On 10/28/2021 9:55 AM, Andrew Rybchenko wrote:
On 10/28/21 11:37 AM, Kinsella, Ray wrote:
On 28/10/2021 09:34, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
The port ownership concept was introduced in ethdev in DPDK 18.02.
Not sure it is used by applications except those using failsafe or
It can also be used by libraries or applications to sort out
how ports are controlled.
Hiding sub-ports controlled by failsafe or netvsc look to be enough
justification to promote this API as stable.
Signed-off-by: Thomas Monjalon <tho...@monjalon.net>
doc/guides/prog_guide/poll_mode_drv.rst | 6 +++++-
lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.h | 20 --------------------
lib/ethdev/version.map | 12 +++++-------
3 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
Acked-by: Ray Kinsella <m...@ashroe.eu>
Acked-by: Andrew Rybchenko <andrew.rybche...@oktetlabs.ru>
Applied to dpdk-next-net/main, thanks.