the mask.
+        */
+       if (eth_v->has_vlan && eth_m->has_vlan) {
+               /*
+                * Here, when also has_more_vlan field in VLAN item is
+                * not set, only single-tagged packets will be matched.
+                */
+               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_v, cvlan_tag, 1);
+               if (key_type != MLX5_SET_MATCHER_HS_M && eth_vv->has_vlan)
-               }
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_m, ethertype,
-                rte_be_to_cpu_16(eth_m->type));
        l24_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_v, ethertype);
        *(uint16_t *)(l24_v) = eth_m->type & eth_v->type;
- * Add VLAN item to matcher and to the value.
+ * Add VLAN item to the value.
- * @param[in, out] dev_flow
- *   Flow descriptor.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] item
  *   Flow pattern to translate.
  * @param[in] inner
  *   Item is inner pattern.
+ * @param[in] wks
+ *   Item workspace.
+ * @param[in] key_type
+ *   Set flow matcher mask or value.
 static void
-flow_dv_translate_item_vlan(struct mlx5_flow *dev_flow,
-                           void *matcher, void *key,
-                           const struct rte_flow_item *item,
-                           int inner, uint32_t group)
+flow_dv_translate_item_vlan(void *key, const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+                           int inner, struct mlx5_dv_matcher_workspace *wks,
+                           uint32_t key_type)
-       const struct rte_flow_item_vlan *vlan_m = item->mask;
-       const struct rte_flow_item_vlan *vlan_v = item->spec;
-       void *hdrs_m;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_vlan *vlan_m;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_vlan *vlan_v;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_vlan *vlan_vv = item->spec;
        void *hdrs_v;
-       uint16_t tci_m;
        uint16_t tci_v;
        if (inner) {
-               hdrs_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                        inner_headers);
                hdrs_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, inner_headers);
        } else {
-               hdrs_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                        outer_headers);
                hdrs_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
                 * This is workaround, masks are not supported,
                 * and pre-validated.
-               if (vlan_v)
-                       dev_flow->handle->vf_vlan.tag =
-                                       rte_be_to_cpu_16(vlan_v->tci) & 0x0fff;
+               if (vlan_vv)
+                       wks->vlan_tag = rte_be_to_cpu_16(vlan_vv->tci) & 0x0fff;
         * When VLAN item exists in flow, mark packet as tagged,
         * even if TCI is not specified.
-       if (!MLX5_GET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_v, svlan_tag)) {
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_m, cvlan_tag, 1);
+       if (!MLX5_GET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_v, svlan_tag))
                MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_v, cvlan_tag, 1);
-       }
-       if (!vlan_v)
+       if (MLX5_ITEM_VALID(item, key_type))
-       if (!vlan_m)
-               vlan_m = &rte_flow_item_vlan_mask;
-       tci_m = rte_be_to_cpu_16(vlan_m->tci);
+       MLX5_ITEM_UPDATE(item, key_type, vlan_v, vlan_m,
+                        &rte_flow_item_vlan_mask);
        tci_v = rte_be_to_cpu_16(vlan_m->tci & vlan_v->tci);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_m, first_vid, tci_m);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_v, first_vid, tci_v);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_m, first_cfi, tci_m >> 12);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_v, first_cfi, tci_v >> 12);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_m, first_prio, tci_m >> 13);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_v, first_prio, tci_v >> 13);
         * HW is optimized for IPv4/IPv6. In such cases, avoid setting
         * ethertype, and use ip_version field instead.
        if (vlan_m->inner_type == 0xFFFF) {
-               switch (vlan_v->inner_type) {
+               rte_be16_t inner_type = vlan_v->inner_type;
+               /*
+                * When set the matcher mask, refer to the original spec
+                * value.
+                */
+               if (key_type == MLX5_SET_MATCHER_SW_M)
+                       inner_type = vlan_vv->inner_type;
+               switch (inner_type) {
                case RTE_BE16(RTE_ETHER_TYPE_VLAN):
-                       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_m, svlan_tag, 1);
                        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_v, svlan_tag, 1);
-                       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_v, cvlan_tag, 0);
+                       if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_V)
+                               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_v,
+                                        cvlan_tag, 0);
                case RTE_BE16(RTE_ETHER_TYPE_IPV4):
-                       flow_dv_set_match_ip_version(group, hdrs_v, hdrs_m, 4);
+                       flow_dv_set_match_ip_version
+                               (wks->group, hdrs_v, key_type, 4);
                case RTE_BE16(RTE_ETHER_TYPE_IPV6):
-                       flow_dv_set_match_ip_version(group, hdrs_v, hdrs_m, 6);
+                       flow_dv_set_match_ip_version
+                               (wks->group, hdrs_v, key_type, 6);
        if (vlan_m->has_more_vlan && vlan_v->has_more_vlan) {
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_m, svlan_tag, 1);
                MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_v, svlan_tag, 1);
                /* Only one vlan_tag bit can be set. */
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_v, cvlan_tag, 0);
+               if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_V)
+                       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_v, cvlan_tag, 0);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_m, ethertype,
-                rte_be_to_cpu_16(vlan_m->inner_type));
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_v, ethertype,
                 rte_be_to_cpu_16(vlan_m->inner_type & vlan_v->inner_type));
- * Add IPV4 item to matcher and to the value.
+ * Add IPV4 item to the value.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] item
@@ -8547,14 +8561,15 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_vlan(struct mlx5_flow *dev_flow,
  *   Item is inner pattern.
  * @param[in] group
  *   The group to insert the rule.
+ * @param[in] key_type
+ *   Set flow matcher mask or value.
 static void
-flow_dv_translate_item_ipv4(void *matcher, void *key,
-                           const struct rte_flow_item *item,
-                           int inner, uint32_t group)
+flow_dv_translate_item_ipv4(void *key, const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+                           int inner, uint32_t group, uint32_t key_type)
-       const struct rte_flow_item_ipv4 *ipv4_m = item->mask;
-       const struct rte_flow_item_ipv4 *ipv4_v = item->spec;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_ipv4 *ipv4_m;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_ipv4 *ipv4_v;
        const struct rte_flow_item_ipv4 nic_mask = {
                .hdr = {
                        .src_addr = RTE_BE32(0xffffffff),
@@ -8564,68 +8579,41 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_ipv4(void *matcher, void *key,
                        .time_to_live = 0xff,
-       void *headers_m;
        void *headers_v;
-       char *l24_m;
        char *l24_v;
-       uint8_t tos, ihl_m, ihl_v;
+       uint8_t tos;
-       if (inner) {
-               headers_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                        inner_headers);
-               headers_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, inner_headers);
-       } else {
-               headers_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                        outer_headers);
-               headers_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
-       }
-       flow_dv_set_match_ip_version(group, headers_v, headers_m, 4);
-       if (!ipv4_v)
+       headers_v = inner ? MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, inner_headers) :
+                           MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
+       flow_dv_set_match_ip_version(group, headers_v, key_type, 4);
+       if (MLX5_ITEM_VALID(item, key_type))
-       if (!ipv4_m)
-               ipv4_m = &nic_mask;
-       l24_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m,
-                            dst_ipv4_dst_ipv6.ipv4_layout.ipv4);
+       MLX5_ITEM_UPDATE(item, key_type, ipv4_v, ipv4_m, &nic_mask);
        l24_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v,
-       *(uint32_t *)l24_m = ipv4_m->hdr.dst_addr;
        *(uint32_t *)l24_v = ipv4_m->hdr.dst_addr & ipv4_v->hdr.dst_addr;
-       l24_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m,
-                         src_ipv4_src_ipv6.ipv4_layout.ipv4);
        l24_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v,
-       *(uint32_t *)l24_m = ipv4_m->hdr.src_addr;
        *(uint32_t *)l24_v = ipv4_m->hdr.src_addr & ipv4_v->hdr.src_addr;
        tos = ipv4_m->hdr.type_of_service & ipv4_v->hdr.type_of_service;
-       ihl_m = ipv4_m->hdr.version_ihl & RTE_IPV4_HDR_IHL_MASK;
-       ihl_v = ipv4_v->hdr.version_ihl & RTE_IPV4_HDR_IHL_MASK;
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, ipv4_ihl, ihl_m);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, ipv4_ihl, ihl_m & ihl_v);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, ip_ecn,
-                ipv4_m->hdr.type_of_service);
+       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, ipv4_ihl,
+                ipv4_v->hdr.ihl & ipv4_m->hdr.ihl);
+       if (key_type == MLX5_SET_MATCHER_SW_M)
+               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, ip_ecn,
+                        ipv4_v->hdr.type_of_service);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, ip_ecn, tos);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, ip_dscp,
-                ipv4_m->hdr.type_of_service >> 2);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, ip_dscp, tos >> 2);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, ip_protocol,
-                ipv4_m->hdr.next_proto_id);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, ip_protocol,
                 ipv4_v->hdr.next_proto_id & ipv4_m->hdr.next_proto_id);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, ip_ttl_hoplimit,
-                ipv4_m->hdr.time_to_live);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, ip_ttl_hoplimit,
                 ipv4_v->hdr.time_to_live & ipv4_m->hdr.time_to_live);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, frag,
-                !!(ipv4_m->hdr.fragment_offset));
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, frag,
                 !!(ipv4_v->hdr.fragment_offset & ipv4_m->hdr.fragment_offset));
- * Add IPV6 item to matcher and to the value.
+ * Add IPV6 item to the value.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] item
@@ -8634,14 +8622,15 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_ipv4(void *matcher, void *key,
  *   Item is inner pattern.
  * @param[in] group
  *   The group to insert the rule.
+ * @param[in] key_type
+ *   Set flow matcher mask or value.
 static void
-flow_dv_translate_item_ipv6(void *matcher, void *key,
-                           const struct rte_flow_item *item,
-                           int inner, uint32_t group)
+flow_dv_translate_item_ipv6(void *key, const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+                           int inner, uint32_t group, uint32_t key_type)
-       const struct rte_flow_item_ipv6 *ipv6_m = item->mask;
-       const struct rte_flow_item_ipv6 *ipv6_v = item->spec;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_ipv6 *ipv6_m;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_ipv6 *ipv6_v;
        const struct rte_flow_item_ipv6 nic_mask = {
                .hdr = {
                        .src_addr =
@@ -8655,287 +8644,217 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_ipv6(void *matcher, void *key,
                        .hop_limits = 0xff,
-       void *headers_m;
        void *headers_v;
-       void *misc_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher, misc_parameters);
        void *misc_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, misc_parameters);
-       char *l24_m;
        char *l24_v;
-       uint32_t vtc_m;
        uint32_t vtc_v;
        int i;
        int size;
-       if (inner) {
-               headers_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                        inner_headers);
-               headers_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, inner_headers);
-       } else {
-               headers_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                        outer_headers);
-               headers_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
-       }
-       flow_dv_set_match_ip_version(group, headers_v, headers_m, 6);
-       if (!ipv6_v)
+       headers_v = inner ? MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, inner_headers) :
+                           MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
+       flow_dv_set_match_ip_version(group, headers_v, key_type, 6);
+       if (MLX5_ITEM_VALID(item, key_type))
-       if (!ipv6_m)
-               ipv6_m = &nic_mask;
+       MLX5_ITEM_UPDATE(item, key_type, ipv6_v, ipv6_m, &nic_mask);
        size = sizeof(ipv6_m->hdr.dst_addr);
-       l24_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m,
-                            dst_ipv4_dst_ipv6.ipv6_layout.ipv6);
        l24_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v,
-       memcpy(l24_m, ipv6_m->hdr.dst_addr, size);
        for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
-               l24_v[i] = l24_m[i] & ipv6_v->hdr.dst_addr[i];
-       l24_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m,
-                            src_ipv4_src_ipv6.ipv6_layout.ipv6);
+               l24_v[i] = ipv6_m->hdr.dst_addr[i] & ipv6_v->hdr.dst_addr[i];
        l24_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v,
-       memcpy(l24_m, ipv6_m->hdr.src_addr, size);
        for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
-               l24_v[i] = l24_m[i] & ipv6_v->hdr.src_addr[i];
+               l24_v[i] = ipv6_m->hdr.src_addr[i] & ipv6_v->hdr.src_addr[i];
        /* TOS. */
-       vtc_m = rte_be_to_cpu_32(ipv6_m->hdr.vtc_flow);
        vtc_v = rte_be_to_cpu_32(ipv6_m->hdr.vtc_flow & ipv6_v->hdr.vtc_flow);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, ip_ecn, vtc_m >> 20);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, ip_ecn, vtc_v >> 20);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, ip_dscp, vtc_m >> 22);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, ip_dscp, vtc_v >> 22);
        /* Label. */
-       if (inner) {
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_m, inner_ipv6_flow_label,
-                        vtc_m);
+       if (inner)
                MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_v, inner_ipv6_flow_label,
-       } else {
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_m, outer_ipv6_flow_label,
-                        vtc_m);
+       else
                MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_v, outer_ipv6_flow_label,
-       }
        /* Protocol. */
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, ip_protocol,
-                ipv6_m->hdr.proto);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, ip_protocol,
                 ipv6_v->hdr.proto & ipv6_m->hdr.proto);
        /* Hop limit. */
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, ip_ttl_hoplimit,
-                ipv6_m->hdr.hop_limits);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, ip_ttl_hoplimit,
                 ipv6_v->hdr.hop_limits & ipv6_m->hdr.hop_limits);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, frag,
-                !!(ipv6_m->has_frag_ext));
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, frag,
                 !!(ipv6_v->has_frag_ext & ipv6_m->has_frag_ext));
- * Add IPV6 fragment extension item to matcher and to the value.
+ * Add IPV6 fragment extension item to the value.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] item
  *   Flow pattern to translate.
  * @param[in] inner
  *   Item is inner pattern.
+ * @param[in] key_type
+ *   Set flow matcher mask or value.
 static void
-flow_dv_translate_item_ipv6_frag_ext(void *matcher, void *key,
+flow_dv_translate_item_ipv6_frag_ext(void *key,
                                     const struct rte_flow_item *item,
-                                    int inner)
+                                    int inner, uint32_t key_type)
-       const struct rte_flow_item_ipv6_frag_ext *ipv6_frag_ext_m = item->mask;
-       const struct rte_flow_item_ipv6_frag_ext *ipv6_frag_ext_v = item->spec;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_ipv6_frag_ext *ipv6_frag_ext_m;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_ipv6_frag_ext *ipv6_frag_ext_v;
        const struct rte_flow_item_ipv6_frag_ext nic_mask = {
                .hdr = {
                        .next_header = 0xff,
                        .frag_data = RTE_BE16(0xffff),
-       void *headers_m;
        void *headers_v;
-       if (inner) {
-               headers_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                        inner_headers);
-               headers_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, inner_headers);
-       } else {
-               headers_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                        outer_headers);
-               headers_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
-       }
+       headers_v = inner ? MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, inner_headers) :
+                           MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
        /* IPv6 fragment extension item exists, so packet is IP fragment. */
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, frag, 1);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, frag, 1);
-       if (!ipv6_frag_ext_v)
+       if (MLX5_ITEM_VALID(item, key_type))
-       if (!ipv6_frag_ext_m)
-               ipv6_frag_ext_m = &nic_mask;
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, ip_protocol,
-                ipv6_frag_ext_m->hdr.next_header);
+       MLX5_ITEM_UPDATE(item, key_type, ipv6_frag_ext_v,
+                        ipv6_frag_ext_m, &nic_mask);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, ip_protocol,
                 ipv6_frag_ext_v->hdr.next_header &
- * Add TCP item to matcher and to the value.
+ * Add TCP item to the value.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] item
  *   Flow pattern to translate.
  * @param[in] inner
  *   Item is inner pattern.
