this patch adds dev_configure, queue start/stop
ops for VF devices.

Signed-off-by: Aman Kumar <>
 drivers/net/qdma/qdma_vf_ethdev.c | 641 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 641 insertions(+)

diff --git a/drivers/net/qdma/qdma_vf_ethdev.c 
index 28d34560c1..5a54c00893 100644
--- a/drivers/net/qdma/qdma_vf_ethdev.c
+++ b/drivers/net/qdma/qdma_vf_ethdev.c
@@ -94,11 +94,652 @@ static int qdma_ethdev_offline(struct rte_eth_dev *dev)
        return rv;
+static int qdma_vf_set_qrange(struct rte_eth_dev *dev)
+       struct qdma_pci_dev *qdma_dev = dev->data->dev_private;
+       struct qdma_mbox_msg *m;
+       int rv = 0;
+       m = qdma_mbox_msg_alloc();
+       if (!m)
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       qdma_mbox_compose_vf_fmap_prog(qdma_dev->func_id,
+                                       (uint16_t)qdma_dev->qsets_en,
+                                       (int)qdma_dev->queue_base,
+                                       m->raw_data);
+       rv = qdma_mbox_msg_send(dev, m, MBOX_OP_RSP_TIMEOUT);
+       if (rv < 0) {
+               if (rv != -ENODEV)
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "%x set q range (fmap) failed %d.\n",
+                                   qdma_dev->func_id, rv);
+               goto err_out;
+       }
+       rv = qdma_mbox_vf_response_status(m->raw_data);
+       qdma_mbox_msg_free(m);
+       return rv;
+static int qdma_set_qmax(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, int *qmax, int *qbase)
+       struct qdma_mbox_msg *m;
+       int rv = 0;
+       struct qdma_pci_dev *qdma_dev = dev->data->dev_private;
+       m = qdma_mbox_msg_alloc();
+       if (!m)
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       qdma_mbox_compose_vf_qreq(qdma_dev->func_id, (uint16_t)*qmax & 0xFFFF,
+                                 *qbase, m->raw_data);
+       rv = qdma_mbox_msg_send(dev, m, MBOX_OP_RSP_TIMEOUT);
+       if (rv < 0) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "%x set q max failed %d.\n",
+                       qdma_dev->func_id, rv);
+               goto err_out;
+       }
+       rv = qdma_mbox_vf_qinfo_get(m->raw_data, qbase, (uint16_t *)qmax);
+       qdma_mbox_msg_free(m);
+       return rv;
+static int qdma_rxq_context_setup(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint16_t qid)
+       struct qdma_pci_dev *qdma_dev = dev->data->dev_private;
+       uint32_t qid_hw;
+       struct qdma_mbox_msg *m = qdma_mbox_msg_alloc();
+       struct mbox_descq_conf descq_conf;
+       int rv, bypass_desc_sz_idx;
+       struct qdma_rx_queue *rxq;
+       uint8_t cmpt_desc_fmt;
+       enum mbox_cmpt_ctxt_type cmpt_ctxt_type = QDMA_MBOX_CMPT_CTXT_NONE;
+       if (!m)
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       memset(&descq_conf, 0, sizeof(struct mbox_descq_conf));
+       rxq = (struct qdma_rx_queue *)dev->data->rx_queues[qid];
+       qid_hw =  qdma_dev->queue_base + rxq->queue_id;
+       switch (rxq->cmpt_desc_len) {
+               cmpt_desc_fmt = CMPT_CNTXT_DESC_SIZE_8B;
+               break;
+       case RTE_PMD_QDMA_CMPT_DESC_LEN_16B:
+               cmpt_desc_fmt = CMPT_CNTXT_DESC_SIZE_16B;
+               break;
+       case RTE_PMD_QDMA_CMPT_DESC_LEN_32B:
+               cmpt_desc_fmt = CMPT_CNTXT_DESC_SIZE_32B;
+               break;
+       case RTE_PMD_QDMA_CMPT_DESC_LEN_64B:
+               if (!qdma_dev->dev_cap.cmpt_desc_64b) {
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "PF-%d(DEVFN) 64B is not supported in 
this "
+                               "mode:\n", qdma_dev->func_id);
+                       return -1;
