Remove the legacy pipeline CLI commands.

Signed-off-by: Cristian Dumitrescu <>
Signed-off-by: Yogesh Jangra <>
 drivers/net/softnic/rte_eth_softnic_cli.c | 4527 ---------------------
 1 file changed, 4527 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/softnic/rte_eth_softnic_cli.c 
index 501ef08c4c..abe275ec83 100644
--- a/drivers/net/softnic/rte_eth_softnic_cli.c
+++ b/drivers/net/softnic/rte_eth_softnic_cli.c
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
 #include <rte_common.h>
 #include <rte_cycles.h>
 #include <rte_string_fns.h>
-#include <rte_cryptodev.h>
 #include "rte_eth_softnic_internals.h"
 #include "parser.h"
@@ -186,4227 +185,6 @@ cmd_swq(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
- * port in action profile <profile_name>
- *  [filter match | mismatch offset <key_offset> mask <key_mask> key 
<key_value> port <port_id>]
- *  [balance offset <key_offset> mask <key_mask> port <port_id0> ... 
- */
-static void
-cmd_port_in_action_profile(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
-       char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       char *out,
-       size_t out_size)
-       struct softnic_port_in_action_profile_params p;
-       struct softnic_port_in_action_profile *ap;
-       char *name;
-       uint32_t t0;
-       memset(&p, 0, sizeof(p));
-       if (n_tokens < 5) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[1], "in") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "in");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[2], "action") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "action");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[3], "profile") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "profile");
-               return;
-       }
-       name = tokens[4];
-       t0 = 5;
-       if (t0 < n_tokens &&
-               (strcmp(tokens[t0], "filter") == 0)) {
-               uint32_t size;
-               if (n_tokens < t0 + 10) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, "port in 
action profile filter");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "match") == 0) {
-                       p.fltr.filter_on_match = 1;
-               } else if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "mismatch") == 0) {
-                       p.fltr.filter_on_match = 0;
-               } else {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "match or 
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 2], "offset") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "offset");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&p.fltr.key_offset,
-                       tokens[t0 + 3]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "key_offset");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 4], "mask") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "mask");
-                       return;
-               }
-               size = RTE_PORT_IN_ACTION_FLTR_KEY_SIZE;
-               if ((softnic_parse_hex_string(tokens[t0 + 5],
-                       p.fltr.key_mask, &size) != 0) ||
-                       size != RTE_PORT_IN_ACTION_FLTR_KEY_SIZE) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "key_mask");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 6], "key") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "key");
-                       return;
-               }
-               size = RTE_PORT_IN_ACTION_FLTR_KEY_SIZE;
-               if ((softnic_parse_hex_string(tokens[t0 + 7],
-                       p.fltr.key, &size) != 0) ||
-                       size != RTE_PORT_IN_ACTION_FLTR_KEY_SIZE) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "key_value");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 8], "port") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "port");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&p.fltr.port_id,
-                       tokens[t0 + 9]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "port_id");
-                       return;
-               }
-               p.action_mask |= 1LLU << RTE_PORT_IN_ACTION_FLTR;
-               t0 += 10;
-       } /* filter */
-       if (t0 < n_tokens &&
-               (strcmp(tokens[t0], "balance") == 0)) {
-               uint32_t i;
-               if (n_tokens < t0 + 22) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH,
-                               "port in action profile balance");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "offset") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "offset");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&,
-                       tokens[t0 + 2]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "key_offset");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 3], "mask") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "mask");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parse_hex_string(tokens[t0 + 4],
-             , & != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "key_mask");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 5], "port") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "port");
-                       return;
-               }
-               for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
-                       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&[i],
-                       tokens[t0 + 6 + i]) != 0) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, 
-                               return;
-                       }
-               p.action_mask |= 1LLU << RTE_PORT_IN_ACTION_LB;
-               t0 += 22;
-       } /* balance */
-       if (t0 < n_tokens) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       ap = softnic_port_in_action_profile_create(softnic, name, &p);
-       if (ap == NULL) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_FAIL, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
- * table action profile <profile_name>
- *  ipv4 | ipv6
- *  offset <ip_offset>
- *  fwd
- *  [balance offset <key_offset> mask <key_mask> outoffset <out_offset>]
- *  [meter srtcm | trtcm
- *      tc <n_tc>
- *      stats none | pkts | bytes | both]
- *  [tm spp <n_subports_per_port> pps <n_pipes_per_subport>]
- *  [encap ether | vlan | qinq | mpls | pppoe | qinq_pppoe |
- *      vxlan offset <ether_offset> ipv4 | ipv6 vlan on | off]
- *  [nat src | dst
- *      proto udp | tcp]
- *  [ttl drop | fwd
- *      stats none | pkts]
- *  [stats pkts | bytes | both]
- *  [time]
- *  [tag]
- *  [decap]
- *
- */
-static void
-cmd_table_action_profile(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
-       char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       char *out,
-       size_t out_size)
-       struct softnic_table_action_profile_params p;
-       struct softnic_table_action_profile *ap;
-       char *name;
-       uint32_t t0;
-       memset(&p, 0, sizeof(p));
-       if (n_tokens < 8) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[1], "action") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "action");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[2], "profile") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "profile");
-               return;
-       }
-       name = tokens[3];
-       if (strcmp(tokens[4], "ipv4") == 0) {
-               p.common.ip_version = 1;
-       } else if (strcmp(tokens[4], "ipv6") == 0) {
-               p.common.ip_version = 0;
-       } else {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "ipv4 or ipv6");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[5], "offset") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "offset");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&p.common.ip_offset,
-               tokens[6]) != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "ip_offset");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[7], "fwd") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "fwd");
-               return;
-       }
-       p.action_mask |= 1LLU << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_FWD;
-       t0 = 8;
-       if (t0 < n_tokens &&
-               (strcmp(tokens[t0], "balance") == 0)) {
-               if (n_tokens < t0 + 7) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, "table action 
profile balance");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "offset") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "offset");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&,
-                       tokens[t0 + 2]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "key_offset");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 3], "mask") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "mask");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parse_hex_string(tokens[t0 + 4],
-             , & != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "key_mask");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 5], "outoffset") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "outoffset");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&,
-                       tokens[t0 + 6]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "out_offset");
-                       return;
-               }
-               p.action_mask |= 1LLU << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_LB;
-               t0 += 7;
-       } /* balance */
-       if (t0 < n_tokens &&
-               (strcmp(tokens[t0], "meter") == 0)) {
-               if (n_tokens < t0 + 6) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH,
-                               "table action profile meter");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "srtcm") == 0) {
-               } else if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "trtcm") == 0) {
-               } else {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND,
-                               "srtcm or trtcm");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 2], "tc") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "tc");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&,
-                       tokens[t0 + 3]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "n_tc");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 4], "stats") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "stats");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 5], "none") == 0) {
-              = 0;
-              = 0;
-               } else if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 5], "pkts") == 0) {
-              = 1;
-              = 0;
-               } else if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 5], "bytes") == 0) {
-              = 0;
-              = 1;
-               } else if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 5], "both") == 0) {
-              = 1;
-              = 1;
-               } else {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND,
-                               "none or pkts or bytes or both");
-                       return;
-               }
-               p.action_mask |= 1LLU << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_MTR;
-               t0 += 6;
-       } /* meter */
-       if (t0 < n_tokens &&
-               (strcmp(tokens[t0], "tm") == 0)) {
-               if (n_tokens < t0 + 5) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH,
-                               "table action profile tm");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "spp") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "spp");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&,
-                       tokens[t0 + 2]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                               "n_subports_per_port");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 3], "pps") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "pps");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&,
-                       tokens[t0 + 4]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                               "n_pipes_per_subport");
-                       return;
-               }
-               p.action_mask |= 1LLU << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_TM;
-               t0 += 5;
-       } /* tm */
-       if (t0 < n_tokens &&
-               (strcmp(tokens[t0], "encap") == 0)) {
-               uint32_t n_extra_tokens = 0;
-               if (n_tokens < t0 + 2) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH,
-                               "action profile encap");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "ether") == 0) {
-                       p.encap.encap_mask = 1LLU << 
-               } else if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "vlan") == 0) {
-                       p.encap.encap_mask = 1LLU << 
-               } else if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "qinq") == 0) {
-                       p.encap.encap_mask = 1LLU << 
-               } else if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "mpls") == 0) {
-                       p.encap.encap_mask = 1LLU << 
-               } else if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "pppoe") == 0) {
-                       p.encap.encap_mask = 1LLU << 
-               } else if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "vxlan") == 0) {
-                       if (n_tokens < t0 + 2 + 5) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH,
-                                       "action profile encap vxlan");
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 2], "offset") != 0) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND,
-                                       "vxlan: offset");
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       if 
-                               tokens[t0 + 2 + 1]) != 0) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                                       "vxlan: ether_offset");
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 2 + 2], "ipv4") == 0)
-                               p.encap.vxlan.ip_version = 1;
-                       else if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 2 + 2], "ipv6") == 0)
-                               p.encap.vxlan.ip_version = 0;
-                       else {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                                       "vxlan: ipv4 or ipv6");
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 2 + 3], "vlan") != 0) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND,
-                                       "vxlan: vlan");
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 2 + 4], "on") == 0)
-                               p.encap.vxlan.vlan = 1;
-                       else if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 2 + 4], "off") == 0)
-                               p.encap.vxlan.vlan = 0;
-                       else {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                                       "vxlan: on or off");
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       p.encap.encap_mask = 1LLU << 
-                       n_extra_tokens = 5;
-               } else if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "qinq_pppoe") == 0) {
-                       p.encap.encap_mask =
-                               1LLU << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP_QINQ_PPPOE;
-               } else {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, "encap");
-                       return;
-               }
-               p.action_mask |= 1LLU << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP;
-               t0 += 2 + n_extra_tokens;
-       } /* encap */
-       if (t0 < n_tokens &&
-               (strcmp(tokens[t0], "nat") == 0)) {
-               if (n_tokens < t0 + 4) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH,
-                               "table action profile nat");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "src") == 0) {
-                       p.nat.source_nat = 1;
-               } else if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "dst") == 0) {
-                       p.nat.source_nat = 0;
-               } else {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND,
-                               "src or dst");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 2], "proto") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "proto");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 3], "tcp") == 0) {
-                       p.nat.proto = 0x06;
-               } else if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 3], "udp") == 0) {
-                       p.nat.proto = 0x11;
-               } else {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND,
-                               "tcp or udp");
-                       return;
-               }
-               p.action_mask |= 1LLU << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_NAT;
-               t0 += 4;
-       } /* nat */
-       if (t0 < n_tokens &&
-               (strcmp(tokens[t0], "ttl") == 0)) {
-               if (n_tokens < t0 + 4) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH,
-                               "table action profile ttl");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "drop") == 0) {
-                       p.ttl.drop = 1;
-               } else if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "fwd") == 0) {
-                       p.ttl.drop = 0;
-               } else {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND,
-                               "drop or fwd");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 2], "stats") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "stats");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 3], "none") == 0) {
-                       p.ttl.n_packets_enabled = 0;
-               } else if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 3], "pkts") == 0) {
