On 6/27/22 17:17, Loftus, Ciara wrote:

On 6/24/22 13:23, Ciara Loftus wrote:
libbpf v0.8.0 deprecates the bpf_get_link_xdp_id and bpf_set_link_xdp_fd
functions. Use meson to detect if libbpf >= v0.7.0 is linked and if so, use
the recommended replacement functions bpf_xdp_query_id,
and bpf_xdp_detach which are available to use since libbpf v0.7.0.

Also prevent linking with libbpf versions > v0.8.0.

Signed-off-by: Ciara Loftus <ciara.lof...@intel.com>
   doc/guides/nics/af_xdp.rst          |  3 ++-
   drivers/net/af_xdp/compat.h         | 36
   drivers/net/af_xdp/meson.build      |  7 ++----
   drivers/net/af_xdp/rte_eth_af_xdp.c | 19 +++------------
   4 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

Don't we need to mention these changes in release notes?

diff --git a/doc/guides/nics/af_xdp.rst b/doc/guides/nics/af_xdp.rst
index 56681c8365..9edb48df67 100644
--- a/doc/guides/nics/af_xdp.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/nics/af_xdp.rst
@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ Prerequisites
   This is a Linux-specific PMD, thus the following prerequisites apply:

   *  A Linux Kernel (version > v4.18) with XDP sockets configuration enabled;
-*  Both libxdp >=v1.2.2 and libbpf libraries installed, or, libbpf <=v0.6.0
+*  Both libxdp >=v1.2.2 and libbpf <=v0.8.0 libraries installed, or, libbpf
+   <=v0.6.0.
   *  If using libxdp, it requires an environment variable called
      LIBXDP_OBJECT_PATH to be set to the location of where libxdp placed its
      object files. This is usually in /usr/local/lib/bpf or 
diff --git a/drivers/net/af_xdp/compat.h b/drivers/net/af_xdp/compat.h
index 28ea64aeaa..8f4ac8b5ea 100644
--- a/drivers/net/af_xdp/compat.h
+++ b/drivers/net/af_xdp/compat.h
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ tx_syscall_needed(struct xsk_ring_prod *q


Typically version-based checks are considered as bad. Isn't it
better use feature-based checks/defines?

Hi Andrew,

Thank you for the feedback. Is the feature-based checking something that we can 
push to the next release?

We are already using the pkg-config version-check method for other 
libraries/features in the meson.build file:
* libxdp >= v1.2.2 # earliest compatible libxdp release
* libbpf >= v0.7.0 # bpf_object__* functions
* libbpf >= v0.2.0 # shared umem feature

If we change to your suggested method I think we should change them all in one 
patch. IMO it's probably too close to the release to change them all right now. 
What do you think?


Hi Ciara,

yes, ideally we should avoid usage of version-based check everywhere,
but I don't think that it is critical to switch at once. We can use it
for new checks right now and rewrite old/existing checks a bit later in
the next release.

Please, note that my notes are related to review notes from Thomas who
asked by file_library() method is removed. Yes, it is confusing and it
is better to avoid it. Usage of feature-based checks would allow to
preserve find_library() as well.


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