+ * @param[in] key_type
+ *   Set flow matcher mask or value.
 static void
-flow_dv_translate_item_tcp(void *matcher, void *key,
-                          const struct rte_flow_item *item,
-                          int inner)
+flow_dv_translate_item_tcp(void *key, const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+                          int inner, uint32_t key_type)
-       const struct rte_flow_item_tcp *tcp_m = item->mask;
-       const struct rte_flow_item_tcp *tcp_v = item->spec;
-       void *headers_m;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_tcp *tcp_m;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_tcp *tcp_v;
        void *headers_v;
-       if (inner) {
-               headers_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                        inner_headers);
-               headers_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, inner_headers);
-       } else {
-               headers_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                        outer_headers);
-               headers_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
-       }
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, ip_protocol, 0xff);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, ip_protocol, IPPROTO_TCP);
-       if (!tcp_v)
+       headers_v = inner ? MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, inner_headers) :
+               MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
+       if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_M)
+               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v,
+                        ip_protocol, 0xff);
+       else
+               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v,
+                        ip_protocol, IPPROTO_TCP);
+       if (MLX5_ITEM_VALID(item, key_type))
-       if (!tcp_m)
-               tcp_m = &rte_flow_item_tcp_mask;
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, tcp_sport,
-                rte_be_to_cpu_16(tcp_m->hdr.src_port));
+       MLX5_ITEM_UPDATE(item, key_type, tcp_v, tcp_m,
+                        &rte_flow_item_tcp_mask);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, tcp_sport,
                 rte_be_to_cpu_16(tcp_v->hdr.src_port & tcp_m->hdr.src_port));
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, tcp_dport,
-                rte_be_to_cpu_16(tcp_m->hdr.dst_port));
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, tcp_dport,
                 rte_be_to_cpu_16(tcp_v->hdr.dst_port & tcp_m->hdr.dst_port));
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, tcp_flags,
-                tcp_m->hdr.tcp_flags);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, tcp_flags,
-                (tcp_v->hdr.tcp_flags & tcp_m->hdr.tcp_flags));
+                tcp_v->hdr.tcp_flags & tcp_m->hdr.tcp_flags);
- * Add ESP item to matcher and to the value.
+ * Add ESP item to the value.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] item
  *   Flow pattern to translate.
  * @param[in] inner
  *   Item is inner pattern.
+ * @param[in] key_type
+ *   Set flow matcher mask or value.
 static void
-flow_dv_translate_item_esp(void *matcher, void *key,
-                          const struct rte_flow_item *item,
-                          int inner)
+flow_dv_translate_item_esp(void *key, const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+                          int inner, uint32_t key_type)
-       const struct rte_flow_item_esp *esp_m = item->mask;
-       const struct rte_flow_item_esp *esp_v = item->spec;
-       void *headers_m;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_esp *esp_m;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_esp *esp_v;
        void *headers_v;
-       char *spi_m;
        char *spi_v;
-       if (inner) {
-               headers_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                        inner_headers);
-               headers_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, inner_headers);
-       } else {
-               headers_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                        outer_headers);
-               headers_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
-       }
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, ip_protocol, 0xff);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, ip_protocol, IPPROTO_ESP);
-       if (!esp_v)
+       headers_v = inner ? MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, inner_headers) :
+               MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
+       if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_M)
+               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v,
+                        ip_protocol, 0xff);
+       else
+               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v,
+                        ip_protocol, IPPROTO_ESP);
+       if (MLX5_ITEM_VALID(item, key_type))
-       if (!esp_m)
-               esp_m = &rte_flow_item_esp_mask;
-       headers_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher, misc_parameters);
+       MLX5_ITEM_UPDATE(item, key_type, esp_v, esp_m,
+                        &rte_flow_item_esp_mask);
        headers_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, misc_parameters);
-       if (inner) {
-               spi_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc, headers_m, 
-               spi_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc, headers_v, 
-       } else {
-               spi_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc, headers_m, 
-               spi_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc, headers_v, 
-       }
-       *(uint32_t *)spi_m = esp_m->hdr.spi;
+       spi_v = inner ? MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc, headers_v,
+                               inner_esp_spi) : MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc
+                               , headers_v, outer_esp_spi);
        *(uint32_t *)spi_v = esp_m->hdr.spi & esp_v->hdr.spi;
- * Add UDP item to matcher and to the value.
+ * Add UDP item to the value.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] item
  *   Flow pattern to translate.
  * @param[in] inner
  *   Item is inner pattern.
+ * @param[in] key_type
+ *   Set flow matcher mask or value.
 static void
-flow_dv_translate_item_udp(void *matcher, void *key,
-                          const struct rte_flow_item *item,
-                          int inner)
+flow_dv_translate_item_udp(void *key, const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+                          int inner, struct mlx5_dv_matcher_workspace *wks,
+                          uint32_t key_type)
-       const struct rte_flow_item_udp *udp_m = item->mask;
-       const struct rte_flow_item_udp *udp_v = item->spec;
-       void *headers_m;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_udp *udp_m;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_udp *udp_v;
        void *headers_v;
-       if (inner) {
-               headers_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                        inner_headers);
-               headers_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, inner_headers);
-       } else {
-               headers_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                        outer_headers);
-               headers_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
-       }
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, ip_protocol, 0xff);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, ip_protocol, IPPROTO_UDP);
-       if (!udp_v)
+       headers_v = inner ? MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, inner_headers) :
+               MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
+       if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_M)
+               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v,
+                        ip_protocol, 0xff);
+       else
+               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v,
+                        ip_protocol, IPPROTO_UDP);
+       if (MLX5_ITEM_VALID(item, key_type))
-       if (!udp_m)
-               udp_m = &rte_flow_item_udp_mask;
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, udp_sport,
-                rte_be_to_cpu_16(udp_m->hdr.src_port));
+       MLX5_ITEM_UPDATE(item, key_type, udp_v, udp_m,
+                        &rte_flow_item_udp_mask);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, udp_sport,
                 rte_be_to_cpu_16(udp_v->hdr.src_port & udp_m->hdr.src_port));
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, udp_dport,
-                rte_be_to_cpu_16(udp_m->hdr.dst_port));
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, udp_dport,
                 rte_be_to_cpu_16(udp_v->hdr.dst_port & udp_m->hdr.dst_port));
+       /* Force get UDP dport in case to be used in VXLAN translate. */
+       if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_SW) {
+               udp_v = item->spec;
+               wks->udp_dport = rte_be_to_cpu_16(udp_v->hdr.dst_port &
+                                                 udp_m->hdr.dst_port);
+       }
- * Add GRE optional Key item to matcher and to the value.
+ * Add GRE optional Key item to the value.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] item
@@ -8944,55 +8863,46 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_udp(void *matcher, void *key,
  *   Item is inner pattern.
 static void
-flow_dv_translate_item_gre_key(void *matcher, void *key,
-                                  const struct rte_flow_item *item)
+flow_dv_translate_item_gre_key(void *key, const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+                              uint32_t key_type)
-       const rte_be32_t *key_m = item->mask;
-       const rte_be32_t *key_v = item->spec;
-       void *misc_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher, misc_parameters);
+       const rte_be32_t *key_m;
+       const rte_be32_t *key_v;
        void *misc_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, misc_parameters);
        rte_be32_t gre_key_default_mask = RTE_BE32(UINT32_MAX);
        /* GRE K bit must be on and should already be validated */
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_m, gre_k_present, 1);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_v, gre_k_present, 1);
-       if (!key_v)
+       if (MLX5_ITEM_VALID(item, key_type))
-       if (!key_m)
-               key_m = &gre_key_default_mask;
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_m, gre_key_h,
-                rte_be_to_cpu_32(*key_m) >> 8);
+       MLX5_ITEM_UPDATE(item, key_type, key_v, key_m,
+                        &gre_key_default_mask);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_v, gre_key_h,
                 rte_be_to_cpu_32((*key_v) & (*key_m)) >> 8);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_m, gre_key_l,
-                rte_be_to_cpu_32(*key_m) & 0xFF);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_v, gre_key_l,
                 rte_be_to_cpu_32((*key_v) & (*key_m)) & 0xFF);
- * Add GRE item to matcher and to the value.
+ * Add GRE item to the value.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] item
  *   Flow pattern to translate.
  * @param[in] pattern_flags
  *   Accumulated pattern flags.
+ * @param[in] key_type
+ *   Set flow matcher mask or value.
 static void
-flow_dv_translate_item_gre(void *matcher, void *key,
-                          const struct rte_flow_item *item,
-                          uint64_t pattern_flags)
+flow_dv_translate_item_gre(void *key, const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+                          uint64_t pattern_flags, uint32_t key_type)
        static const struct rte_flow_item_gre empty_gre = {0,};
        const struct rte_flow_item_gre *gre_m = item->mask;
        const struct rte_flow_item_gre *gre_v = item->spec;
-       void *headers_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher, outer_headers);
        void *headers_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
-       void *misc_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher, misc_parameters);
        void *misc_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, misc_parameters);
        struct {
                union {
@@ -9010,8 +8920,11 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_gre(void *matcher, void *key,
        } gre_crks_rsvd0_ver_m, gre_crks_rsvd0_ver_v;
        uint16_t protocol_m, protocol_v;
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, ip_protocol, 0xff);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, ip_protocol, IPPROTO_GRE);
+       if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_M)
+               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, ip_protocol, 0xff);
+       else
+               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, ip_protocol,
+                        IPPROTO_GRE);
        if (!gre_v) {
                gre_v = &empty_gre;
                gre_m = &empty_gre;
@@ -9019,20 +8932,18 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_gre(void *matcher, void *key,
                if (!gre_m)
                        gre_m = &rte_flow_item_gre_mask;
+       if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_M)
+               gre_v = gre_m;
+       else if (key_type == MLX5_SET_MATCHER_HS_V)
+               gre_m = gre_v;
        gre_crks_rsvd0_ver_m.value = rte_be_to_cpu_16(gre_m->c_rsvd0_ver);
        gre_crks_rsvd0_ver_v.value = rte_be_to_cpu_16(gre_v->c_rsvd0_ver);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_m, gre_c_present,
-                gre_crks_rsvd0_ver_m.c_present);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_v, gre_c_present,
                 gre_crks_rsvd0_ver_v.c_present &
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_m, gre_k_present,
-                gre_crks_rsvd0_ver_m.k_present);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_v, gre_k_present,
                 gre_crks_rsvd0_ver_v.k_present &
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_m, gre_s_present,
-                gre_crks_rsvd0_ver_m.s_present);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_v, gre_s_present,
                 gre_crks_rsvd0_ver_v.s_present &
@@ -9043,17 +8954,17 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_gre(void *matcher, void *key,
                protocol_v = mlx5_translate_tunnel_etypes(pattern_flags);
                if (protocol_v)
                        protocol_m = 0xFFFF;
+               /* Restore the value to mask in mask case. */
+               if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_M)
+                       protocol_v = protocol_m;
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_m, gre_protocol, protocol_m);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_v, gre_protocol,
                 protocol_m & protocol_v);
- * Add GRE optional items to matcher and to the value.
+ * Add GRE optional items to the value.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] item
@@ -9062,13 +8973,16 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_gre(void *matcher, void *key,
  *   Pointer to gre_item.
  * @param[in] pattern_flags
  *   Accumulated pattern flags.
+ * @param[in] key_type
+ *   Set flow matcher mask or value.
 static void
-flow_dv_translate_item_gre_option(void *matcher, void *key,
+flow_dv_translate_item_gre_option(void *key,
                                  const struct rte_flow_item *item,
                                  const struct rte_flow_item *gre_item,
-                                 uint64_t pattern_flags)
+                                 uint64_t pattern_flags, uint32_t key_type)
+       void *misc5_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, misc_parameters_5);
        const struct rte_flow_item_gre_opt *option_m = item->mask;
        const struct rte_flow_item_gre_opt *option_v = item->spec;
        const struct rte_flow_item_gre *gre_m = gre_item->mask;
@@ -9077,8 +8991,6 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_gre_option(void *matcher, void 
        struct rte_flow_item gre_key_item;
        uint16_t c_rsvd0_ver_m, c_rsvd0_ver_v;
        uint16_t protocol_m, protocol_v;
-       void *misc5_m;
-       void *misc5_v;
         * If only match key field, keep using misc for matching.
@@ -9087,11 +8999,10 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_gre_option(void *matcher, void 
        if (!(option_m->sequence.sequence ||
              option_m->checksum_rsvd.checksum)) {
-               flow_dv_translate_item_gre(matcher, key, gre_item,
-                                          pattern_flags);
+               flow_dv_translate_item_gre(key, gre_item, pattern_flags, 
                gre_key_item.spec = &option_v->key.key;
                gre_key_item.mask = &option_m->key.key;
-               flow_dv_translate_item_gre_key(matcher, key, &gre_key_item);
+               flow_dv_translate_item_gre_key(key, &gre_key_item, key_type);
        if (!gre_v) {
@@ -9126,57 +9037,49 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_gre_option(void *matcher, void 
                c_rsvd0_ver_v |= RTE_BE16(0x8000);
                c_rsvd0_ver_m |= RTE_BE16(0x8000);
+       if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_M) {
+               c_rsvd0_ver_v = c_rsvd0_ver_m;
+               protocol_v = protocol_m;
+               option_v = option_m;
+       }
         * Hardware parses GRE optional field into the fixed location,
         * do not need to adjust the tunnel dword indices.
-       misc5_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, misc_parameters_5);
-       misc5_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher, misc_parameters_5);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc5, misc5_v, tunnel_header_0,
                 rte_be_to_cpu_32((c_rsvd0_ver_v | protocol_v << 16) &
                                  (c_rsvd0_ver_m | protocol_m << 16)));
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc5, misc5_m, tunnel_header_0,
-                rte_be_to_cpu_32(c_rsvd0_ver_m | protocol_m << 16));
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc5, misc5_v, tunnel_header_1,
                 rte_be_to_cpu_32(option_v->checksum_rsvd.checksum &
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc5, misc5_m, tunnel_header_1,
-                rte_be_to_cpu_32(option_m->checksum_rsvd.checksum));
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc5, misc5_v, tunnel_header_2,
                 rte_be_to_cpu_32(option_v->key.key & option_m->key.key));
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc5, misc5_m, tunnel_header_2,
-                rte_be_to_cpu_32(option_m->key.key));
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc5, misc5_v, tunnel_header_3,
                 rte_be_to_cpu_32(option_v->sequence.sequence &
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc5, misc5_m, tunnel_header_3,
-                rte_be_to_cpu_32(option_m->sequence.sequence));
  * Add NVGRE item to matcher and to the value.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] item
  *   Flow pattern to translate.
  * @param[in] pattern_flags
  *   Accumulated pattern flags.
+ * @param[in] key_type
+ *   Set flow matcher mask or value.
 static void
-flow_dv_translate_item_nvgre(void *matcher, void *key,
-                            const struct rte_flow_item *item,
-                            unsigned long pattern_flags)
+flow_dv_translate_item_nvgre(void *key, const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+                            unsigned long pattern_flags, uint32_t key_type)
-       const struct rte_flow_item_nvgre *nvgre_m = item->mask;
-       const struct rte_flow_item_nvgre *nvgre_v = item->spec;
-       void *misc_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher, misc_parameters);
+       const struct rte_flow_item_nvgre *nvgre_m;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_nvgre *nvgre_v;
        void *misc_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, misc_parameters);
        const char *tni_flow_id_m;
        const char *tni_flow_id_v;
-       char *gre_key_m;
        char *gre_key_v;
        int size;
        int i;
@@ -9195,158 +9098,145 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_nvgre(void *matcher, void *key,
                .mask = &gre_mask,
                .last = NULL,
-       flow_dv_translate_item_gre(matcher, key, &gre_item, pattern_flags);
-       if (!nvgre_v)
+       flow_dv_translate_item_gre(key, &gre_item, pattern_flags, key_type);
+       if (MLX5_ITEM_VALID(item, key_type))
-       if (!nvgre_m)
-               nvgre_m = &rte_flow_item_nvgre_mask;
+       MLX5_ITEM_UPDATE(item, key_type, nvgre_v, nvgre_m,
+                   &rte_flow_item_nvgre_mask);
        tni_flow_id_m = (const char *)nvgre_m->tni;
        tni_flow_id_v = (const char *)nvgre_v->tni;
        size = sizeof(nvgre_m->tni) + sizeof(nvgre_m->flow_id);
-       gre_key_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc, misc_m, gre_key_h);
        gre_key_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc, misc_v, gre_key_h);
-       memcpy(gre_key_m, tni_flow_id_m, size);
        for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
-               gre_key_v[i] = gre_key_m[i] & tni_flow_id_v[i];
+               gre_key_v[i] = tni_flow_id_m[i] & tni_flow_id_v[i];
- * Add VXLAN item to matcher and to the value.
+ * Add VXLAN item to the value.
