Since openssl 3.0 now deprecates the low level API QAT required to
perform partial hash & aes operation when creating the session. This
patch add in qat_ipsec_mb_lib driver parameter to allow QAT PMD to
switch APIs between openssl and intel ipsec-mb library.

Signed-off-by: Kai Ji <>
Signed-off-by: Fan Zhang <>
 doc/guides/cryptodevs/qat.rst        |  13 +
 drivers/common/qat/       |   7 +
 drivers/common/qat/qat_device.c      |   1 +
 drivers/common/qat/qat_device.h      |   1 +
 drivers/crypto/qat/qat_sym.c         |   3 +
 drivers/crypto/qat/qat_sym_session.c | 503 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 6 files changed, 485 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/guides/cryptodevs/qat.rst b/doc/guides/cryptodevs/qat.rst
index 785e041324..d92409b77e 100644
--- a/doc/guides/cryptodevs/qat.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/cryptodevs/qat.rst
@@ -287,6 +287,19 @@ by comma. When the same parameter is used more than once 
first occurrence of the
 is used.
 Maximum threshold that can be set is 32.
+Running QAT PMD with Intel IPSEC MB library for symmetric precomputes function
+The QAT PMD use Openssl library for partial hash calculation in symmetirc 
precomputes function by
+default, the following parameter is allow QAT PMD switch over to multi-buffer 
job API if Intel
+IPSEC MB library installed on system.
+- qat_ipsec_mb_lib
+To use this feature the user must set the parameter on process start as a 
device additional parameter::
+  -a 03:01.1,qat_ipsec_mb_lib=1
 Device and driver naming
diff --git a/drivers/common/qat/ b/drivers/common/qat/
index b7027f3164..b1ae7b4292 100644
--- a/drivers/common/qat/
+++ b/drivers/common/qat/
@@ -35,6 +35,13 @@ if qat_crypto and not libcrypto.found()
             'missing dependency, libcrypto')
+IMB_required_ver = '1.2.0'
+libipsecmb = cc.find_library('IPSec_MB', required: false)
+if libipsecmb.found()
+    ext_deps += libipsecmb
+    dpdk_conf.set('RTE_QAT_LIBIPSECMB', true)
 # The driver should not build if both compression and crypto are disabled
 #FIXME common code depends on compression files so check only compress!
 if not qat_compress # and not qat_crypto
diff --git a/drivers/common/qat/qat_device.c b/drivers/common/qat/qat_device.c
index 6824d97050..db4b087d2b 100644
--- a/drivers/common/qat/qat_device.c
+++ b/drivers/common/qat/qat_device.c
@@ -364,6 +364,7 @@ static int qat_pci_probe(struct rte_pci_driver *pci_drv 
        struct qat_pci_device *qat_pci_dev;
        struct qat_dev_hw_spec_funcs *ops_hw;
        struct qat_dev_cmd_param qat_dev_cmd_param[] = {
+                       { QAT_IPSEC_MB_LIB, 0 },
                        { SYM_ENQ_THRESHOLD_NAME, 0 },
                        { ASYM_ENQ_THRESHOLD_NAME, 0 },
                        { COMP_ENQ_THRESHOLD_NAME, 0 },
diff --git a/drivers/common/qat/qat_device.h b/drivers/common/qat/qat_device.h
index 85fae7b7c7..e1a32a7e87 100644
--- a/drivers/common/qat/qat_device.h
+++ b/drivers/common/qat/qat_device.h
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #define QAT_DEV_NAME_MAX_LEN   64
+#define QAT_IPSEC_MB_LIB "qat_ipsec_mb_lib"
 #define SYM_ENQ_THRESHOLD_NAME "qat_sym_enq_threshold"
 #define ASYM_ENQ_THRESHOLD_NAME "qat_asym_enq_threshold"
 #define COMP_ENQ_THRESHOLD_NAME "qat_comp_enq_threshold"
