This meeting had a lot of book-keeping. In previous meetings we've had to
skip reviewing some action items due to time constraints. This meeting we
had time to review most of them, so we have a larger-than-normal "Review
Action Items" section.



   Owen Hilyard

   Juraj Linkes

   Lijuan Tu

   Anatoly Burakov

   Bruce Richardson

   John McNamara



   Additions to the agenda

   Merging DTS into DPDK

   Review/Carry forward pending action items

MinutesMerging DTS into DPDK - Current Status


   Once the class renaming patch is merged, Juraj will respin the ‘hello
   world test case’ patch and send it to the DPDK community for review. Please
   note the pending config parser work in the cover letter.

   Config parser change will be implemented only for the framework config
   files. But the changes will be in framework as well as test cases. The test
   case config files will not be changed for now. Target to complete the
   config parser changes in this week (assuming no other burning issues in UNH



   The class renaming patch has made changes to the documentation as well

   ‘Hello World’ patch requires documentation. The existing quick start
   guide would be sufficient for the community to be able to run this test
   case. The quick start guide can be added to this patch.

Review Action Items


   Lijuan - Unit tests replaced with a meson runner using JUnit XML output.

   Juraj - Review the DTS user guide to ensure the identified items in must
   have are incorporated. - Done

   Lijuan - Submit a patch for TestSuite_efd.test_perf_efd_valuesize to use
   the -c_args option in meson configure command - Done

   Lijuan - TestSuite_malicious_driver_event_indication - Understand if
   this test suite can be dropped. - Intel will use this

   Lijuan - TestSuite_distributor - DPDK code is corrected and merged,
   remove the patch from DTS - Done

   Lijuan - Unpack tcl tools (needed for IXIA), store in dep/<directory>,
   test and submit a patch. Place all of the data files into tests/data and
   make the necessary changes to DTS to support that. - A patch will be
   submitted to do this

   Lijuan - Merge the main branch to future-dts branch - Done

   Lijuan - Test the class renaming patch before merging it - Done

Action Items


   Honnappa - Patches to DPDK to address DPDK modifications that DTS does.

   Honnappa - Review the must have list from
   to ensure correct priority

   Lijuan - To create the DTS test suite developer document.

   Owen - Write a script to check if the formatters are throwing any errors.

   Lijuan/Owen - Create a patch to move the framework/virt_*,
   framework/flow (and any other, Juraj’s RFC (v2, 00/23) has the list of
   these) and common files to tests/util directory, Lijuan will test this.

   Owen/Honnappa - Communication on the future-dts branch to DTS community

   Owen - Take a look at the ‘patch verification scripts’ patch to send it
   to the DPDK community

   Owen - Add the config parser to the ‘hello world’ patch from Juraj

   Owen - Write down information for the Intel Interns about how to look
   through the documentation and why them doing it is useful to DTS

   All - Review Juraj’s email about the DTS user guide, the email is old,
   so changing the definitions should also be included.

   Lijuan - Remove DPDK modifications from

   Lijuan - Try to find the source of dep/tgen.tgz:/tgen if it is an open
   source program, we should compile from source or require it to already be

Any other business


   Next Meeting: June 22, 2022, 12:00 pm UTC

   Zoom link for meetings:

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