On 8/23/2022 4:26 AM, Ding, Xuan wrote:
Hi Hanumanth,

-----Original Message-----
From: Hanumanth Pothula <hpoth...@marvell.com>
Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2022 1:25 AM
To: Thomas Monjalon <tho...@monjalon.net>; Ferruh Yigit
<ferruh.yi...@xilinx.com>; Andrew Rybchenko
Cc: dev@dpdk.org; Ding, Xuan <xuan.d...@intel.com>; Wu, WenxuanX
<wenxuanx...@intel.com>; Li, Xiaoyun <xiaoyun...@intel.com>;
step...@networkplumber.org; Wang, YuanX <yuanx.w...@intel.com>;
m...@ashroe.eu; Zhang, Yuying <yuying.zh...@intel.com>; Zhang, Qi Z
<qi.z.zh...@intel.com>; viachesl...@nvidia.com; jer...@marvell.com;
ndabilpu...@marvell.com; Hanumanth Pothula <hpoth...@marvell.com>
Subject: [PATCH v2 1/3] ethdev: introduce pool sort capability

Presently, the 'Buffer Split' feature supports sending multiple segments of
the received packet to PMD, which programs the HW to receive the packet in
segments from different pools.

This patch extends the feature to support the pool sort capability.
Some of the HW has support for choosing memory pools based on the
packet's size. The pool sort capability allows PMD to choose a memory pool
based on the packet's length.

This is often useful for saving the memory where the application can create a
different pool to steer the specific size of the packet, thus enabling effective
use of memory.

For example, let's say HW has a capability of three pools,
  - pool-1 size is 2K
  - pool-2 size is > 2K and < 4K
  - pool-3 size is > 4K
         pool-1 can accommodate packets with sizes < 2K
         pool-2 can accommodate packets with sizes > 2K and < 4K
         pool-3 can accommodate packets with sizes > 4K

With pool sort capability enabled in SW, an application may create three
pools of different sizes and send them to PMD. Allowing PMD to program
HW based on packet lengths. So that packets with less than 2K are received
on pool-1, packets with lengths between 2K and 4K are received on pool-2
and finally packets greater than 4K are received on pool-3.

The following two capabilities are added to the rte_eth_rxseg_capa structure,
1. pool_sort --> tells pool sort capability is supported by HW.
2. max_npool --> max number of pools supported by HW.

Defined new structure rte_eth_rxseg_sort, to be used only when pool sort
capability is present. If required this may be extended further to support
more configurations.

Signed-off-by: Hanumanth Pothula <hpoth...@marvell.com>

  - Along with spec changes, uploading testpmd and driver changes.

Thanks for CCing. It's an interesting feature.

But I have one question here:
Buffer split is for split receiving packets into multiple segments, while pool 
sort supports
PMD to put the receiving packets into different pools according to packet size.
Every packet is still intact.

So, at this level, pool sort does not belong to buffer split.
And you already use a different function to check pool sort rather than check 
buffer split.

Should a new RX offload be introduced? like "RTE_ETH_RX_OFFLOAD_POOL_SORT".

Hi Hanumanth,

I had the similar concern with the feature. I assume you want to benefit from exiting config structure that gets multiple mempool as argument, since this feature also needs multiple mempools, but the feature is different.

It looks to me wrong to check 'OFFLOAD_BUFFER_SPLIT' offload to decide if to receive into multiple mempool or not, which doesn't have anything related split. Also not sure about using the 'sort' keyword. What do you think to introduce new fetaure, instead of extending existing split one? This is optimisation, right? To enable us to use less memory for the packet buffer, does it qualify to a device offload?

Also, what is the relation with segmented Rx, how a PMD decide to use segmented Rx or bigger mempool? How can application can configure this?

Need to clarify the rules, based on your sample, if a 512 bytes packet received, does it have to go pool-1, or can it go to any of three pools?

And I don't see any change in the 'net/cnxk' Rx burst code, when multiple mempool used, while filling the mbufs shouldn't it check which mempool is filled. How this works without update in the Rx burst code, or am I missing some implementation detail?

  lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.c | 87 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
  lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.h | 45 +++++++++++++++++++--
  2 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.c b/lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.c index
1979dc0850..7fd5443eb8 100644
--- a/lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.c
+++ b/lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.c
@@ -1635,7 +1635,55 @@ rte_eth_dev_is_removed(uint16_t port_id)  }

  static int
-rte_eth_rx_queue_check_split(const struct rte_eth_rxseg_split *rx_seg,
+rte_eth_rx_queue_check_sort(const struct rte_eth_rxseg *rx_seg,
+                            uint16_t n_seg, uint32_t *mbp_buf_size,
+                            const struct rte_eth_dev_info *dev_info) {
+       const struct rte_eth_rxseg_capa *seg_capa = &dev_info-
+       uint16_t seg_idx;
+       if (!seg_capa->multi_pools || n_seg > seg_capa->max_npool) {
+               RTE_ETHDEV_LOG(ERR,
+                              "Invalid capabilities, multi_pools:%d differnt
length segments %u exceed supported %u\n",
+                              seg_capa->multi_pools, n_seg, seg_capa-
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       for (seg_idx = 0; seg_idx < n_seg; seg_idx++) {
+               struct rte_mempool *mpl = rx_seg[seg_idx].sort.mp;
+               uint32_t length = rx_seg[seg_idx].sort.length;
+               if (mpl == NULL) {
+                       RTE_ETHDEV_LOG(ERR, "null mempool pointer\n");
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               }
+               if (mpl->private_data_size <
+                       sizeof(struct rte_pktmbuf_pool_private)) {
+                       RTE_ETHDEV_LOG(ERR,
+                                      "%s private_data_size %u < %u\n",
+                                      mpl->name, mpl->private_data_size,
+                                      (unsigned int)sizeof
+                                       (struct rte_pktmbuf_pool_private));
+                       return -ENOSPC;
+               }
+               *mbp_buf_size = rte_pktmbuf_data_room_size(mpl);
+               length = length != 0 ? length : (*mbp_buf_size -
+               if (*mbp_buf_size < length + RTE_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM) {
+                       RTE_ETHDEV_LOG(ERR,
+                                      "%s mbuf_data_room_size %u < %u))\n",
+                                      mpl->name, *mbp_buf_size,
+                                      length);
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               }
+       }
+       return 0;
+static int
+rte_eth_rx_queue_check_split(const struct rte_eth_rxseg *rx_seg,
                             uint16_t n_seg, uint32_t *mbp_buf_size,
                             const struct rte_eth_dev_info *dev_info)  { @@ -
1654,12 +1702,12 @@ rte_eth_rx_queue_check_split(const struct
rte_eth_rxseg_split *rx_seg,
         * Check the sizes and offsets against buffer sizes
         * for each segment specified in extended configuration.
-       mp_first = rx_seg[0].mp;
+       mp_first = rx_seg[0].split.mp;
        offset_mask = RTE_BIT32(seg_capa->offset_align_log2) - 1;
        for (seg_idx = 0; seg_idx < n_seg; seg_idx++) {
-               struct rte_mempool *mpl = rx_seg[seg_idx].mp;
-               uint32_t length = rx_seg[seg_idx].length;
-               uint32_t offset = rx_seg[seg_idx].offset;
+               struct rte_mempool *mpl = rx_seg[seg_idx].split.mp;
+               uint32_t length = rx_seg[seg_idx].split.length;
+               uint32_t offset = rx_seg[seg_idx].split.offset;

                if (mpl == NULL) {
                        RTE_ETHDEV_LOG(ERR, "null mempool pointer\n");
@@ -1693,7 +1741,11 @@ rte_eth_rx_queue_check_split(const struct
rte_eth_rxseg_split *rx_seg,
                offset += seg_idx != 0 ? 0 : RTE_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM;
                *mbp_buf_size = rte_pktmbuf_data_room_size(mpl);
-               length = length != 0 ? length : *mbp_buf_size;
+               /* On segment length == 0, update segment's length with
+                * the pool's length - headeroom space, to make sure enough
+                * space is accomidate for header.
+                **/
+               length = length != 0 ? length : (*mbp_buf_size -
                if (*mbp_buf_size < length + offset) {
                                       "%s mbuf_data_room_size %u < %u
(segment length=%u + segment offset=%u)\n", @@ -1764,7 +1816,6 @@
rte_eth_rx_queue_setup(uint16_t port_id, uint16_t rx_queue_id,
                        return -EINVAL;
        } else {
-               const struct rte_eth_rxseg_split *rx_seg;
                uint16_t n_seg;

                /* Extended multi-segment configuration check. */ @@ -
1774,13 +1825,27 @@ rte_eth_rx_queue_setup(uint16_t port_id, uint16_t
                        return -EINVAL;