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/qat/qat_sym.c b/drivers/crypto/qat/qat_sym.c
index ca8c9a8124..3477cd89ad 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/qat/qat_sym.c
+++ b/drivers/crypto/qat/qat_sym.c
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 #include "qat_qp.h"
 uint8_t qat_sym_driver_id;
+int qat_ipsec_mb_lib;
 struct qat_crypto_gen_dev_ops qat_sym_gen_dev_ops[QAT_N_GENS];
@@ -307,6 +308,8 @@ qat_sym_dev_create(struct qat_pci_device *qat_pci_dev,
                if (!strcmp(qat_dev_cmd_param[i].name, SYM_ENQ_THRESHOLD_NAME))
                        internals->min_enq_burst_threshold =
+               if (!strcmp(qat_dev_cmd_param[i].name, QAT_IPSEC_MB_LIB))
+                       qat_ipsec_mb_lib = qat_dev_cmd_param[i].val;
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/qat/qat_sym_session.c 
index 9d6a19c0be..69a97948f5 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/qat/qat_sym_session.c
+++ b/drivers/crypto/qat/qat_sym_session.c
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@
 #include <openssl/md5.h>       /* Needed to calculate pre-compute values */
 #include <openssl/evp.h>       /* Needed for bpi runt block processing */
+#include <intel-ipsec-mb.h>
 #include <rte_memcpy.h>
 #include <rte_common.h>
 #include <rte_spinlock.h>
@@ -22,6 +26,12 @@
 #include "qat_sym_session.h"
 #include "qat_sym.h"
+#if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x30000000L)
+#include <openssl/provider.h>
+extern int qat_ipsec_mb_lib;
 /* SHA1 - 20 bytes - Initialiser state can be found in FIPS stds 180-2 */
 static const uint8_t sha1InitialState[] = {
        0x67, 0x45, 0x23, 0x01, 0xef, 0xcd, 0xab, 0x89, 0x98, 0xba,
@@ -470,6 +480,21 @@ qat_sym_session_configure(struct rte_cryptodev *dev,
                return -ENOMEM;
+#if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x30000000L)
+       OSSL_PROVIDER * legacy;
+       OSSL_PROVIDER *deflt;
+       /* Load Multiple providers into the default (NULL) library context */
+       legacy = OSSL_PROVIDER_load(NULL, "legacy");
+       if (legacy == NULL)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       deflt = OSSL_PROVIDER_load(NULL, "default");
+       if (deflt == NULL) {
+               OSSL_PROVIDER_unload(legacy);
+               return  -EINVAL;
+       }
        ret = qat_sym_session_set_parameters(dev, xform, sess_private_data);
        if (ret != 0) {
@@ -483,6 +508,10 @@ qat_sym_session_configure(struct rte_cryptodev *dev,
        set_sym_session_private_data(sess, dev->driver_id,
+# if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x30000000L)
+       OSSL_PROVIDER_unload(legacy);
+       OSSL_PROVIDER_unload(deflt);
+# endif
        return 0;
@@ -1057,6 +1086,293 @@ static int qat_hash_get_block_size(enum 
icp_qat_hw_auth_algo qat_hash_alg)
        return -EFAULT;
+#define HMAC_IPAD_VALUE        0x36
+#define HMAC_OPAD_VALUE        0x5c
+static const uint8_t AES_CMAC_SEED[ICP_QAT_HW_AES_128_KEY_SZ];
+static int aes_ipsecmb_job(uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out, IMB_MGR *m,
+               const uint8_t *key, uint16_t auth_keylen)
+       int err;
+       struct IMB_JOB *job;
+       DECLARE_ALIGNED(uint32_t expkey[4*15], 16);
+       DECLARE_ALIGNED(uint32_t dust[4*15], 16);
+       if (auth_keylen == ICP_QAT_HW_AES_128_KEY_SZ)
+               IMB_AES_KEYEXP_128(m, key, expkey, dust);