  * @param[in] dev
  *   Pointer to the Ethernet device structure.
  * @param[in] attr
  *   Flow rule attributes.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] item
  *   Flow pattern to translate.
  * @param[in] inner
  *   Item is inner pattern.
+ * @param[in] wks
+ *   Matcher workspace.
+ * @param[in] key_type
+ *   Set flow matcher mask or value.
 static void
 flow_dv_translate_item_vxlan(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
                             const struct rte_flow_attr *attr,
-                            void *matcher, void *key,
-                            const struct rte_flow_item *item,
-                            int inner)
+                            void *key, const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+                            int inner, struct mlx5_dv_matcher_workspace *wks,
+                            uint32_t key_type)
-       const struct rte_flow_item_vxlan *vxlan_m = item->mask;
-       const struct rte_flow_item_vxlan *vxlan_v = item->spec;
-       void *headers_m;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_vxlan *vxlan_m;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_vxlan *vxlan_v;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_vxlan *vxlan_vv = item->spec;
        void *headers_v;
-       void *misc5_m;
+       void *misc_v;
        void *misc5_v;
+       uint32_t tunnel_v;
        uint32_t *tunnel_header_v;
-       uint32_t *tunnel_header_m;
+       char *vni_v;
        uint16_t dport;
+       int size;
+       int i;
        struct mlx5_priv *priv = dev->data->dev_private;
        const struct rte_flow_item_vxlan nic_mask = {
                .vni = "\xff\xff\xff",
                .rsvd1 = 0xff,
-       if (inner) {
-               headers_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                        inner_headers);
-               headers_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, inner_headers);
-       } else {
-               headers_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                        outer_headers);
-               headers_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
-       }
+       misc5_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, misc_parameters_5);
+       headers_v = inner ? MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, inner_headers) :
+               MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
        dport = item->type == RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_VXLAN ?
        if (!MLX5_GET16(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, udp_dport)) {
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, udp_dport, 0xFFFF);
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, udp_dport, dport);
-       }
-       dport = MLX5_GET16(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, udp_dport);
-       if (!vxlan_v)
-               return;
-       if (!vxlan_m) {
-               if ((!attr->group && !priv->sh->tunnel_header_0_1) ||
-                   (attr->group && !priv->sh->misc5_cap))
-                       vxlan_m = &rte_flow_item_vxlan_mask;
+               if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_M)
+                       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v,
+                                udp_dport, 0xFFFF);
-                       vxlan_m = &nic_mask;
+                       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v,
+                                udp_dport, dport);
+       /*
+        * Read the UDP dport to check if the value satisfies the VXLAN
+        * matching with MISC5 for CX5.
+        */
+       if (wks->udp_dport)
+               dport = wks->udp_dport;
+       if (MLX5_ITEM_VALID(item, key_type))
+               return;
+       MLX5_ITEM_UPDATE(item, key_type, vxlan_v, vxlan_m, &nic_mask);
+       if (item->mask == &nic_mask &&
+           ((!attr->group && !priv->sh->tunnel_header_0_1) ||
+           (attr->group && !priv->sh->misc5_cap)))
+               vxlan_m = &rte_flow_item_vxlan_mask;
        if ((priv->sh->steering_format_version ==
-           dport != MLX5_UDP_PORT_VXLAN) ||
-           (!attr->group && !attr->transfer && !priv->sh->tunnel_header_0_1) ||
+            dport != MLX5_UDP_PORT_VXLAN) ||
+           (!attr->group && !attr->transfer) ||
            ((attr->group || attr->transfer) && !priv->sh->misc5_cap)) {
-               void *misc_m;
-               void *misc_v;
-               char *vni_m;
-               char *vni_v;
-               int size;
-               int i;
-               misc_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param,
-                                     matcher, misc_parameters);
                misc_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, misc_parameters);
                size = sizeof(vxlan_m->vni);
-               vni_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc, misc_m, vxlan_vni);
                vni_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc, misc_v, vxlan_vni);
-               memcpy(vni_m, vxlan_m->vni, size);
                for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
-                       vni_v[i] = vni_m[i] & vxlan_v->vni[i];
+                       vni_v[i] = vxlan_m->vni[i] & vxlan_v->vni[i];
-       misc5_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher, misc_parameters_5);
-       misc5_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, misc_parameters_5);
        tunnel_header_v = (uint32_t *)MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc5,
-       tunnel_header_m = (uint32_t *)MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc5,
-                                                  misc5_m,
-                                                  tunnel_header_1);
-       *tunnel_header_v = (vxlan_v->vni[0] & vxlan_m->vni[0]) |
-                          (vxlan_v->vni[1] & vxlan_m->vni[1]) << 8 |
-                          (vxlan_v->vni[2] & vxlan_m->vni[2]) << 16;
-       if (*tunnel_header_v)
-               *tunnel_header_m = vxlan_m->vni[0] |
-                       vxlan_m->vni[1] << 8 |
-                       vxlan_m->vni[2] << 16;
-       else
-               *tunnel_header_m = 0x0;
-       *tunnel_header_v |= (vxlan_v->rsvd1 & vxlan_m->rsvd1) << 24;
-       if (vxlan_v->rsvd1 & vxlan_m->rsvd1)
-               *tunnel_header_m |= vxlan_m->rsvd1 << 24;
+       tunnel_v = (vxlan_v->vni[0] & vxlan_m->vni[0]) |
+                  (vxlan_v->vni[1] & vxlan_m->vni[1]) << 8 |
+                  (vxlan_v->vni[2] & vxlan_m->vni[2]) << 16;
+       *tunnel_header_v = tunnel_v;
+       if (key_type == MLX5_SET_MATCHER_SW_M) {
+               tunnel_v = (vxlan_vv->vni[0] & vxlan_m->vni[0]) |
+                          (vxlan_vv->vni[1] & vxlan_m->vni[1]) << 8 |
+                          (vxlan_vv->vni[2] & vxlan_m->vni[2]) << 16;
+               if (!tunnel_v)
+                       *tunnel_header_v = 0x0;
+               if (vxlan_vv->rsvd1 & vxlan_m->rsvd1)
+                       *tunnel_header_v |= vxlan_v->rsvd1 << 24;
+       } else {
+               *tunnel_header_v |= (vxlan_v->rsvd1 & vxlan_m->rsvd1) << 24;
+       }
- * Add VXLAN-GPE item to matcher and to the value.
+ * Add VXLAN-GPE item to the value.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] item
  *   Flow pattern to translate.
- * @param[in] inner
- *   Item is inner pattern.
+ * @param[in] pattern_flags
+ *   Item pattern flags.
+ * @param[in] key_type
+ *   Set flow matcher mask or value.
 static void
-flow_dv_translate_item_vxlan_gpe(void *matcher, void *key,
-                                const struct rte_flow_item *item,
-                                const uint64_t pattern_flags)
+flow_dv_translate_item_vxlan_gpe(void *key, const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+                                const uint64_t pattern_flags,
+                                uint32_t key_type)
        static const struct rte_flow_item_vxlan_gpe dummy_vxlan_gpe_hdr = {0, };
        const struct rte_flow_item_vxlan_gpe *vxlan_m = item->mask;
        const struct rte_flow_item_vxlan_gpe *vxlan_v = item->spec;
        /* The item was validated to be on the outer side */
-       void *headers_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher, outer_headers);
        void *headers_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
-       void *misc_m =
-               MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher, misc_parameters_3);
        void *misc_v =
                MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, misc_parameters_3);
-       char *vni_m =
-               MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc3, misc_m, outer_vxlan_gpe_vni);
        char *vni_v =
                MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc3, misc_v, outer_vxlan_gpe_vni);
        int i, size = sizeof(vxlan_m->vni);
@@ -9355,9 +9245,12 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_vxlan_gpe(void *matcher, void 
        uint8_t m_protocol, v_protocol;
        if (!MLX5_GET16(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, udp_dport)) {
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, udp_dport, 0xFFFF);
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, udp_dport,
-                        MLX5_UDP_PORT_VXLAN_GPE);
+               if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_M)
+                       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, udp_dport,
+                                0xFFFF);
+               else
+                       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, udp_dport,
+                                MLX5_UDP_PORT_VXLAN_GPE);
        if (!vxlan_v) {
                vxlan_v = &dummy_vxlan_gpe_hdr;
@@ -9366,15 +9259,18 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_vxlan_gpe(void *matcher, void 
                if (!vxlan_m)
                        vxlan_m = &rte_flow_item_vxlan_gpe_mask;
-       memcpy(vni_m, vxlan_m->vni, size);
+       if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_M)
+               vxlan_v = vxlan_m;
+       else if (key_type == MLX5_SET_MATCHER_HS_V)
+               vxlan_m = vxlan_v;
        for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
-               vni_v[i] = vni_m[i] & vxlan_v->vni[i];
+               vni_v[i] = vxlan_m->vni[i] & vxlan_v->vni[i];
        if (vxlan_m->flags) {
                flags_m = vxlan_m->flags;
                flags_v = vxlan_v->flags;
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc_m, outer_vxlan_gpe_flags, flags_m);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc_v, outer_vxlan_gpe_flags, flags_v);
+       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc_v, outer_vxlan_gpe_flags,
+                flags_m & flags_v);
        m_protocol = vxlan_m->protocol;
        v_protocol = vxlan_v->protocol;
        if (!m_protocol) {
@@ -9387,50 +9283,50 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_vxlan_gpe(void *matcher, void 
                        v_protocol = RTE_VXLAN_GPE_TYPE_IPV6;
                if (v_protocol)
                        m_protocol = 0xFF;
+               /* Restore the value to mask in mask case. */
+               if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_M)
+                       v_protocol = m_protocol;
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc_m,
-                outer_vxlan_gpe_next_protocol, m_protocol);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc_v,
                 outer_vxlan_gpe_next_protocol, m_protocol & v_protocol);
- * Add Geneve item to matcher and to the value.
+ * Add Geneve item to the value.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] item
  *   Flow pattern to translate.
- * @param[in] inner
- *   Item is inner pattern.
+ * @param[in] pattern_flags
+ *   Item pattern flags.
+ * @param[in] key_type
+ *   Set flow matcher mask or value.
 static void
-flow_dv_translate_item_geneve(void *matcher, void *key,
-                             const struct rte_flow_item *item,
-                             uint64_t pattern_flags)
+flow_dv_translate_item_geneve(void *key, const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+                             uint64_t pattern_flags, uint32_t key_type)
        static const struct rte_flow_item_geneve empty_geneve = {0,};
        const struct rte_flow_item_geneve *geneve_m = item->mask;
        const struct rte_flow_item_geneve *geneve_v = item->spec;
        /* GENEVE flow item validation allows single tunnel item */
-       void *headers_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher, outer_headers);
        void *headers_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
-       void *misc_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher, misc_parameters);
        void *misc_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, misc_parameters);
        uint16_t gbhdr_m;
        uint16_t gbhdr_v;
-       char *vni_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc, misc_m, geneve_vni);
        char *vni_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc, misc_v, geneve_vni);
        size_t size = sizeof(geneve_m->vni), i;
        uint16_t protocol_m, protocol_v;
        if (!MLX5_GET16(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, udp_dport)) {
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, udp_dport, 0xFFFF);
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, udp_dport,
-                        MLX5_UDP_PORT_GENEVE);
+               if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_M)
+                       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, udp_dport,
+                                0xFFFF);
+               else
+                       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, udp_dport,
+                                MLX5_UDP_PORT_GENEVE);
        if (!geneve_v) {
                geneve_v = &empty_geneve;
@@ -9439,17 +9335,16 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_geneve(void *matcher, void *key,
                if (!geneve_m)
                        geneve_m = &rte_flow_item_geneve_mask;
-       memcpy(vni_m, geneve_m->vni, size);
+       if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_M)
+               geneve_v = geneve_m;
+       else if (key_type == MLX5_SET_MATCHER_HS_V)
+               geneve_m = geneve_v;
        for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
-               vni_v[i] = vni_m[i] & geneve_v->vni[i];
+               vni_v[i] = geneve_m->vni[i] & geneve_v->vni[i];
        gbhdr_m = rte_be_to_cpu_16(geneve_m->ver_opt_len_o_c_rsvd0);
        gbhdr_v = rte_be_to_cpu_16(geneve_v->ver_opt_len_o_c_rsvd0);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_m, geneve_oam,
-                MLX5_GENEVE_OAMF_VAL(gbhdr_m));
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_v, geneve_oam,
                 MLX5_GENEVE_OAMF_VAL(gbhdr_v) & MLX5_GENEVE_OAMF_VAL(gbhdr_m));
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_m, geneve_opt_len,
-                MLX5_GENEVE_OPTLEN_VAL(gbhdr_m));
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_v, geneve_opt_len,
                 MLX5_GENEVE_OPTLEN_VAL(gbhdr_v) &
@@ -9460,8 +9355,10 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_geneve(void *matcher, void *key,
                protocol_v = mlx5_translate_tunnel_etypes(pattern_flags);
                if (protocol_v)
                        protocol_m = 0xFFFF;
+               /* Restore the value to mask in mask case. */
+               if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_M)
+                       protocol_v = protocol_m;
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_m, geneve_protocol_type, protocol_m);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_v, geneve_protocol_type,
                 protocol_m & protocol_v);
@@ -9471,10 +9368,8 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_geneve(void *matcher, void *key,
  * @param dev[in, out]
  *   Pointer to rte_eth_dev structure.
- * @param[in, out] tag_be24
- *   Tag value in big endian then R-shift 8.
- * @parm[in, out] dev_flow
- *   Pointer to the dev_flow.
+ * @param[in] item
+ *   Flow pattern to translate.
  * @param[out] error
  *   pointer to error structure.
@@ -9551,38 +9446,38 @@ flow_dev_geneve_tlv_option_resource_register(struct 
rte_eth_dev *dev,
- * Add Geneve TLV option item to matcher.
+ * Add Geneve TLV option item to value.
  * @param[in, out] dev
  *   Pointer to rte_eth_dev structure.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] item
  *   Flow pattern to translate.
+ * @param[in] key_type
+ *   Set flow matcher mask or value.
  * @param[out] error
  *   Pointer to error structure.
 static int
-flow_dv_translate_item_geneve_opt(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, void *matcher,
-                                 void *key, const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+flow_dv_translate_item_geneve_opt(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, void *key,
+                                 const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+                                 uint32_t key_type,
                                  struct rte_flow_error *error)
-       const struct rte_flow_item_geneve_opt *geneve_opt_m = item->mask;
-       const struct rte_flow_item_geneve_opt *geneve_opt_v = item->spec;
-       void *misc_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher, misc_parameters);
+       const struct rte_flow_item_geneve_opt *geneve_opt_m;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_geneve_opt *geneve_opt_v;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_geneve_opt *geneve_opt_vv = item->spec;
        void *misc_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, misc_parameters);
-       void *misc3_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                       misc_parameters_3);
        void *misc3_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, misc_parameters_3);
        rte_be32_t opt_data_key = 0, opt_data_mask = 0;
+       uint32_t *data;
        int ret = 0;
-       if (!geneve_opt_v)
+       if (MLX5_ITEM_VALID(item, key_type))
                return -1;
-       if (!geneve_opt_m)
-               geneve_opt_m = &rte_flow_item_geneve_opt_mask;
+       MLX5_ITEM_UPDATE(item, key_type, geneve_opt_v, geneve_opt_m,
+                        &rte_flow_item_geneve_opt_mask);
        ret = flow_dev_geneve_tlv_option_resource_register(dev, item,
        if (ret) {
@@ -9596,17 +9491,21 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_geneve_opt(struct rte_eth_dev 
*dev, void *matcher,
         * If the option length was not requested but the GENEVE TLV option item
         * is present we set the option length field implicitly.