-                       p.ttl.n_packets_enabled = 1;
-               } else {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND,
-                               "none or pkts");
-                       return;
-               }
-               p.action_mask |= 1LLU << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_TTL;
-               t0 += 4;
-       } /* ttl */
-       if (t0 < n_tokens &&
-               (strcmp(tokens[t0], "stats") == 0)) {
-               if (n_tokens < t0 + 2) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH,
-                               "table action profile stats");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "pkts") == 0) {
-                       p.stats.n_packets_enabled = 1;
-                       p.stats.n_bytes_enabled = 0;
-               } else if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "bytes") == 0) {
-                       p.stats.n_packets_enabled = 0;
-                       p.stats.n_bytes_enabled = 1;
-               } else if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "both") == 0) {
-                       p.stats.n_packets_enabled = 1;
-                       p.stats.n_bytes_enabled = 1;
-               } else {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND,
-                               "pkts or bytes or both");
-                       return;
-               }
-               p.action_mask |= 1LLU << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_STATS;
-               t0 += 2;
-       } /* stats */
-       if (t0 < n_tokens &&
-               (strcmp(tokens[t0], "time") == 0)) {
-               p.action_mask |= 1LLU << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_TIME;
-               t0 += 1;
-       } /* time */
-       if (t0 < n_tokens &&
-               (strcmp(tokens[t0], "tag") == 0)) {
-               p.action_mask |= 1LLU << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_TAG;
-               t0 += 1;
-       } /* tag */
-       if (t0 < n_tokens &&
-               (strcmp(tokens[t0], "decap") == 0)) {
-               p.action_mask |= 1LLU << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_DECAP;
-               t0 += 1;
-       } /* decap */
-       if (t0 < n_tokens) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       ap = softnic_table_action_profile_create(softnic, name, &p);
-       if (ap == NULL) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_FAIL, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
- * pipeline <pipeline_name>
- *  period <timer_period_ms>
- *  offset_port_id <offset_port_id>
- */
-static void
-cmd_pipeline(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
-       char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       char *out,
-       size_t out_size)
-       struct pipeline_params p;
-       char *name;
-       struct pipeline *pipeline;
-       if (n_tokens != 6) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       name = tokens[1];
-       if (strcmp(tokens[2], "period") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "period");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&p.timer_period_ms,
-               tokens[3]) != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "timer_period_ms");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[4], "offset_port_id") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "offset_port_id");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&p.offset_port_id,
-               tokens[5]) != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "offset_port_id");
-               return;
-       }
-       pipeline = softnic_pipeline_create(softnic, name, &p);
-       if (pipeline == NULL) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_FAIL, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
- * pipeline <pipeline_name> port in
- *  bsz <burst_size>
- *  link <link_name> rxq <queue_id>
- *  | swq <swq_name>
- *  | source mempool <mempool_name> file <file_name> bpp <n_bytes_per_pkt>
- *  [action <port_in_action_profile_name>]
- *  [disabled]
- */
-static void
-cmd_pipeline_port_in(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
-       char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       char *out,
-       size_t out_size)
-       struct softnic_port_in_params p;
-       char *pipeline_name;
-       uint32_t t0;
-       int enabled, status;
-       memset(&p, 0, sizeof(p));
-       if (n_tokens < 7) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       pipeline_name = tokens[1];
-       if (strcmp(tokens[2], "port") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "port");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[3], "in") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "in");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[4], "bsz") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "bsz");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&p.burst_size, tokens[5]) != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "burst_size");
-               return;
-       }
-       t0 = 6;
-       if (strcmp(tokens[t0], "link") == 0) {
-               if (n_tokens < t0 + 4) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH,
-                               "pipeline port in link");
-                       return;
-               }
-               p.type = PORT_IN_RXQ;
-               strlcpy(p.dev_name, tokens[t0 + 1], sizeof(p.dev_name));
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 2], "rxq") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "rxq");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint16(&p.rxq.queue_id,
-                       tokens[t0 + 3]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                               "queue_id");
-                       return;
-               }
-               t0 += 4;
-       } else if (strcmp(tokens[t0], "swq") == 0) {
-               if (n_tokens < t0 + 2) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH,
-                               "pipeline port in swq");
-                       return;
-               }
-               p.type = PORT_IN_SWQ;
-               strlcpy(p.dev_name, tokens[t0 + 1], sizeof(p.dev_name));
-               t0 += 2;
-       } else if (strcmp(tokens[t0], "source") == 0) {
-               if (n_tokens < t0 + 6) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH,
-                               "pipeline port in source");
-                       return;
-               }
-               p.type = PORT_IN_SOURCE;
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "mempool") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND,
-                               "mempool");
-                       return;
-               }
-               p.source.mempool_name = tokens[t0 + 2];
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 3], "file") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND,
-                               "file");
-                       return;
-               }
-               p.source.file_name = tokens[t0 + 4];
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 5], "bpp") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND,
-                               "bpp");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&p.source.n_bytes_per_pkt,
-                       tokens[t0 + 6]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                               "n_bytes_per_pkt");
-                       return;
-               }
-               t0 += 7;
-       } else {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       if (n_tokens > t0 &&
-               (strcmp(tokens[t0], "action") == 0)) {
-               if (n_tokens < t0 + 2) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, "action");
-                       return;
-               }
-               strlcpy(p.action_profile_name, tokens[t0 + 1],
-                       sizeof(p.action_profile_name));
-               t0 += 2;
-       }
-       enabled = 1;
-       if (n_tokens > t0 &&
-               (strcmp(tokens[t0], "disabled") == 0)) {
-               enabled = 0;
-               t0 += 1;
-       }
-       if (n_tokens != t0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       status = softnic_pipeline_port_in_create(softnic,
-               pipeline_name,
-               &p,
-               enabled);
-       if (status) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_FAIL, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
- * pipeline <pipeline_name> port out
- *  bsz <burst_size>
- *  link <link_name> txq <txq_id>
- *  | swq <swq_name>
- *  | sink [file <file_name> pkts <max_n_pkts>]
- */
-static void
-cmd_pipeline_port_out(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
-       char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       char *out,
-       size_t out_size)
-       struct softnic_port_out_params p;
-       char *pipeline_name;
-       int status;
-       memset(&p, 0, sizeof(p));
-       if (n_tokens < 7) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       pipeline_name = tokens[1];
-       if (strcmp(tokens[2], "port") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "port");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[3], "out") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "out");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[4], "bsz") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "bsz");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&p.burst_size, tokens[5]) != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "burst_size");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[6], "link") == 0) {
-               if (n_tokens != 10) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH,
-                               "pipeline port out link");
-                       return;
-               }
-               p.type = PORT_OUT_TXQ;
-               strlcpy(p.dev_name, tokens[7], sizeof(p.dev_name));
-               if (strcmp(tokens[8], "txq") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "txq");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint16(&p.txq.queue_id,
-                       tokens[9]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "queue_id");
-                       return;
-               }
-       } else if (strcmp(tokens[6], "swq") == 0) {
-               if (n_tokens != 8) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH,
-                               "pipeline port out swq");
-                       return;
-               }
-               p.type = PORT_OUT_SWQ;
-               strlcpy(p.dev_name, tokens[7], sizeof(p.dev_name));
-       } else if (strcmp(tokens[6], "sink") == 0) {
-               if ((n_tokens != 7) && (n_tokens != 11)) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH,
-                               "pipeline port out sink");
-                       return;
-               }
-               p.type = PORT_OUT_SINK;
-               if (n_tokens == 7) {
-                       p.sink.file_name = NULL;
-                       p.sink.max_n_pkts = 0;
-               } else {
-                       if (strcmp(tokens[7], "file") != 0) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND,
-                                       "file");
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       p.sink.file_name = tokens[8];
-                       if (strcmp(tokens[9], "pkts") != 0) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, 
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&p.sink.max_n_pkts,
-                               tokens[10]) != 0) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, 
-                               return;
-                       }
-               }
-       } else {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       status = softnic_pipeline_port_out_create(softnic, pipeline_name, &p);
-       if (status) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_FAIL, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
- * pipeline <pipeline_name> table
- *      match
- *      acl
- *          ipv4 | ipv6
- *          offset <ip_header_offset>
- *          size <n_rules>
- *      | array
- *          offset <key_offset>
- *          size <n_keys>
- *      | hash
- *          ext | lru
- *          key <key_size>
- *          mask <key_mask>
- *          offset <key_offset>
- *          buckets <n_buckets>
- *          size <n_keys>
- *      | lpm
- *          ipv4 | ipv6
- *          offset <ip_header_offset>
- *          size <n_rules>
- *      | stub
- *  [action <table_action_profile_name>]
- */
-static void
-cmd_pipeline_table(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
-       char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       char *out,
-       size_t out_size)
-       struct softnic_table_params p;
-       char *pipeline_name;
-       uint32_t t0;
-       int status;
-       memset(&p, 0, sizeof(p));
-       if (n_tokens < 5) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       pipeline_name = tokens[1];
-       if (strcmp(tokens[2], "table") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "table");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[3], "match") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "match");
-               return;
-       }
-       t0 = 4;
-       if (strcmp(tokens[t0], "acl") == 0) {
-               if (n_tokens < t0 + 6) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH,
-                               "pipeline table acl");
-                       return;
-               }
-               p.match_type = TABLE_ACL;
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "ipv4") == 0) {
-                       p.match.acl.ip_version = 1;
-               } else if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "ipv6") == 0) {
-                       p.match.acl.ip_version = 0;
-               } else {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND,
-                               "ipv4 or ipv6");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 2], "offset") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "offset");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&p.match.acl.ip_header_offset,
-                       tokens[t0 + 3]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                               "ip_header_offset");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 4], "size") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "size");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&p.match.acl.n_rules,
-                       tokens[t0 + 5]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "n_rules");
-                       return;
-               }
-               t0 += 6;
-       } else if (strcmp(tokens[t0], "array") == 0) {
-               if (n_tokens < t0 + 5) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH,
-                               "pipeline table array");
-                       return;
-               }
-               p.match_type = TABLE_ARRAY;
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "offset") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "offset");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&p.match.array.key_offset,
-                       tokens[t0 + 2]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "key_offset");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 3], "size") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "size");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&p.match.array.n_keys,
-                       tokens[t0 + 4]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "n_keys");
-                       return;
-               }
-               t0 += 5;
-       } else if (strcmp(tokens[t0], "hash") == 0) {
-               uint32_t key_mask_size = TABLE_RULE_MATCH_SIZE_MAX;
-               if (n_tokens < t0 + 12) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH,
-                               "pipeline table hash");
-                       return;
-               }
-               p.match_type = TABLE_HASH;
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "ext") == 0) {
-                       p.match.hash.extendable_bucket = 1;
-               } else if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "lru") == 0) {
-                       p.match.hash.extendable_bucket = 0;
-               } else {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND,
-                               "ext or lru");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 2], "key") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "key");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if ((softnic_parser_read_uint32(&p.match.hash.key_size,
-                       tokens[t0 + 3]) != 0) ||
-                       p.match.hash.key_size == 0 ||
-                       p.match.hash.key_size > TABLE_RULE_MATCH_SIZE_MAX) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "key_size");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 4], "mask") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "mask");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if ((softnic_parse_hex_string(tokens[t0 + 5],
-                       p.match.hash.key_mask, &key_mask_size) != 0) ||
-                       key_mask_size != p.match.hash.key_size) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "key_mask");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 6], "offset") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "offset");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&p.match.hash.key_offset,
-                       tokens[t0 + 7]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "key_offset");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 8], "buckets") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "buckets");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&p.match.hash.n_buckets,