+       else if (auth_keylen == ICP_QAT_HW_AES_192_KEY_SZ)
+               IMB_AES_KEYEXP_192(m, key, expkey, dust);
+       else if (auth_keylen == ICP_QAT_HW_AES_256_KEY_SZ)
+               IMB_AES_KEYEXP_256(m, key, expkey, dust);
+       else
+               return -EFAULT;
+       job = IMB_GET_NEXT_JOB(m);
+       job->src = in;
+       job->dst = out;
+       job->enc_keys = expkey;
+       job->key_len_in_bytes = auth_keylen;
+       job->msg_len_to_cipher_in_bytes = 16;
+       job->iv_len_in_bytes = 0;
+       job->cipher_direction = IMB_DIR_ENCRYPT;
+       job->cipher_mode = IMB_CIPHER_ECB;
+       job->hash_alg = IMB_AUTH_NULL;
+       while (IMB_FLUSH_JOB(m) != NULL)
+               ;
+       job = IMB_SUBMIT_JOB(m);
+       if (job) {
+               if (job->status == IMB_STATUS_COMPLETED)
+                       return 0;
+       }
+       err = imb_get_errno(m);
+       if (err)
+               QAT_LOG(ERR, "Error: %s!\n", imb_get_strerror(err));
+       return -EFAULT;
+static int
+partial_hash_compute_ipsec_mb(enum icp_qat_hw_auth_algo hash_alg,
+               uint8_t *data_in, uint8_t *data_out, IMB_MGR *m)
+       int digest_size;
+       uint8_t digest[qat_hash_get_digest_size(
+                       ICP_QAT_HW_AUTH_ALGO_DELIMITER)];
+       uint32_t *hash_state_out_be32;
+       uint64_t *hash_state_out_be64;
+       int i;
+       /* Initialize to avoid gcc warning */
+       memset(digest, 0, sizeof(digest));
+       digest_size = qat_hash_get_digest_size(hash_alg);
+       if (digest_size <= 0)
+               return -EFAULT;
+       hash_state_out_be32 = (uint32_t *)data_out;
+       hash_state_out_be64 = (uint64_t *)data_out;
+       switch (hash_alg) {
+       case ICP_QAT_HW_AUTH_ALGO_SHA1:
+               IMB_SHA1_ONE_BLOCK(m, data_in, digest);
+               for (i = 0; i < digest_size >> 2; i++, hash_state_out_be32++)
+                       *hash_state_out_be32 =
+                               rte_bswap32(*(((uint32_t *)digest)+i));
+               break;
+       case ICP_QAT_HW_AUTH_ALGO_SHA224:
+               IMB_SHA224_ONE_BLOCK(m, data_in, digest);
+               for (i = 0; i < digest_size >> 2; i++, hash_state_out_be32++)
+                       *hash_state_out_be32 =
+                               rte_bswap32(*(((uint32_t *)digest)+i));
+               break;
+       case ICP_QAT_HW_AUTH_ALGO_SHA256:
+               IMB_SHA256_ONE_BLOCK(m, data_in, digest);
+               for (i = 0; i < digest_size >> 2; i++, hash_state_out_be32++)
+                       *hash_state_out_be32 =
+                               rte_bswap32(*(((uint32_t *)digest)+i));
+               break;
+       case ICP_QAT_HW_AUTH_ALGO_SHA384:
+               IMB_SHA384_ONE_BLOCK(m, data_in, digest);
+               for (i = 0; i < digest_size >> 3; i++, hash_state_out_be64++)
+                       *hash_state_out_be64 =
+                               rte_bswap64(*(((uint64_t *)digest)+i));
+               break;
+       case ICP_QAT_HW_AUTH_ALGO_SHA512:
+               IMB_SHA512_ONE_BLOCK(m, data_in, digest);
+               for (i = 0; i < digest_size >> 3; i++, hash_state_out_be64++)
+                       *hash_state_out_be64 =
+                               rte_bswap64(*(((uint64_t *)digest)+i));
+               break;
+       case ICP_QAT_HW_AUTH_ALGO_MD5:
