> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dongdong Liu <liudongdo...@huawei.com>
> Subject: [PATCH 1/6] app/procinfo: add version dump
If this is V2 version of patch, please add V2 in the patch heading.
And can you mark the previous version of patches "Superseded" in the patchwork.
> dpdk-proc-info -a xxxx:xx:xx.x --file-prefix=xxx -- -- show-version
--show-version? But not -- show-version.
> --- a/app/proc-info/main.c
> + " --show-version: to display DPDK version and firmware
> version\n"
Say ethdev firmware version. Instead of just firmware version.
> +static void show_version(void)
Divide this into 2 lines. "static void" should be in one line and
"show_version(void)" should be in another line.
Please check the other functions in the file for an example.
> +{
> +#define ETHDEV_FWVERS_LEN 32
Can this definition be moved to top of the file along with the other #defines.
> +
> + printf("Firmware version: %s\n", fw_version);
Better to include Ethdev <port id> Firmware version.