-                       tokens[t0 + 9]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "n_buckets");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 10], "size") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "size");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&p.match.hash.n_keys,
-                       tokens[t0 + 11]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "n_keys");
-                       return;
-               }
-               t0 += 12;
-       } else if (strcmp(tokens[t0], "lpm") == 0) {
-               if (n_tokens < t0 + 6) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH,
-                               "pipeline table lpm");
-                       return;
-               }
-               p.match_type = TABLE_LPM;
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "ipv4") == 0) {
-                       p.match.lpm.key_size = 4;
-               } else if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 1], "ipv6") == 0) {
-                       p.match.lpm.key_size = 16;
-               } else {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND,
-                               "ipv4 or ipv6");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 2], "offset") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "offset");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&p.match.lpm.key_offset,
-                       tokens[t0 + 3]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "key_offset");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[t0 + 4], "size") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "size");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&p.match.lpm.n_rules,
-                       tokens[t0 + 5]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "n_rules");
-                       return;
-               }
-               t0 += 6;
-       } else if (strcmp(tokens[t0], "stub") == 0) {
-               p.match_type = TABLE_STUB;
-               t0 += 1;
-       } else {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       if (n_tokens > t0 &&
-               (strcmp(tokens[t0], "action") == 0)) {
-               if (n_tokens < t0 + 2) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, "action");
-                       return;
-               }
-               strlcpy(p.action_profile_name, tokens[t0 + 1],
-                       sizeof(p.action_profile_name));
-               t0 += 2;
-       }
-       if (n_tokens > t0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       status = softnic_pipeline_table_create(softnic, pipeline_name, &p);
-       if (status) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_FAIL, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
- * pipeline <pipeline_name> port in <port_id> table <table_id>
- */
-static void
-cmd_pipeline_port_in_table(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
-       char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       char *out,
-       size_t out_size)
-       char *pipeline_name;
-       uint32_t port_id, table_id;
-       int status;
-       if (n_tokens != 7) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       pipeline_name = tokens[1];
-       if (strcmp(tokens[2], "port") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "port");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[3], "in") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "in");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&port_id, tokens[4]) != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "port_id");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[5], "table") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "table");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&table_id, tokens[6]) != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "table_id");
-               return;
-       }
-       status = softnic_pipeline_port_in_connect_to_table(softnic,
-               pipeline_name,
-               port_id,
-               table_id);
-       if (status) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_FAIL, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
- * pipeline <pipeline_name> port in <port_id> stats read [clear]
- */
-#define MSG_PIPELINE_PORT_IN_STATS                         \
-       "Pkts in: %" PRIu64 "\n"                           \
-       "Pkts dropped by AH: %" PRIu64 "\n"                \
-       "Pkts dropped by other: %" PRIu64 "\n"
-static void
-cmd_pipeline_port_in_stats(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
-       char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       char *out,
-       size_t out_size)
-       struct rte_pipeline_port_in_stats stats;
-       char *pipeline_name;
-       uint32_t port_id;
-       int clear, status;
-       if (n_tokens != 7 &&
-               n_tokens != 8) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       pipeline_name = tokens[1];
-       if (strcmp(tokens[2], "port") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "port");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[3], "in") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "in");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&port_id, tokens[4]) != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "port_id");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[5], "stats") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "stats");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[6], "read") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "read");
-               return;
-       }
-       clear = 0;
-       if (n_tokens == 8) {
-               if (strcmp(tokens[7], "clear") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "clear");
-                       return;
-               }
-               clear = 1;
-       }
-       status = softnic_pipeline_port_in_stats_read(softnic,
-               pipeline_name,
-               port_id,
-               &stats,
-               clear);
-       if (status) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_FAIL, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_PIPELINE_PORT_IN_STATS,
-               stats.stats.n_pkts_in,
-               stats.n_pkts_dropped_by_ah,
-               stats.stats.n_pkts_drop);
- * pipeline <pipeline_name> port in <port_id> enable
- */
-static void
-cmd_softnic_pipeline_port_in_enable(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
-       char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       char *out,
-       size_t out_size)
-       char *pipeline_name;
-       uint32_t port_id;
-       int status;
-       if (n_tokens != 6) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       pipeline_name = tokens[1];
-       if (strcmp(tokens[2], "port") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "port");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[3], "in") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "in");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&port_id, tokens[4]) != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "port_id");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[5], "enable") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "enable");
-               return;
-       }
-       status = softnic_pipeline_port_in_enable(softnic, pipeline_name, 
-       if (status) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_FAIL, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
- * pipeline <pipeline_name> port in <port_id> disable
- */
-static void
-cmd_softnic_pipeline_port_in_disable(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
-       char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       char *out,
-       size_t out_size)
-       char *pipeline_name;
-       uint32_t port_id;
-       int status;
-       if (n_tokens != 6) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       pipeline_name = tokens[1];
-       if (strcmp(tokens[2], "port") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "port");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[3], "in") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "in");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&port_id, tokens[4]) != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "port_id");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[5], "disable") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "disable");
-               return;
-       }
-       status = softnic_pipeline_port_in_disable(softnic, pipeline_name, 
-       if (status) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_FAIL, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
- * pipeline <pipeline_name> port out <port_id> stats read [clear]
- */
-#define MSG_PIPELINE_PORT_OUT_STATS                        \
-       "Pkts in: %" PRIu64 "\n"                           \
-       "Pkts dropped by AH: %" PRIu64 "\n"                \
-       "Pkts dropped by other: %" PRIu64 "\n"
-static void
-cmd_pipeline_port_out_stats(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
-       char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       char *out,
-       size_t out_size)
-       struct rte_pipeline_port_out_stats stats;
-       char *pipeline_name;
-       uint32_t port_id;
-       int clear, status;
-       if (n_tokens != 7 &&
-               n_tokens != 8) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       pipeline_name = tokens[1];
-       if (strcmp(tokens[2], "port") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "port");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[3], "out") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "out");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&port_id, tokens[4]) != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "port_id");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[5], "stats") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "stats");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[6], "read") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "read");
-               return;
-       }
-       clear = 0;
-       if (n_tokens == 8) {
-               if (strcmp(tokens[7], "clear") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "clear");
-                       return;
-               }
-               clear = 1;
-       }
-       status = softnic_pipeline_port_out_stats_read(softnic,
-               pipeline_name,
-               port_id,
-               &stats,
-               clear);
-       if (status) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_FAIL, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_PIPELINE_PORT_OUT_STATS,
-               stats.stats.n_pkts_in,
-               stats.n_pkts_dropped_by_ah,
-               stats.stats.n_pkts_drop);
- * pipeline <pipeline_name> table <table_id> stats read [clear]
- */
-#define MSG_PIPELINE_TABLE_STATS                                     \
-       "Pkts in: %" PRIu64 "\n"                                     \
-       "Pkts in with lookup miss: %" PRIu64 "\n"                    \
-       "Pkts in with lookup hit dropped by AH: %" PRIu64 "\n"       \
-       "Pkts in with lookup hit dropped by others: %" PRIu64 "\n"   \
-       "Pkts in with lookup miss dropped by AH: %" PRIu64 "\n"      \
-       "Pkts in with lookup miss dropped by others: %" PRIu64 "\n"
-static void
-cmd_pipeline_table_stats(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
-       char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       char *out,
-       size_t out_size)
-       struct rte_pipeline_table_stats stats;
-       char *pipeline_name;
-       uint32_t table_id;
-       int clear, status;
-       if (n_tokens != 6 &&
-               n_tokens != 7) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       pipeline_name = tokens[1];
-       if (strcmp(tokens[2], "table") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "port");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&table_id, tokens[3]) != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "table_id");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[4], "stats") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "stats");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[5], "read") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "read");
-               return;
-       }
-       clear = 0;
-       if (n_tokens == 7) {
-               if (strcmp(tokens[6], "clear") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "clear");
-                       return;
-               }
-               clear = 1;
-       }
-       status = softnic_pipeline_table_stats_read(softnic,
-               pipeline_name,
-               table_id,
-               &stats,
-               clear);
-       if (status) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_FAIL, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_PIPELINE_TABLE_STATS,
-               stats.stats.n_pkts_in,
-               stats.stats.n_pkts_lookup_miss,
-               stats.n_pkts_dropped_by_lkp_hit_ah,
-               stats.n_pkts_dropped_lkp_hit,
-               stats.n_pkts_dropped_by_lkp_miss_ah,
-               stats.n_pkts_dropped_lkp_miss);
- * <match> ::=
- *
- * match
- *    acl
- *       priority <priority>
- *       ipv4 | ipv6 <sa> <sa_depth> <da> <da_depth>
- *       <sp0> <sp1> <dp0> <dp1> <proto>
- *    | array <pos>
- *    | hash
- *       raw <key>
- *       | ipv4_5tuple <sa> <da> <sp> <dp> <proto>
- *       | ipv6_5tuple <sa> <da> <sp> <dp> <proto>
- *       | ipv4_addr <addr>
- *       | ipv6_addr <addr>
- *       | qinq <svlan> <cvlan>
- *    | lpm
- *       ipv4 | ipv6 <addr> <depth>
- */
-struct pkt_key_qinq {
-       uint16_t ethertype_svlan;
-       uint16_t svlan;
-       uint16_t ethertype_cvlan;
-       uint16_t cvlan;
-} __rte_packed;
-struct pkt_key_ipv4_5tuple {
-       uint8_t time_to_live;
-       uint8_t proto;
-       uint16_t hdr_checksum;
-       uint32_t sa;
-       uint32_t da;
-       uint16_t sp;
-       uint16_t dp;
-} __rte_packed;
-struct pkt_key_ipv6_5tuple {
-       uint16_t payload_length;
-       uint8_t proto;
-       uint8_t hop_limit;
-       uint8_t sa[16];
-       uint8_t da[16];
-       uint16_t sp;
-       uint16_t dp;
-} __rte_packed;
-struct pkt_key_ipv4_addr {
-       uint32_t addr;
-} __rte_packed;
-struct pkt_key_ipv6_addr {
-       uint8_t addr[16];
-} __rte_packed;
-static uint32_t
-parse_match(char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       char *out,
-       size_t out_size,
-       struct softnic_table_rule_match *m)
-       memset(m, 0, sizeof(*m));
-       if (n_tokens < 2)
-               return 0;
-       if (strcmp(tokens[0], "match") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "match");
-               return 0;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[1], "acl") == 0) {
-               if (n_tokens < 14) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               m->match_type = TABLE_ACL;
-               if (strcmp(tokens[2], "priority") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "priority");
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&m->match.acl.priority,
-                       tokens[3]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "priority");
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[4], "ipv4") == 0) {
-                       struct in_addr saddr, daddr;
-                       m->match.acl.ip_version = 1;
-                       if (softnic_parse_ipv4_addr(tokens[5], &saddr) != 0) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "sa");
-                               return 0;
-                       }
-                       m-> = rte_be_to_cpu_32(saddr.s_addr);
-                       if (softnic_parse_ipv4_addr(tokens[7], &daddr) != 0) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "da");
-                               return 0;
-                       }
-                       m->match.acl.ipv4.da = rte_be_to_cpu_32(daddr.s_addr);
-               } else if (strcmp(tokens[4], "ipv6") == 0) {
-                       struct in6_addr saddr, daddr;
-                       m->match.acl.ip_version = 0;
-                       if (softnic_parse_ipv6_addr(tokens[5], &saddr) != 0) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "sa");
-                               return 0;
-                       }
-                       memcpy(m->, saddr.s6_addr, 16);
-                       if (softnic_parse_ipv6_addr(tokens[7], &daddr) != 0) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "da");
-                               return 0;
-                       }
-                       memcpy(m->match.acl.ipv6.da, daddr.s6_addr, 16);
-               } else {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND,
-                               "ipv4 or ipv6");
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&m->match.acl.sa_depth,
-                       tokens[6]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "sa_depth");
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&m->match.acl.da_depth,
-                       tokens[8]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "da_depth");
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint16(&m->match.acl.sp0, tokens[9]) != 
0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "sp0");
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint16(&m->match.acl.sp1, tokens[10]) 
!= 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "sp1");
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint16(&m->match.acl.dp0, tokens[11]) 
!= 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "dp0");
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint16(&m->match.acl.dp1, tokens[12]) 
!= 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "dp1");
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint8(&m->match.acl.proto, tokens[13]) 
!= 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "proto");