+               IMB_MD5_ONE_BLOCK(m, data_in, data_out);
+               break;
+       default:
+               QAT_LOG(ERR, "invalid hash alg %u", hash_alg);
+               return -EFAULT;
+       }
+       return 0;
+static int qat_sym_do_precomputes_ipsec_mb(enum icp_qat_hw_auth_algo hash_alg,
+                               const uint8_t *auth_key,
+                               uint16_t auth_keylen,
+                               uint8_t *p_state_buf,
+                               uint16_t *p_state_len,
+                               uint8_t aes_cmac)
+       int block_size;
+       uint8_t ipad[qat_hash_get_block_size(ICP_QAT_HW_AUTH_ALGO_DELIMITER)];
+       uint8_t opad[qat_hash_get_block_size(ICP_QAT_HW_AUTH_ALGO_DELIMITER)];
+       int i, ret = 0;
+       IMB_MGR *m;
+       m = alloc_mb_mgr(0);
+       if (m == NULL)
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       init_mb_mgr_auto(m, NULL);
+       if (hash_alg == ICP_QAT_HW_AUTH_ALGO_AES_XCBC_MAC) {
+               /* CMAC */
+               if (aes_cmac) {
+                       uint8_t *in = NULL;
+                       uint8_t k0[ICP_QAT_HW_AES_128_KEY_SZ];
+                       uint8_t *k1, *k2;
+                       auth_keylen = ICP_QAT_HW_AES_128_KEY_SZ;
+                       in = rte_zmalloc("AES CMAC K1",
+                                        ICP_QAT_HW_AES_128_KEY_SZ, 16);
+                       if (in == NULL) {
+                               QAT_LOG(ERR, "Failed to alloc memory");
+                               return -ENOMEM;
+                       }
+                       rte_memcpy(in, AES_CMAC_SEED,
+                                  ICP_QAT_HW_AES_128_KEY_SZ);
+                       rte_memcpy(p_state_buf, auth_key, auth_keylen);
+                       DECLARE_ALIGNED(uint32_t expkey[4*15], 16);
+                       DECLARE_ALIGNED(uint32_t dust[4*15], 16);
+                       IMB_AES_KEYEXP_128(m, p_state_buf, expkey, dust);
+                       k1 = p_state_buf + ICP_QAT_HW_AES_XCBC_MAC_STATE1_SZ;
+                       k2 = k1 + ICP_QAT_HW_AES_XCBC_MAC_STATE1_SZ;
+                       IMB_AES_CMAC_SUBKEY_GEN_128(m, expkey, k1, k2);
+                       memset(k0, 0, ICP_QAT_HW_AES_128_KEY_SZ);
+                       *p_state_len = ICP_QAT_HW_AES_XCBC_MAC_STATE2_SZ;
+                       rte_free(in);
+                       free_mb_mgr(m);
+                       return 0;
+               }
+               static uint8_t qat_aes_xcbc_key_seed[
+                               ICP_QAT_HW_AES_XCBC_MAC_STATE2_SZ] = {
+                       0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
+                       0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
+                       0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02,
+                       0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02,
+                       0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03,
+                       0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03,
+               };
+               uint8_t *in = NULL;
+               uint8_t *out = p_state_buf;
+               int x;
+               in = rte_zmalloc("working mem for key",
+                               ICP_QAT_HW_AES_XCBC_MAC_STATE2_SZ, 16);
+               if (in == NULL) {