+               }
+               cmpt_desc_fmt = CMPT_CNTXT_DESC_SIZE_64B;
+               break;
+       default:
+               cmpt_desc_fmt = CMPT_CNTXT_DESC_SIZE_8B;
+               break;
+       }
+       descq_conf.ring_bs_addr = rxq->rx_mz->iova;
+       descq_conf.en_bypass = rxq->en_bypass;
+       descq_conf.irq_arm = 0;
+ = 0;
+       descq_conf.wbk_en = 1;
+       descq_conf.irq_en = 0;
+       bypass_desc_sz_idx = qmda_get_desc_sz_idx(rxq->bypass_desc_sz);
+       if (!rxq->st_mode) {/* mm c2h */
+               descq_conf.desc_sz = SW_DESC_CNTXT_MEMORY_MAP_DMA;
+               descq_conf.wbi_intvl_en = 1;
+               descq_conf.wbi_chk = 1;
+       } else {/* st c2h */
+               descq_conf.desc_sz = SW_DESC_CNTXT_C2H_STREAM_DMA;
+               descq_conf.forced_en = 1;
+               descq_conf.cmpt_ring_bs_addr = rxq->rx_cmpt_mz->iova;
+               descq_conf.cmpt_desc_sz = cmpt_desc_fmt;
+               descq_conf.triggermode = rxq->triggermode;
+               descq_conf.cmpt_color = CMPT_DEFAULT_COLOR_BIT;
+               descq_conf.cmpt_full_upd = 0;
+               descq_conf.cnt_thres =
+                               qdma_dev->g_c2h_cnt_th[rxq->threshidx];
+               descq_conf.timer_thres =
+                               qdma_dev->g_c2h_timer_cnt[rxq->timeridx];
+               descq_conf.cmpt_ringsz =
+                               qdma_dev->g_ring_sz[rxq->cmpt_ringszidx] - 1;
+               descq_conf.bufsz = qdma_dev->g_c2h_buf_sz[rxq->buffszidx];
+               descq_conf.cmpt_int_en = 0;
+               descq_conf.cmpl_stat_en = rxq->st_mode;
+               descq_conf.pfch_en = rxq->en_prefetch;
+               descq_conf.en_bypass_prefetch = rxq->en_bypass_prefetch;
+               if (qdma_dev->dev_cap.cmpt_ovf_chk_dis)
+                       descq_conf.dis_overflow_check = rxq->dis_overflow_check;
+               cmpt_ctxt_type = QDMA_MBOX_CMPT_WITH_ST;
+       }
+       if (rxq->en_bypass && rxq->bypass_desc_sz != 0)
+               descq_conf.desc_sz = bypass_desc_sz_idx;
+       descq_conf.func_id = rxq->func_id;
+       descq_conf.ringsz = qdma_dev->g_ring_sz[rxq->ringszidx] - 1;
+       qdma_mbox_compose_vf_qctxt_write(rxq->func_id, qid_hw, rxq->st_mode, 1,
+                                        cmpt_ctxt_type,
+                                        &descq_conf, m->raw_data);
+       rv = qdma_mbox_msg_send(dev, m, MBOX_OP_RSP_TIMEOUT);
+       if (rv < 0) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "%x, qid_hw 0x%x, mbox failed %d.\n",
+                       qdma_dev->func_id, qid_hw, rv);
+               goto err_out;
+       }
+       rv = qdma_mbox_vf_response_status(m->raw_data);
+       qdma_mbox_msg_free(m);
+       return rv;
+static int qdma_txq_context_setup(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint16_t qid)
+       struct qdma_pci_dev *qdma_dev = dev->data->dev_private;
+       struct qdma_mbox_msg *m = qdma_mbox_msg_alloc();
+       struct mbox_descq_conf descq_conf;
+       int rv, bypass_desc_sz_idx;
+       struct qdma_tx_queue *txq;
+       uint32_t qid_hw;
+       if (!m)
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       memset(&descq_conf, 0, sizeof(struct mbox_descq_conf));
+       txq = (struct qdma_tx_queue *)dev->data->tx_queues[qid];
+       qid_hw =  qdma_dev->queue_base + txq->queue_id;
+       descq_conf.ring_bs_addr = txq->tx_mz->iova;
+       descq_conf.en_bypass = txq->en_bypass;
+       descq_conf.wbi_intvl_en = 1;
+       descq_conf.wbi_chk = 1;
+       descq_conf.wbk_en = 1;
+       bypass_desc_sz_idx = qmda_get_desc_sz_idx(txq->bypass_desc_sz);