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               m->match.acl.proto_mask = 0xff;
-               return 14;
-       } /* acl */
-       if (strcmp(tokens[1], "array") == 0) {
-               if (n_tokens < 3) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               m->match_type = TABLE_ARRAY;
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&m->match.array.pos, tokens[2]) 
!= 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "pos");
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               return 3;
-       } /* array */
-       if (strcmp(tokens[1], "hash") == 0) {
-               if (n_tokens < 3) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               m->match_type = TABLE_HASH;
-               if (strcmp(tokens[2], "raw") == 0) {
-                       uint32_t key_size = TABLE_RULE_MATCH_SIZE_MAX;
-                       if (n_tokens < 4) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH,
-                                       tokens[0]);
-                               return 0;
-                       }
-                       if (softnic_parse_hex_string(tokens[3],
-                               m->match.hash.key, &key_size) != 0) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "key");
-                               return 0;
-                       }
-                       return 4;
-               } /* hash raw */
-               if (strcmp(tokens[2], "ipv4_5tuple") == 0) {
-                       struct pkt_key_ipv4_5tuple *ipv4 =
-                               (struct pkt_key_ipv4_5tuple *)m->match.hash.key;
-                       struct in_addr saddr, daddr;
-                       uint16_t sp, dp;
-                       uint8_t proto;
-                       if (n_tokens < 8) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH,
-                                       tokens[0]);
-                               return 0;
-                       }
-                       if (softnic_parse_ipv4_addr(tokens[3], &saddr) != 0) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "sa");
-                               return 0;
-                       }
-                       if (softnic_parse_ipv4_addr(tokens[4], &daddr) != 0) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "da");
-                               return 0;
-                       }
-                       if (softnic_parser_read_uint16(&sp, tokens[5]) != 0) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "sp");
-                               return 0;
-                       }
-                       if (softnic_parser_read_uint16(&dp, tokens[6]) != 0) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "dp");
-                               return 0;
-                       }
-                       if (softnic_parser_read_uint8(&proto, tokens[7]) != 0) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                                       "proto");
-                               return 0;
-                       }
-                       ipv4->sa = saddr.s_addr;
-                       ipv4->da = daddr.s_addr;
-                       ipv4->sp = rte_cpu_to_be_16(sp);
-                       ipv4->dp = rte_cpu_to_be_16(dp);
-                       ipv4->proto = proto;
-                       return 8;
-               } /* hash ipv4_5tuple */
-               if (strcmp(tokens[2], "ipv6_5tuple") == 0) {
-                       struct pkt_key_ipv6_5tuple *ipv6 =
-                               (struct pkt_key_ipv6_5tuple *)m->match.hash.key;
-                       struct in6_addr saddr, daddr;
-                       uint16_t sp, dp;
-                       uint8_t proto;
-                       if (n_tokens < 8) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH,
-                                       tokens[0]);
-                               return 0;
-                       }
-                       if (softnic_parse_ipv6_addr(tokens[3], &saddr) != 0) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "sa");
-                               return 0;
-                       }
-                       if (softnic_parse_ipv6_addr(tokens[4], &daddr) != 0) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "da");
-                               return 0;
-                       }
-                       if (softnic_parser_read_uint16(&sp, tokens[5]) != 0) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "sp");
-                               return 0;
-                       }
-                       if (softnic_parser_read_uint16(&dp, tokens[6]) != 0) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "dp");
-                               return 0;
-                       }
-                       if (softnic_parser_read_uint8(&proto, tokens[7]) != 0) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                                       "proto");
-                               return 0;
-                       }
-                       memcpy(ipv6->sa, saddr.s6_addr, 16);
-                       memcpy(ipv6->da, daddr.s6_addr, 16);
-                       ipv6->sp = rte_cpu_to_be_16(sp);
-                       ipv6->dp = rte_cpu_to_be_16(dp);
-                       ipv6->proto = proto;
-                       return 8;
-               } /* hash ipv6_5tuple */
-               if (strcmp(tokens[2], "ipv4_addr") == 0) {
-                       struct pkt_key_ipv4_addr *ipv4_addr =
-                               (struct pkt_key_ipv4_addr *)m->match.hash.key;
-                       struct in_addr addr;
-                       if (n_tokens < 4) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH,
-                                       tokens[0]);
-                               return 0;
-                       }
-                       if (softnic_parse_ipv4_addr(tokens[3], &addr) != 0) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                                       "addr");
-                               return 0;
-                       }
-                       ipv4_addr->addr = addr.s_addr;
-                       return 4;
-               } /* hash ipv4_addr */
-               if (strcmp(tokens[2], "ipv6_addr") == 0) {
-                       struct pkt_key_ipv6_addr *ipv6_addr =
-                               (struct pkt_key_ipv6_addr *)m->match.hash.key;
-                       struct in6_addr addr;
-                       if (n_tokens < 4) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH,
-                                       tokens[0]);
-                               return 0;
-                       }
-                       if (softnic_parse_ipv6_addr(tokens[3], &addr) != 0) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                                       "addr");
-                               return 0;
-                       }
-                       memcpy(ipv6_addr->addr, addr.s6_addr, 16);
-                       return 4;
-               } /* hash ipv6_5tuple */
-               if (strcmp(tokens[2], "qinq") == 0) {
-                       struct pkt_key_qinq *qinq =
-                               (struct pkt_key_qinq *)m->match.hash.key;
-                       uint16_t svlan, cvlan;
-                       if (n_tokens < 5) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH,
-                                       tokens[0]);
-                               return 0;
-                       }
-                       if ((softnic_parser_read_uint16(&svlan, tokens[3]) != 
0) ||
-                               svlan > 0xFFF) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                                       "svlan");
-                               return 0;
-                       }
-                       if ((softnic_parser_read_uint16(&cvlan, tokens[4]) != 
0) ||
-                               cvlan > 0xFFF) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                                       "cvlan");
-                               return 0;
-                       }
-                       qinq->svlan = rte_cpu_to_be_16(svlan);
-                       qinq->cvlan = rte_cpu_to_be_16(cvlan);
-                       return 5;
-               } /* hash qinq */
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-               return 0;
-       } /* hash */
-       if (strcmp(tokens[1], "lpm") == 0) {
-               if (n_tokens < 5) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               m->match_type = TABLE_LPM;
-               if (strcmp(tokens[2], "ipv4") == 0) {
-                       struct in_addr addr;
-                       m->match.lpm.ip_version = 1;
-                       if (softnic_parse_ipv4_addr(tokens[3], &addr) != 0) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                                       "addr");
-                               return 0;
-                       }
-                       m->match.lpm.ipv4 = rte_be_to_cpu_32(addr.s_addr);
-               } else if (strcmp(tokens[2], "ipv6") == 0) {
-                       struct in6_addr addr;
-                       m->match.lpm.ip_version = 0;
-                       if (softnic_parse_ipv6_addr(tokens[3], &addr) != 0) {
-                               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                                       "addr");
-                               return 0;
-                       }
-                       memcpy(m->match.lpm.ipv6, addr.s6_addr, 16);
-               } else {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH,
-                               "ipv4 or ipv6");
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint8(&m->match.lpm.depth, tokens[4]) 
!= 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "depth");
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               return 5;
-       } /* lpm */
-       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH,
-               "acl or array or hash or lpm");
-       return 0;
- * table_action ::=
- *
- * action
- *    fwd
- *       drop
- *       | port <port_id>
- *       | meta
- *       | table <table_id>
- *    [balance <out0> ... <out7>]
- *    [meter
- *       tc0 meter <meter_profile_id> policer g <pa> y <pa> r <pa>
- *       [tc1 meter <meter_profile_id> policer g <pa> y <pa> r <pa>
- *       tc2 meter <meter_profile_id> policer g <pa> y <pa> r <pa>
- *       tc3 meter <meter_profile_id> policer g <pa> y <pa> r <pa>]]
- *    [tm subport <subport_id> pipe <pipe_id>]
- *    [encap
- *       ether <da> <sa>
- *       | vlan <da> <sa> <pcp> <dei> <vid>
- *       | qinq <da> <sa> <pcp> <dei> <vid> <pcp> <dei> <vid>
- *       | qinq_pppoe <da> <sa> <pcp> <dei> <vid> <pcp> <dei> <vid> 
- *       | mpls unicast | multicast
- *          <da> <sa>
- *          label0 <label> <tc> <ttl>
- *          [label1 <label> <tc> <ttl>
- *          [label2 <label> <tc> <ttl>
- *          [label3 <label> <tc> <ttl>]]]
- *       | pppoe <da> <sa> <session_id>]
- *       | vxlan ether <da> <sa>
- *          [vlan <pcp> <dei> <vid>]
- *          ipv4 <sa> <da> <dscp> <ttl>
- *          | ipv6 <sa> <da> <flow_label> <dscp> <hop_limit>
- *          udp <sp> <dp>
- *          vxlan <vni>]
- *    [nat ipv4 | ipv6 <addr> <port>]
- *    [ttl dec | keep]
- *    [stats]
- *    [time]
- *    [tag <tag>]
- *    [decap <n>]
- *    [sym_crypto
- *       encrypt | decrypt
- *       type
- *       | cipher
- *          cipher_algo <algo> cipher_key <key> cipher_iv <iv>
- *       | cipher_auth
- *          cipher_algo <algo> cipher_key <key> cipher_iv <iv>
- *          auth_algo <algo> auth_key <key> digest_size <size>
- *       | aead
- *          aead_algo <algo> aead_key <key> aead_iv <iv> aead_aad <aad>
- *          digest_size <size>
- *       data_offset <data_offset>]
- *
- * where:
- *    <pa> ::= g | y | r | drop
- */
-static uint32_t
-parse_table_action_fwd(char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       struct softnic_table_rule_action *a)
-       if (n_tokens == 0 ||
-               (strcmp(tokens[0], "fwd") != 0))
-               return 0;
-       tokens++;
-       n_tokens--;
-       if (n_tokens && (strcmp(tokens[0], "drop") == 0)) {
-               a->fwd.action = RTE_PIPELINE_ACTION_DROP;
-               a->action_mask |= 1 << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_FWD;
-               return 1 + 1;
-       }
-       if (n_tokens && (strcmp(tokens[0], "port") == 0)) {
-               uint32_t id;
-               if (n_tokens < 2 ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&id, tokens[1]))
-                       return 0;
-               a->fwd.action = RTE_PIPELINE_ACTION_PORT;
-               a-> = id;
-               a->action_mask |= 1 << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_FWD;
-               return 1 + 2;
-       }
-       if (n_tokens && (strcmp(tokens[0], "meta") == 0)) {
-               a->fwd.action = RTE_PIPELINE_ACTION_PORT_META;
-               a->action_mask |= 1 << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_FWD;
-               return 1 + 1;
-       }
-       if (n_tokens && (strcmp(tokens[0], "table") == 0)) {
-               uint32_t id;
-               if (n_tokens < 2 ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&id, tokens[1]))
-                       return 0;
-               a->fwd.action = RTE_PIPELINE_ACTION_TABLE;
-               a-> = id;
-               a->action_mask |= 1 << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_FWD;
-               return 1 + 2;
-       }
-       return 0;
-static uint32_t
-parse_table_action_balance(char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       struct softnic_table_rule_action *a)
-       uint32_t i;
-       if (n_tokens == 0 ||
-               (strcmp(tokens[0], "balance") != 0))
-               return 0;
-       tokens++;
-       n_tokens--;
-       if (n_tokens < RTE_TABLE_ACTION_LB_TABLE_SIZE)
-               return 0;
-       for (i = 0; i < RTE_TABLE_ACTION_LB_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&a->lb.out[i], tokens[i]) != 0)
-                       return 0;
-       a->action_mask |= 1 << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_LB;
-       return 1 + RTE_TABLE_ACTION_LB_TABLE_SIZE;
-static int
-parse_policer_action(char *token, enum rte_table_action_policer *a)
-       if (strcmp(token, "g") == 0) {
-               return 0;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(token, "y") == 0) {
-               return 0;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(token, "r") == 0) {
-               return 0;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(token, "drop") == 0) {
-               *a = RTE_TABLE_ACTION_POLICER_DROP;
-               return 0;
-       }
-       return -1;
-static uint32_t
-parse_table_action_meter_tc(char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       struct rte_table_action_mtr_tc_params *mtr)
-       if (n_tokens < 9 ||
-               strcmp(tokens[0], "meter") ||
-               softnic_parser_read_uint32(&mtr->meter_profile_id, tokens[1]) ||
-               strcmp(tokens[2], "policer") ||
-               strcmp(tokens[3], "g") ||
-               parse_policer_action(tokens[4], &mtr->policer[RTE_COLOR_GREEN]) 
-               strcmp(tokens[5], "y") ||
-               parse_policer_action(tokens[6], 
&mtr->policer[RTE_COLOR_YELLOW]) ||
-               strcmp(tokens[7], "r") ||
-               parse_policer_action(tokens[8], &mtr->policer[RTE_COLOR_RED]))
-               return 0;
-       return 9;
-static uint32_t
-parse_table_action_meter(char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       struct softnic_table_rule_action *a)
-       if (n_tokens == 0 ||
-               strcmp(tokens[0], "meter"))
-               return 0;
-       tokens++;
-       n_tokens--;
-       if (n_tokens < 10 ||
-               strcmp(tokens[0], "tc0") ||
-               (parse_table_action_meter_tc(tokens + 1,
-                       n_tokens - 1,
-                       &a->[0]) == 0))
-               return 0;
-       tokens += 10;
-       n_tokens -= 10;
-       if (n_tokens == 0 ||
-               strcmp(tokens[0], "tc1")) {
-               a->mtr.tc_mask = 1;
-               a->action_mask |= 1 << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_MTR;
-               return 1 + 10;
-       }
-       if (n_tokens < 30 ||
-               (parse_table_action_meter_tc(tokens + 1,
-                       n_tokens - 1, &a->[1]) == 0) ||
-               strcmp(tokens[10], "tc2") ||
-               (parse_table_action_meter_tc(tokens + 11,
-                       n_tokens - 11, &a->[2]) == 0) ||
-               strcmp(tokens[20], "tc3") ||
-               (parse_table_action_meter_tc(tokens + 21,
-                       n_tokens - 21, &a->[3]) == 0))
-               return 0;
-       a->mtr.tc_mask = 0xF;
-       a->action_mask |= 1 << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_MTR;
-       return 1 + 10 + 3 * 10;
-static uint32_t
-parse_table_action_tm(char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       struct softnic_table_rule_action *a)
-       uint32_t subport_id, pipe_id;
-       if (n_tokens < 5 ||
-               strcmp(tokens[0], "tm") ||
-               strcmp(tokens[1], "subport") ||
-               softnic_parser_read_uint32(&subport_id, tokens[2]) ||
-               strcmp(tokens[3], "pipe") ||
-               softnic_parser_read_uint32(&pipe_id, tokens[4]))
-               return 0;
-       a->tm.subport_id = subport_id;
-       a->tm.pipe_id = pipe_id;
-       a->action_mask |= 1 << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_TM;
-       return 5;
-static uint32_t
-parse_table_action_encap(char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       struct softnic_table_rule_action *a)
-       if (n_tokens == 0 ||
-               strcmp(tokens[0], "encap"))
-               return 0;
-       tokens++;
-       n_tokens--;
