Hi Thomas,

I am asking for your help to identify a technical solution for moving forward. 
Enabling the stats is a very important part of our Packet Framework 
enhancements, as it is a dependency for a set of patches we plan to submit next.

1. What is the technical solution to avoid performance loss due to stats 
Generally, I would agree with you that config options should be avoided, 
especially those that alter the API (function prototypes, data structure 
layouts, etc). Please note this is not the case for any of our patches, as only 
the stats collection is enabled/disabled, while the data structures and 
functions are not changed by the build time option.

But what can you do for statistics? We all know that collecting the stats sucks 
up CPU cycles, especially due to memory accesses, so stats always have a 
run-time cost. Traditionally, stats are typically enabled for debugging 
purposes and then turned off for the release version when performance is 
required. How can this be done if build time flags are not used?

Enabling stats conditionally at run-time has a significant cost potentially, as 
this involves adding branches to the code; this is particularly bad due to 
branches being added in the library code, which is not aware of the overhead of 
the application running on top of it on the same CPU core. We are battling 
cycles very hard in the Packet Framework, trying to avoid any waste, and the 
cost of branch misprediction of ~15 cycles is prohibitive when your packet 
budget (for the overall app, not just the library) is less than ~200 cycles. 
Sometimes, branches are predicted correctly by the CPU, some other times not, 
for example when the application code adds a lot of additional branches (which 
is the typical case for an app). This is outside of the control of the library.

I would not recommend the run-time conditional option for stats support in 
DPDK, where performance is key. The only option that looks feasible to me to 
avoid performance impact is well-behaved build time option (i.e. those that 
does not change the API functions and data structures).

 2. You already agreed that having build time options for performance reasons 
is fine, why change now?
We had a previous email thread on QoS stats 
(http://www.dpdk.org/ml/archives/dev/2015-February/013820.html ), and you 

>We must remove and avoid build-time options.
>The only ones which might be acceptable are the ones which allow more
>performance by disabling some features.

I think stats support is the perfect example where this is applicable. We took 
this as the guidance from you, and we worked out these stats exactly as you 
recommended. Let me also mention that the format of the API functions and data 
structures for stats were also designed to match exactly the requirements from 
this discussion (e.g. clear on read approach, etc). Our functions match exactly 
the strategy that Stephen and myself agreed on at that time. Our work was done 
under this agreement.

3. There are other libraries that already apply the build time option for stats 
Other DPDK libraries provide stats based on build time configuration: Ethdev, 
QoS scheduler, IP fragmentation. Are you suggesting we need to remove the build 
time stats option for these libraries, too? If yes, what about the performance 
impact, which would be prohibitive (I can definitely testify this for QOS 
scheduler, where every cycle counts). This would result in choosing between 
functionality (stats support) vs. performance, and it might be that for some of 
these libraries the decision will be to remove the stats support altogether in 
order to keep the performance unchanged.

I think we should encourage people to add stats to more libraries, and if we 
forbid build-time option for stats support we send a strong signal to 
discourage people from adding stats support to the applicable DPDK libraries.

4. Coding guidelines
Is there a rule on "build time options are no longer allowed in DPDK" published 
somewhere in our documentation? Is it part of the coding standard? Am I wrong 
to say this is not the case at this point?
If we intend to have such a rule, then I think it needs to be discussed on this 
list  and published, to avoid any misinterpretation (leading to rework and 
debates). It should be published together with all the acceptable exceptions 
that are part of any rule definition. I personally think the stats support 
should be such an exception.

Thanks for your help!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Monjalon [mailto:thomas.monjalon at 6wind.com]
> Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 12:02 PM
> To: Wodkowski, PawelX
> Cc: dev at dpdk.org; Dumitrescu, Cristian; Jastrzebski, MichalX K
> Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH v2] pipeline: add statistics for 
> librte_pipeline
> ports and tables
> 2015-05-05 15:11, Dumitrescu, Cristian:
> > From: dev [mailto:dev-bounces at dpdk.org] On Behalf Of Michal Jastrzebski
> > > From: Pawel Wodkowski <pawelx.wdkowski at intel.com>
> > >
> > > This patch adds statistics collection for librte_pipeline.
> > > Those statistics ale disabled by default during build time.
> > >
> > > Signed-off-by: Pawel Wodkowski <pawelx.wodkowski at intel.com>
> > > ---
> > >  config/common_bsdapp               |    1 +
> > >  config/common_linuxapp             |    1 +
> [...]
> > >  # Compile librte_pipeline
> > >  #
> [...]
> >
> > Acked by: Cristian Dumitrescu <cristian.dumitrescu at intel.com>
> Nack because of new config option.
> The same problem appear for all series related to packet framework.

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