+       if (!txq->st_mode) /* mm h2c */
+               descq_conf.desc_sz = SW_DESC_CNTXT_MEMORY_MAP_DMA;
+       else /* st h2c */
+               descq_conf.desc_sz = SW_DESC_CNTXT_H2C_STREAM_DMA;
+       descq_conf.func_id = txq->func_id;
+       descq_conf.ringsz = qdma_dev->g_ring_sz[txq->ringszidx] - 1;
+       if (txq->en_bypass && txq->bypass_desc_sz != 0)
+               descq_conf.desc_sz = bypass_desc_sz_idx;
+       qdma_mbox_compose_vf_qctxt_write(txq->func_id, qid_hw, txq->st_mode, 0,
+                                        QDMA_MBOX_CMPT_CTXT_NONE,
+                                        &descq_conf, m->raw_data);
+       rv = qdma_mbox_msg_send(dev, m, MBOX_OP_RSP_TIMEOUT);
+       if (rv < 0) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "%x, qid_hw 0x%x, mbox failed %d.\n",
+                       qdma_dev->func_id, qid_hw, rv);
+               goto err_out;
+       }
+       rv = qdma_mbox_vf_response_status(m->raw_data);
+       qdma_mbox_msg_free(m);
+       return rv;
+static int qdma_queue_context_invalidate(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint32_t qid,
+                                 bool st, bool c2h)
+       struct qdma_mbox_msg *m = qdma_mbox_msg_alloc();
+       struct qdma_pci_dev *qdma_dev = dev->data->dev_private;
+       uint32_t qid_hw;
+       int rv;
+       enum mbox_cmpt_ctxt_type cmpt_ctxt_type = QDMA_MBOX_CMPT_CTXT_NONE;
+       if (!m)
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       if (st && c2h)
+               cmpt_ctxt_type = QDMA_MBOX_CMPT_WITH_ST;
+       qid_hw = qdma_dev->queue_base + qid;
+       qdma_mbox_compose_vf_qctxt_invalidate(qdma_dev->func_id, qid_hw,
+                                             st, c2h, cmpt_ctxt_type,
+                                             m->raw_data);
+       rv = qdma_mbox_msg_send(dev, m, MBOX_OP_RSP_TIMEOUT);
+       if (rv < 0) {
+               if (rv != -ENODEV)
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(INFO, "%x, qid_hw 0x%x mbox failed %d.\n",
+                                   qdma_dev->func_id, qid_hw, rv);
+               goto err_out;
+       }
+       rv = qdma_mbox_vf_response_status(m->raw_data);
+       qdma_mbox_msg_free(m);
+       return rv;
+static int qdma_vf_dev_link_update(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+                                       __rte_unused int wait_to_complete)
+       dev->data->dev_link.link_status = RTE_ETH_LINK_UP;
+       dev->data->dev_link.link_duplex = RTE_ETH_LINK_FULL_DUPLEX;
+       dev->data->dev_link.link_speed = RTE_ETH_SPEED_NUM_25G;
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(INFO, "Link update done\n");
+       return 0;
+static int qdma_vf_dev_infos_get(__rte_unused struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+                                       struct rte_eth_dev_info *dev_info)
+       struct qdma_pci_dev *qdma_dev = dev->data->dev_private;
+       dev_info->max_rx_queues = qdma_dev->dev_cap.num_qs;
+       dev_info->max_tx_queues = qdma_dev->dev_cap.num_qs;
+       dev_info->min_rx_bufsize = QDMA_MIN_RXBUFF_SIZE;
+       dev_info->max_rx_pktlen = DMA_BRAM_SIZE;
+       dev_info->max_mac_addrs = 1;
+       return 0;
+int qdma_vf_dev_close(struct rte_eth_dev *dev)
+       struct qdma_pci_dev *qdma_dev = dev->data->dev_private;
+       struct qdma_tx_queue *txq;
+       struct qdma_rx_queue *rxq;
+       struct qdma_cmpt_queue *cmptq;
+       uint32_t qid;
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(INFO, "Closing all queues\n");
+       /* iterate over rx queues */
+       for (qid = 0; qid < dev->data->nb_rx_queues; ++qid) {