-       /* ether */
-       if (n_tokens && (strcmp(tokens[0], "ether") == 0)) {
-               if (n_tokens < 3 ||
-                       softnic_parse_mac_addr(tokens[1], 
&a->encap.ether.ether.da) ||
-                       softnic_parse_mac_addr(tokens[2], 
-                       return 0;
-               a->encap.type = RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP_ETHER;
-               a->action_mask |= 1 << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP;
-               return 1 + 3;
-       }
-       /* vlan */
-       if (n_tokens && (strcmp(tokens[0], "vlan") == 0)) {
-               uint32_t pcp, dei, vid;
-               if (n_tokens < 6 ||
-                       softnic_parse_mac_addr(tokens[1], 
&a->encap.vlan.ether.da) ||
-                       softnic_parse_mac_addr(tokens[2], 
&a-> ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&pcp, tokens[3]) ||
-                       pcp > 0x7 ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&dei, tokens[4]) ||
-                       dei > 0x1 ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&vid, tokens[5]) ||
-                       vid > 0xFFF)
-                       return 0;
-               a->encap.vlan.vlan.pcp = pcp & 0x7;
-               a->encap.vlan.vlan.dei = dei & 0x1;
-               a->encap.vlan.vlan.vid = vid & 0xFFF;
-               a->encap.type = RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP_VLAN;
-               a->action_mask |= 1 << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP;
-               return 1 + 6;
-       }
-       /* qinq */
-       if (n_tokens && (strcmp(tokens[0], "qinq") == 0)) {
-               uint32_t svlan_pcp, svlan_dei, svlan_vid;
-               uint32_t cvlan_pcp, cvlan_dei, cvlan_vid;
-               if (n_tokens < 9 ||
-                       softnic_parse_mac_addr(tokens[1], 
&a->encap.qinq.ether.da) ||
-                       softnic_parse_mac_addr(tokens[2], 
&a-> ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&svlan_pcp, tokens[3]) ||
-                       svlan_pcp > 0x7 ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&svlan_dei, tokens[4]) ||
-                       svlan_dei > 0x1 ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&svlan_vid, tokens[5]) ||
-                       svlan_vid > 0xFFF ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&cvlan_pcp, tokens[6]) ||
-                       cvlan_pcp > 0x7 ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&cvlan_dei, tokens[7]) ||
-                       cvlan_dei > 0x1 ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&cvlan_vid, tokens[8]) ||
-                       cvlan_vid > 0xFFF)
-                       return 0;
-               a->encap.qinq.svlan.pcp = svlan_pcp & 0x7;
-               a->encap.qinq.svlan.dei = svlan_dei & 0x1;
-               a->encap.qinq.svlan.vid = svlan_vid & 0xFFF;
-               a->encap.qinq.cvlan.pcp = cvlan_pcp & 0x7;
-               a->encap.qinq.cvlan.dei = cvlan_dei & 0x1;
-               a->encap.qinq.cvlan.vid = cvlan_vid & 0xFFF;
-               a->encap.type = RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP_QINQ;
-               a->action_mask |= 1 << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP;
-               return 1 + 9;
-       }
-       /* qinq_pppoe */
-       if (n_tokens && (strcmp(tokens[0], "qinq_pppoe") == 0)) {
-               uint32_t svlan_pcp, svlan_dei, svlan_vid;
-               uint32_t cvlan_pcp, cvlan_dei, cvlan_vid;
-               if (n_tokens < 10 ||
-                       softnic_parse_mac_addr(tokens[1],
-                               &a->encap.qinq_pppoe.ether.da) ||
-                       softnic_parse_mac_addr(tokens[2],
-                               &a-> ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&svlan_pcp, tokens[3]) ||
-                       svlan_pcp > 0x7 ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&svlan_dei, tokens[4]) ||
-                       svlan_dei > 0x1 ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&svlan_vid, tokens[5]) ||
-                       svlan_vid > 0xFFF ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&cvlan_pcp, tokens[6]) ||
-                       cvlan_pcp > 0x7 ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&cvlan_dei, tokens[7]) ||
-                       cvlan_dei > 0x1 ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&cvlan_vid, tokens[8]) ||
-                       cvlan_vid > 0xFFF ||
-                               tokens[9]))
-                       return 0;
-               a->encap.qinq_pppoe.svlan.pcp = svlan_pcp & 0x7;
-               a->encap.qinq_pppoe.svlan.dei = svlan_dei & 0x1;
-               a->encap.qinq_pppoe.svlan.vid = svlan_vid & 0xFFF;
-               a->encap.qinq_pppoe.cvlan.pcp = cvlan_pcp & 0x7;
-               a->encap.qinq_pppoe.cvlan.dei = cvlan_dei & 0x1;
-               a->encap.qinq_pppoe.cvlan.vid = cvlan_vid & 0xFFF;
-               a->encap.type = RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP_QINQ_PPPOE;
-               a->action_mask |= 1 << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP;
-               return 1 + 10;
-       }
-       /* mpls */
-       if (n_tokens && (strcmp(tokens[0], "mpls") == 0)) {
-               uint32_t label, tc, ttl;
-               if (n_tokens < 8)
-                       return 0;
-               if (strcmp(tokens[1], "unicast") == 0)
-                       a->encap.mpls.unicast = 1;
-               else if (strcmp(tokens[1], "multicast") == 0)
-                       a->encap.mpls.unicast = 0;
-               else
-                       return 0;
-               if (softnic_parse_mac_addr(tokens[2], &a->encap.mpls.ether.da) 
-                       softnic_parse_mac_addr(tokens[3], 
&a-> ||
-                       strcmp(tokens[4], "label0") ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&label, tokens[5]) ||
-                       label > 0xFFFFF ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&tc, tokens[6]) ||
-                       tc > 0x7 ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&ttl, tokens[7]) ||
-                       ttl > 0x3F)
-                       return 0;
-               a->encap.mpls.mpls[0].label = label;
-               a->encap.mpls.mpls[0].tc = tc;
-               a->encap.mpls.mpls[0].ttl = ttl;
-               tokens += 8;
-               n_tokens -= 8;
-               if (n_tokens == 0 ||
-                       strcmp(tokens[0], "label1")) {
-                       a->encap.mpls.mpls_count = 1;
-                       a->encap.type = RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP_MPLS;
-                       a->action_mask |= 1 << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP;
-                       return 1 + 8;
-               }
-               if (n_tokens < 4 ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&label, tokens[1]) ||
-                       label > 0xFFFFF ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&tc, tokens[2]) ||
-                       tc > 0x7 ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&ttl, tokens[3]) ||
-                       ttl > 0x3F)
-                       return 0;
-               a->encap.mpls.mpls[1].label = label;
-               a->encap.mpls.mpls[1].tc = tc;
-               a->encap.mpls.mpls[1].ttl = ttl;
-               tokens += 4;
-               n_tokens -= 4;
-               if (n_tokens == 0 ||
-                       strcmp(tokens[0], "label2")) {
-                       a->encap.mpls.mpls_count = 2;
-                       a->encap.type = RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP_MPLS;
-                       a->action_mask |= 1 << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP;
-                       return 1 + 8 + 4;
-               }
-               if (n_tokens < 4 ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&label, tokens[1]) ||
-                       label > 0xFFFFF ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&tc, tokens[2]) ||
-                       tc > 0x7 ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&ttl, tokens[3]) ||
-                       ttl > 0x3F)
-                       return 0;
-               a->encap.mpls.mpls[2].label = label;
-               a->encap.mpls.mpls[2].tc = tc;
-               a->encap.mpls.mpls[2].ttl = ttl;
-               tokens += 4;
-               n_tokens -= 4;
-               if (n_tokens == 0 ||
-                       strcmp(tokens[0], "label3")) {
-                       a->encap.mpls.mpls_count = 3;
-                       a->encap.type = RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP_MPLS;
-                       a->action_mask |= 1 << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP;
-                       return 1 + 8 + 4 + 4;
-               }
-               if (n_tokens < 4 ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&label, tokens[1]) ||
-                       label > 0xFFFFF ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&tc, tokens[2]) ||
-                       tc > 0x7 ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&ttl, tokens[3]) ||
-                       ttl > 0x3F)
-                       return 0;
-               a->encap.mpls.mpls[3].label = label;
-               a->encap.mpls.mpls[3].tc = tc;
-               a->encap.mpls.mpls[3].ttl = ttl;
-               a->encap.mpls.mpls_count = 4;
-               a->encap.type = RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP_MPLS;
-               a->action_mask |= 1 << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP;
-               return 1 + 8 + 4 + 4 + 4;
-       }
-       /* pppoe */
-       if (n_tokens && (strcmp(tokens[0], "pppoe") == 0)) {
-               if (n_tokens < 4 ||
-                       softnic_parse_mac_addr(tokens[1], 
&a->encap.pppoe.ether.da) ||
-                       softnic_parse_mac_addr(tokens[2], 
&a-> ||
-                               tokens[3]))
-                       return 0;
-               a->encap.type = RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP_PPPOE;
-               a->action_mask |= 1 << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP;
-               return 1 + 4;
-       }
-       /* vxlan */
-       if (n_tokens && (strcmp(tokens[0], "vxlan") == 0)) {
-               uint32_t n = 0;
-               n_tokens--;
-               tokens++;
-               n++;
-               /* ether <da> <sa> */
-               if ((n_tokens < 3) ||
-                       strcmp(tokens[0], "ether") ||
-                       softnic_parse_mac_addr(tokens[1], 
&a->encap.vxlan.ether.da) ||
-                       softnic_parse_mac_addr(tokens[2], 
-                       return 0;
-               n_tokens -= 3;
-               tokens += 3;
-               n += 3;
-               /* [vlan <pcp> <dei> <vid>] */
-               if (strcmp(tokens[0], "vlan") == 0) {
-                       uint32_t pcp, dei, vid;
-                       if ((n_tokens < 4) ||
-                               softnic_parser_read_uint32(&pcp, tokens[1]) ||
-                               (pcp > 7) ||
-                               softnic_parser_read_uint32(&dei, tokens[2]) ||
-                               (dei > 1) ||
-                               softnic_parser_read_uint32(&vid, tokens[3]) ||
-                               (vid > 0xFFF))
-                               return 0;
-                       a->encap.vxlan.vlan.pcp = pcp;
-                       a->encap.vxlan.vlan.dei = dei;
-                       a->encap.vxlan.vlan.vid = vid;
-                       n_tokens -= 4;
-                       tokens += 4;
-                       n += 4;
-               }
-               /* ipv4 <sa> <da> <dscp> <ttl>
-                  | ipv6 <sa> <da> <flow_label> <dscp> <hop_limit> */
-               if (strcmp(tokens[0], "ipv4") == 0) {
-                       struct in_addr sa, da;
-                       uint8_t dscp, ttl;
-                       if ((n_tokens < 5) ||
-                               softnic_parse_ipv4_addr(tokens[1], &sa) ||
-                               softnic_parse_ipv4_addr(tokens[2], &da) ||
-                               softnic_parser_read_uint8(&dscp, tokens[3]) ||
-                               (dscp > 64) ||
-                               softnic_parser_read_uint8(&ttl, tokens[4]))
-                               return 0;
-                       a-> = rte_be_to_cpu_32(sa.s_addr);
-                       a->encap.vxlan.ipv4.da = rte_be_to_cpu_32(da.s_addr);
-                       a->encap.vxlan.ipv4.dscp = dscp;
-                       a->encap.vxlan.ipv4.ttl = ttl;
-                       n_tokens -= 5;
-                       tokens += 5;
-                       n += 5;
-               } else if (strcmp(tokens[0], "ipv6") == 0) {
-                       struct in6_addr sa, da;
-                       uint32_t flow_label;
-                       uint8_t dscp, hop_limit;
-                       if ((n_tokens < 6) ||
-                               softnic_parse_ipv6_addr(tokens[1], &sa) ||
-                               softnic_parse_ipv6_addr(tokens[2], &da) ||
-                               softnic_parser_read_uint32(&flow_label, 
tokens[3]) ||
-                               softnic_parser_read_uint8(&dscp, tokens[4]) ||
-                               (dscp > 64) ||
-                               softnic_parser_read_uint8(&hop_limit, 
-                               return 0;
-                       memcpy(a->, sa.s6_addr, 16);
-                       memcpy(a->encap.vxlan.ipv6.da, da.s6_addr, 16);
-                       a->encap.vxlan.ipv6.flow_label = flow_label;
-                       a->encap.vxlan.ipv6.dscp = dscp;
-                       a->encap.vxlan.ipv6.hop_limit = hop_limit;
-                       n_tokens -= 6;
-                       tokens += 6;
-                       n += 6;
-               } else
-                       return 0;
-               /* udp <sp> <dp> */
-               if ((n_tokens < 3) ||
-                       strcmp(tokens[0], "udp") ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint16(&a->encap.vxlan.udp.sp, 
tokens[1]) ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint16(&a->encap.vxlan.udp.dp, 
-                       return 0;
-               n_tokens -= 3;
-               tokens += 3;
-               n += 3;
-               /* vxlan <vni> */
-               if ((n_tokens < 2) ||
-                       strcmp(tokens[0], "vxlan") ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&a->encap.vxlan.vxlan.vni, 
tokens[1]) ||
-                       (a->encap.vxlan.vxlan.vni > 0xFFFFFF))
-                       return 0;
-               n_tokens -= 2;
-               tokens += 2;
-               n += 2;
-               a->encap.type = RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP_VXLAN;
-               a->action_mask |= 1 << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP;
-               return 1 + n;
-       }
-       return 0;
-static uint32_t
-parse_table_action_nat(char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       struct softnic_table_rule_action *a)
-       if (n_tokens < 4 ||
-               strcmp(tokens[0], "nat"))
-               return 0;
-       if (strcmp(tokens[1], "ipv4") == 0) {
-               struct in_addr addr;
-               uint16_t port;
-               if (softnic_parse_ipv4_addr(tokens[2], &addr) ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint16(&port, tokens[3]))
-                       return 0;
-               a->nat.ip_version = 1;
-               a->nat.addr.ipv4 = rte_be_to_cpu_32(addr.s_addr);
-               a->nat.port = port;
-               a->action_mask |= 1 << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_NAT;
-               return 4;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[1], "ipv6") == 0) {
-               struct in6_addr addr;
-               uint16_t port;
-               if (softnic_parse_ipv6_addr(tokens[2], &addr) ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint16(&port, tokens[3]))
-                       return 0;
-               a->nat.ip_version = 0;
-               memcpy(a->nat.addr.ipv6, addr.s6_addr, 16);
-               a->nat.port = port;
-               a->action_mask |= 1 << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_NAT;
-               return 4;
-       }
-       return 0;
-static uint32_t
-parse_table_action_ttl(char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       struct softnic_table_rule_action *a)
-       if (n_tokens < 2 ||
-               strcmp(tokens[0], "ttl"))
-               return 0;
-       if (strcmp(tokens[1], "dec") == 0)
-               a->ttl.decrement = 1;
-       else if (strcmp(tokens[1], "keep") == 0)
-               a->ttl.decrement = 0;
-       else
-               return 0;
-       a->action_mask |= 1 << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_TTL;
-       return 2;
-static uint32_t
-parse_table_action_stats(char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       struct softnic_table_rule_action *a)
-       if (n_tokens < 1 ||
-               strcmp(tokens[0], "stats"))
-               return 0;
-       a->stats.n_packets = 0;
-       a->stats.n_bytes = 0;
-       a->action_mask |= 1 << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_STATS;
-       return 1;
-static uint32_t
-parse_table_action_time(char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       struct softnic_table_rule_action *a)
-       if (n_tokens < 1 ||
-               strcmp(tokens[0], "time"))
-               return 0;
-       a->time.time = rte_rdtsc();
-       a->action_mask |= 1 << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_TIME;
-       return 1;
-static void
-parse_free_sym_crypto_param_data(struct rte_table_action_sym_crypto_params *p)
-       struct rte_crypto_sym_xform *xform[2] = {NULL};
