- Moved dh operation type to dh operation struct. Operation type (PUBLIC_KEY_GENERATION, SHARED_SECRET) should be free to choose for any operation. One xform/session should be enough to perform both DH operations, if op_type would be xform member, session would have to be to be created twice for the same group. Similar problem would be observed in sessionless case. Additionally, it will help extend DH to support Elliptic Curves.
Signed-off-by: Arek Kusztal <arkadiuszx.kusz...@intel.com> --- lib/cryptodev/rte_crypto_asym.h | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/lib/cryptodev/rte_crypto_asym.h b/lib/cryptodev/rte_crypto_asym.h index b355cbe5fa..728a98f02e 100644 --- a/lib/cryptodev/rte_crypto_asym.h +++ b/lib/cryptodev/rte_crypto_asym.h @@ -250,8 +250,6 @@ struct rte_crypto_modinv_xform { * */ struct rte_crypto_dh_xform { - enum rte_crypto_asym_ke_type type; - /**< Setup xform for key generate or shared secret compute */ rte_crypto_uint p; /**< Prime modulus data */ rte_crypto_uint g; @@ -379,27 +377,29 @@ struct rte_crypto_rsa_op_param { * @note: */ struct rte_crypto_dh_op_param { + enum rte_crypto_asym_ke_type op_type; + /**< Key exchange operation type */ rte_crypto_uint pub_key; /**< - * Output generated public key when xform type is + * Output generated public key when op_type is * DH PUB_KEY_GENERATION. - * Input peer public key when xform type is DH + * Input peer public key when op_type is DH * SHARED_SECRET_COMPUTATION * */ rte_crypto_uint priv_key; /**< - * Output generated private key if xform type is + * Output generated private key when op_type is * DH PRIVATE_KEY_GENERATION - * Input when xform type is DH SHARED_SECRET_COMPUTATION. + * Input when op_type is DH SHARED_SECRET_COMPUTATION. * */ rte_crypto_uint shared_secret; /**< * Output with calculated shared secret - * when dh xform set up with op type = SHARED_SECRET_COMPUTATION. + * when op type is SHARED_SECRET_COMPUTATION. * */ }; -- 2.13.6