+               rxq = dev->data->rx_queues[qid];
+               if (rxq != NULL) {
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(INFO, "VF-%d(DEVFN) Remove C2H queue: %d",
+                                                       qdma_dev->func_id, qid);
+                       qdma_dev_notify_qdel(rxq->dev, rxq->queue_id +
+                                               qdma_dev->queue_base,
+                                               QDMA_DEV_Q_TYPE_C2H);
+                       if (rxq->st_mode)
+                               qdma_dev_notify_qdel(rxq->dev, rxq->queue_id +
+                                               qdma_dev->queue_base,
+                                               QDMA_DEV_Q_TYPE_CMPT);
+                       if (rxq->sw_ring)
+                               rte_free(rxq->sw_ring);
+                       if (rxq->st_mode) { /* if ST-mode */
+                               if (rxq->rx_cmpt_mz)
+                                       rte_memzone_free(rxq->rx_cmpt_mz);
+                       }
+                       if (rxq->rx_mz)
+                               rte_memzone_free(rxq->rx_mz);
+                       rte_free(rxq);
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(INFO, "VF-%d(DEVFN) C2H queue %d removed",
+                                                       qdma_dev->func_id, qid);
+               }
+       }
+       /* iterate over tx queues */
+       for (qid = 0; qid < dev->data->nb_tx_queues; ++qid) {
+               txq = dev->data->tx_queues[qid];
+               if (txq != NULL) {
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(INFO, "VF-%d(DEVFN) Remove H2C queue: %d",
+                                                       qdma_dev->func_id, qid);
+                       qdma_dev_notify_qdel(txq->dev, txq->queue_id +
+                                               qdma_dev->queue_base,
+                                               QDMA_DEV_Q_TYPE_H2C);
+                       if (txq->sw_ring)
+                               rte_free(txq->sw_ring);
+                       if (txq->tx_mz)
+                               rte_memzone_free(txq->tx_mz);
+                       rte_free(txq);
+                       PMD_DRV_LOG(INFO, "VF-%d(DEVFN) H2C queue %d removed",
+                                                       qdma_dev->func_id, qid);
+               }
+       }
+       if (qdma_dev->dev_cap.mm_cmpt_en) {
+               /* iterate over cmpt queues */
+               for (qid = 0; qid < qdma_dev->qsets_en; ++qid) {
+                       cmptq = qdma_dev->cmpt_queues[qid];
+                       if (cmptq != NULL) {
+                               PMD_DRV_LOG(INFO, "VF-%d(DEVFN) Remove CMPT 
queue: %d",
+                                               qdma_dev->func_id, qid);
+                               qdma_dev_notify_qdel(cmptq->dev,
+                                               cmptq->queue_id +
+                                               qdma_dev->queue_base,
+                                               QDMA_DEV_Q_TYPE_CMPT);
+                               if (cmptq->cmpt_mz)
+                                       rte_memzone_free(cmptq->cmpt_mz);
+                               rte_free(cmptq);
+                               PMD_DRV_LOG(INFO, "VF-%d(DEVFN) CMPT queue %d 
+                                               qdma_dev->func_id, qid);
+                       }
+               }
+               if (qdma_dev->cmpt_queues != NULL) {
+                       rte_free(qdma_dev->cmpt_queues);
+                       qdma_dev->cmpt_queues = NULL;