-       uint32_t i;
-       xform[0] = p->xform;
-       if (xform[0])
-               xform[1] = xform[0]->next;
-       for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-               if (xform[i] == NULL)
-                       continue;
-               switch (xform[i]->type) {
-               case RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_CIPHER:
-                       free(p->cipher_auth.cipher_iv.val);
-                       free(p->cipher_auth.cipher_iv_update.val);
-                       break;
-               case RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_AUTH:
-                       if (p->cipher_auth.auth_iv.val)
-                               free(p->cipher_auth.cipher_iv.val);
-                       if (p->cipher_auth.auth_iv_update.val)
-                               free(p->cipher_auth.cipher_iv_update.val);
-                       break;
-               case RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_AEAD:
-                       free(p->aead.iv.val);
-                       free(p->aead.aad.val);
-                       break;
-               default:
-                       continue;
-               }
-       }
-static struct rte_crypto_sym_xform *
-parse_table_action_cipher(struct rte_table_action_sym_crypto_params *p,
-               uint8_t *key, uint32_t max_key_len, char **tokens,
-               uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t encrypt, uint32_t *used_n_tokens)
-       struct rte_crypto_sym_xform *xform_cipher;
-       int status;
-       size_t len;
-       if (n_tokens < 7 || strcmp(tokens[1], "cipher_algo") ||
-                       strcmp(tokens[3], "cipher_key") ||
-                       strcmp(tokens[5], "cipher_iv"))
-               return NULL;
-       xform_cipher = calloc(1, sizeof(*xform_cipher));
-       if (xform_cipher == NULL)
-               return NULL;
-       xform_cipher->type = RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_CIPHER;
-       xform_cipher->cipher.op = encrypt ? RTE_CRYPTO_CIPHER_OP_ENCRYPT :
-                       RTE_CRYPTO_CIPHER_OP_DECRYPT;
-       /* cipher_algo */
-       status = rte_cryptodev_get_cipher_algo_enum(
-                       &xform_cipher->cipher.algo, tokens[2]);
-       if (status < 0)
-               goto error_exit;
-       /* cipher_key */
-       len = strlen(tokens[4]);
-       if (len / 2 > max_key_len) {
-               status = -ENOMEM;
-               goto error_exit;
-       }
-       status = softnic_parse_hex_string(tokens[4], key, (uint32_t *)&len);
-       if (status < 0)
-               goto error_exit;
-       xform_cipher-> = key;
-       xform_cipher->cipher.key.length = (uint16_t)len;
-       /* cipher_iv */
-       len = strlen(tokens[6]);
-       p->cipher_auth.cipher_iv.val = calloc(1, len / 2 + 1);
-       if (p->cipher_auth.cipher_iv.val == NULL)
-               goto error_exit;
-       status = softnic_parse_hex_string(tokens[6],
-                       p->cipher_auth.cipher_iv.val,
-                       (uint32_t *)&len);
-       if (status < 0)
-               goto error_exit;
-       xform_cipher->cipher.iv.length = (uint16_t)len;
-       xform_cipher->cipher.iv.offset = RTE_TABLE_ACTION_SYM_CRYPTO_IV_OFFSET;
-       p->cipher_auth.cipher_iv.length = (uint32_t)len;
-       *used_n_tokens = 7;
-       return xform_cipher;
-       if (p->cipher_auth.cipher_iv.val) {
-               free(p->cipher_auth.cipher_iv.val);
-               p->cipher_auth.cipher_iv.val = NULL;
-       }
-       free(xform_cipher);
-       return NULL;
-static struct rte_crypto_sym_xform *
-parse_table_action_cipher_auth(struct rte_table_action_sym_crypto_params *p,
-               uint8_t *key, uint32_t max_key_len, char **tokens,
-               uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t encrypt, uint32_t *used_n_tokens)
-       struct rte_crypto_sym_xform *xform_cipher;
-       struct rte_crypto_sym_xform *xform_auth;
-       int status;
-       size_t len;
-       if (n_tokens < 13 ||
-                       strcmp(tokens[7], "auth_algo") ||
-                       strcmp(tokens[9], "auth_key") ||
-                       strcmp(tokens[11], "digest_size"))
-               return NULL;
-       xform_auth = calloc(1, sizeof(*xform_auth));
-       if (xform_auth == NULL)
-               return NULL;
-       xform_auth->type = RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_AUTH;
-       xform_auth->auth.op = encrypt ? RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_OP_GENERATE :
-                       RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_OP_VERIFY;
-       /* auth_algo */
-       status = rte_cryptodev_get_auth_algo_enum(&xform_auth->auth.algo,
-                       tokens[8]);
-       if (status < 0)
-               goto error_exit;
-       /* auth_key */
-       len = strlen(tokens[10]);
-       if (len / 2 > max_key_len) {
-               status = -ENOMEM;
-               goto error_exit;
-       }
-       status = softnic_parse_hex_string(tokens[10], key, (uint32_t *)&len);
-       if (status < 0)
-               goto error_exit;
-       xform_auth-> = key;
-       xform_auth->auth.key.length = (uint16_t)len;
-       key += xform_auth->auth.key.length;
-       max_key_len -= xform_auth->auth.key.length;
-       if (strcmp(tokens[11], "digest_size"))
-               goto error_exit;
-       status = softnic_parser_read_uint16(&xform_auth->auth.digest_length,
-                       tokens[12]);
-       if (status < 0)
-               goto error_exit;
-       xform_cipher = parse_table_action_cipher(p, key, max_key_len, tokens, 7,
-                       encrypt, used_n_tokens);
-       if (xform_cipher == NULL)
-               goto error_exit;
-       *used_n_tokens += 6;
-       if (encrypt) {
-               xform_cipher->next = xform_auth;
-               return xform_cipher;
-       } else {
-               xform_auth->next = xform_cipher;
-               return xform_auth;
-       }
-       if (p->cipher_auth.auth_iv.val) {
-               free(p->cipher_auth.auth_iv.val);
-               p->cipher_auth.auth_iv.val = 0;
-       }
-       free(xform_auth);
-       return NULL;
-static struct rte_crypto_sym_xform *
-parse_table_action_aead(struct rte_table_action_sym_crypto_params *p,
-               uint8_t *key, uint32_t max_key_len, char **tokens,
-               uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t encrypt, uint32_t *used_n_tokens)
-       struct rte_crypto_sym_xform *xform_aead;
-       int status;
-       size_t len;
-       if (n_tokens < 11 || strcmp(tokens[1], "aead_algo") ||
-                       strcmp(tokens[3], "aead_key") ||
-                       strcmp(tokens[5], "aead_iv") ||
-                       strcmp(tokens[7], "aead_aad") ||
-                       strcmp(tokens[9], "digest_size"))
-               return NULL;
-       xform_aead = calloc(1, sizeof(*xform_aead));
-       if (xform_aead == NULL)
-               return NULL;
-       xform_aead->type = RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_AEAD;
-       xform_aead->aead.op = encrypt ? RTE_CRYPTO_AEAD_OP_ENCRYPT :
-                       RTE_CRYPTO_AEAD_OP_DECRYPT;
-       /* aead_algo */
-       status = rte_cryptodev_get_aead_algo_enum(&xform_aead->aead.algo,
-                       tokens[2]);
-       if (status < 0)
-               goto error_exit;
-       /* aead_key */
-       len = strlen(tokens[4]);
-       if (len / 2 > max_key_len) {
-               status = -ENOMEM;
-               goto error_exit;
-       }
-       status = softnic_parse_hex_string(tokens[4], key, (uint32_t *)&len);
-       if (status < 0)
-               goto error_exit;
-       xform_aead-> = key;
-       xform_aead->aead.key.length = (uint16_t)len;
-       /* aead_iv */
-       len = strlen(tokens[6]);
-       p->aead.iv.val = calloc(1, len / 2 + 1);
-       if (p->aead.iv.val == NULL)
-               goto error_exit;
-       status = softnic_parse_hex_string(tokens[6], p->aead.iv.val,
-                       (uint32_t *)&len);
-       if (status < 0)
-               goto error_exit;
-       xform_aead->aead.iv.length = (uint16_t)len;
-       xform_aead->aead.iv.offset = RTE_TABLE_ACTION_SYM_CRYPTO_IV_OFFSET;
-       p->aead.iv.length = (uint32_t)len;
-       /* aead_aad */
-       len = strlen(tokens[8]);
-       p->aead.aad.val = calloc(1, len / 2 + 1);
-       if (p->aead.aad.val == NULL)
-               goto error_exit;
-       status = softnic_parse_hex_string(tokens[8], p->aead.aad.val, (uint32_t 
-       if (status < 0)
-               goto error_exit;
-       xform_aead->aead.aad_length = (uint16_t)len;
-       p->aead.aad.length = (uint32_t)len;
-       /* digest_size */
-       status = softnic_parser_read_uint16(&xform_aead->aead.digest_length,
-                       tokens[10]);
-       if (status < 0)
-               goto error_exit;
-       *used_n_tokens = 11;
-       return xform_aead;
-       if (p->aead.iv.val) {
-               free(p->aead.iv.val);
-               p->aead.iv.val = NULL;
-       }
-       if (p->aead.aad.val) {
-               free(p->aead.aad.val);
-               p->aead.aad.val = NULL;
-       }
-       free(xform_aead);
-       return NULL;
-static uint32_t
-parse_table_action_sym_crypto(char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       struct softnic_table_rule_action *a)
-       struct rte_table_action_sym_crypto_params *p = &a->sym_crypto;
-       struct rte_crypto_sym_xform *xform = NULL;
-       uint8_t *key = a->sym_crypto_key;
-       uint32_t max_key_len = SYM_CRYPTO_MAX_KEY_SIZE;
-       uint32_t used_n_tokens;
-       uint32_t encrypt;
-       int status;
-       if ((n_tokens < 12) ||
-               strcmp(tokens[0], "sym_crypto") ||
-               strcmp(tokens[2], "type"))
-               return 0;
-       memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
-       if (strcmp(tokens[1], "encrypt") == 0)
-               encrypt = 1;
-       else
-               encrypt = 0;
-       status = softnic_parser_read_uint32(&p->data_offset, tokens[n_tokens - 
-       if (status < 0)
-               return 0;
-       if (strcmp(tokens[3], "cipher") == 0) {
-               tokens += 3;
-               n_tokens -= 3;
-               xform = parse_table_action_cipher(p, key, max_key_len, tokens,
-                               n_tokens, encrypt, &used_n_tokens);
-       } else if (strcmp(tokens[3], "cipher_auth") == 0) {
-               tokens += 3;
-               n_tokens -= 3;
-               xform = parse_table_action_cipher_auth(p, key, max_key_len,
-                               tokens, n_tokens, encrypt, &used_n_tokens);
-       } else if (strcmp(tokens[3], "aead") == 0) {
-               tokens += 3;
-               n_tokens -= 3;
-               xform = parse_table_action_aead(p, key, max_key_len, tokens,
-                               n_tokens, encrypt, &used_n_tokens);
-       }
-       if (xform == NULL)
-               return 0;
-       p->xform = xform;
-       if (strcmp(tokens[used_n_tokens], "data_offset")) {
-               parse_free_sym_crypto_param_data(p);
-               return 0;
-       }
-       a->action_mask |= 1 << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_SYM_CRYPTO;
-       return used_n_tokens + 5;
-static uint32_t
-parse_table_action_tag(char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       struct softnic_table_rule_action *a)
-       if (n_tokens < 2 ||
-               strcmp(tokens[0], "tag"))
-               return 0;
-       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&a->tag.tag, tokens[1]))
-               return 0;
-       a->action_mask |= 1 << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_TAG;
-       return 2;
-static uint32_t
-parse_table_action_decap(char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       struct softnic_table_rule_action *a)
-       if (n_tokens < 2 ||
-               strcmp(tokens[0], "decap"))
-               return 0;
-       if (softnic_parser_read_uint16(&a->decap.n, tokens[1]))
-               return 0;
-       a->action_mask |= 1 << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_DECAP;
-       return 2;
-static uint32_t
-parse_table_action(char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       char *out,
-       size_t out_size,
-       struct softnic_table_rule_action *a)
-       uint32_t n_tokens0 = n_tokens;
-       memset(a, 0, sizeof(*a));
-       if (n_tokens < 2 ||
-               strcmp(tokens[0], "action"))
-               return 0;
-       tokens++;
-       n_tokens--;
-       if (n_tokens && (strcmp(tokens[0], "fwd") == 0)) {
-               uint32_t n;
-               n = parse_table_action_fwd(tokens, n_tokens, a);
-               if (n == 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                               "action fwd");
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               tokens += n;
-               n_tokens -= n;
-       }
-       if (n_tokens && (strcmp(tokens[0], "balance") == 0)) {
-               uint32_t n;
-               n = parse_table_action_balance(tokens, n_tokens, a);
-               if (n == 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                               "action balance");
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               tokens += n;
-               n_tokens -= n;
-       }
-       if (n_tokens && (strcmp(tokens[0], "meter") == 0)) {
-               uint32_t n;
-               n = parse_table_action_meter(tokens, n_tokens, a);
-               if (n == 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                               "action meter");
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               tokens += n;
-               n_tokens -= n;
-       }
-       if (n_tokens && (strcmp(tokens[0], "tm") == 0)) {
-               uint32_t n;
-               n = parse_table_action_tm(tokens, n_tokens, a);
-               if (n == 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                               "action tm");
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               tokens += n;
-               n_tokens -= n;
-       }
-       if (n_tokens && (strcmp(tokens[0], "encap") == 0)) {
-               uint32_t n;
-               n = parse_table_action_encap(tokens, n_tokens, a);
-               if (n == 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                               "action encap");
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               tokens += n;
-               n_tokens -= n;
-       }
-       if (n_tokens && (strcmp(tokens[0], "nat") == 0)) {
-               uint32_t n;
-               n = parse_table_action_nat(tokens, n_tokens, a);
-               if (n == 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                               "action nat");
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               tokens += n;
-               n_tokens -= n;
-       }
-       if (n_tokens && (strcmp(tokens[0], "ttl") == 0)) {
-               uint32_t n;
-               n = parse_table_action_ttl(tokens, n_tokens, a);
-               if (n == 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                               "action ttl");
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               tokens += n;
-               n_tokens -= n;
-       }
-       if (n_tokens && (strcmp(tokens[0], "stats") == 0)) {
-               uint32_t n;
-               n = parse_table_action_stats(tokens, n_tokens, a);
-               if (n == 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                               "action stats");
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               tokens += n;
-               n_tokens -= n;
-       }
-       if (n_tokens && (strcmp(tokens[0], "time") == 0)) {
-               uint32_t n;
-               n = parse_table_action_time(tokens, n_tokens, a);
-               if (n == 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                               "action time");
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               tokens += n;
-               n_tokens -= n;
-       }
-       if (n_tokens && (strcmp(tokens[0], "tag") == 0)) {
-               uint32_t n;
-               n = parse_table_action_tag(tokens, n_tokens, a);
-               if (n == 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                               "action tag");
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               tokens += n;
-               n_tokens -= n;
-       }
-       if (n_tokens && (strcmp(tokens[0], "decap") == 0)) {
-               uint32_t n;
-               n = parse_table_action_decap(tokens, n_tokens, a);
-               if (n == 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                               "action decap");
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               tokens += n;
-               n_tokens -= n;
-       }
-       if (n_tokens && (strcmp(tokens[0], "sym_crypto") == 0)) {
-               uint32_t n;
-               n = parse_table_action_sym_crypto(tokens, n_tokens, a);
-               if (n == 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                               "action sym_crypto");
-               }
-               tokens += n;
-               n_tokens -= n;
-       }
-       if (n_tokens0 - n_tokens == 1) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "action");
-               return 0;
-       }
-       return n_tokens0 - n_tokens;
- * pipeline <pipeline_name> table <table_id> rule add
- *    match <match>
- *    action <table_action>
- */
-static void
-cmd_softnic_pipeline_table_rule_add(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
-       char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       char *out,
-       size_t out_size)
-       struct softnic_table_rule_match m;
-       struct softnic_table_rule_action a;
