Hi Bruce,

>> > >> If all devices are configured to run in IOVA mode as VA, physical
>> > >> address field of mbuf (buf_iova) won't be used.
>> Will some of the hardware vendors please comment on this: Has IOVA VA mode
>become common over time, or is it still an exotic bleeding edge feature?
>> If it has become common, we should let DPDK evolve accordingly, and consider
>PA (non-VA) mode legacy, treating it as such. Don't get stuck in the past.
>IOVA as VA mode is indeed common and we are constantly encouraging users to
>switch to using vfio to try and take advantage of this.
>However, in my experience IOVA as PA is still very, very common too. We
>cannot drop support for this mode just yet, unfortunately.
>> > >> In such cases,
>> > buf_iova
>> > >> space is free to use as a dynamic field. So a new dynamic field
>> > member
>> > >> (dynfield2) is added in mbuf structure to make use of that space.
>> > >>
>> > >> A new mbuf flag RTE_MBUF_F_DYNFIELD2 is introduced to help identify
>> > the
>> > >> mbuf that can use dynfield2.
>> > >>
>> > >> Signed-off-by: Shijith Thotton <sthot...@marvell.com>
>> > >
>> > > This seems like a complex and potentially error prone way to do this.
>> Perhaps this optimization should be a compile time option instead?
>It could indeed be, and probably could be done very safely, in that we could
>mark as disabled all drivers when the mode is enabled for a build.
>Thereafter, drivers could be marked as VA-only safe as they are updated as
>necessary, i.e. use the build system to enforce that only drivers known to
>work with the mode are built when the mode is enabled.

I will prepare a patch to enable VA-only build.

>That said, verifying all drivers to work with this mode is a decent effort.
>Do we have indications of the perf benefit we would get from doing this for
>some real-world app?

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