-       if (!MLX5_GET16(fte_match_set_misc, misc_m, geneve_opt_len)) {
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_m, geneve_opt_len,
-                        MLX5_GENEVE_OPTLEN_MASK);
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_v, geneve_opt_len,
-                        geneve_opt_v->option_len + 1);
-       }
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_m, geneve_tlv_option_0_exist, 1);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_v, geneve_tlv_option_0_exist, 1);
+       if (!MLX5_GET16(fte_match_set_misc, misc_v, geneve_opt_len)) {
+               if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_M)
+                       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_v, geneve_opt_len,
+                                MLX5_GENEVE_OPTLEN_MASK);
+               else
+                       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_v, geneve_opt_len,
+                                geneve_opt_v->option_len + 1);
+       }
        /* Set the data. */
-       if (geneve_opt_v->data) {
-               memcpy(&opt_data_key, geneve_opt_v->data,
+       if (key_type == MLX5_SET_MATCHER_SW_V)
+               data = geneve_opt_vv->data;
+       else
+               data = geneve_opt_v->data;
+       if (data) {
+               memcpy(&opt_data_key, data,
                        RTE_MIN((uint32_t)(geneve_opt_v->option_len * 4),
                MLX5_ASSERT((uint32_t)(geneve_opt_v->option_len * 4) <=
@@ -9616,9 +9515,6 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_geneve_opt(struct rte_eth_dev 
*dev, void *matcher,
                MLX5_ASSERT((uint32_t)(geneve_opt_v->option_len * 4) <=
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc3_m,
-                               geneve_tlv_option_0_data,
-                               rte_be_to_cpu_32(opt_data_mask));
                MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc3_v,
                        rte_be_to_cpu_32(opt_data_key & opt_data_mask));
@@ -9627,10 +9523,8 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_geneve_opt(struct rte_eth_dev 
*dev, void *matcher,
- * Add MPLS item to matcher and to the value.
+ * Add MPLS item to the value.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] item
@@ -9639,93 +9533,78 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_geneve_opt(struct rte_eth_dev 
*dev, void *matcher,
  *   The protocol layer indicated in previous item.
  * @param[in] inner
  *   Item is inner pattern.
+ * @param[in] key_type
+ *   Set flow matcher mask or value.
 static void
-flow_dv_translate_item_mpls(void *matcher, void *key,
-                           const struct rte_flow_item *item,
-                           uint64_t prev_layer,
-                           int inner)
+flow_dv_translate_item_mpls(void *key, const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+                           uint64_t prev_layer, int inner,
+                           uint32_t key_type)
-       const uint32_t *in_mpls_m = item->mask;
-       const uint32_t *in_mpls_v = item->spec;
-       uint32_t *out_mpls_m = 0;
+       const uint32_t *in_mpls_m;
+       const uint32_t *in_mpls_v;
        uint32_t *out_mpls_v = 0;
-       void *misc_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher, misc_parameters);
        void *misc_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, misc_parameters);
-       void *misc2_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                    misc_parameters_2);
        void *misc2_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, misc_parameters_2);
-       void *headers_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher, outer_headers);
        void *headers_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
        switch (prev_layer) {
        case MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_OUTER_L4_UDP:
                if (!MLX5_GET16(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, udp_dport)) {
-                       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, udp_dport,
-                                0xffff);
-                       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, udp_dport,
-                                MLX5_UDP_PORT_MPLS);
+                       if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_M)
+                               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v,
+                                        udp_dport, 0xffff);
+                       else
+                               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v,
+                                        udp_dport, MLX5_UDP_PORT_MPLS);
        case MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_GRE:
                /* Fall-through. */
        case MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_GRE_KEY:
                if (!MLX5_GET16(fte_match_set_misc, misc_v, gre_protocol)) {
-                       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_m, gre_protocol,
-                                0xffff);
-                       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_v, gre_protocol,
-                                RTE_ETHER_TYPE_MPLS);
+                       if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_M)
+                               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_v,
+                                        gre_protocol, 0xffff);
+                       else
+                               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_v,
+                                        gre_protocol, RTE_ETHER_TYPE_MPLS);
-       if (!in_mpls_v)
+       if (MLX5_ITEM_VALID(item, key_type))
-       if (!in_mpls_m)
-               in_mpls_m = (const uint32_t *)&rte_flow_item_mpls_mask;
+       MLX5_ITEM_UPDATE(item, key_type, in_mpls_v, in_mpls_m,
+                        &rte_flow_item_mpls_mask);
        switch (prev_layer) {
        case MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_OUTER_L4_UDP:
-               out_mpls_m =
-                       (uint32_t *)MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc2, misc2_m,
-                                                outer_first_mpls_over_udp);
                out_mpls_v =
                        (uint32_t *)MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc2, misc2_v,
        case MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_GRE:
-               out_mpls_m =
-                       (uint32_t *)MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc2, misc2_m,
-                                                outer_first_mpls_over_gre);
                out_mpls_v =
                        (uint32_t *)MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc2, misc2_v,
                /* Inner MPLS not over GRE is not supported. */
-               if (!inner) {
-                       out_mpls_m =
-                               (uint32_t *)MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc2,
-                                                        misc2_m,
-                                                        outer_first_mpls);
+               if (!inner)
                        out_mpls_v =
                                (uint32_t *)MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc2,
-               }
-       if (out_mpls_m && out_mpls_v) {
-               *out_mpls_m = *in_mpls_m;
+       if (out_mpls_v)
                *out_mpls_v = *in_mpls_v & *in_mpls_m;
-       }
  * Add metadata register item to matcher
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] reg_type
@@ -9736,12 +9615,9 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_mpls(void *matcher, void *key,
  *   Register mask
 static void
-flow_dv_match_meta_reg(void *matcher, void *key,
-                      enum modify_reg reg_type,
+flow_dv_match_meta_reg(void *key, enum modify_reg reg_type,
                       uint32_t data, uint32_t mask)
-       void *misc2_m =
-               MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher, misc_parameters_2);
        void *misc2_v =
                MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, misc_parameters_2);
        uint32_t temp;
@@ -9749,11 +9625,9 @@ flow_dv_match_meta_reg(void *matcher, void *key,
        data &= mask;
        switch (reg_type) {
        case REG_A:
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc2, misc2_m, metadata_reg_a, mask);
                MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc2, misc2_v, metadata_reg_a, data);
        case REG_B:
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc2, misc2_m, metadata_reg_b, mask);
                MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc2, misc2_v, metadata_reg_b, data);
        case REG_C_0:
@@ -9762,40 +9636,31 @@ flow_dv_match_meta_reg(void *matcher, void *key,
                 * source vport index and META item value, we should set
                 * this field according to specified mask, not as whole one.
-               temp = MLX5_GET(fte_match_set_misc2, misc2_m, metadata_reg_c_0);
-               temp |= mask;
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc2, misc2_m, metadata_reg_c_0, temp);
                temp = MLX5_GET(fte_match_set_misc2, misc2_v, metadata_reg_c_0);
-               temp &= ~mask;
+               if (mask)
+                       temp &= ~mask;
                temp |= data;
                MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc2, misc2_v, metadata_reg_c_0, temp);
        case REG_C_1:
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc2, misc2_m, metadata_reg_c_1, mask);
                MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc2, misc2_v, metadata_reg_c_1, data);
        case REG_C_2:
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc2, misc2_m, metadata_reg_c_2, mask);
                MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc2, misc2_v, metadata_reg_c_2, data);
        case REG_C_3:
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc2, misc2_m, metadata_reg_c_3, mask);
                MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc2, misc2_v, metadata_reg_c_3, data);
        case REG_C_4:
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc2, misc2_m, metadata_reg_c_4, mask);
                MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc2, misc2_v, metadata_reg_c_4, data);
        case REG_C_5:
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc2, misc2_m, metadata_reg_c_5, mask);
                MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc2, misc2_v, metadata_reg_c_5, data);
        case REG_C_6:
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc2, misc2_m, metadata_reg_c_6, mask);
                MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc2, misc2_v, metadata_reg_c_6, data);
        case REG_C_7:
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc2, misc2_m, metadata_reg_c_7, mask);
                MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc2, misc2_v, metadata_reg_c_7, data);
@@ -9804,34 +9669,71 @@ flow_dv_match_meta_reg(void *matcher, void *key,
+ * Add metadata register item to matcher
+ *
+ * @param[in, out] matcher
+ *   Flow matcher.
+ * @param[in, out] key
+ *   Flow matcher value.
+ * @param[in] reg_type
+ *   Type of device metadata register
+ * @param[in] value
+ *   Register value
+ * @param[in] mask
+ *   Register mask
+ */
+static void
+flow_dv_match_meta_reg_all(void *matcher, void *key, enum modify_reg reg_type,
+                          uint32_t data, uint32_t mask)
+       flow_dv_match_meta_reg(key, reg_type, data, mask);
+       flow_dv_match_meta_reg(matcher, reg_type, mask, mask);
  * Add MARK item to matcher
  * @param[in] dev
  *   The device to configure through.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] item
  *   Flow pattern to translate.
+ * @param[in] key_type
+ *   Set flow matcher mask or value.
 static void
-flow_dv_translate_item_mark(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
-                           void *matcher, void *key,
-                           const struct rte_flow_item *item)
+flow_dv_translate_item_mark(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, void *key,
+                           const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+                           uint32_t key_type)
        struct mlx5_priv *priv = dev->data->dev_private;
        const struct rte_flow_item_mark *mark;
        uint32_t value;
-       uint32_t mask;
-       mark = item->mask ? (const void *)item->mask :
-                           &rte_flow_item_mark_mask;
-       mask = mark->id & priv->sh->dv_mark_mask;
-       mark = (const void *)item->spec;
-       MLX5_ASSERT(mark);
-       value = mark->id & priv->sh->dv_mark_mask & mask;
+       uint32_t mask = 0;
+       if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_SW) {
+               mark = item->mask ? (const void *)item->mask :
+                                   &rte_flow_item_mark_mask;
+               mask = mark->id;
+               if (key_type == MLX5_SET_MATCHER_SW_M) {
+                       value = mask;
+               } else {
+                       mark = (const void *)item->spec;
+                       MLX5_ASSERT(mark);
+                       value = mark->id;
+               }
+       } else {
+               mark = (key_type == MLX5_SET_MATCHER_HS_V) ?
+                       (const void *)item->spec : (const void *)item->mask;
+               MLX5_ASSERT(mark);
+               value = mark->id;
+               if (key_type == MLX5_SET_MATCHER_HS_M)
+                       mask = value;
+       }
+       mask &= priv->sh->dv_mark_mask;
+       value &= mask;
        if (mask) {
                enum modify_reg reg;
@@ -9847,7 +9749,7 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_mark(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
                        mask <<= shl_c0;
                        value <<= shl_c0;
-               flow_dv_match_meta_reg(matcher, key, reg, value, mask);
+               flow_dv_match_meta_reg(key, reg, value, mask);
@@ -9856,65 +9758,66 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_mark(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
  * @param[in] dev
  *   The devich to configure through.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] attr
  *   Attributes of flow that includes this item.
  * @param[in] item
  *   Flow pattern to translate.
+ * @param[in] key_type
+ *   Set flow matcher mask or value.
 static void
 flow_dv_translate_item_meta(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
-                           void *matcher, void *key,
+                           void *key,
                            const struct rte_flow_attr *attr,
-                           const struct rte_flow_item *item)
+                           const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+                           uint32_t key_type)
        const struct rte_flow_item_meta *meta_m;
        const struct rte_flow_item_meta *meta_v;
+       uint32_t value;
+       uint32_t mask = 0;
+       int reg;
-       meta_m = (const void *)item->mask;
-       if (!meta_m)
-               meta_m = &rte_flow_item_meta_mask;
-       meta_v = (const void *)item->spec;
-       if (meta_v) {
-               int reg;
-               uint32_t value = meta_v->data;
-               uint32_t mask = meta_m->data;
+       if (MLX5_ITEM_VALID(item, key_type))
+               return;
+       MLX5_ITEM_UPDATE(item, key_type, meta_v, meta_m,
+                        &rte_flow_item_meta_mask);
+       value = meta_v->data;
+       mask = meta_m->data;
+       if (key_type == MLX5_SET_MATCHER_HS_M)
+               mask = value;
+       reg = flow_dv_get_metadata_reg(dev, attr, NULL);
+       if (reg < 0)
+               return;
+       MLX5_ASSERT(reg != REG_NON);
+       if (reg == REG_C_0) {
+               struct mlx5_priv *priv = dev->data->dev_private;
+               uint32_t msk_c0 = priv->sh->dv_regc0_mask;
+               uint32_t shl_c0 = rte_bsf32(msk_c0);
-               reg = flow_dv_get_metadata_reg(dev, attr, NULL);
-               if (reg < 0)
-                       return;
-               MLX5_ASSERT(reg != REG_NON);
-               if (reg == REG_C_0) {
-                       struct mlx5_priv *priv = dev->data->dev_private;
-                       uint32_t msk_c0 = priv->sh->dv_regc0_mask;
-                       uint32_t shl_c0 = rte_bsf32(msk_c0);
-                       mask &= msk_c0;
-                       mask <<= shl_c0;
-                       value <<= shl_c0;
-               }
-               flow_dv_match_meta_reg(matcher, key, reg, value, mask);
+               mask &= msk_c0;
+               mask <<= shl_c0;
+               value <<= shl_c0;
+       flow_dv_match_meta_reg(key, reg, value, mask);
  * Add vport metadata Reg C0 item to matcher
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
- * @param[in] reg
- *   Flow pattern to translate.
+ * @param[in] value
+ *   Register value
+ * @param[in] mask
+ *   Register mask
 static void
-flow_dv_translate_item_meta_vport(void *matcher, void *key,
-                                 uint32_t value, uint32_t mask)
+flow_dv_translate_item_meta_vport(void *key, uint32_t value, uint32_t mask)
-       flow_dv_match_meta_reg(matcher, key, REG_C_0, value, mask);
+       flow_dv_match_meta_reg(key, REG_C_0, value, mask);
@@ -9922,17 +9825,17 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_meta_vport(void *matcher, void 
  * @param[in] dev
  *   The devich to configure through.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] item
  *   Flow pattern to translate.
+ * @param[in] key_type
+ *   Set flow matcher mask or value.
 static void
-flow_dv_translate_mlx5_item_tag(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
-                               void *matcher, void *key,
-                               const struct rte_flow_item *item)
+flow_dv_translate_mlx5_item_tag(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, void *key,
+                               const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+                               uint32_t key_type)
        const struct mlx5_rte_flow_item_tag *tag_v = item->spec;
        const struct mlx5_rte_flow_item_tag *tag_m = item->mask;
@@ -9941,6 +9844,8 @@ flow_dv_translate_mlx5_item_tag(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
        value = tag_v->data;
        mask = tag_m ? tag_m->data : UINT32_MAX;
+       if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_M)
+               value = mask;
        if (tag_v->id == REG_C_0) {
                struct mlx5_priv *priv = dev->data->dev_private;
                uint32_t msk_c0 = priv->sh->dv_regc0_mask;
@@ -9950,7 +9855,7 @@ flow_dv_translate_mlx5_item_tag(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
                mask <<= shl_c0;
                value <<= shl_c0;
-       flow_dv_match_meta_reg(matcher, key, tag_v->id, value, mask);
+       flow_dv_match_meta_reg(key, tag_v->id, value, mask);
@@ -9958,50 +9863,50 @@ flow_dv_translate_mlx5_item_tag(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
  * @param[in] dev
  *   The devich to configure through.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] item
  *   Flow pattern to translate.
+ * @param[in] key_type
+ *   Set flow matcher mask or value.
 static void
-flow_dv_translate_item_tag(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
-                          void *matcher, void *key,
-                          const struct rte_flow_item *item)
+flow_dv_translate_item_tag(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, void *key,
+                          const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+                          uint32_t key_type)
-       const struct rte_flow_item_tag *tag_v = item->spec;
-       const struct rte_flow_item_tag *tag_m = item->mask;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_tag *tag_vv = item->spec;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_tag *tag_v;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_tag *tag_m;
        enum modify_reg reg;
+       uint32_t index;
-       MLX5_ASSERT(tag_v);
-       tag_m = tag_m ? tag_m : &rte_flow_item_tag_mask;
+       if (MLX5_ITEM_VALID(item, key_type))
+               return;
+       MLX5_ITEM_UPDATE(item, key_type, tag_v, tag_m,
+               &rte_flow_item_tag_mask);
+       /* When set mask, the index should be from spec. */
+       index = tag_vv ? tag_vv->index : tag_v->index;
        /* Get the metadata register index for the tag. */
-       reg = mlx5_flow_get_reg_id(dev, MLX5_APP_TAG, tag_v->index, NULL);
+       reg = mlx5_flow_get_reg_id(dev, MLX5_APP_TAG, index, NULL);
        MLX5_ASSERT(reg > 0);
-       flow_dv_match_meta_reg(matcher, key, reg, tag_v->data, tag_m->data);
+       flow_dv_match_meta_reg(key, reg, tag_v->data, tag_m->data);
  * Add source vport match to the specified matcher.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] port
  *   Source vport value to match
- * @param[in] mask
- *   Mask
 static void
-flow_dv_translate_item_source_vport(void *matcher, void *key,
-                                   int16_t port, uint16_t mask)
+flow_dv_translate_item_source_vport(void *key,
+                                   int16_t port)
-       void *misc_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher, misc_parameters);
        void *misc_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, misc_parameters);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_m, source_port, mask);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_v, source_port, port);
@@ -10010,31 +9915,34 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_source_vport(void *matcher, 
void *key,
  * @param[in] dev
  *   The devich to configure through.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] item
  *   Flow pattern to translate.