-       char *pipeline_name;
-       void *data;
-       uint32_t table_id, t0, n_tokens_parsed;
-       int status;
-       if (n_tokens < 8) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       pipeline_name = tokens[1];
-       if (strcmp(tokens[2], "table") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "table");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&table_id, tokens[3]) != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "table_id");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[4], "rule") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "rule");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[5], "add") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "add");
-               return;
-       }
-       t0 = 6;
-       /* match */
-       n_tokens_parsed = parse_match(tokens + t0,
-               n_tokens - t0,
-               out,
-               out_size,
-               &m);
-       if (n_tokens_parsed == 0)
-               return;
-       t0 += n_tokens_parsed;
-       /* action */
-       n_tokens_parsed = parse_table_action(tokens + t0,
-               n_tokens - t0,
-               out,
-               out_size,
-               &a);
-       if (n_tokens_parsed == 0)
-               return;
-       t0 += n_tokens_parsed;
-       if (t0 != n_tokens) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       status = softnic_pipeline_table_rule_add(softnic,
-               pipeline_name,
-               table_id,
-               &m,
-               &a,
-               &data);
-       if (status) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_FAIL, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
- * pipeline <pipeline_name> table <table_id> rule add
- *    match
- *       default
- *    action
- *       fwd
- *          drop
- *          | port <port_id>
- *          | meta
- *          | table <table_id>
- */
-static void
-cmd_softnic_pipeline_table_rule_add_default(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
-       char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       char *out,
-       size_t out_size)
-       struct softnic_table_rule_action action;
-       void *data;
-       char *pipeline_name;
-       uint32_t table_id;
-       int status;
-       if (n_tokens != 11 &&
-               n_tokens != 12) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       pipeline_name = tokens[1];
-       if (strcmp(tokens[2], "table") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "table");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&table_id, tokens[3]) != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "table_id");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[4], "rule") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "rule");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[5], "add") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "add");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[6], "match") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "match");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[7], "default") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "default");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[8], "action") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "action");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[9], "fwd") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "fwd");
-               return;
-       }
-       action.action_mask = 1 << RTE_TABLE_ACTION_FWD;
-       if (strcmp(tokens[10], "drop") == 0) {
-               if (n_tokens != 11) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-                       return;
-               }
-               action.fwd.action = RTE_PIPELINE_ACTION_DROP;
-       } else if (strcmp(tokens[10], "port") == 0) {
-               uint32_t id;
-               if (n_tokens != 12) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&id, tokens[11]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "port_id");
-                       return;
-               }
-               action.fwd.action = RTE_PIPELINE_ACTION_PORT;
-      = id;
-       } else if (strcmp(tokens[10], "meta") == 0) {
-               if (n_tokens != 11) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-                       return;
-               }
-               action.fwd.action = RTE_PIPELINE_ACTION_PORT_META;
-       } else if (strcmp(tokens[10], "table") == 0) {
-               uint32_t id;
-               if (n_tokens != 12) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&id, tokens[11]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "table_id");
-                       return;
-               }
-               action.fwd.action = RTE_PIPELINE_ACTION_TABLE;
-      = id;
-       } else {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID,
-                       "drop or port or meta or table");
-               return;
-       }
-       status = softnic_pipeline_table_rule_add_default(softnic,
-               pipeline_name,
-               table_id,
-               &action,
-               &data);
-       if (status) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_FAIL, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
- * pipeline <pipeline_name> table <table_id> rule add bulk <file_name> 
- *
- * File <file_name>:
- * - line format: match <match> action <action>
- */
-static int
-cli_rule_file_process(const char *file_name,
-       size_t line_len_max,
-       struct softnic_table_rule_match *m,
-       struct softnic_table_rule_action *a,
-       uint32_t *n_rules,
-       uint32_t *line_number,
-       char *out,
-       size_t out_size);
-static void
-cmd_softnic_pipeline_table_rule_add_bulk(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
-       char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       char *out,
-       size_t out_size)
-       struct softnic_table_rule_match *match;
-       struct softnic_table_rule_action *action;
-       void **data;
-       char *pipeline_name, *file_name;
-       uint32_t table_id, n_rules, n_rules_parsed, line_number;
-       int status;
-       if (n_tokens != 9) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       pipeline_name = tokens[1];
-       if (strcmp(tokens[2], "table") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "table");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&table_id, tokens[3]) != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "table_id");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[4], "rule") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "rule");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[5], "add") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "add");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[6], "bulk") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "bulk");
-               return;
-       }
-       file_name = tokens[7];
-       if ((softnic_parser_read_uint32(&n_rules, tokens[8]) != 0) ||
-               n_rules == 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "n_rules");
-               return;
-       }
-       /* Memory allocation. */
-       match = calloc(n_rules, sizeof(struct softnic_table_rule_match));
-       action = calloc(n_rules, sizeof(struct softnic_table_rule_action));
-       data = calloc(n_rules, sizeof(void *));
-       if (match == NULL ||
-               action == NULL ||
-               data == NULL) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
-               free(data);
-               free(action);
-               free(match);
-               return;
-       }
-       /* Load rule file */
-       n_rules_parsed = n_rules;
-       status = cli_rule_file_process(file_name,
-               1024,
-               match,
-               action,
-               &n_rules_parsed,
-               &line_number,
-               out,
-               out_size);
-       if (status) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_FILE_ERR, file_name, line_number);
-               free(data);
-               free(action);
-               free(match);
-               return;
-       }
-       if (n_rules_parsed != n_rules) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_FILE_NOT_ENOUGH, file_name);
-               free(data);
-               free(action);
-               free(match);
-               return;
-       }
-       /* Rule bulk add */
-       status = softnic_pipeline_table_rule_add_bulk(softnic,
-               pipeline_name,
-               table_id,
-               match,
-               action,
-               data,
-               &n_rules);
-       if (status) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_FAIL, tokens[0]);
-               free(data);
-               free(action);
-               free(match);
-               return;
-       }
-       /* Memory free */
-       free(data);
-       free(action);
-       free(match);
- * pipeline <pipeline_name> table <table_id> rule delete
- *    match <match>
- */
-static void
-cmd_softnic_pipeline_table_rule_delete(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
-       char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       char *out,
-       size_t out_size)
-       struct softnic_table_rule_match m;
-       char *pipeline_name;
-       uint32_t table_id, n_tokens_parsed, t0;
-       int status;
-       if (n_tokens < 8) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       pipeline_name = tokens[1];
-       if (strcmp(tokens[2], "table") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "table");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&table_id, tokens[3]) != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "table_id");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[4], "rule") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "rule");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[5], "delete") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "delete");
-               return;
-       }
-       t0 = 6;
-       /* match */
-       n_tokens_parsed = parse_match(tokens + t0,
-               n_tokens - t0,
-               out,
-               out_size,
-               &m);
-       if (n_tokens_parsed == 0)
-               return;
-       t0 += n_tokens_parsed;
-       if (n_tokens != t0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       status = softnic_pipeline_table_rule_delete(softnic,
-               pipeline_name,
-               table_id,
-               &m);
-       if (status) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_FAIL, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
- * pipeline <pipeline_name> table <table_id> rule delete
- *    match
- *       default
- */
-static void
-cmd_softnic_pipeline_table_rule_delete_default(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
-       char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       char *out,
-       size_t out_size)
-       char *pipeline_name;
-       uint32_t table_id;
-       int status;
-       if (n_tokens != 8) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       pipeline_name = tokens[1];
-       if (strcmp(tokens[2], "table") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "table");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&table_id, tokens[3]) != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "table_id");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[4], "rule") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "rule");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[5], "delete") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "delete");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[6], "match") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "match");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[7], "default") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "default");
-               return;
-       }
-       status = softnic_pipeline_table_rule_delete_default(softnic,
-               pipeline_name,
-               table_id);
-       if (status) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_FAIL, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
- * pipeline <pipeline_name> table <table_id> rule read stats [clear]
- */
-static void
-cmd_softnic_pipeline_table_rule_stats_read(struct pmd_internals *softnic 
-       char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens __rte_unused,
-       char *out,
-       size_t out_size)
-       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_UNIMPLEM, tokens[0]);
- * pipeline <pipeline_name> table <table_id> meter profile <meter_profile_id>
- *  add srtcm cir <cir> cbs <cbs> ebs <ebs>
- *  | trtcm cir <cir> pir <pir> cbs <cbs> pbs <pbs>
- */
-static void
-cmd_pipeline_table_meter_profile_add(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
-       char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       char *out,
-       size_t out_size)
-       struct rte_table_action_meter_profile p;
-       char *pipeline_name;
-       uint32_t table_id, meter_profile_id;
-       int status;
-       if (n_tokens < 9) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       pipeline_name = tokens[1];
-       if (strcmp(tokens[2], "table") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "port");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&table_id, tokens[3]) != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "table_id");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[4], "meter") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "meter");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[5], "profile") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "profile");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&meter_profile_id, tokens[6]) != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "meter_profile_id");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[7], "add") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "add");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[8], "srtcm") == 0) {
-               if (n_tokens != 15) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH,
-                               tokens[0]);
-                       return;
-               }
-               p.alg = RTE_TABLE_ACTION_METER_SRTCM;
-               if (strcmp(tokens[9], "cir") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "cir");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint64(&p.srtcm.cir, tokens[10]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "cir");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[11], "cbs") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "cbs");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint64(&, tokens[12]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "cbs");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[13], "ebs") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "ebs");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint64(&p.srtcm.ebs, tokens[14]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "ebs");
-                       return;
-               }
-       } else if (strcmp(tokens[8], "trtcm") == 0) {
-               if (n_tokens != 17) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-                       return;
-               }
-               p.alg = RTE_TABLE_ACTION_METER_TRTCM;
-               if (strcmp(tokens[9], "cir") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "cir");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint64(&p.trtcm.cir, tokens[10]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "cir");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[11], "pir") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "pir");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint64(&p.trtcm.pir, tokens[12]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "pir");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[13], "cbs") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "cbs");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint64(&, tokens[14]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "cbs");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (strcmp(tokens[15], "pbs") != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "pbs");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (softnic_parser_read_uint64(&p.trtcm.pbs, tokens[16]) != 0) {
-                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "pbs");
-                       return;
-               }
-       } else {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       status = softnic_pipeline_table_mtr_profile_add(softnic,
-               pipeline_name,
-               table_id,
-               meter_profile_id,
-               &p);
-       if (status) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_FAIL, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
- * pipeline <pipeline_name> table <table_id>
- *  meter profile <meter_profile_id> delete
- */
-static void
-cmd_pipeline_table_meter_profile_delete(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
-       char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       char *out,
-       size_t out_size)
-       char *pipeline_name;
-       uint32_t table_id, meter_profile_id;
-       int status;
-       if (n_tokens != 8) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       pipeline_name = tokens[1];
-       if (strcmp(tokens[2], "table") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "port");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&table_id, tokens[3]) != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "table_id");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[4], "meter") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "meter");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[5], "profile") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "profile");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&meter_profile_id, tokens[6]) != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "meter_profile_id");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[7], "delete") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "delete");
