>   Though I think we shouldn’t remove existing CLI interface.

I agree, it's a very useful debugging tool for validating environments. I
think having two "frontends", the CLI and API, which both consume one
"backend" testpmd library would be the easiest way to go about doing that
while keeping long-term maintenance low.

Conditional compilation (new meson flag or so) is probably good enough for
> this case.

One of the changes I made was an on-by-default meson flag to enable C++
compilation. If that flag is on, and all dependencies are present, then the
application will be built.

Would it be possible to try implement something more realistic with testpmd
> itself

I would consider it a "phase 2" version of this RFC. The hard part was
getting gRPC working inside of Meson, which is why I picked a simple app to
port. If this RFC moves forward, I can look at porting the functionality
needed for the nic single core performance test (

On Thu, Apr 14, 2022 at 8:08 AM Ananyev, Konstantin <
konstantin.anan...@intel.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> First of all thanks Owen for stepping forward with this RFC.
> Few thoughts on this subject below.
> Konstantin
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Ananyev, Konstantin <konstantin.anan...@intel.com>
> > Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2022 12:59 PM
> > To: Ananyev, Konstantin <konstantin.anan...@intel.com>
> > Subject: FW: [PATCH v1 0/4] [RFC] Testpmd RPC API
> >
> >
> >
> > From: Owen Hilyard <ohily...@iol.unh.edu>
> > Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2022 1:47 PM
> > To: Jerin Jacob <jerinjac...@gmail.com>
> > Cc: dpdk-dev <dev@dpdk.org>; Honnappa Nagarahalli <
> honnappa.nagaraha...@arm.com>; Thomas Monjalon <tho...@monjalon.net>
> > Subject: Re: [PATCH v1 0/4] [RFC] Testpmd RPC API
> >
> > If so, I think, gRPC service would be along with existing testpmd
> functions, like start_packet_forwarding().
> >
> > It was my intention to re-use existing functions. I used the ACL tests
> as an example because they are more self-contained then Testpmd,
> > which made creating the proof of concept much easier.
> >
> > Also, We don't need to rewrite the existing testpmd, Instead, RPC
> service, we can add in existing app/test-pmd/
> >
> > The reason that I split out the services is that there doesn't seem to
> be a way to produce multiple binaries without re-writing that section of
> > the build system. I wanted to avoid the hard requirement of having a C++
> compiler available in order to be able to use testpmd, since that
> > may affect what platforms Testpmd can run on and I want to avoid this
> being any kind of breaking change. If we decide to go the route of
> > putting it all in a single application, we would need to conditionally
> enable the gRPC service at build time. Meson's current lack of support
> > for conditionally detecting compilers causes issues here.
> >
> > I think, DPDK has only one interactive test case which is testpmd,
> >
> > Could you point me to that test case? Either invocation or source is ok.
> I can't see anything that would lead me to assume use of testpmd in
> > "meson test --list". To my knowledge, all of the test cases that use
> testpmd are in DTS. If there is a test that uses testpmd but is not part of
> > DTS, I think it would be a candidate for moving into DTS assuming it's
> not a unit test.
> >
> > How you are planning to do noninteractive test cases?
> >
> > I'm not planning to make any change to unit testing, you can read more
> about how testing is currently conducted
> > here: https://www.dpdk.org/blog/2021/07/05/dpdk-testing-approaches/
> >
> > If there is a unit test that involves testpmd, there are two
> possibilities.
> > 1. If we are making a separate application for Testpmd with the gRPC
> api, then nothing changes except for possibly changing where some
> > of the testpmd source lives in order to enable code reuse between the
> two applications.
> > 2. If gRPC is being added to Testpmd, then the unit test should still
> function as it previously did if I do any necessary refactoring as
> correctly.
> >
> > I think, key should be leveraging existing test cases as much as
> possible and make easy for developers to add new test cases.
> >
> > That is part of the reason why I want to be able to do this. Adding a
> new test in DTS is very easy if the functionality needed already exists in
> > Testpmd. If the functionality does not exist, then adding the test
> becomes difficult, due to the required modifications to the Testpmd lexer
> > and parser to accommodate the new command. My plan is to leave unit
> testing in C, but help make it easier to expose C functions to Python
> > for integration testing. This gives us the best of both worlds in terms
> of access to DPDK and the ability to use a high-level language to write
> > the tests.
> >
> > On Tue, Apr 12, 2022 at 2:07 AM Jerin Jacob <mailto:
> jerinjac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Mon, Apr 11, 2022 at 11:19 PM Owen Hilyard <mailto:
> ohily...@iol.unh.edu> wrote:
> > >>
> > >> scheme is probably over-engineered
> > >
> > >
> > > I tried my hardest to keep this as simple as possible. The
> requirements imposed by DTS being a distributed system in Python restricted
> > what I could do a lot. Needing to be compatible with DPDK's license also
> got rid of a lot of options. Binding generators are made for simple