- * @param[in]
+ * @param[in] attr
  *   Flow attributes.
+ * @param[in] key_type
+ *   Set flow matcher mask or value.
  * @return
  *   0 on success, a negative errno value otherwise.
 static int
-flow_dv_translate_item_port_id(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, void *matcher,
-                              void *key, const struct rte_flow_item *item,
-                              const struct rte_flow_attr *attr)
+flow_dv_translate_item_port_id(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, void *key,
+                              const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+                              const struct rte_flow_attr *attr,
+                              uint32_t key_type)
        const struct rte_flow_item_port_id *pid_m = item ? item->mask : NULL;
        const struct rte_flow_item_port_id *pid_v = item ? item->spec : NULL;
        struct mlx5_priv *priv;
        uint16_t mask, id;
+       uint32_t vport_meta;
        if (pid_v && pid_v->id == MLX5_PORT_ESW_MGR) {
-               flow_dv_translate_item_source_vport(matcher, key,
-                       mlx5_flow_get_esw_manager_vport_id(dev), 0xffff);
+               flow_dv_translate_item_source_vport(key,
+                               key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_V ?
+                               mlx5_flow_get_esw_manager_vport_id(dev) : 
                return 0;
        mask = pid_m ? pid_m->id : 0xffff;
@@ -10042,6 +9950,13 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_port_id(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, 
void *matcher,
        priv = mlx5_port_to_eswitch_info(id, item == NULL);
        if (!priv)
                return -rte_errno;
+       if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_M) {
+               id = mask;
+               vport_meta = priv->vport_meta_mask;
+       } else {
+               id = priv->vport_id;
+               vport_meta = priv->vport_meta_tag;
+       }
         * Translate to vport field or to metadata, depending on mode.
         * Kernel can use either misc.source_port or half of C0 metadata
@@ -10055,20 +9970,17 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_port_id(struct rte_eth_dev 
*dev, void *matcher,
                if (mask == 0xffff && priv->vport_id == 0xffff &&
                    priv->pf_bond < 0 && attr->transfer)
-                       flow_dv_translate_item_source_vport
-                               (matcher, key, priv->vport_id, mask);
+                       flow_dv_translate_item_source_vport(key, id);
                 * We should always set the vport metadata register,
                 * otherwise the SW steering library can drop
                 * the rule if wire vport metadata value is not zero,
                 * it depends on kernel configuration.
-               flow_dv_translate_item_meta_vport(matcher, key,
-                                                 priv->vport_meta_tag,
-                                                 priv->vport_meta_mask);
+               flow_dv_translate_item_meta_vport
+                               (key, vport_meta, priv->vport_meta_mask);
        } else {
-               flow_dv_translate_item_source_vport(matcher, key,
-                                                   priv->vport_id, mask);
+               flow_dv_translate_item_source_vport(key, id);
        return 0;
@@ -10078,8 +9990,6 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_port_id(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, 
void *matcher,
  * @param[in] dev
  *   The devich to configure through.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] item
@@ -10091,21 +10001,25 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_port_id(struct rte_eth_dev 
*dev, void *matcher,
  *   0 on success, a negative errno value otherwise.
 static int
-flow_dv_translate_item_represented_port(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, void *matcher,
-                                       void *key,
+flow_dv_translate_item_represented_port(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, void *key,
                                        const struct rte_flow_item *item,
-                                       const struct rte_flow_attr *attr)
+                                       const struct rte_flow_attr *attr,
+                                       uint32_t key_type)
        const struct rte_flow_item_ethdev *pid_m = item ? item->mask : NULL;
        const struct rte_flow_item_ethdev *pid_v = item ? item->spec : NULL;
+       struct mlx5_flow_workspace *wks = mlx5_flow_get_thread_workspace();
        struct mlx5_priv *priv;
        uint16_t mask, id;
+       uint32_t vport_meta;
+       MLX5_ASSERT(wks);
        if (!pid_m && !pid_v)
                return 0;
        if (pid_v && pid_v->port_id == UINT16_MAX) {
-               flow_dv_translate_item_source_vport(matcher, key,
-                       mlx5_flow_get_esw_manager_vport_id(dev), UINT16_MAX);
+               flow_dv_translate_item_source_vport(key,
+                       key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_V ?
+                       mlx5_flow_get_esw_manager_vport_id(dev) : 0xffff);
                return 0;
        mask = pid_m ? pid_m->port_id : UINT16_MAX;
@@ -10113,6 +10027,14 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_represented_port(struct 
rte_eth_dev *dev, void *matcher,
        priv = mlx5_port_to_eswitch_info(id, item == NULL);
        if (!priv)
                return -rte_errno;
+       if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_M) {
+               id = mask;
+               vport_meta = priv->vport_meta_mask;
+       } else {
+               id = priv->vport_id;
+               vport_meta = priv->vport_meta_tag;
+               wks->vport_meta_tag = vport_meta;
+       }
         * Translate to vport field or to metadata, depending on mode.
         * Kernel can use either misc.source_port or half of C0 metadata
@@ -10125,119 +10047,133 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_represented_port(struct 
rte_eth_dev *dev, void *matcher,
                 * save the extra vport match.
                if (mask == UINT16_MAX && priv->vport_id == UINT16_MAX &&
-                   priv->pf_bond < 0 && attr->transfer)
-                       flow_dv_translate_item_source_vport
-                               (matcher, key, priv->vport_id, mask);
+                   priv->pf_bond < 0 && attr->transfer &&
+                   priv->sh->config.dv_flow_en != 2)
+                       flow_dv_translate_item_source_vport(key, id);
                 * We should always set the vport metadata register,
                 * otherwise the SW steering library can drop
                 * the rule if wire vport metadata value is not zero,
                 * it depends on kernel configuration.
-               flow_dv_translate_item_meta_vport(matcher, key,
-                                                 priv->vport_meta_tag,
+               flow_dv_translate_item_meta_vport(key, vport_meta,
        } else {
-               flow_dv_translate_item_source_vport(matcher, key,
-                                                   priv->vport_id, mask);
+               flow_dv_translate_item_source_vport(key, id);
        return 0;
- * Add ICMP6 item to matcher and to the value.
+ * Translate port-id item to eswitch match on  port-id.
+ * @param[in] dev
+ *   The devich to configure through.
  * @param[in, out] matcher
  *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] item
  *   Flow pattern to translate.
+ * @param[in] attr
+ *   Flow attributes.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   0 on success, a negative errno value otherwise.
+ */
+static int
+flow_dv_translate_item_port_id_all(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+                              void *matcher, void *key,
+                              const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+                              const struct rte_flow_attr *attr)
+       int ret;
+       ret = flow_dv_translate_item_port_id
+                       (dev, matcher, item, attr, MLX5_SET_MATCHER_SW_M);
+       if (ret)
+               return ret;
+       ret = flow_dv_translate_item_port_id
+                       (dev, key, item, attr, MLX5_SET_MATCHER_SW_V);
+       return ret;
+ * Add ICMP6 item to the value.
+ *
+ * @param[in, out] key
+ *   Flow matcher value.
+ * @param[in] item
+ *   Flow pattern to translate.
  * @param[in] inner
  *   Item is inner pattern.
+ * @param[in] key_type
+ *   Set flow matcher mask or value.
 static void
-flow_dv_translate_item_icmp6(void *matcher, void *key,
-                             const struct rte_flow_item *item,
-                             int inner)
+flow_dv_translate_item_icmp6(void *key, const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+                            int inner, uint32_t key_type)
-       const struct rte_flow_item_icmp6 *icmp6_m = item->mask;
-       const struct rte_flow_item_icmp6 *icmp6_v = item->spec;
-       void *headers_m;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_icmp6 *icmp6_m;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_icmp6 *icmp6_v;
        void *headers_v;
-       void *misc3_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                    misc_parameters_3);
        void *misc3_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, misc_parameters_3);
-       if (inner) {
-               headers_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                        inner_headers);
-               headers_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, inner_headers);
-       } else {
-               headers_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                        outer_headers);
-               headers_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
-       }
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, ip_protocol, 0xFF);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, ip_protocol, IPPROTO_ICMPV6);
-       if (!icmp6_v)
+       headers_v = inner ? MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, inner_headers) :
+               MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
+       if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_M)
+               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, ip_protocol, 0xFF);
+       else
+               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, ip_protocol,
+                        IPPROTO_ICMPV6);
+       if (MLX5_ITEM_VALID(item, key_type))
-       if (!icmp6_m)
-               icmp6_m = &rte_flow_item_icmp6_mask;
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc3_m, icmpv6_type, icmp6_m->type);
+       MLX5_ITEM_UPDATE(item, key_type, icmp6_v, icmp6_m,
+               &rte_flow_item_icmp6_mask);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc3_v, icmpv6_type,
                 icmp6_v->type & icmp6_m->type);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc3_m, icmpv6_code, icmp6_m->code);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc3_v, icmpv6_code,
                 icmp6_v->code & icmp6_m->code);
- * Add ICMP item to matcher and to the value.
+ * Add ICMP item to the value.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] item
  *   Flow pattern to translate.
  * @param[in] inner
  *   Item is inner pattern.
+ * @param[in] key_type
+ *   Set flow matcher mask or value.
 static void
-flow_dv_translate_item_icmp(void *matcher, void *key,
-                           const struct rte_flow_item *item,
-                           int inner)
+flow_dv_translate_item_icmp(void *key, const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+                           int inner, uint32_t key_type)
-       const struct rte_flow_item_icmp *icmp_m = item->mask;
-       const struct rte_flow_item_icmp *icmp_v = item->spec;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_icmp *icmp_m;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_icmp *icmp_v;
        uint32_t icmp_header_data_m = 0;
        uint32_t icmp_header_data_v = 0;
-       void *headers_m;
        void *headers_v;
-       void *misc3_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                    misc_parameters_3);
        void *misc3_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, misc_parameters_3);
-       if (inner) {
-               headers_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                        inner_headers);
-               headers_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, inner_headers);
-       } else {
-               headers_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                        outer_headers);
-               headers_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
-       }
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, ip_protocol, 0xFF);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, ip_protocol, IPPROTO_ICMP);
-       if (!icmp_v)
+       headers_v = inner ? MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, inner_headers) :
+                       MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
+       if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_M)
+               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v,
+                        ip_protocol, 0xFF);
+       else
+               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v,
+                        ip_protocol, IPPROTO_ICMP);
+       if (MLX5_ITEM_VALID(item, key_type))
-       if (!icmp_m)
-               icmp_m = &rte_flow_item_icmp_mask;
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc3_m, icmp_type,
-                icmp_m->hdr.icmp_type);
+       MLX5_ITEM_UPDATE(item, key_type, icmp_v, icmp_m,
+               &rte_flow_item_icmp_mask);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc3_v, icmp_type,
                 icmp_v->hdr.icmp_type & icmp_m->hdr.icmp_type);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc3_m, icmp_code,
-                icmp_m->hdr.icmp_code);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc3_v, icmp_code,
                 icmp_v->hdr.icmp_code & icmp_m->hdr.icmp_code);
        icmp_header_data_m = rte_be_to_cpu_16(icmp_m->hdr.icmp_seq_nb);
@@ -10246,64 +10182,51 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_icmp(void *matcher, void *key,
                icmp_header_data_v = rte_be_to_cpu_16(icmp_v->hdr.icmp_seq_nb);
                icmp_header_data_v |=
                         rte_be_to_cpu_16(icmp_v->hdr.icmp_ident) << 16;
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc3_m, icmp_header_data,
-                        icmp_header_data_m);
                MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc3_v, icmp_header_data,
                         icmp_header_data_v & icmp_header_data_m);
- * Add GTP item to matcher and to the value.
+ * Add GTP item to the value.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] item
  *   Flow pattern to translate.
  * @param[in] inner
  *   Item is inner pattern.
+ * @param[in] key_type
+ *   Set flow matcher mask or value.
 static void
-flow_dv_translate_item_gtp(void *matcher, void *key,
-                          const struct rte_flow_item *item, int inner)
+flow_dv_translate_item_gtp(void *key, const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+                          int inner, uint32_t key_type)
-       const struct rte_flow_item_gtp *gtp_m = item->mask;
-       const struct rte_flow_item_gtp *gtp_v = item->spec;
-       void *headers_m;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_gtp *gtp_m;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_gtp *gtp_v;
        void *headers_v;
-       void *misc3_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                    misc_parameters_3);
        void *misc3_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, misc_parameters_3);
        uint16_t dport = RTE_GTPU_UDP_PORT;
-       if (inner) {
-               headers_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                        inner_headers);
-               headers_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, inner_headers);
-       } else {
-               headers_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                        outer_headers);
-               headers_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
-       }
+       headers_v = inner ? MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, inner_headers) :
+                       MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
        if (!MLX5_GET16(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, udp_dport)) {
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, udp_dport, 0xFFFF);
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, udp_dport, dport);
+               if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_M)
+                       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v,
+                                udp_dport, 0xFFFF);
+               else
+                       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v,
+                                udp_dport, dport);
-       if (!gtp_v)
+       if (MLX5_ITEM_VALID(item, key_type))
-       if (!gtp_m)
-               gtp_m = &rte_flow_item_gtp_mask;
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc3_m, gtpu_msg_flags,
-                gtp_m->v_pt_rsv_flags);
+       MLX5_ITEM_UPDATE(item, key_type, gtp_v, gtp_m,
+               &rte_flow_item_gtp_mask);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc3_v, gtpu_msg_flags,
                 gtp_v->v_pt_rsv_flags & gtp_m->v_pt_rsv_flags);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc3_m, gtpu_msg_type, gtp_m->msg_type);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc3_v, gtpu_msg_type,
                 gtp_v->msg_type & gtp_m->msg_type);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc3_m, gtpu_teid,
-                rte_be_to_cpu_32(gtp_m->teid));
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc3_v, gtpu_teid,
                 rte_be_to_cpu_32(gtp_v->teid & gtp_m->teid));
@@ -10311,21 +10234,19 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_gtp(void *matcher, void *key,
  * Add GTP PSC item to matcher.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] item
  *   Flow pattern to translate.