-               rx_seg = (const struct rte_eth_rxseg_split *)rx_conf->rx_seg;
                n_seg = rx_conf->rx_nseg;

                if (rx_conf->offloads & RTE_ETH_RX_OFFLOAD_BUFFER_SPLIT)
-                       ret = rte_eth_rx_queue_check_split(rx_seg, n_seg,
-                                                          &mbp_buf_size,
-                                                          &dev_info);
+                       ret = -1; /* To make sure at least one of below
conditions becomes
+true */
+                       /* Check both NIX and application supports buffer-
split capability */
+                       if (dev_info.rx_seg_capa.mode_split &&
+                           rx_conf->mode_flag ==
+                               ret = rte_eth_rx_queue_check_split(rx_conf-
rx_seg, n_seg,
+                                                                  &dev_info);
+                       }
+                       /* Check both NIX and application supports pool-sort
capability */
+                       if (dev_info.rx_seg_capa.mode_sort &&
+                           rx_conf->mode_flag ==
+                               ret = rte_eth_rx_queue_check_sort(rx_conf-
rx_seg, n_seg,
+                                                                 &dev_info);
+                       }
                        if (ret != 0)
                                return ret;
                } else {
diff --git a/lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.h b/lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.h index
de9e970d4d..9f6787d7ad 100644
--- a/lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.h
+++ b/lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.h
@@ -1204,16 +1204,46 @@ struct rte_eth_rxseg_split {
        uint32_t reserved; /**< Reserved field. */  };

+ * The pool sort capability allows PMD to choose a memory pool based on
+ * packet's length. So, basically, PMD programs HW for receiving
+packets from
+ * different pools, based on the packet's length.
+ *
+ * This is often useful for saving the memory where the application can
+ * a different pool to steer the specific size of the packet, thus
+ * effective use of memory.
+ */
+struct rte_eth_rxseg_sort {
+       struct rte_mempool *mp; /**< Memory pool to allocate packets
from. */
+       uint16_t length; /**< Packet data length. */
+       uint32_t reserved; /**< Reserved field. */ };
+enum rte_eth_rxseg_mode {
+       /**
+        * Buffer split mode: PMD split the received packets into multiple
+        * @see struct rte_eth_rxseg_split
+        */
+       /**
+        * Pool sort mode: PMD to chooses a memory pool based on the
packet's length.
+        * @see struct rte_eth_rxseg_sort
+        */
+       RTE_ETH_RXSEG_MODE_SORT  = RTE_BIT64(1), };
   * @warning
   * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this structure may change without prior notice.
   * A common structure used to describe Rx packet segment properties.
-union rte_eth_rxseg {
+struct rte_eth_rxseg {
        /* The settings for buffer split offload. */
        struct rte_eth_rxseg_split split;
-       /* The other features settings should be added here. */
+       /*The settings for packet sort offload. */
+       struct rte_eth_rxseg_sort sort;

@@ -1239,6 +1269,11 @@ struct rte_eth_rxconf {
         * fields on rte_eth_dev_info structure are allowed to be set.
        uint64_t offloads;
+       /**
+        * PMD may support more than one rxseg mode. This allows
+        * to chose which mode to enable.
+        */
+       enum rte_eth_rxseg_mode mode_flag;
         * Points to the array of segment descriptions for an entire packet.
         * Array elements are properties for consecutive Rx segments.
@@ -1246,7 +1281,7 @@ struct rte_eth_rxconf {
         * The supported capabilities of receiving segmentation is reported
         * in rte_eth_dev_info.rx_seg_capa field.
-       union rte_eth_rxseg *rx_seg;
+       struct rte_eth_rxseg *rx_seg;

        uint64_t reserved_64s[2]; /**< Reserved for future fields */
        void *reserved_ptrs[2];   /**< Reserved for future fields */
@@ -1827,10 +1862,14 @@ struct rte_eth_switch_info {
  struct rte_eth_rxseg_capa {
+       uint32_t mode_split : 1; /**< Supports buffer split capability @see
struct rte_eth_rxseg_split */
+       uint32_t mode_sort : 1; /**< Supports pool sort capability @see

The same doubt here. As I know, the 'rte_eth_rxseg_capa' structure is used for 
buffer split.


+rte_eth_rxseg_sort */
        uint32_t multi_pools:1; /**< Supports receiving to multiple pools.*/
        uint32_t offset_allowed:1; /**< Supports buffer offsets. */
        uint32_t offset_align_log2:4; /**< Required offset alignment. */
        uint16_t max_nseg; /**< Maximum amount of segments to split. */
+       /* < Maximum amount of pools that PMD can sort based on
packet/segment lengths */
+       uint16_t max_npool;
        uint16_t reserved; /**< Reserved field. */  };


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