Hi, > -----Original Message----- > From: Bassam Zaid AlKilani <bzalkil...@nvidia.com> > Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2022 5:12 PM > To: dev@dpdk.org > Cc: Raslan Darawsheh <rasl...@nvidia.com>; rzid...@nvidia.com; > sta...@dpdk.org; Matan Azrad <ma...@nvidia.com>; Slava Ovsiienko > <viachesl...@nvidia.com> > Subject: [PATCH] net/mlx5: fix matcher priority for esp item > > ESP is one of IPSec protocols over both IPv4 and IPv6 and is considered > a tunnel layer that cannot be followed by any other layer. Taking that > into consideration, esp is considered as a 4 layer. > > Not defining ESP's priority will make it match with the same priority as > its prior IP layer, which has a layer 3 priority. This will lead to > issues in matching and will match the packet with the first matching > rule even if it doesn't have an esp layer in its pattern, disregarding > any following rules that could have an esp item and can be actually > a more accurate match since it will have a longer matching criterion. > > This is fixed by defining the priority for the ESP item to have a > layer 4 priority, making the match be for the rule with the more > accurate and longer matching criteria. > > Fixes: 18ca4a4ec73a ("net/mlx5: support ESP SPI match and RSS hash") > Cc: rzid...@nvidia.com > Cc: sta...@dpdk.org > > Signed-off-by: Bassam ZaidAlKilani <bzalkil...@nvidia.com>[Raslan Darawsheh] Acked-by: Raslan Darawsheh <rasl...@nvidia.com>
Patch applied to next-net-mlx, Kindest regards, Raslan Darawsheh