+               }
+       }
+       qdma_dev->qsets_en = 0;
+       qdma_set_qmax(dev, (int *)&qdma_dev->qsets_en,
+                     (int *)&qdma_dev->queue_base);
+       qdma_dev->init_q_range = 0;
+       rte_free(qdma_dev->q_info);
+       qdma_dev->q_info = NULL;
+       qdma_dev->dev_configured = 0;
+       return 0;
+static int qdma_vf_dev_reset(struct rte_eth_dev *dev)
+       struct qdma_pci_dev *qdma_dev = dev->data->dev_private;
+       uint32_t i = 0;
+       int ret;
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(INFO, "%s: Reset VF-%d(DEVFN)",
+                       __func__, qdma_dev->func_id);
+       ret = eth_qdma_vf_dev_uninit(dev);
+       if (ret)
+               return ret;
+       if (qdma_dev->reset_state == RESET_STATE_IDLE) {
+               ret = eth_qdma_vf_dev_init(dev);
+       } else {
+               /* VFs do not stop mbox and start waiting for a
+                * "PF_RESET_DONE" mailbox message from PF
+                * for a maximum of 60 secs
+                */
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(INFO,
+                       "%s: Waiting for reset done message from PF",
+                       __func__);
+               while (i < RESET_TIMEOUT) {
+                       if (qdma_dev->reset_state ==
+                                       RESET_STATE_RECV_PF_RESET_DONE) {
+                               qdma_mbox_uninit(dev);
+                               ret = eth_qdma_vf_dev_init(dev);
+                               return ret;
+                       }
+                       rte_delay_ms(1);
+                       i++;
+               }
+       }
+       if (i >= RESET_TIMEOUT) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "%s: Reset failed for VF-%d(DEVFN)\n",
+                       __func__, qdma_dev->func_id);
+               return -ETIMEDOUT;
+       }
+       return ret;
+static int qdma_vf_dev_configure(struct rte_eth_dev *dev)
+       struct qdma_pci_dev *qdma_dev = dev->data->dev_private;
+       int32_t ret = 0, queue_base = -1;
+       uint32_t qid = 0;
+       /* FMAP configuration */
+       qdma_dev->qsets_en = RTE_MAX(dev->data->nb_rx_queues,
+                                       dev->data->nb_tx_queues);
+       if (qdma_dev->qsets_en > qdma_dev->dev_cap.num_qs) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(INFO, "VF-%d(DEVFN) Error: Number of Queues to be "
+                               "configured are greater than the queues "
+                               "supported by the hardware\n",
+                               qdma_dev->func_id);
+               qdma_dev->qsets_en = 0;
+               return -1;
+       }
+       /* Request queue base from the resource manager */
+       ret = qdma_set_qmax(dev, (int *)&qdma_dev->qsets_en,
+                           (int *)&queue_base);
+       if (ret != QDMA_SUCCESS) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "VF-%d(DEVFN) queue allocation failed: %d\n",
+                       qdma_dev->func_id, ret);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       qdma_dev->queue_base = queue_base;
+       qdma_dev->q_info = rte_zmalloc("qinfo", sizeof(struct queue_info) *
+                                               qdma_dev->qsets_en, 0);
+       if (qdma_dev->q_info == NULL) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(INFO, "VF-%d fail to allocate queue info memory\n",
+                                               qdma_dev->func_id);
+               return (-ENOMEM);
+       }
+       /* Reserve memory for cmptq ring pointers
+        * Max completion queues can be maximum of rx and tx queues.