+                       QAT_LOG(ERR, "Failed to alloc memory");
+                       return -ENOMEM;
+               }
+               rte_memcpy(in, qat_aes_xcbc_key_seed,
+                               ICP_QAT_HW_AES_XCBC_MAC_STATE2_SZ);
+               for (x = 0; x < HASH_XCBC_PRECOMP_KEY_NUM; x++) {
+                       if (aes_ipsecmb_job(in, out, m, auth_key, auth_keylen)) 
+                               rte_free(in -
+                                 (x * ICP_QAT_HW_AES_XCBC_MAC_KEY_SZ));
+                               memset(out -
+                                  (x * ICP_QAT_HW_AES_XCBC_MAC_KEY_SZ),
+                                 0, ICP_QAT_HW_AES_XCBC_MAC_STATE2_SZ);
+                               return -EFAULT;
+                       }
+                       in += ICP_QAT_HW_AES_XCBC_MAC_KEY_SZ;
+                       out += ICP_QAT_HW_AES_XCBC_MAC_KEY_SZ;
+               }
+               *p_state_len = ICP_QAT_HW_AES_XCBC_MAC_STATE2_SZ;
+               rte_free(in - x*ICP_QAT_HW_AES_XCBC_MAC_KEY_SZ);
+               free_mb_mgr(m);
+               return 0;
+       } else if ((hash_alg == ICP_QAT_HW_AUTH_ALGO_GALOIS_128) ||
+               (hash_alg == ICP_QAT_HW_AUTH_ALGO_GALOIS_64)) {
+               uint8_t *in = NULL;
+               uint8_t *out = p_state_buf;
+               memset(p_state_buf, 0, ICP_QAT_HW_GALOIS_H_SZ +
+                               ICP_QAT_HW_GALOIS_LEN_A_SZ +
+                               ICP_QAT_HW_GALOIS_E_CTR0_SZ);
+               in = rte_zmalloc("working mem for key",
+                               ICP_QAT_HW_GALOIS_H_SZ, 16);
+               if (in == NULL) {
+                       QAT_LOG(ERR, "Failed to alloc memory");
+                       return -ENOMEM;
+               }
+               memset(in, 0, ICP_QAT_HW_GALOIS_H_SZ);
+               if (aes_ipsecmb_job(in, out, m, auth_key, auth_keylen))
+                       return -EFAULT;
+               *p_state_len = ICP_QAT_HW_GALOIS_H_SZ +
+                               ICP_QAT_HW_GALOIS_LEN_A_SZ +
+                               ICP_QAT_HW_GALOIS_E_CTR0_SZ;
+               rte_free(in);
+               free_mb_mgr(m);
+               return 0;
+       }
+       block_size = qat_hash_get_block_size(hash_alg);
+       if (block_size < 0)
+               return block_size;
+       /* init ipad and opad from key and xor with fixed values */
+       memset(ipad, 0, block_size);
+       memset(opad, 0, block_size);
+       if (auth_keylen > (unsigned int)block_size) {
+               QAT_LOG(ERR, "invalid keylen %u", auth_keylen);
+               free_mb_mgr(m);
+               return -EFAULT;
+       }
+       rte_memcpy(ipad, auth_key, auth_keylen);
+       rte_memcpy(opad, auth_key, auth_keylen);
+       for (i = 0; i < block_size; i++) {
+               uint8_t *ipad_ptr = ipad + i;
+               uint8_t *opad_ptr = opad + i;
+               *ipad_ptr ^= HMAC_IPAD_VALUE;
+               *opad_ptr ^= HMAC_OPAD_VALUE;
+       }
+       /* do partial hash of ipad and copy to state1 */
+       if (partial_hash_compute_ipsec_mb(hash_alg, ipad, p_state_buf, m)) {
+               QAT_LOG(ERR, "ipad precompute failed");
+               ret = -EFAULT;
+               goto out;
+       }
+       /*
+        * State len is a multiple of 8, so may be larger than the digest.
