Hi Experts,

I am trying to run a DPDK KNI based sample app inside the K8 Pod
environment, but I am not able to do so without host-network permissions.

I tried using KNI based sample application provided under DPDK 19.11
version, but it failed to create vEth0 inside the PoD environment *without
host-network* permissions, though ifconfig shows vEth0 but it's not present
under (/sys/devices/virtual/net/).

As sample app uses dpdk kni api rte_kni_update_link, which internally uses
this path(/sys/devices/virtual/net/vEth0/carrier) to bring vEth UP, but
this path is not present hence failure in bringing UP the state of vEth.

taskset 10 ./build/kni -c0x30 -n4 -- -P -p0x1 -m --config="(0,4,4)"

[root@server ~]# ls /sys/devices/virtual/net/vEth0
ls: cannot access /sys/devices/virtual/net/vEth0: No such file or directory
[root@server ~]#

As soon as the pod is deployed *with host-network* permissions, whole
network is available inside PoD with all required permissions and DPDK is
able to create vEth (which creates /sys/devices/virtual/net/vEth0/carrier
path) and sample app is able to update the link state of vEth and works
perfectly fine.

Any suggestions on what can be done to make it work inside a PoD
environment without host-network permissions ?

Best Regards,

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