+Cc ethdev and testpmd maintainers

Any feedback about this need and solution?

04/07/2022 10:24, Eli Britstein:
> Upon creation of a flow, testpmd assigns it a flow ID. Later, the flow
> ID is used for flow operations (query, destroy, dump).
> The testpmd application allows to manage flow rules with its IDs.
> The flow ID is known only when the flow is created.
> In order to prepare a complete sequence of testpmd commands to
> copy/paste, the flow IDs must be predictable.
> The idea brought here is to allow providing some user-defined ID, chosen
> in advance of the effective flow creation.
> Example:
> testpmd> flow create 0 ingress user_id 0x1234 pattern eth / end actions
> count / drop / end
> Flow rule #0 created, user-id 0x1234
> testpmd> flow destroy 0 user_id rule 0x1234
> Flow rule #0 destroyed, user-id 0x1234
> Here, "user_id" is a flag that signifies the "rule" ID is the user-id.
> The motivation is from OVS. OVS dumps its "rte_flow_create" calls to
> the log in testpmd commands syntax. As the flow ID testpmd would assign
> is unkwon, it cannot log valid "flow destroy" commands.
> With the enhancement described above, valid testpmd commands can be
> created in a log to copy/paste to testpmd.
> The application's flows sequence can then be played back in testpmd, to
> enable enhanced dpdk debug capabilities of the applications's
> flows in a controlled environment of testpmd rather than a dynamic, more
> difficult to debug environment of the application.

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