+        * Put the partial hash of opad state_len bytes after state1
+        */
+       *p_state_len = qat_hash_get_state1_size(hash_alg);
+       if (partial_hash_compute_ipsec_mb(hash_alg, opad,
+                               p_state_buf + *p_state_len, m)) {
+               QAT_LOG(ERR, "opad precompute failed");
+               ret = -EFAULT;
+               goto out;
+       }
+       /*  don't leave data lying around */
+       memset(ipad, 0, block_size);
+       memset(opad, 0, block_size);
+       free_mb_mgr(m);
+       return ret;
 static int partial_hash_sha1(uint8_t *data_in, uint8_t *data_out)
        SHA_CTX ctx;
@@ -1124,6 +1440,20 @@ static int partial_hash_md5(uint8_t *data_in, uint8_t 
        return 0;
+static void aes_cmac_key_derive(uint8_t *base, uint8_t *derived)
+       int i;
+       derived[0] = base[0] << 1;
+       for (i = 1; i < ICP_QAT_HW_AES_BLK_SZ ; i++) {
+               derived[i] = base[i] << 1;
+               derived[i - 1] |= base[i] >> 7;
+       }
+       if (base[0] & 0x80)
+               derived[ICP_QAT_HW_AES_BLK_SZ - 1] ^= QAT_AES_CMAC_CONST_RB;
 static int
 partial_hash_compute(enum icp_qat_hw_auth_algo hash_alg,
                uint8_t *data_in, uint8_t *data_out)
@@ -1192,25 +1522,6 @@ partial_hash_compute(enum icp_qat_hw_auth_algo hash_alg,
        return 0;
-#define HMAC_IPAD_VALUE        0x36
-#define HMAC_OPAD_VALUE        0x5c
-static const uint8_t AES_CMAC_SEED[ICP_QAT_HW_AES_128_KEY_SZ];
-static void aes_cmac_key_derive(uint8_t *base, uint8_t *derived)
-       int i;
-       derived[0] = base[0] << 1;
-       for (i = 1; i < ICP_QAT_HW_AES_BLK_SZ ; i++) {
-               derived[i] = base[i] << 1;
-               derived[i - 1] |= base[i] >> 7;
-       }
-       if (base[0] & 0x80)
-               derived[ICP_QAT_HW_AES_BLK_SZ - 1] ^= QAT_AES_CMAC_CONST_RB;
 static int qat_sym_do_precomputes(enum icp_qat_hw_auth_algo hash_alg,
                                const uint8_t *auth_key,
@@ -1695,6 +2006,7 @@ int qat_sym_cd_auth_set(struct qat_sym_session *cdesc,
        uint32_t *aad_len = NULL;
        uint32_t wordIndex  = 0;
        uint32_t *pTempKey;
+       int ret = 0;
        if (cdesc->qat_cmd == ICP_QAT_FW_LA_CMD_AUTH) {
@@ -1766,9 +2078,22 @@ int qat_sym_cd_auth_set(struct qat_sym_session *cdesc,
                /* SHA-1 HMAC */
-               if (qat_sym_do_precomputes(ICP_QAT_HW_AUTH_ALGO_SHA1, authkey,
-                       authkeylen, cdesc->cd_cur_ptr, &state1_size,
-                       cdesc->aes_cmac)) {
+               if (qat_ipsec_mb_lib) {
+                       ret = 
+                               authkey, authkeylen, cdesc->cd_cur_ptr, 
+                               cdesc->aes_cmac);
+                       QAT_LOG(ERR, "Intel IPSEC-MB LIB missing ?");
+                       return -EFAULT;
+               } else {
+                       ret = qat_sym_do_precomputes(ICP_QAT_HW_AUTH_ALGO_SHA1, 
+                               authkeylen, cdesc->cd_cur_ptr, &state1_size,
+                               cdesc->aes_cmac);
+               }
+               if (ret) {
                        QAT_LOG(ERR, "(SHA)precompute failed");
                        return -EFAULT;
@@ -1784,9 +2109,22 @@ int qat_sym_cd_auth_set(struct qat_sym_session *cdesc,
                /* SHA-224 HMAC */
-               if (qat_sym_do_precomputes(ICP_QAT_HW_AUTH_ALGO_SHA224, authkey,
-                       authkeylen, cdesc->cd_cur_ptr, &state1_size,
-                       cdesc->aes_cmac)) {
+               if (qat_ipsec_mb_lib) {
+                       ret = 