+ * @param[in] key_type
+ *   Set flow matcher mask or value.
 static int
-flow_dv_translate_item_gtp_psc(void *matcher, void *key,
-                              const struct rte_flow_item *item)
+flow_dv_translate_item_gtp_psc(void *key, const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+                              uint32_t key_type)
-       const struct rte_flow_item_gtp_psc *gtp_psc_m = item->mask;
-       const struct rte_flow_item_gtp_psc *gtp_psc_v = item->spec;
-       void *misc3_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                       misc_parameters_3);
+       const struct rte_flow_item_gtp_psc *gtp_psc_m;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_gtp_psc *gtp_psc_v;
        void *misc3_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, misc_parameters_3);
        union {
                uint32_t w32;
@@ -10335,52 +10256,40 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_gtp_psc(void *matcher, void 
                        uint8_t next_ext_header_type;
        } dw_2;
+       union {
+               uint32_t w32;
+               struct {
+                       uint8_t len;
+                       uint8_t type_flags;
+                       uint8_t qfi;
+                       uint8_t reserved;
+               };
+       } dw_0;
        uint8_t gtp_flags;
        /* Always set E-flag match on one, regardless of GTP item settings. */
-       gtp_flags = MLX5_GET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc3_m, gtpu_msg_flags);
-       gtp_flags |= MLX5_GTP_EXT_HEADER_FLAG;
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc3_m, gtpu_msg_flags, gtp_flags);
        gtp_flags = MLX5_GET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc3_v, gtpu_msg_flags);
        gtp_flags |= MLX5_GTP_EXT_HEADER_FLAG;
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc3_v, gtpu_msg_flags, gtp_flags);
        /*Set next extension header type. */
        dw_2.seq_num = 0;
        dw_2.npdu_num = 0;
-       dw_2.next_ext_header_type = 0xff;
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc3_m, gtpu_dw_2,
-                rte_cpu_to_be_32(dw_2.w32));
-       dw_2.seq_num = 0;
-       dw_2.npdu_num = 0;
-       dw_2.next_ext_header_type = 0x85;
+       if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_M)
+               dw_2.next_ext_header_type = 0xff;
+       else
+               dw_2.next_ext_header_type = 0x85;
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc3_v, gtpu_dw_2,
-       if (gtp_psc_v) {
-               union {
-                       uint32_t w32;
-                       struct {
-                               uint8_t len;
-                               uint8_t type_flags;
-                               uint8_t qfi;
-                               uint8_t reserved;
-                       };
-               } dw_0;
-               /*Set extension header PDU type and Qos. */
-               if (!gtp_psc_m)
-                       gtp_psc_m = &rte_flow_item_gtp_psc_mask;
-               dw_0.w32 = 0;
-               dw_0.type_flags = MLX5_GTP_PDU_TYPE_SHIFT(gtp_psc_m->hdr.type);
-               dw_0.qfi = gtp_psc_m->hdr.qfi;
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc3_m, gtpu_first_ext_dw_0,
-                        rte_cpu_to_be_32(dw_0.w32));
-               dw_0.w32 = 0;
-               dw_0.type_flags = MLX5_GTP_PDU_TYPE_SHIFT(gtp_psc_v->hdr.type &
-                                                       gtp_psc_m->hdr.type);
-               dw_0.qfi = gtp_psc_v->hdr.qfi & gtp_psc_m->hdr.qfi;
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc3_v, gtpu_first_ext_dw_0,
-                        rte_cpu_to_be_32(dw_0.w32));
-       }
+       if (MLX5_ITEM_VALID(item, key_type))
+               return 0;
+       MLX5_ITEM_UPDATE(item, key_type, gtp_psc_v,
+               gtp_psc_m, &rte_flow_item_gtp_psc_mask);
+       dw_0.w32 = 0;
+       dw_0.type_flags = MLX5_GTP_PDU_TYPE_SHIFT(gtp_psc_v->hdr.type &
+                                                 gtp_psc_m->hdr.type);
+       dw_0.qfi = gtp_psc_v->hdr.qfi & gtp_psc_m->hdr.qfi;
+       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc3_v, gtpu_first_ext_dw_0,
+                rte_cpu_to_be_32(dw_0.w32));
        return 0;
@@ -10389,29 +10298,27 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_gtp_psc(void *matcher, void 
  * @param[in] dev
  *   The devich to configure through.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] item
  *   Flow pattern to translate.
  * @param[in] last_item
  *   Last item flags.
+ * @param[in] key_type
+ *   Set flow matcher mask or value.
 static void
-flow_dv_translate_item_ecpri(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, void *matcher,
-                            void *key, const struct rte_flow_item *item,
-                            uint64_t last_item)
+flow_dv_translate_item_ecpri(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, void *key,
+                            const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+                            uint64_t last_item, uint32_t key_type)
        struct mlx5_priv *priv = dev->data->dev_private;
-       const struct rte_flow_item_ecpri *ecpri_m = item->mask;
-       const struct rte_flow_item_ecpri *ecpri_v = item->spec;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_ecpri *ecpri_m;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_ecpri *ecpri_v;
+       const struct rte_flow_item_ecpri *ecpri_vv = item->spec;
        struct rte_ecpri_common_hdr common;
-       void *misc4_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                    misc_parameters_4);
        void *misc4_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, misc_parameters_4);
        uint32_t *samples;
-       void *dw_m;
        void *dw_v;
@@ -10419,21 +10326,22 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_ecpri(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, 
void *matcher,
         * match on eCPRI EtherType implicitly.
        if (last_item & MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_OUTER_L2) {
-               void *hdrs_m, *hdrs_v, *l2m, *l2v;
+               void *hdrs_v, *l2v;
-               hdrs_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher, outer_headers);
                hdrs_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
-               l2m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_m, ethertype);
                l2v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, hdrs_v, ethertype);
-               if (*(uint16_t *)l2m == 0 && *(uint16_t *)l2v == 0) {
-                       *(uint16_t *)l2m = UINT16_MAX;
-                       *(uint16_t *)l2v = RTE_BE16(RTE_ETHER_TYPE_ECPRI);
+               if (*(uint16_t *)l2v == 0) {
+                       if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_M)
+                               *(uint16_t *)l2v = UINT16_MAX;
+                       else
+                               *(uint16_t *)l2v =
+                                       RTE_BE16(RTE_ETHER_TYPE_ECPRI);
-       if (!ecpri_v)
+       if (MLX5_ITEM_VALID(item, key_type))
-       if (!ecpri_m)
-               ecpri_m = &rte_flow_item_ecpri_mask;
+       MLX5_ITEM_UPDATE(item, key_type, ecpri_v, ecpri_m,
+               &rte_flow_item_ecpri_mask);
         * Maximal four DW samples are supported in a single matching now.
         * Two are used now for a eCPRI matching:
@@ -10445,16 +10353,11 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_ecpri(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, 
void *matcher,
        samples = priv->sh->ecpri_parser.ids;
        /* Need to take the whole DW as the mask to fill the entry. */
-       dw_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc4, misc4_m,
-                           prog_sample_field_value_0);
        dw_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc4, misc4_v,
        /* Already big endian (network order) in the header. */
-       *(uint32_t *)dw_m = ecpri_m->hdr.common.u32;
        *(uint32_t *)dw_v = ecpri_v->hdr.common.u32 & ecpri_m->hdr.common.u32;
        /* Sample#0, used for matching type, offset 0. */
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc4, misc4_m,
-                prog_sample_field_id_0, samples[0]);
        /* It makes no sense to set the sample ID in the mask field. */
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc4, misc4_v,
                 prog_sample_field_id_0, samples[0]);
@@ -10463,21 +10366,19 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_ecpri(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, 
void *matcher,
         * Some wildcard rules only matching type field should be supported.
        if (ecpri_m->hdr.dummy[0]) {
-               common.u32 = rte_be_to_cpu_32(ecpri_v->hdr.common.u32);
+               if (key_type == MLX5_SET_MATCHER_SW_M)
+                       common.u32 = rte_be_to_cpu_32(ecpri_vv->hdr.common.u32);
+               else
+                       common.u32 = rte_be_to_cpu_32(ecpri_v->hdr.common.u32);
                switch (common.type) {
                case RTE_ECPRI_MSG_TYPE_IQ_DATA:
                case RTE_ECPRI_MSG_TYPE_RTC_CTRL:
                case RTE_ECPRI_MSG_TYPE_DLY_MSR:
-                       dw_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc4, misc4_m,
-                                           prog_sample_field_value_1);
                        dw_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc4, misc4_v,
-                       *(uint32_t *)dw_m = ecpri_m->hdr.dummy[0];
                        *(uint32_t *)dw_v = ecpri_v->hdr.dummy[0] &
                        /* Sample#1, to match message body, offset 4. */
-                       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc4, misc4_m,
-                                prog_sample_field_id_1, samples[1]);
                        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc4, misc4_v,
                                 prog_sample_field_id_1, samples[1]);
@@ -10542,7 +10443,7 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_aso_ct(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
        reg_id = mlx5_flow_get_reg_id(dev, MLX5_ASO_CONNTRACK, 0, &error);
        if (reg_id == REG_NON)
-       flow_dv_match_meta_reg(matcher, key, (enum modify_reg)reg_id,
+       flow_dv_match_meta_reg_all(matcher, key, (enum modify_reg)reg_id,
                               reg_value, reg_mask);
@@ -11328,42 +11229,48 @@ flow_dv_translate_create_counter(struct rte_eth_dev 
  * @param[in] dev
  *   Pointer to the dev struct.
- * @param[in, out] matcher
- *   Flow matcher.
  * @param[in, out] key
  *   Flow matcher value.
  * @param[in] item
  *   Flow pattern to translate.
- * @param[in] inner
- *   Item is inner pattern.
+ * @param[in] key_type
+ *   Set flow matcher mask or value.
 static void
 flow_dv_translate_item_tx_queue(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
-                               void *matcher, void *key,
-                               const struct rte_flow_item *item)
+                               void *key,
+                               const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+                               uint32_t key_type)
        const struct mlx5_rte_flow_item_tx_queue *queue_m;
        const struct mlx5_rte_flow_item_tx_queue *queue_v;
-       void *misc_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher, misc_parameters);
-       void *misc_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, misc_parameters);
-       struct mlx5_txq_ctrl *txq;
-       uint32_t queue, mask;
+       const struct mlx5_rte_flow_item_tx_queue queue_mask = {
+               .queue = UINT32_MAX,
+       };
+       void *misc_v =
+               MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, misc_parameters);
+       struct mlx5_txq_ctrl *txq = NULL;
+       uint32_t queue;
-       queue_m = (const void *)item->mask;
-       queue_v = (const void *)item->spec;
-       if (!queue_v)
+       MLX5_ITEM_UPDATE(item, key_type, queue_v, queue_m, &queue_mask);
+       if (!queue_m || !queue_v)
-       txq = mlx5_txq_get(dev, queue_v->queue);
-       if (!txq)
-               return;
-       if (txq->is_hairpin)
-               queue = txq->obj->sq->id;
-       else
-               queue = txq->obj->sq_obj.sq->id;
-       mask = queue_m == NULL ? UINT32_MAX : queue_m->queue;
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_m, source_sqn, mask);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_v, source_sqn, queue & mask);
-       mlx5_txq_release(dev, queue_v->queue);
+       if (key_type & MLX5_SET_MATCHER_V) {
+               txq = mlx5_txq_get(dev, queue_v->queue);
+               if (!txq)
+                       return;
+               if (txq->is_hairpin)
+                       queue = txq->obj->sq->id;
+               else
+                       queue = txq->obj->sq_obj.sq->id;
+               if (key_type == MLX5_SET_MATCHER_SW_V)
+                       queue &= queue_m->queue;
+       } else {
+               queue = queue_m->queue;
+       }
+       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc, misc_v, source_sqn, queue);
+       if (txq)
+               mlx5_txq_release(dev, queue_v->queue);
@@ -13029,7 +12936,298 @@ flow_dv_translate_create_conntrack(struct rte_eth_dev 
- * Translate the flow item to matcher.
+ * Fill the flow matcher with DV spec.
+ *
+ * @param[in] dev
+ *   Pointer to rte_eth_dev structure.
+ * @param[in] items
+ *   Pointer to the list of items.
+ * @param[in] wks
+ *   Pointer to the matcher workspace.
+ * @param[in] key
+ *   Pointer to the flow matcher key.
+ * @param[in] key_type
+ *   Key type.
+ * @param[out] error
+ *   Pointer to the error structure.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   0 on success, a negative errno value otherwise and rte_errno is set.
+ */
+static int
+flow_dv_translate_items(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+                       const struct rte_flow_item *items,
+                       struct mlx5_dv_matcher_workspace *wks,
+                       void *key, uint32_t key_type,
+                       struct rte_flow_error *error)
+       struct mlx5_flow_rss_desc *rss_desc = wks->rss_desc;
+       uint8_t next_protocol = wks->next_protocol;
+       int tunnel = !!(wks->item_flags & MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_TUNNEL);
+       int item_type = items->type;
+       uint64_t last_item = wks->last_item;
+       int ret;
+       switch (item_type) {
+       case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_ESP:
+               flow_dv_translate_item_esp(key, items, tunnel, key_type);
+               wks->priority = MLX5_PRIORITY_MAP_L4;
+               last_item = MLX5_FLOW_ITEM_ESP;
+               break;
+               flow_dv_translate_item_port_id
+                       (dev, key, items, wks->attr, key_type);
+               last_item = MLX5_FLOW_ITEM_PORT_ID;
+               break;
+               flow_dv_translate_item_represented_port
+                       (dev, key, items, wks->attr, key_type);
+               last_item = MLX5_FLOW_ITEM_REPRESENTED_PORT;
+               break;
+       case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_ETH:
+               flow_dv_translate_item_eth(key, items, tunnel,
+                                          wks->group, key_type);
+               wks->priority = wks->action_flags &
+                               MLX5_FLOW_ACTION_DEFAULT_MISS &&
+                               !wks->external ?
