Hi Olivier,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Olivier MATZ [mailto:olivier.matz at 6wind.com]
> Sent: Friday, March 27, 2015 3:17 PM
> To: Ananyev, Konstantin; dev at dpdk.org
> Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH v2 1/5] mbuf: fix clone support when 
> application uses private mbuf data
> Hi Konstantin,
> On 03/27/2015 03:25 PM, Ananyev, Konstantin wrote:
> > Hi Olivier,
> >
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Olivier MATZ [mailto:olivier.matz at 6wind.com]
> >> Sent: Friday, March 27, 2015 1:56 PM
> >> To: Ananyev, Konstantin; dev at dpdk.org
> >> Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH v2 1/5] mbuf: fix clone support when 
> >> application uses private mbuf data
> >>
> >> Hi Konstantin,
> >>
> >> On 03/27/2015 10:07 AM, Olivier MATZ wrote:
> >>>> I think that to support ability to setup priv_size on a mempool basis,
> >>>> and reserve private space between struct rte_mbuf and rte_mbuf. buf_addr,
> >>>> we need to:
> >>>>
> >>>> 1. Store priv_size both inside the mempool and inside the mbuf.
> >>>>
> >>>> 2. rte_pktmbuf_attach() should change the value of priv_size to the 
> >>>> priv_size of the direct mbuf we are going to attach to:
> >>>> rte_pktmbuf_attach(struct rte_mbuf *mi, struct rte_mbuf *md) {... 
> >>>> mi->priv_size = md->priv_size; ...}
> >>>>
> >>>> 3. rte_pktmbuf_detach() should restore original value of mbuf's 
> >>>> priv_size:
> >>>> rte_pktmbuf_detach(struct rte_mbuf *m)
> >>>> {
> >>>>   ...
> >>>>    m->priv_size = rte_mempool_get_privsize(m->pool);
> >>>>    m->buf _addr= rte_mbuf_to_baddr(m);
> >>>>    ...
> >>>> }
> >>>>
> >>>> Also I think we need to provide a way to specify priv_size for all mbufs 
> >>>> of the mepool at init time:
> >>>> - either force people to specify it at rte_mempool_create() time 
> >>>> (probably use init_arg for that),
> >>>> - or provide separate function that could be called straight after 
> >>>> rte_mempool_create() , that
> >>>> would setup priv_size for the  pool and for all its mbufs.
> >>>> - or some sort of combination of these 2 approaches - introduce a 
> >>>> wrapper function
> >>>> (rte_mbuf_pool_create() or something) that would take priv_size as 
> >>>> parameter,
> >>>> create a new mempool and then setup priv_size.
> >>
> >> I though a bit more about this solution, and I realized that doing
> >> mi->priv_size = md->priv_size in rte_pktmbuf_attach() is probably not
> >> a good idea, as there is no garantee that the size of mi is large enough
> >> to store the priv of md.
> >>
> >> Having the same priv_size for mi and md is maybe a good constraint.
> >> I can add this in the API comments and assertions in the code to
> >> check this condition, what do you think?
> >
> > Probably we have a different concepts of what is mbuf's  private space in 
> > mind.
> > From my point, even indirect buffer should use it's own private space and
> > leave contents of direct mbuf it attached to unmodified.
> > After attach() operation, only contents of the buffer are shared between 
> > mbufs,
> > but not the mbuf's metadata.
> Sorry if it was not clear in my previous messages, but I agree
> with your description. When attaching a mbuf, only data, not
> metadata should be shared.
> In the solution you are suggesting (quoted above), you say we need
> to set mi->priv_size to md->priv_size in rte_pktmbuf_attach(). I felt
> this was not possible, but it depends on the meaning we give to
> priv_size:
> 1. If the meaning is "the size of the private data embedded in this
>    mbuf", which is the most logical meaning, we cannot do this
>    affectation
> 2. If the meaning is "the size of the private data embedded in the
>    mbuf the buf_addr is pointing to" (which is harder to get), the
>    affectation makes sense.
> From what I understand, you feel we should use 2/ as priv_size
> definition. Is it correct?

Yes, I meant 2.
>From my point priv_size inside mbuf is more like 'buf_ofs'.
It's main purpose is for internal use - to help our mbuf manipulation routinies
(attach/detach/free) to work correctly.
If the user wants to query size of private space for the mbuf, he probably 
use the value from mempool.