+                               authkey, authkeylen, cdesc->cd_cur_ptr, 
+                               cdesc->aes_cmac);
+                       QAT_LOG(ERR, "Intel IPSEC-MB LIB missing ?");
+                       return -EFAULT;
+               } else {
+                       ret = 
qat_sym_do_precomputes(ICP_QAT_HW_AUTH_ALGO_SHA224, authkey,
+                               authkeylen, cdesc->cd_cur_ptr, &state1_size,
+                               cdesc->aes_cmac);
+               }
+               if (ret) {
                        QAT_LOG(ERR, "(SHA)precompute failed");
                        return -EFAULT;
@@ -1802,9 +2140,22 @@ int qat_sym_cd_auth_set(struct qat_sym_session *cdesc,
                /* SHA-256 HMAC */
-               if (qat_sym_do_precomputes(ICP_QAT_HW_AUTH_ALGO_SHA256, authkey,
-                       authkeylen, cdesc->cd_cur_ptr,  &state1_size,
-                       cdesc->aes_cmac)) {
+               if (qat_ipsec_mb_lib) {
+                       ret = 
+                               authkey, authkeylen, cdesc->cd_cur_ptr, 
+                               cdesc->aes_cmac);
+                       QAT_LOG(ERR, "Intel IPSEC-MB LIB missing ?");
+                       return -EFAULT;
+               } else {
+                       ret = 
qat_sym_do_precomputes(ICP_QAT_HW_AUTH_ALGO_SHA256, authkey,
+                               authkeylen, cdesc->cd_cur_ptr, &state1_size,
+                               cdesc->aes_cmac);
+               }
+               if (ret) {
                        QAT_LOG(ERR, "(SHA)precompute failed");
                        return -EFAULT;
@@ -1820,9 +2171,22 @@ int qat_sym_cd_auth_set(struct qat_sym_session *cdesc,
                /* SHA-384 HMAC */
-               if (qat_sym_do_precomputes(ICP_QAT_HW_AUTH_ALGO_SHA384, authkey,
-                       authkeylen, cdesc->cd_cur_ptr, &state1_size,
-                       cdesc->aes_cmac)) {
+               if (qat_ipsec_mb_lib) {
+                       ret = 
+                               authkey, authkeylen, cdesc->cd_cur_ptr, 
+                               cdesc->aes_cmac);
+                       QAT_LOG(ERR, "Intel IPSEC-MB LIB missing ?");
+                       return -EFAULT;
+               } else {
+                       ret = 
qat_sym_do_precomputes(ICP_QAT_HW_AUTH_ALGO_SHA384, authkey,
+                               authkeylen, cdesc->cd_cur_ptr, &state1_size,
+                               cdesc->aes_cmac);
+               }
+               if (ret) {
                        QAT_LOG(ERR, "(SHA)precompute failed");
                        return -EFAULT;
@@ -1838,9 +2202,22 @@ int qat_sym_cd_auth_set(struct qat_sym_session *cdesc,
                /* SHA-512 HMAC */
-               if (qat_sym_do_precomputes(ICP_QAT_HW_AUTH_ALGO_SHA512, authkey,
-                       authkeylen, cdesc->cd_cur_ptr,  &state1_size,
-                       cdesc->aes_cmac)) {
+               if (qat_ipsec_mb_lib) {
+                       ret = 
+                               authkey, authkeylen, cdesc->cd_cur_ptr, 
+                               cdesc->aes_cmac);
+                       QAT_LOG(ERR, "Intel IPSEC-MB LIB missing ?");
+                       return -EFAULT;
+               } else {
+                       ret = 
qat_sym_do_precomputes(ICP_QAT_HW_AUTH_ALGO_SHA512, authkey,
+                               authkeylen, cdesc->cd_cur_ptr, &state1_size,
+                               cdesc->aes_cmac);
+               }
+               if (ret) {
                        QAT_LOG(ERR, "(SHA)precompute failed");