-               return;
-       }
-       status = softnic_pipeline_table_mtr_profile_delete(softnic,
-               pipeline_name,
-               table_id,
-               meter_profile_id);
-       if (status) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_FAIL, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
- * pipeline <pipeline_name> table <table_id> rule read meter [clear]
- */
-static void
-cmd_pipeline_table_rule_meter_read(struct pmd_internals *softnic __rte_unused,
-       char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens __rte_unused,
-       char *out,
-       size_t out_size)
-       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_UNIMPLEM, tokens[0]);
- * pipeline <pipeline_name> table <table_id> dscp <file_name>
- *
- * File <file_name>:
- *  - exactly 64 lines
- *  - line format: <tc_id> <tc_queue_id> <color>, with <color> as: g | y | r
- */
-static int
-load_dscp_table(struct rte_table_action_dscp_table *dscp_table,
-       const char *file_name,
-       uint32_t *line_number)
-       FILE *f = NULL;
-       uint32_t dscp, l;
-       /* Check input arguments */
-       if (dscp_table == NULL ||
-               file_name == NULL ||
-               line_number == NULL) {
-               if (line_number)
-                       *line_number = 0;
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       /* Open input file */
-       f = fopen(file_name, "r");
-       if (f == NULL) {
-               *line_number = 0;
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       /* Read file */
-       for (dscp = 0, l = 1; ; l++) {
-               char line[64];
-               char *tokens[3];
-               enum rte_color color;
-               uint32_t tc_id, tc_queue_id, n_tokens = RTE_DIM(tokens);
-               if (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f) == NULL)
-                       break;
-               if (is_comment(line))
-                       continue;
-               if (softnic_parse_tokenize_string(line, tokens, &n_tokens)) {
-                       *line_number = l;
-                       fclose(f);
-                       return -EINVAL;
-               }
-               if (n_tokens == 0)
-                       continue;
-               if (dscp >= RTE_DIM(dscp_table->entry) ||
-                       n_tokens != RTE_DIM(tokens) ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&tc_id, tokens[0]) ||
-                       tc_id >= RTE_TABLE_ACTION_TC_MAX ||
-                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&tc_queue_id, tokens[1]) ||
-                       tc_queue_id >= RTE_TABLE_ACTION_TC_QUEUE_MAX ||
-                       (strlen(tokens[2]) != 1)) {
-                       *line_number = l;
-                       fclose(f);
-                       return -EINVAL;
-               }
-               switch (tokens[2][0]) {
-               case 'g':
-               case 'G':
-                       color = RTE_COLOR_GREEN;
-                       break;
-               case 'y':
-               case 'Y':
-                       color = RTE_COLOR_YELLOW;
-                       break;
-               case 'r':
-               case 'R':
-                       color = RTE_COLOR_RED;
-                       break;
-               default:
-                       *line_number = l;
-                       fclose(f);
-                       return -EINVAL;
-               }
-               dscp_table->entry[dscp].tc_id = tc_id;
-               dscp_table->entry[dscp].tc_queue_id = tc_queue_id;
-               dscp_table->entry[dscp].color = color;
-               dscp++;
-       }
-       /* Close file */
-       fclose(f);
-       return 0;
-static void
-cmd_pipeline_table_dscp(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
-       char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens,
-       char *out,
-       size_t out_size)
-       struct rte_table_action_dscp_table dscp_table;
-       char *pipeline_name, *file_name;
-       uint32_t table_id, line_number;
-       int status;
-       if (n_tokens != 6) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
-       pipeline_name = tokens[1];
-       if (strcmp(tokens[2], "table") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "port");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&table_id, tokens[3]) != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "table_id");
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[4], "dscp") != 0) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "dscp");
-               return;
-       }
-       file_name = tokens[5];
-       status = load_dscp_table(&dscp_table, file_name, &line_number);
-       if (status) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_FILE_ERR, file_name, line_number);
-               return;
-       }
-       status = softnic_pipeline_table_dscp_table_update(softnic,
-               pipeline_name,
-               table_id,
-               UINT64_MAX,
-               &dscp_table);
-       if (status) {
-               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_FAIL, tokens[0]);
-               return;
-       }
- * pipeline <pipeline_name> table <table_id> rule read ttl [clear]
- */
-static void
-cmd_softnic_pipeline_table_rule_ttl_read(struct pmd_internals *softnic 
-       char **tokens,
-       uint32_t n_tokens __rte_unused,
-       char *out,
-       size_t out_size)
-       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_UNIMPLEM, tokens[0]);
  * thread <thread_id> pipeline <pipeline_name> enable
@@ -4529,202 +307,6 @@ softnic_cli_process(char *in, char *out, size_t 
out_size, void *arg)
-       if (strcmp(tokens[0], "port") == 0) {
-               cmd_port_in_action_profile(softnic, tokens, n_tokens, out, 
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[0], "table") == 0) {
-               cmd_table_action_profile(softnic, tokens, n_tokens, out, 
-               return;
-       }
-       if (strcmp(tokens[0], "pipeline") == 0) {
-               if (n_tokens >= 3 &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[2], "period") == 0)) {
-                       cmd_pipeline(softnic, tokens, n_tokens, out, out_size);
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (n_tokens >= 5 &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[2], "port") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[3], "in") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[4], "bsz") == 0)) {
-                       cmd_pipeline_port_in(softnic, tokens, n_tokens, out, 
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (n_tokens >= 5 &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[2], "port") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[3], "out") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[4], "bsz") == 0)) {
-                       cmd_pipeline_port_out(softnic, tokens, n_tokens, out, 
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (n_tokens >= 4 &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[2], "table") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[3], "match") == 0)) {
-                       cmd_pipeline_table(softnic, tokens, n_tokens, out, 
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (n_tokens >= 6 &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[2], "port") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[3], "in") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[5], "table") == 0)) {
-                       cmd_pipeline_port_in_table(softnic, tokens, n_tokens,
-                               out, out_size);
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (n_tokens >= 6 &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[2], "port") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[3], "in") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[5], "stats") == 0)) {
-                       cmd_pipeline_port_in_stats(softnic, tokens, n_tokens,
-                               out, out_size);
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (n_tokens >= 6 &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[2], "port") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[3], "in") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[5], "enable") == 0)) {
-                       cmd_softnic_pipeline_port_in_enable(softnic, tokens, 
-                               out, out_size);
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (n_tokens >= 6 &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[2], "port") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[3], "in") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[5], "disable") == 0)) {
-                       cmd_softnic_pipeline_port_in_disable(softnic, tokens, 
-                               out, out_size);
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (n_tokens >= 6 &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[2], "port") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[3], "out") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[5], "stats") == 0)) {
-                       cmd_pipeline_port_out_stats(softnic, tokens, n_tokens,
-                               out, out_size);
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (n_tokens >= 5 &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[2], "table") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[4], "stats") == 0)) {
-                       cmd_pipeline_table_stats(softnic, tokens, n_tokens,
-                               out, out_size);
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (n_tokens >= 7 &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[2], "table") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[4], "rule") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[5], "add") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[6], "match") == 0)) {
-                       if (n_tokens >= 8 &&
-                               (strcmp(tokens[7], "default") == 0)) {
cmd_softnic_pipeline_table_rule_add_default(softnic, tokens,
-                                       n_tokens, out, out_size);
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       cmd_softnic_pipeline_table_rule_add(softnic, tokens, 
-                               out, out_size);
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (n_tokens >= 7 &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[2], "table") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[4], "rule") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[5], "add") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[6], "bulk") == 0)) {
-                       cmd_softnic_pipeline_table_rule_add_bulk(softnic, 
-                               n_tokens, out, out_size);
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (n_tokens >= 7 &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[2], "table") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[4], "rule") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[5], "delete") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[6], "match") == 0)) {
-                       if (n_tokens >= 8 &&
-                               (strcmp(tokens[7], "default") == 0)) {
cmd_softnic_pipeline_table_rule_delete_default(softnic, tokens,
-                                       n_tokens, out, out_size);
-                               return;
-                               }
-                       cmd_softnic_pipeline_table_rule_delete(softnic, tokens, 
-                               out, out_size);
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (n_tokens >= 7 &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[2], "table") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[4], "rule") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[5], "read") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[6], "stats") == 0)) {
-                       cmd_softnic_pipeline_table_rule_stats_read(softnic, 
tokens, n_tokens,
-                               out, out_size);
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (n_tokens >= 8 &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[2], "table") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[4], "meter") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[5], "profile") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[7], "add") == 0)) {
-                       cmd_pipeline_table_meter_profile_add(softnic, tokens, 
-                               out, out_size);
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (n_tokens >= 8 &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[2], "table") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[4], "meter") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[5], "profile") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[7], "delete") == 0)) {
-                       cmd_pipeline_table_meter_profile_delete(softnic, tokens,
-                               n_tokens, out, out_size);
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (n_tokens >= 7 &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[2], "table") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[4], "rule") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[5], "read") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[6], "meter") == 0)) {
-                       cmd_pipeline_table_rule_meter_read(softnic, tokens, 
-                               out, out_size);
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (n_tokens >= 5 &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[2], "table") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[4], "dscp") == 0)) {
-                       cmd_pipeline_table_dscp(softnic, tokens, n_tokens,
-                               out, out_size);
-                       return;
-               }
-               if (n_tokens >= 7 &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[2], "table") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[4], "rule") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[5], "read") == 0) &&
-                       (strcmp(tokens[6], "ttl") == 0)) {
-                       cmd_softnic_pipeline_table_rule_ttl_read(softnic, 
tokens, n_tokens,
-                               out, out_size);
-                       return;
-               }
-       }
        if (strcmp(tokens[0], "thread") == 0) {
                if (n_tokens >= 5 &&
                        (strcmp(tokens[4], "enable") == 0)) {
@@ -4800,112 +382,3 @@ softnic_cli_script_process(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
        return 0;
-static int
-cli_rule_file_process(const char *file_name,
-       size_t line_len_max,
-       struct softnic_table_rule_match *m,
-       struct softnic_table_rule_action *a,
-       uint32_t *n_rules,
-       uint32_t *line_number,
-       char *out,
-       size_t out_size)
-       FILE *f = NULL;
-       char *line = NULL;
-       uint32_t rule_id, line_id;
-       int status = 0;
-       /* Check input arguments */
-       if (file_name == NULL ||
-               (strlen(file_name) == 0) ||
-               line_len_max == 0) {
-               *line_number = 0;
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       /* Memory allocation */
-       line = malloc(line_len_max + 1);
-       if (line == NULL) {
-               *line_number = 0;
-               return -ENOMEM;
-       }
-       /* Open file */
-       f = fopen(file_name, "r");
-       if (f == NULL) {
-               *line_number = 0;
-               free(line);
-               return -EIO;
-       }
-       /* Read file */
-       for (line_id = 1, rule_id = 0; rule_id < *n_rules; line_id++) {
-               char *tokens[CMD_MAX_TOKENS];
-               uint32_t n_tokens, n_tokens_parsed, t0;
-               /* Read next line from file. */
-               if (fgets(line, line_len_max + 1, f) == NULL)
-                       break;
-               /* Comment. */
-               if (is_comment(line))
-                       continue;
-               /* Parse line. */
-               n_tokens = RTE_DIM(tokens);
-               status = softnic_parse_tokenize_string(line, tokens, &n_tokens);
-               if (status) {
-                       status = -EINVAL;
-                       break;
-               }
-               /* Empty line. */
-               if (n_tokens == 0)
-                       continue;
-               t0 = 0;
-               /* Rule match. */
-               n_tokens_parsed = parse_match(tokens + t0,
-                       n_tokens - t0,
-                       out,
-                       out_size,
-                       &m[rule_id]);
-               if (n_tokens_parsed == 0) {
-                       status = -EINVAL;
-                       break;
-               }
-               t0 += n_tokens_parsed;
-               /* Rule action. */
-               n_tokens_parsed = parse_table_action(tokens + t0,
-                       n_tokens - t0,
-                       out,
-                       out_size,
-                       &a[rule_id]);
-               if (n_tokens_parsed == 0) {
-                       status = -EINVAL;
-                       break;
-               }
-               t0 += n_tokens_parsed;
-               /* Line completed. */
-               if (t0 < n_tokens) {
-                       status = -EINVAL;
-                       break;
-               }
-               /* Increment rule count */
-               rule_id++;
-       }
-       /* Close file */
-       fclose(f);
-       /* Memory free */
-       free(line);
-       *n_rules = rule_id;
-       *line_number = line_id;
-       return status;

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