> In my previous message, the definition of m->priv_size was 1/,
> so that's why I felt assigning mi->priv_size to md->priv_size was
> not possible.
> I agree 2/ is probably a good choice, as it would allow to attach
> to a mbuf with a different priv_size. It may require some additional
> comments above the field in the structure to explain that.
> > Otherwise on detach(), you'll have to copy contents of private space back, 
> > from direct to indirect mbuf?
> > Again how to deal with the case, when 2 or more mbufs will attach to the 
> > same direct one?
> >
> > So let say, if we'll have a macro:
> >
> > #define RTE_MBUF_PRIV_PTR(mb)       ((void *)((struct rte_mbuf *)(mb)) + 1))
> >
> > No matter is mb  a direct or indirect mbuf.
> > Do you have something else in mind here?
> I completely agree with this macro. We should consider the private data
> as an extension of the mbuf structure.
> >>> Introducing rte_mbuf_pool_create() seems a good idea to me, it
> >>> would hide 'rte_pktmbuf_pool_private' from the user and force
> >>> to initialize all the required fields (mbuf_data_room_size only
> >>> today, and maybe mbuf_priv_size).
> >>>
> >>> The API would be:
> >>>
> >>> struct rte_mempool *
> >>> rte_mbuf_pool_create(const char *name, unsigned n, unsigned elt_size,
> >>>   unsigned cache_size, size_t mbuf_priv_size,
> >>>   rte_mempool_obj_ctor_t *obj_init, void *obj_init_arg,
> >>>   int socket_id, unsigned flags)
> >>>
> >>> I can give it a try and send a patch for this.
> >>
> >> About this, it is not required anymore for this patch series if we
> >> agree with my comment above.
> >
> > I still think we need some way to setup priv_size on a per-mempool basis.
> > Doing that in rte_mbuf_pool_create() seems like a good thing to me.
> > Not sure, why you decided to drop it?
> I think we can already do it without changing the API by providing
> our own rte_pktmbuf_init and rte_pktmbuf_pool_init.
> rte_pktmbuf_init() has to set:
>   m->buf_len = mp->elt_size - sizeof(struct mbuf);
>   m->priv_size = sizeof(struct mbuf) - sizeof(struct rte_mbuf);
> rte_pktmbuf_pool_init() has to set:
>   /* we can use the default function */
>   mbp_priv->mbuf_data_room_size = MBUF_RXDATA_SIZE +

Yeh, when  arg==NULL for rte_pktmbuf_pool_init() we always set up
mbuf_data_room_size to the hardcoded value.
Which always looked strange to me.
I think it should be set to:
mp->elt_size - sizeof(struct rte_mbuf) - RTE_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM;
for that case.

> In this case, it is possible to calculate the mbuf_priv_size only
> from the pool object:
>   mbuf_priv_size = pool->elt_size - RTE_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM -
>       pool_private->mbuf_data_room_size -
>       sizeof(rte_mbuf)

So if I understand your idea correctly:
If  second parameter for rte_pktmbuf_pool_init() is NULL, then 
we setup

mbp_priv->mbuf_data_room_size = mp->elt_size - sizeof(struct rte_mbuf) - 

Which means that  priv_size ==0  for all  mbufs in the pool 
Otherwise we setup:

 mbp_priv->mbuf_data_room_size = opaque_arg;

As we are doing now, and priv_size for all mbufs in the pool will be:
pool->elt_size - pool_private->mbuf_data_room_size - sizeof(rte_mbuf);

And in that case, all users have to do to specify priv_size for mempool is to 
pass a proper argument
for rte_pktmbuf_pool_init() at  mempool_create().

> I agree it's not ideal, but I think the mbuf pool initialization
> is another problem. That's why I suggested to change this in a
> separate series that will add rte_mbuf_pool_create() with the
> API described above. Thoughts?

I also put answers to another mail below.
Just to keep all discussion in one place.

> > Though, I still think that the better approach is to reserve private space 
> > before struct rte_mbuf, not after.
> > In that case, user got his private space, and we keep buf_addr straight 
> > after  rte_mbuf, without any whole.
> > So we don't need steps 2 and 3, above,
> > plus we don't need rte_mbuf_to_baddr() and rte_mbuf_from_indirect() -
> > RTE_MBUF_TO_BADDR/ RTE_MBUF_FROM_BADDR would keep working correctly.
> > In fact, with this scheme - we don't even need priv_size for mbuf 
> > management (attach/detach/free).
> >
> > Wonder did you try that approach?
> Yes, I though about this approach too. But I think it would require
> more changes. When an application or a driver allocate a mbuf with
> mempool_get(), it expects that the returned pointer is the rte_mbuf *.

Yep, sure it will still get the pointer to the rte_mbuf *.
Though later, if upper layer would like to convert from  rte_mbuf* to 
app_specific_mbuf *,
it would have to use a macro:

#define RTE_MBUF_TO_PRIV(m)     ((void *)((uintptr_t)(m) - (m)->priv_size)) 

> With this solution, there are 2 options:
> - no mempool modification, so each application/driver has to add
>   priv_size bytes to the object to get the mbuf pointer. This does not
>   look feasible.
> - change the mempool to support private area before each object. I
>   think mempool API is already quite complex, and I think it's not
>   the role of the mempool library to provide such features.

In fact, I think the changes would be minimal.
All we have to do, is to make changes in rte_pktmbuf_init():

rte_pktmbuf_init(struct rte_mempool *mp,
                 __attribute__((unused)) void *opaque_arg,
                 void *_m,
                 __attribute__((unused)) unsigned i)

     //extract priv_size from mempool   (discussed above).
      uint16_t priv_size = rte_mbufpool_get_priv_size(mp); 

      struct rte_mbuf *m = _m + priv_size;
      uint32_t buf_len = mp->elt_size - sizeof(struct rte_mbuf) - priv_size;


With that way priv_size inside mbuf would always be the size its own private 
for both direct and indirect mbus., so we don't require to set priv_size at 
Again RTE_MBUF_TO_BADDR() and RTE_MBUF_FROM_BADDR() would just work without any 


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