Minutes of Technical Board Meeting, 2022-May-04
Members Attending
-Kevin (chair)
NOTE: The technical board meetings are on every second Wednesday at
https://meet.jit.si/DPDK at 3 pm UTC.
Meetings are public, and DPDK community members are welcome to attend.
NOTE: Next meeting will be on Wednesday 2021-May-18 @3pm UTC, and will
be chaired by Maxime.
1) Enrollment DPDK into HackerOne bug bounty program
- Discussed if the DPDK security process/resourcing should be
beefed up in advance of engagement into any bug bounty program
- Kevin to send email to security team to identify any areas that
need more resources or improvements to process
2) DPDK UserSpace 2022 event schedule
- Not enough feedback so far about suggested event
- Kevin to poll TB members
3) DTS into DPDK repo progress
- Honnappa shared status/plans on integrating DTS into DPDK repo
- Patches to integrate it will aim to be based on incremental
features and functional boundaries
- A roadmap for this will be provided
- Honnappa indicated that as this is a big migration of existing
code, with limited resources, some aspects of the workflow will
need to be best effort. e.g. coding standards
- These will be noted and can be discussed as they arise on the ML
- Overriding goal is that DTS can shine and be easily
adopted/developed by DPDK developer base
- Honnappa to send email to gather goals which can then provide the
basis for where flexibility on workflow is allowed