+        */
+       qdma_dev->cmpt_queues = rte_zmalloc("cmpt_queues",
+                                           sizeof(qdma_dev->cmpt_queues[0]) *
+                                               qdma_dev->qsets_en,
+                                               RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
+       if (qdma_dev->cmpt_queues == NULL) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "VF-%d(DEVFN) cmpt ring pointers memory "
+                               "allocation failed:\n", qdma_dev->func_id);
+               rte_free(qdma_dev->q_info);
+               qdma_dev->q_info = NULL;
+               return -(ENOMEM);
+       }
+       /* Initialize queue_modes to all 1's ( i.e. Streaming) */
+       for (qid = 0 ; qid < qdma_dev->qsets_en; qid++)
+               qdma_dev->q_info[qid].queue_mode = RTE_PMD_QDMA_STREAMING_MODE;
+       for (qid = 0 ; qid < dev->data->nb_rx_queues; qid++) {
+               qdma_dev->q_info[qid].cmpt_desc_sz = qdma_dev->cmpt_desc_len;
+               qdma_dev->q_info[qid].rx_bypass_mode =
+                                               qdma_dev->c2h_bypass_mode;
+               qdma_dev->q_info[qid].trigger_mode = qdma_dev->trigger_mode;
+               qdma_dev->q_info[qid].timer_count =
+                                       qdma_dev->timer_count;
+       }
+       for (qid = 0 ; qid < dev->data->nb_tx_queues; qid++)
+               qdma_dev->q_info[qid].tx_bypass_mode =
+                                               qdma_dev->h2c_bypass_mode;
+       ret = qdma_vf_set_qrange(dev);
+       if (ret < 0) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "FMAP programming failed\n");
+               rte_free(qdma_dev->q_info);
+               qdma_dev->q_info = NULL;
+               rte_free(qdma_dev->cmpt_queues);
+               qdma_dev->cmpt_queues = NULL;
+               return ret;
+       }
+       qdma_dev->dev_configured = 1;
+       return ret;
+int qdma_vf_dev_tx_queue_start(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint16_t qid)
+       struct qdma_pci_dev *qdma_dev = dev->data->dev_private;
+       struct qdma_tx_queue *txq;
+       txq = (struct qdma_tx_queue *)dev->data->tx_queues[qid];
+       qdma_reset_tx_queue(txq);
+       if (qdma_txq_context_setup(dev, qid) < 0)
+               return -1;
+       txq->q_pidx_info.pidx = 0;
+       qdma_dev->hw_access->qdma_queue_pidx_update(dev, qdma_dev->is_vf,
+                       qid, 0, &txq->q_pidx_info);
+       dev->data->tx_queue_state[qid] = RTE_ETH_QUEUE_STATE_STARTED;
+       txq->status = RTE_ETH_QUEUE_STATE_STARTED;
+       return 0;
+int qdma_vf_dev_rx_queue_start(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint16_t qid)
+       struct qdma_pci_dev *qdma_dev = dev->data->dev_private;
+       struct qdma_rx_queue *rxq;
+       int err;
+       rxq = (struct qdma_rx_queue *)dev->data->rx_queues[qid];
+       qdma_reset_rx_queue(rxq);
+       err = qdma_init_rx_queue(rxq);
+       if (err != 0)
+               return err;
+       if (qdma_rxq_context_setup(dev, qid) < 0) {
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "context_setup for qid - %u failed", qid);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (rxq->st_mode) {
+               rxq->cmpt_cidx_info.counter_idx = rxq->threshidx;
+               rxq->cmpt_cidx_info.timer_idx = rxq->timeridx;
+               rxq->cmpt_cidx_info.trig_mode = rxq->triggermode;
+               rxq->cmpt_cidx_info.wrb_en = 1;
+               qdma_dev->hw_access->qdma_queue_cmpt_cidx_update(dev, 1,
+                               qid, &rxq->cmpt_cidx_info);
+               rxq->q_pidx_info.pidx = (rxq->nb_rx_desc - 2);
+               qdma_dev->hw_access->qdma_queue_pidx_update(dev, 1,
+                               qid, 1, &rxq->q_pidx_info);
+       }