+                               MLX5_PRIORITY_MAP_L3 :
+                               MLX5_PRIORITY_MAP_L2;
+               last_item = tunnel ? MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_INNER_L2 :
+                                    MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_OUTER_L2;
+               break;
+               flow_dv_translate_item_vlan(key, items, tunnel, wks, key_type);
+               wks->priority = MLX5_PRIORITY_MAP_L2;
+               last_item = tunnel ? (MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_INNER_L2 |
+                                         MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_INNER_VLAN) :
+                                        (MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_OUTER_L2 |
+                                         MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_OUTER_VLAN);
+               break;
+       case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_IPV4:
+               mlx5_flow_tunnel_ip_check(items, next_protocol,
+                                         &wks->item_flags, &tunnel);
+               flow_dv_translate_item_ipv4(key, items, tunnel,
+                                           wks->group, key_type);
+               wks->priority = MLX5_PRIORITY_MAP_L3;
+               last_item = tunnel ? MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_INNER_L3_IPV4 :
+                                    MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_OUTER_L3_IPV4;
+               if (items->mask != NULL &&
+                   items->spec != NULL &&
+                       ((const struct rte_flow_item_ipv4 *)
+                        items->mask)->hdr.next_proto_id) {
+                       next_protocol =
+                               ((const struct rte_flow_item_ipv4 *)
+                                (items->spec))->hdr.next_proto_id;
+                       next_protocol &=
+                               ((const struct rte_flow_item_ipv4 *)
+                                (items->mask))->hdr.next_proto_id;
+               } else if (key_type == MLX5_SET_MATCHER_HS_M &&
+                          items->mask != NULL) {
+                       next_protocol =  ((const struct rte_flow_item_ipv4 *)
+                                       (items->mask))->hdr.next_proto_id;
+               } else if (key_type == MLX5_SET_MATCHER_HS_V &&
+                          items->spec != NULL) {
+                       next_protocol =  ((const struct rte_flow_item_ipv4 *)
+                                       (items->spec))->hdr.next_proto_id;
+               } else {
+                       /* Reset for inner layer. */
+                       next_protocol = 0xff;
+               }
+               break;
+       case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_IPV6:
+               mlx5_flow_tunnel_ip_check(items, next_protocol,
+                                         &wks->item_flags, &tunnel);
+               flow_dv_translate_item_ipv6(key, items, tunnel,
+                                           wks->group, key_type);
+               wks->priority = MLX5_PRIORITY_MAP_L3;
+               last_item = tunnel ? MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_INNER_L3_IPV6 :
+                                    MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_OUTER_L3_IPV6;
+               if (items->mask != NULL &&
+                   items->spec != NULL &&
+                       ((const struct rte_flow_item_ipv6 *)
+                        items->mask)->hdr.proto) {
+                       next_protocol =
+                               ((const struct rte_flow_item_ipv6 *)
+                                items->spec)->hdr.proto;
+                       next_protocol &=
+                               ((const struct rte_flow_item_ipv6 *)
+                                items->mask)->hdr.proto;
+               } else if (key_type == MLX5_SET_MATCHER_HS_M &&
+                          items->mask != NULL) {
+                       next_protocol =  ((const struct rte_flow_item_ipv6 *)
+                                       (items->mask))->hdr.proto;
+               } else if (key_type == MLX5_SET_MATCHER_HS_V &&
+                          items->spec != NULL) {
+                       next_protocol =  ((const struct rte_flow_item_ipv6 *)
+                                       (items->spec))->hdr.proto;
+               } else {
+                       /* Reset for inner layer. */
+                       next_protocol = 0xff;
+               }
+               break;
+               flow_dv_translate_item_ipv6_frag_ext
+                                       (key, items, tunnel, key_type);
+               last_item = tunnel ? MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_INNER_L3_IPV6_FRAG_EXT :
+                                    MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_OUTER_L3_IPV6_FRAG_EXT;
+               if (items->mask != NULL &&
+                   items->spec != NULL &&
+                       ((const struct rte_flow_item_ipv6_frag_ext *)
+                        items->mask)->hdr.next_header) {
+                       next_protocol =
+                       ((const struct rte_flow_item_ipv6_frag_ext *)
+                        items->spec)->hdr.next_header;
+                       next_protocol &=
+                       ((const struct rte_flow_item_ipv6_frag_ext *)
+                        items->mask)->hdr.next_header;
+               } else if (key_type == MLX5_SET_MATCHER_HS_M &&
+                          items->mask != NULL) {
+                       next_protocol =  ((const struct 
rte_flow_item_ipv6_frag_ext *)
+                                       (items->mask))->hdr.next_header;
+               } else if (key_type == MLX5_SET_MATCHER_HS_V &&
+                          items->spec != NULL) {
+                       next_protocol =  ((const struct 
rte_flow_item_ipv6_frag_ext *)
+                                       (items->spec))->hdr.next_header;
+               } else {
+                       /* Reset for inner layer. */
+                       next_protocol = 0xff;
+               }
+               break;
+       case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_TCP:
+               flow_dv_translate_item_tcp(key, items, tunnel, key_type);
+               wks->priority = MLX5_PRIORITY_MAP_L4;
+               last_item = tunnel ? MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_INNER_L4_TCP :
+                                    MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_OUTER_L4_TCP;
+               break;
+       case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_UDP:
+               flow_dv_translate_item_udp(key, items, tunnel, wks, key_type);
+               wks->priority = MLX5_PRIORITY_MAP_L4;
+               last_item = tunnel ? MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_INNER_L4_UDP :
+                                    MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_OUTER_L4_UDP;
+               break;
+       case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_GRE:
+               wks->priority = MLX5_TUNNEL_PRIO_GET(rss_desc);
+               wks->tunnel_item = items;
+               wks->gre_item = items;
+               last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_GRE;
+               break;
+               flow_dv_translate_item_gre_key(key, items, key_type);
+               last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_GRE_KEY;
+               break;
+               wks->priority = MLX5_TUNNEL_PRIO_GET(rss_desc);
+               wks->tunnel_item = items;
+               last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_GRE;
+               break;
+               wks->priority = MLX5_TUNNEL_PRIO_GET(rss_desc);
+               wks->tunnel_item = items;
+               last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_GRE;
+               break;
+               flow_dv_translate_item_vxlan(dev, wks->attr, key,
+                                            items, tunnel, wks, key_type);
+               wks->priority = MLX5_TUNNEL_PRIO_GET(rss_desc);
+               last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_VXLAN;
+               break;
+               wks->priority = MLX5_TUNNEL_PRIO_GET(rss_desc);
+               wks->tunnel_item = items;
+               last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_VXLAN_GPE;
+               break;
+               wks->priority = MLX5_TUNNEL_PRIO_GET(rss_desc);
+               wks->tunnel_item = items;
+               last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_GENEVE;
+               break;
+               ret = flow_dv_translate_item_geneve_opt
+                               (dev, key, items, key_type, error);
+               if (ret)
+                       return rte_flow_error_set(error, -ret,
+                               RTE_FLOW_ERROR_TYPE_ITEM, NULL,
+                               "cannot create GENEVE TLV option");
+               wks->geneve_tlv_option = 1;
+               last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_GENEVE_OPT;
+               break;
+               flow_dv_translate_item_mpls(key, items, last_item,
+                                           tunnel, key_type);
+               wks->priority = MLX5_TUNNEL_PRIO_GET(rss_desc);
+               last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_MPLS;
+               break;
+               flow_dv_translate_item_mark(dev, key, items, key_type);
+               last_item = MLX5_FLOW_ITEM_MARK;
+               break;
+               flow_dv_translate_item_meta
+                               (dev, key, wks->attr, items, key_type);
+               last_item = MLX5_FLOW_ITEM_METADATA;
+               break;
+               flow_dv_translate_item_icmp(key, items, tunnel, key_type);
+               wks->priority = MLX5_PRIORITY_MAP_L4;
+               last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_ICMP;
+               break;
+       case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_ICMP6:
+               flow_dv_translate_item_icmp6(key, items, tunnel, key_type);
+               wks->priority = MLX5_PRIORITY_MAP_L4;
+               last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_ICMP6;
+               break;
+       case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_TAG:
+               flow_dv_translate_item_tag(dev, key, items, key_type);
+               last_item = MLX5_FLOW_ITEM_TAG;
+               break;
+               flow_dv_translate_mlx5_item_tag(dev, key, items, key_type);
+               last_item = MLX5_FLOW_ITEM_TAG;
+               break;
+               flow_dv_translate_item_tx_queue(dev, key, items, key_type);
+               last_item = MLX5_FLOW_ITEM_TX_QUEUE;
+               break;
+       case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_GTP:
+               flow_dv_translate_item_gtp(key, items, tunnel, key_type);
+               wks->priority = MLX5_TUNNEL_PRIO_GET(rss_desc);
+               last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_GTP;
+               break;
+               ret = flow_dv_translate_item_gtp_psc(key, items, key_type);
+               if (ret)
+                       return rte_flow_error_set(error, -ret,
+                               RTE_FLOW_ERROR_TYPE_ITEM, NULL,
+                               "cannot create GTP PSC item");
+               last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_GTP_PSC;
+               break;
+               if (!mlx5_flex_parser_ecpri_exist(dev)) {
+                       /* Create it only the first time to be used. */
+                       ret = mlx5_flex_parser_ecpri_alloc(dev);
+                       if (ret)
+                               return rte_flow_error_set
+                                       (error, -ret,
+                                       RTE_FLOW_ERROR_TYPE_ITEM,
+                                       NULL,
+                                       "cannot create eCPRI parser");
+               }
+               flow_dv_translate_item_ecpri
+                               (dev, key, items, last_item, key_type);
+               /* No other protocol should follow eCPRI layer. */
+               last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_ECPRI;
+               break;
+       default:
+               break;
+       }
+       wks->item_flags |= last_item;
+       wks->last_item = last_item;
+       wks->next_protocol = next_protocol;
+       return 0;
+ * Fill the SW steering flow with DV spec.
  * @param[in] dev
  *   Pointer to rte_eth_dev structure.
@@ -13039,7 +13237,7 @@ flow_dv_translate_create_conntrack(struct rte_eth_dev 
  *   Pointer to the flow attributes.
  * @param[in] items
  *   Pointer to the list of items.
- * @param[in] matcher
+ * @param[in, out] matcher
  *   Pointer to the flow matcher.
  * @param[out] error
  *   Pointer to the error structure.
@@ -13048,287 +13246,41 @@ flow_dv_translate_create_conntrack(struct 
rte_eth_dev *dev,
  *   0 on success, a negative errno value otherwise and rte_errno is set.
 static int
-flow_dv_translate_items(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
-                       struct mlx5_flow *dev_flow,
-                       const struct rte_flow_attr *attr,
-                       const struct rte_flow_item items[],
-                       struct mlx5_flow_dv_matcher *matcher,
-                       struct rte_flow_error *error)
+flow_dv_translate_items_sws(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+                           struct mlx5_flow *dev_flow,
+                           const struct rte_flow_attr *attr,
+                           const struct rte_flow_item *items,
+                           struct mlx5_flow_dv_matcher *matcher,
+                           struct rte_flow_error *error)
        struct mlx5_priv *priv = dev->data->dev_private;
-       struct rte_flow *flow = dev_flow->flow;
-       struct mlx5_flow_handle *handle = dev_flow->handle;
-       struct mlx5_flow_workspace *wks = mlx5_flow_get_thread_workspace();
-       struct mlx5_flow_rss_desc *rss_desc = &wks->rss_desc;
-       uint64_t item_flags = 0;
-       uint64_t last_item = 0;
        void *match_mask = matcher->mask.buf;
        void *match_value = dev_flow->dv.value.buf;
-       uint8_t next_protocol = 0xff;
-       uint16_t priority = 0;
+       struct mlx5_dv_matcher_workspace wks = {
+               .action_flags = dev_flow->act_flags,
+               .item_flags = 0,
+               .external = dev_flow->external,
+               .next_protocol = 0xff,
+               .group = dev_flow->,
+               .attr = attr,
+               .rss_desc = &((struct mlx5_flow_workspace *)
+                            mlx5_flow_get_thread_workspace())->rss_desc,
+       };
+       struct mlx5_dv_matcher_workspace wks_m = wks;
        const struct rte_flow_item *integrity_items[2] = {NULL, NULL};
-       const struct rte_flow_item *tunnel_item = NULL;
-       const struct rte_flow_item *gre_item = NULL;
        int ret = 0;
+       int tunnel;
        for (; items->type != RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_END; items++) {
-               int tunnel = !!(item_flags & MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_TUNNEL);
-               int item_type = items->type;
-               if (!mlx5_flow_os_item_supported(item_type))
+               if (!mlx5_flow_os_item_supported(items->type))
                        return rte_flow_error_set(error, ENOTSUP,
                                                  NULL, "item not supported");
-               switch (item_type) {
-               case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_ESP:
-                       flow_dv_translate_item_esp(match_mask, match_value,
-                                                  items, tunnel);
-                       priority = MLX5_PRIORITY_MAP_L4;
-                       last_item = MLX5_FLOW_ITEM_ESP;
-                       break;
-               case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_PORT_ID:
-                       flow_dv_translate_item_port_id
-                               (dev, match_mask, match_value, items, attr);
-                       last_item = MLX5_FLOW_ITEM_PORT_ID;
-                       break;
-                       flow_dv_translate_item_represented_port
-                               (dev, match_mask, match_value, items, attr);
-                       last_item = MLX5_FLOW_ITEM_REPRESENTED_PORT;
-                       break;
-               case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_ETH:
-                       flow_dv_translate_item_eth(match_mask, match_value,
-                                                  items, tunnel,
-                                                  dev_flow->;
-                       priority = dev_flow->act_flags &
-                                       MLX5_FLOW_ACTION_DEFAULT_MISS &&
-                                       !dev_flow->external ?
-                                       MLX5_PRIORITY_MAP_L3 :
-                                       MLX5_PRIORITY_MAP_L2;
-                       last_item = tunnel ? MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_INNER_L2 :
-                                            MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_OUTER_L2;
-                       break;
-               case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_VLAN:
-                       flow_dv_translate_item_vlan(dev_flow,
-                                                   match_mask, match_value,
-                                                   items, tunnel,
-                                                   dev_flow->;
-                       priority = MLX5_PRIORITY_MAP_L2;
-                       last_item = tunnel ? (MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_INNER_L2 |
-                                             MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_INNER_VLAN) :
-                                            (MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_OUTER_L2 |
-                                             MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_OUTER_VLAN);
-                       break;
-               case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_IPV4:
-                       mlx5_flow_tunnel_ip_check(items, next_protocol,
-                                                 &item_flags, &tunnel);
-                       flow_dv_translate_item_ipv4(match_mask, match_value,
-                                                   items, tunnel,
-                                                   dev_flow->;
-                       priority = MLX5_PRIORITY_MAP_L3;
-                       last_item = tunnel ? MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_INNER_L3_IPV4 :
-                                            MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_OUTER_L3_IPV4;
-                       if (items->mask != NULL &&
-                           ((const struct rte_flow_item_ipv4 *)
-                            items->mask)->hdr.next_proto_id) {
-                               next_protocol =
-                                       ((const struct rte_flow_item_ipv4 *)
-                                        (items->spec))->hdr.next_proto_id;
-                               next_protocol &=
-                                       ((const struct rte_flow_item_ipv4 *)
-                                        (items->mask))->hdr.next_proto_id;
-                       } else {
-                               /* Reset for inner layer. */
-                               next_protocol = 0xff;
-                       }
-                       break;
-               case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_IPV6:
-                       mlx5_flow_tunnel_ip_check(items, next_protocol,
-                                                 &item_flags, &tunnel);
-                       flow_dv_translate_item_ipv6(match_mask, match_value,
-                                                   items, tunnel,
-                                                   dev_flow->;
-                       priority = MLX5_PRIORITY_MAP_L3;
-                       last_item = tunnel ? MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_INNER_L3_IPV6 :
-                                            MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_OUTER_L3_IPV6;
-                       if (items->mask != NULL &&
-                           ((const struct rte_flow_item_ipv6 *)
-                            items->mask)->hdr.proto) {
-                               next_protocol =
-                                       ((const struct rte_flow_item_ipv6 *)
-                                        items->spec)->hdr.proto;
-                               next_protocol &=
-                                       ((const struct rte_flow_item_ipv6 *)
-                                        items->mask)->hdr.proto;
-                       } else {
-                               /* Reset for inner layer. */
-                               next_protocol = 0xff;
-                       }
-                       break;
-               case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_IPV6_FRAG_EXT:
-                       flow_dv_translate_item_ipv6_frag_ext(match_mask,
-                                                            match_value,
-                                                            items, tunnel);
-                       last_item = tunnel ?
