Hi Tim,

When were you thinking of having the call?

It's not been explicit, but can I assume that this call will also be
promoted among potential supporters of the project who may not be on
this list? I would be interested to get the perspective from the people
who are perhaps not developers who decide whether their organization
engages strategically with a project or not.


On 05/01/2015 06:20 PM, O'Driscoll, Tim wrote:
> There's been a good discussion on the mailing list on the Beyond DPDK 2.0 
> thread. To supplement this, we'd like to have a community call for people to 
> air their views, and to help progress things towards a conclusion. It'll be 
> an open format, so people can bring up whatever issues they want, but some 
> topics for discussion might include:
> - Decision-making process. What do we do if issues don't reach a conclusion 
> on the mailing list? Does stalemate just mean no change, or do we need some 
> other mechanism to decide? A good example of an issue that may not reach a 
> clear conclusion is the proposal move to github, where some seem to be in 
> favour and others against.
> - How do we encourage more contributors to DPDK?
> - What tool/process improvements do we need to make? Further discussion of 
> github is one obvious example.
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Dave Neary - NFV/SDN Community Strategy
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
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