+       dev->data->rx_queue_state[qid] = RTE_ETH_QUEUE_STATE_STARTED;
+       rxq->status = RTE_ETH_QUEUE_STATE_STARTED;
+       return 0;
+int qdma_vf_dev_rx_queue_stop(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint16_t qid)
+       struct qdma_rx_queue *rxq;
+       int i = 0, cnt = 0;
+       rxq = (struct qdma_rx_queue *)dev->data->rx_queues[qid];
+       rxq->status = RTE_ETH_QUEUE_STATE_STOPPED;
+       /* Wait for queue to recv all packets. */
+       if (rxq->st_mode) {  /* ST-mode */
+               while (rxq->wb_status->pidx != rxq->cmpt_cidx_info.wrb_cidx) {
+                       usleep(10);
+                       if (cnt++ > 10000)
+                               break;
+               }
+       } else { /* MM mode */
+               while (rxq->wb_status->cidx != rxq->q_pidx_info.pidx) {
+                       usleep(10);
+                       if (cnt++ > 10000)
+                               break;
+               }
+       }
+       qdma_queue_context_invalidate(dev, qid, rxq->st_mode, 1);
+       if (rxq->st_mode) {  /* ST-mode */
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(INFO, "%s(): %d: queue id = %d, mbuf_avail_count = "
+                               "%d, mbuf_in_use_count = %d",
+                               __func__, __LINE__, rxq->queue_id,
+                               rte_mempool_avail_count(rxq->mb_pool),
+                               rte_mempool_in_use_count(rxq->mb_pool));
+               for (i = 0; i < rxq->nb_rx_desc - 1; i++) {
+                       rte_pktmbuf_free(rxq->sw_ring[i]);
+                       rxq->sw_ring[i] = NULL;
+               }
+               PMD_DRV_LOG(INFO, "%s(): %d: queue id = %d, mbuf_avail_count = "
+                               "%d, mbuf_in_use_count = %d",
+                               __func__, __LINE__, rxq->queue_id,
+                               rte_mempool_avail_count(rxq->mb_pool),
+                               rte_mempool_in_use_count(rxq->mb_pool));
+       }
+       qdma_reset_rx_queue(rxq);
+       dev->data->rx_queue_state[qid] = RTE_ETH_QUEUE_STATE_STOPPED;
+       return 0;
+int qdma_vf_dev_tx_queue_stop(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint16_t qid)
+       struct qdma_tx_queue *txq;
+       int i = 0, cnt = 0;
+       txq = (struct qdma_tx_queue *)dev->data->tx_queues[qid];
+       txq->status = RTE_ETH_QUEUE_STATE_STOPPED;
+       /* Wait for TXQ to send out all packets. */
+       while (txq->wb_status->cidx != txq->q_pidx_info.pidx) {
+               usleep(10);
+               if (cnt++ > 10000)
+                       break;
+       }
+       qdma_queue_context_invalidate(dev, qid, txq->st_mode, 0);
+       /* Free mbufs if any pending in the ring */
+       for (i = 0; i < txq->nb_tx_desc; i++) {
+               rte_pktmbuf_free(txq->sw_ring[i]);
+               txq->sw_ring[i] = NULL;
+       }
+       qdma_reset_tx_queue(txq);
+       dev->data->tx_queue_state[qid] = RTE_ETH_QUEUE_STATE_STOPPED;
+       return 0;
 static struct eth_dev_ops qdma_vf_eth_dev_ops = {
+       .dev_configure        = qdma_vf_dev_configure,
+       .dev_infos_get        = qdma_vf_dev_infos_get,
+       .dev_close            = qdma_vf_dev_close,
+       .dev_reset            = qdma_vf_dev_reset,
+       .link_update          = qdma_vf_dev_link_update,
        .rx_queue_setup       = qdma_dev_rx_queue_setup,
        .tx_queue_setup       = qdma_dev_tx_queue_setup,
        .rx_queue_release     = qdma_dev_rx_queue_release,
        .tx_queue_release     = qdma_dev_tx_queue_release,
+       .rx_queue_start       = qdma_vf_dev_rx_queue_start,
+       .rx_queue_stop        = qdma_vf_dev_rx_queue_stop,
+       .tx_queue_start       = qdma_vf_dev_tx_queue_start,
+       .tx_queue_stop        = qdma_vf_dev_tx_queue_stop,

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