-                                       MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_INNER_L3_IPV6_FRAG_EXT :
-                                       MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_OUTER_L3_IPV6_FRAG_EXT;
-                       if (items->mask != NULL &&
-                           ((const struct rte_flow_item_ipv6_frag_ext *)
-                            items->mask)->hdr.next_header) {
-                               next_protocol =
-                               ((const struct rte_flow_item_ipv6_frag_ext *)
-                                items->spec)->hdr.next_header;
-                               next_protocol &=
-                               ((const struct rte_flow_item_ipv6_frag_ext *)
-                                items->mask)->hdr.next_header;
-                       } else {
-                               /* Reset for inner layer. */
-                               next_protocol = 0xff;
-                       }
-                       break;
-               case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_TCP:
-                       flow_dv_translate_item_tcp(match_mask, match_value,
-                                                  items, tunnel);
-                       priority = MLX5_PRIORITY_MAP_L4;
-                       last_item = tunnel ? MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_INNER_L4_TCP :
-                                            MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_OUTER_L4_TCP;
-                       break;
-               case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_UDP:
-                       flow_dv_translate_item_udp(match_mask, match_value,
-                                                  items, tunnel);
-                       priority = MLX5_PRIORITY_MAP_L4;
-                       last_item = tunnel ? MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_INNER_L4_UDP :
-                                            MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_OUTER_L4_UDP;
-                       break;
-               case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_GRE:
-                       priority = MLX5_TUNNEL_PRIO_GET(rss_desc);
-                       last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_GRE;
-                       tunnel_item = items;
-                       gre_item = items;
-                       break;
-               case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_GRE_KEY:
-                       flow_dv_translate_item_gre_key(match_mask,
-                                                      match_value, items);
-                       last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_GRE_KEY;
-                       break;
-               case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_GRE_OPTION:
-                       priority = MLX5_TUNNEL_PRIO_GET(rss_desc);
-                       last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_GRE;
-                       tunnel_item = items;
-                       break;
-               case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_NVGRE:
-                       priority = MLX5_TUNNEL_PRIO_GET(rss_desc);
-                       last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_GRE;
-                       tunnel_item = items;
-                       break;
-               case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_VXLAN:
-                       flow_dv_translate_item_vxlan(dev, attr,
-                                                    match_mask, match_value,
-                                                    items, tunnel);
-                       priority = MLX5_TUNNEL_PRIO_GET(rss_desc);
-                       last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_VXLAN;
-                       break;
-               case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_VXLAN_GPE:
-                       priority = MLX5_TUNNEL_PRIO_GET(rss_desc);
-                       last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_VXLAN_GPE;
-                       tunnel_item = items;
-                       break;
-               case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_GENEVE:
-                       priority = MLX5_TUNNEL_PRIO_GET(rss_desc);
-                       last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_GENEVE;
-                       tunnel_item = items;
-                       break;
-               case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_GENEVE_OPT:
-                       ret = flow_dv_translate_item_geneve_opt(dev, match_mask,
-                                                         match_value,
-                                                         items, error);
-                       if (ret)
-                               return rte_flow_error_set(error, -ret,
-                                       RTE_FLOW_ERROR_TYPE_ITEM, NULL,
-                                       "cannot create GENEVE TLV option");
-                       flow->geneve_tlv_option = 1;
-                       last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_GENEVE_OPT;
-                       break;
-               case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_MPLS:
-                       flow_dv_translate_item_mpls(match_mask, match_value,
-                                                   items, last_item, tunnel);
-                       priority = MLX5_TUNNEL_PRIO_GET(rss_desc);
-                       last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_MPLS;
-                       break;
-               case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_MARK:
-                       flow_dv_translate_item_mark(dev, match_mask,
-                                                   match_value, items);
-                       last_item = MLX5_FLOW_ITEM_MARK;
-                       break;
-               case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_META:
-                       flow_dv_translate_item_meta(dev, match_mask,
-                                                   match_value, attr, items);
-                       last_item = MLX5_FLOW_ITEM_METADATA;
-                       break;
-               case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_ICMP:
-                       flow_dv_translate_item_icmp(match_mask, match_value,
-                                                   items, tunnel);
-                       priority = MLX5_PRIORITY_MAP_L4;
-                       last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_ICMP;
-                       break;
-               case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_ICMP6:
-                       flow_dv_translate_item_icmp6(match_mask, match_value,
-                                                     items, tunnel);
-                       priority = MLX5_PRIORITY_MAP_L4;
-                       last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_ICMP6;
-                       break;
-               case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_TAG:
-                       flow_dv_translate_item_tag(dev, match_mask,
-                                                  match_value, items);
-                       last_item = MLX5_FLOW_ITEM_TAG;
-                       break;
-               case MLX5_RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_TAG:
-                       flow_dv_translate_mlx5_item_tag(dev, match_mask,
-                                                       match_value, items);
-                       last_item = MLX5_FLOW_ITEM_TAG;
-                       break;
-               case MLX5_RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_TX_QUEUE:
-                       flow_dv_translate_item_tx_queue(dev, match_mask,
-                                                       match_value,
-                                                       items);
-                       last_item = MLX5_FLOW_ITEM_TX_QUEUE;
-                       break;
-               case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_GTP:
-                       flow_dv_translate_item_gtp(match_mask, match_value,
-                                                  items, tunnel);
-                       priority = MLX5_TUNNEL_PRIO_GET(rss_desc);
-                       last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_GTP;
-                       break;
-               case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_GTP_PSC:
-                       ret = flow_dv_translate_item_gtp_psc(match_mask,
-                                                         match_value,
-                                                         items);
-                       if (ret)
-                               return rte_flow_error_set(error, -ret,
-                                       RTE_FLOW_ERROR_TYPE_ITEM, NULL,
-                                       "cannot create GTP PSC item");
-                       last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_GTP_PSC;
-                       break;
-               case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_ECPRI:
-                       if (!mlx5_flex_parser_ecpri_exist(dev)) {
-                               /* Create it only the first time to be used. */
-                               ret = mlx5_flex_parser_ecpri_alloc(dev);
-                               if (ret)
-                                       return rte_flow_error_set
-                                               (error, -ret,
-                                               RTE_FLOW_ERROR_TYPE_ITEM,
-                                               NULL,
-                                               "cannot create eCPRI parser");
-                       }
-                       flow_dv_translate_item_ecpri(dev, match_mask,
-                                                    match_value, items,
-                                                    last_item);
-                       /* No other protocol should follow eCPRI layer. */
-                       last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_ECPRI;
-                       break;
+               tunnel = !!(wks.item_flags & MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_TUNNEL);
+               switch (items->type) {
                case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_INTEGRITY:
                        flow_dv_translate_item_integrity(items, integrity_items,
-                                                        &last_item);
+                                                        &wks.last_item);
                case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_CONNTRACK:
                        flow_dv_translate_item_aso_ct(dev, match_mask,
@@ -13338,13 +13290,22 @@ flow_dv_translate_items(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
                        flow_dv_translate_item_flex(dev, match_mask,
                                                    match_value, items,
                                                    dev_flow, tunnel != 0);
-                       last_item = tunnel ? MLX5_FLOW_ITEM_INNER_FLEX :
-                                   MLX5_FLOW_ITEM_OUTER_FLEX;
+                       wks.last_item = tunnel ? MLX5_FLOW_ITEM_INNER_FLEX :
+                                                MLX5_FLOW_ITEM_OUTER_FLEX;
+                       ret = flow_dv_translate_items(dev, items, &wks_m,
+                               match_mask, MLX5_SET_MATCHER_SW_M, error);
+                       if (ret)
+                               return ret;
+                       ret = flow_dv_translate_items(dev, items, &wks,
+                               match_value, MLX5_SET_MATCHER_SW_V, error);
+                       if (ret)
+                               return ret;
-               item_flags |= last_item;
+               wks.item_flags |= wks.last_item;
         * When E-Switch mode is enabled, we have two cases where we need to
@@ -13354,48 +13315,82 @@ flow_dv_translate_items(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
         * In both cases the source port is set according the current port
         * in use.
-       if (!(item_flags & MLX5_FLOW_ITEM_PORT_ID) &&
-           !(item_flags & MLX5_FLOW_ITEM_REPRESENTED_PORT) && 
priv->sh->esw_mode &&
+       if (!(wks.item_flags & MLX5_FLOW_ITEM_PORT_ID) &&
+           !(wks.item_flags & MLX5_FLOW_ITEM_REPRESENTED_PORT) && 
priv->sh->esw_mode &&
            !(attr->egress && !attr->transfer)) {
-               if (flow_dv_translate_item_port_id(dev, match_mask,
+               if (flow_dv_translate_item_port_id_all(dev, match_mask,
                                                   match_value, NULL, attr))
                        return -rte_errno;
-       if (item_flags & MLX5_FLOW_ITEM_INTEGRITY) {
+       if (wks.item_flags & MLX5_FLOW_ITEM_INTEGRITY) {
                flow_dv_translate_item_integrity_post(match_mask, match_value,
-                                                     item_flags);
-       }
-       if (item_flags & MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_VXLAN_GPE)
-               flow_dv_translate_item_vxlan_gpe(match_mask, match_value,
-                                                tunnel_item, item_flags);
-       else if (item_flags & MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_GENEVE)
-               flow_dv_translate_item_geneve(match_mask, match_value,
-                                             tunnel_item, item_flags);
-       else if (item_flags & MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_GRE) {
-               if (tunnel_item->type == RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_GRE)
-                       flow_dv_translate_item_gre(match_mask, match_value,
-                                                  tunnel_item, item_flags);
-               else if (tunnel_item->type == RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_NVGRE)
-                       flow_dv_translate_item_nvgre(match_mask, match_value,
-                                                    tunnel_item, item_flags);
-               else if (tunnel_item->type == RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_GRE_OPTION)
-                       flow_dv_translate_item_gre_option(match_mask, 
-                                       tunnel_item, gre_item, item_flags);
-               else
+                                                     wks.item_flags);
+       }
+       if (wks.item_flags & MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_VXLAN_GPE) {
+               flow_dv_translate_item_vxlan_gpe(match_mask,
+                                                wks.tunnel_item,
+                                                wks.item_flags,
+                                                MLX5_SET_MATCHER_SW_M);
+               flow_dv_translate_item_vxlan_gpe(match_value,
+                                                wks.tunnel_item,
+                                                wks.item_flags,
+                                                MLX5_SET_MATCHER_SW_V);
+       } else if (wks.item_flags & MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_GENEVE) {
+               flow_dv_translate_item_geneve(match_mask,
+                                             wks.tunnel_item,
+                                             wks.item_flags,
+                                             MLX5_SET_MATCHER_SW_M);
+               flow_dv_translate_item_geneve(match_value,
+                                             wks.tunnel_item,
+                                             wks.item_flags,
+                                             MLX5_SET_MATCHER_SW_V);
+       } else if (wks.item_flags & MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_GRE) {
+               if (wks.tunnel_item->type == RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_GRE) {
+                       flow_dv_translate_item_gre(match_mask,
+                                                  wks.tunnel_item,
+                                                  wks.item_flags,
+                                                  MLX5_SET_MATCHER_SW_M);
+                       flow_dv_translate_item_gre(match_value,
+                                                  wks.tunnel_item,
+                                                  wks.item_flags,
+                                                  MLX5_SET_MATCHER_SW_V);
+               } else if (wks.tunnel_item->type == RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_NVGRE) {
+                       flow_dv_translate_item_nvgre(match_mask,
+                                                    wks.tunnel_item,
+                                                    wks.item_flags,
+                                                    MLX5_SET_MATCHER_SW_M);
+                       flow_dv_translate_item_nvgre(match_value,
+                                                    wks.tunnel_item,
+                                                    wks.item_flags,
+                                                    MLX5_SET_MATCHER_SW_V);
+               } else if (wks.tunnel_item->type == 
+                       flow_dv_translate_item_gre_option(match_mask,
+                                                         wks.tunnel_item,
+                                                         wks.gre_item,
+                                                         wks.item_flags,
+                       flow_dv_translate_item_gre_option(match_value,
+                                                         wks.tunnel_item,
+                                                         wks.gre_item,
+                                                         wks.item_flags,
+               } else {
+               }
-       matcher->priority = priority;
+       dev_flow->handle->vf_vlan.tag = wks.vlan_tag;
+       matcher->priority = wks.priority;
-       MLX5_ASSERT(!flow_dv_check_valid_spec(matcher->mask.buf,
-                                             dev_flow->dv.value.buf));
+       MLX5_ASSERT(!flow_dv_check_valid_spec(match_mask, match_value));
         * Layers may be already initialized from prefix flow if this dev_flow
         * is the suffix flow.
-       handle->layers |= item_flags;
-       return ret;
+       dev_flow->handle->layers |= wks.item_flags;
+       dev_flow->flow->geneve_tlv_option = wks.geneve_tlv_option;
+       return 0;
@@ -14124,7 +14119,7 @@ flow_dv_translate(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
                        modify_action_position = actions_n++;
        dev_flow->act_flags = action_flags;
-       ret = flow_dv_translate_items(dev, dev_flow, attr, items, &matcher,
+       ret = flow_dv_translate_items_sws(dev, dev_flow, attr, items, &matcher,
        if (ret)
                return -rte_errno;
@@ -16690,27 +16685,23 @@ __flow_dv_create_policy_flow(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
        struct mlx5_flow_dv_match_params value = {
                .size = sizeof(value.buf),
-       struct mlx5_flow_dv_match_params matcher = {
-               .size = sizeof(matcher.buf),
-       };
        struct mlx5_priv *priv = dev->data->dev_private;
        uint8_t misc_mask;
        if (match_src_port && priv->sh->esw_mode) {
                if (item && item->type == RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_REPRESENTED_PORT)
-                       ret = flow_dv_translate_item_represented_port(dev, 
matcher.buf, value.buf,
-                                                                     item, 
+                       ret = flow_dv_translate_item_represented_port(dev, 
+                                               item, attr, 
-                       ret = flow_dv_translate_item_port_id(dev, matcher.buf, 
-                                                            item, attr);
+                       ret = flow_dv_translate_item_port_id(dev, value.buf,
+                                               item, attr, 
                if (ret) {
                        DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to create meter policy%d flow's"
                                " value with port.", color);
                        return -1;
-       flow_dv_match_meta_reg(matcher.buf, value.buf,
-                              (enum modify_reg)color_reg_c_idx,
+       flow_dv_match_meta_reg(value.buf, (enum modify_reg)color_reg_c_idx,
                               rte_col_2_mlx5_col(color), UINT32_MAX);
        misc_mask = flow_dv_matcher_enable(value.buf);
        __flow_dv_adjust_buf_size(&value.size, misc_mask);
@@ -16742,9 +16733,6 @@ __flow_dv_create_policy_matcher(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
                .tbl = tbl_rsc,
-       struct mlx5_flow_dv_match_params value = {
-               .size = sizeof(value.buf),
-       };
        struct mlx5_flow_cb_ctx ctx = {
                .error = error,
                .data = &matcher,
@@ -16757,10 +16745,10 @@ __flow_dv_create_policy_matcher(struct rte_eth_dev 
        if (match_src_port && priv->sh->esw_mode) {
                if (item && item->type == RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_REPRESENTED_PORT)
                        ret = flow_dv_translate_item_represented_port(dev, 
value.buf, item, attr);
+                                               item, attr, 
-                       ret = flow_dv_translate_item_port_id(dev, 
matcher.mask.buf, value.buf,
-                                                            item, attr);
+                       ret = flow_dv_translate_item_port_id(dev, 
+                                               item, attr, 
                if (ret) {
                        DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to register meter policy%d matcher"
                                " with port.", priority);
@@ -16769,7 +16757,7 @@ __flow_dv_create_policy_matcher(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
        tbl_data = container_of(tbl_rsc, struct mlx5_flow_tbl_data_entry, tbl);
        if (priority < RTE_COLOR_RED)
-               flow_dv_match_meta_reg(matcher.mask.buf, value.buf,
+               flow_dv_match_meta_reg(matcher.mask.buf,
                        (enum modify_reg)color_reg_c_idx, 0, color_mask);
        matcher.priority = priority;
        matcher.crc = rte_raw_cksum((const void *)matcher.mask.buf,
@@ -17305,7 +17293,7 @@ flow_dv_create_mtr_tbls(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
                tbl_data = container_of(mtrmng->drop_tbl[domain],
                                struct mlx5_flow_tbl_data_entry, tbl);
                if (!mtrmng->def_matcher[domain]) {
-                       flow_dv_match_meta_reg(matcher.mask.buf, value.buf,
+                       flow_dv_match_meta_reg_all(matcher.mask.buf, value.buf,
                                       (enum modify_reg)mtr_id_reg_c,
                                       0, 0);
                        matcher.priority = MLX5_MTRS_DEFAULT_RULE_PRIORITY;
@@ -17325,7 +17313,7 @@ flow_dv_create_mtr_tbls(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
                if (!mtrmng->def_rule[domain]) {
                        i = 0;
                        actions[i++] = priv->sh->dr_drop_action;
-                       flow_dv_match_meta_reg(matcher_para.buf, value.buf,
+                       flow_dv_match_meta_reg_all(matcher_para.buf, value.buf,
                                (enum modify_reg)mtr_id_reg_c, 0, 0);
                        misc_mask = flow_dv_matcher_enable(value.buf);
                        __flow_dv_adjust_buf_size(&value.size, misc_mask);
@@ -17344,7 +17332,7 @@ flow_dv_create_mtr_tbls(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
                if (!mtrmng->drop_matcher[domain][mtrmng->max_mtr_bits - 1]) {
                        /* Create matchers for Drop. */
-                       flow_dv_match_meta_reg(matcher.mask.buf, value.buf,
+                       flow_dv_match_meta_reg_all(matcher.mask.buf, value.buf,
                                        (enum modify_reg)mtr_id_reg_c, 0,
                                        (mtr_id_mask << mtr_id_offset));
                        matcher.priority = MLX5_REG_BITS - mtrmng->max_mtr_bits;
@@ -17364,7 +17352,7 @@ flow_dv_create_mtr_tbls(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
                drop_matcher =
                        mtrmng->drop_matcher[domain][mtrmng->max_mtr_bits - 1];
                /* Create drop rule, matching meter_id only. */
-               flow_dv_match_meta_reg(matcher_para.buf, value.buf,
+               flow_dv_match_meta_reg_all(matcher_para.buf, value.buf,
                                (enum modify_reg)mtr_id_reg_c,
                                (mtr_idx << mtr_id_offset), UINT32_MAX);
                i = 0;
@@ -18846,8 +18834,12 @@ flow_dv_discover_priorities(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
        flow.dv.actions[0] = action;
        flow.dv.actions_n = 1;
        memset(&eth, 0, sizeof(eth));
-       flow_dv_translate_item_eth(matcher.mask.buf, flow.dv.value.buf,
-                                  &item, /* inner */ false, /* group */ 0);
+       flow_dv_translate_item_eth(matcher.mask.buf, &item,
+                                  /* inner */ false, /* group */ 0,
+                                  MLX5_SET_MATCHER_SW_M);
+       flow_dv_translate_item_eth(flow.dv.value.buf, &item,
+                                  /* inner */ false, /* group */ 0,
+                                  MLX5_SET_MATCHER_SW_V);
        matcher.crc = rte_raw_cksum(matcher.mask.buf, matcher.mask.size);
        for (i = 0; i < vprio_n; i++) {
                /* Configure the next proposed maximum priority. */

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