                        return -EFAULT;
@@ -1851,9 +2228,23 @@ int qat_sym_cd_auth_set(struct qat_sym_session *cdesc,
                if (cdesc->aes_cmac)
                        memset(cdesc->cd_cur_ptr, 0, state1_size);
-               if (qat_sym_do_precomputes(ICP_QAT_HW_AUTH_ALGO_AES_XCBC_MAC,
-                       authkey, authkeylen, cdesc->cd_cur_ptr + state1_size,
-                       &state2_size, cdesc->aes_cmac)) {
+               if (qat_ipsec_mb_lib) {
+                       ret = qat_sym_do_precomputes_ipsec_mb(
+                               ICP_QAT_HW_AUTH_ALGO_AES_XCBC_MAC,
+                               authkey, authkeylen, cdesc->cd_cur_ptr + 
+                               &state2_size, cdesc->aes_cmac);
+                       QAT_LOG(ERR, "Intel IPSEC-MB LIB missing ?");
+                       return -EFAULT;
+               } else {
+                       ret = 
+                               authkey, authkeylen, cdesc->cd_cur_ptr + 
+                               &state2_size, cdesc->aes_cmac);
+               }
+               if (ret) {
                        cdesc->aes_cmac ? QAT_LOG(ERR,
                                                  "(CMAC)precompute failed")
                                        : QAT_LOG(ERR,
@@ -1865,9 +2256,22 @@ int qat_sym_cd_auth_set(struct qat_sym_session *cdesc,
        case ICP_QAT_HW_AUTH_ALGO_GALOIS_64:
                cdesc->qat_proto_flag = QAT_CRYPTO_PROTO_FLAG_GCM;
                state1_size = ICP_QAT_HW_GALOIS_128_STATE1_SZ;
-               if (qat_sym_do_precomputes(cdesc->qat_hash_alg, authkey,
-                       authkeylen, cdesc->cd_cur_ptr + state1_size,
-                       &state2_size, cdesc->aes_cmac)) {
+               if (qat_ipsec_mb_lib) {
+                       ret = 
qat_sym_do_precomputes_ipsec_mb(cdesc->qat_hash_alg, authkey,
+                               authkeylen, cdesc->cd_cur_ptr + state1_size,
+                               &state2_size, cdesc->aes_cmac);
+                       QAT_LOG(ERR, "Intel IPSEC-MB LIB missing ?");
+                       return -EFAULT;
+               } else {
+                       ret = qat_sym_do_precomputes(cdesc->qat_hash_alg, 
+                               authkeylen, cdesc->cd_cur_ptr + state1_size,
+                               &state2_size, cdesc->aes_cmac);
+               }
+               if (ret) {
                        QAT_LOG(ERR, "(GCM)precompute failed");
                        return -EFAULT;
@@ -1923,9 +2327,22 @@ int qat_sym_cd_auth_set(struct qat_sym_session *cdesc,
        case ICP_QAT_HW_AUTH_ALGO_MD5:
-               if (qat_sym_do_precomputes(ICP_QAT_HW_AUTH_ALGO_MD5, authkey,
-                       authkeylen, cdesc->cd_cur_ptr, &state1_size,
-                       cdesc->aes_cmac)) {
+               if (qat_ipsec_mb_lib) {
+                       ret = 
+                               authkey, authkeylen, cdesc->cd_cur_ptr, 
+                               cdesc->aes_cmac);
+                       QAT_LOG(ERR, "Intel IPSEC-MB LIB missing");
+                       return -EFAULT;
+               } else {
+                       ret = qat_sym_do_precomputes(ICP_QAT_HW_AUTH_ALGO_MD5, 
+                               authkeylen, cdesc->cd_cur_ptr, &state1_size,
+                               cdesc->aes_cmac);
+               }
+               if (ret) {
                        QAT_LOG(ERR, "(MD5)precompute failed");
                        return -EFAULT;

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