> > projects, and DPDK is not a simple project. There were some other
> options related to choice in the RPC framework, but very few RPC
> > protocols seem to work well with C and be usable from Python, which is
> why I ended up using C++ with gRPC. Most of the code in
> > api_impl.cc is taken from /app/test-acl/main.c, and the new part is
> mostly the C++ class at the bottom. Overall, this proposal comes out to
> > ~100 lines of new C++, 9 lines of C, 12 lines of gRPC Protobuf and 100
> lines of Meson. gRPC may be able to do a lot more than I need it to
> > for the proof of concept, but many of the features that are not used,
> like bi-directional streaming, become very useful in writing more
> > complicated tests. Overall, this solution is probably more capable than
> we need it to be, but I think that those extra capabilities don't come
> > at a very large cost.
> >
> >
> > Now it is clear, I was carried away with the POC test application and
> > I was not knowing existing DTS tests are based on python
> >
> > Is below a fair summary?
> >
> > 1) DPDK has interactive test cases and no interactive test cases.
> >
> > For The interactive test case like testpmd, I agree that we can enable
> > RPC service via gRPC server in C++ as  and client in Python, and
> > something along the lines of exposing the existing test-pmd command
> > line function as service
> > to avoid command line parsing and reuse the existing python test suite.
> >
> > If so, I think, gRPC service would be along with existing testpmd
> > functions, like start_packet_forwarding(). Also, We don't need to
> > rewrite the existing testpmd,
> > Instead, RPC service, we can add in existing app/test-pmd/ and hook to
> > existing core testpmd functions to bypass the command-line parsing in
> > C and control from python client as needed as service.
> >
> > Also, I agree that pulling in gRPC C++ server boilerplate and hooking
> > to C functions is a good idea as it is the best C-based RPC scheme
> > available today.
> >
> > 2)I think, DPDK has only one interactive test case which is testpmd,
> > Remaining test cases are non-interactive, non-interactive test cases
> > can simply run over ssh with passwordless login. Right?
> > Do we need gRPC for that? Will the following scheme suffice? If not,
> > How you are planning to do noninteractive test cases?
> > i.e
> > a)Copy test to target
> > b) result=`ssh username@IP /path/to/testapp/in/target`
> >
> > I think, key should be leveraging existing test cases as much as
> > possible and make easy for developers to add new test cases.
> >
> >
> > >>
> > >> Now that, Test code is also part of DPDK.
> > >
> > >
> > > DTS is pure python. I tried to use FFI to call directly into DPDK from
> Python and then use xmlrpc from the python standard library. As
> > mentioned in the writeup, I couldn't find a binding generator that would
> properly handle DPDK's allocators, which made it so that anything
> > passed to DPDK using python was allocated using the system malloc. I
> don't think it is wise to attempt to programmatically re-write the
> > generated code to allow for custom allocators. The original reason for
> needing to have DTS and DPDK in the same repository was so that
> > tests could be committed and run alongside the feature patch.
> > >
> > >> Interactive - Testpmd one, I believe, Feeding stdin programmatically
> would suffice to test all the combinations.
> > >
> > >
> > > One of the issues this is trying to address is that human-readable
> strings are a poor way to pass complex information between two
> > programs. DTS is a distributed system, and it can have up to 3 physical
> servers involved in any given test. This means that it's not stdin via a
> > pipe, it's an entire SSH session. This adds a noticeable amount of
> overhead when trying to send and verify the result of sending 1,000+
> > packets, since the lack of structured output means each packet must be
> checked before the next can be sent. This might be solvable by
> > adding a structured output mode to testpmd, but that would involve
> committing to writing output twice for every function in testpmd
> > forever.
> > >
> > >> We need to add all test cases in this model and we need to maintain
> two sets of programs.(Traditional tests and gRPC model-based
> > tests).
> > >
> > >
> > > Assuming by traditional tests you mean the unit tests run by Meson, I
> would argue that we are already maintaining 2 kinds of tests. The
> > unit tests, and the python-based DTS tests. My intention is to create a
> thin wrapper around DPDK that would be exposed via gRPC, like you
> > see here, and use that as midware. Then, we would have two front-ends.
> Testpmd, which takes text and then calls midware as it does now,
> > and the gRPC frontend, which parses messages from the RPC server and
> runs the midware. This would enable testpmd to still be used to
> > sanity check a DPDK installation, but we would not need to continually
> expand Testpmd. The primary issue is that, right now, anything not
> > included in Testpmd is not really testable by DTS. This includes
> portions of the RTE Flow API, which was part of my reason for proposing
> this.
> > The RTE Flow API would, in my estimation, if fully implemented into
> Testpmd, probably add at least another 10,000 lines of code. As
> > mentioned in my proposal, Testpmd already does more parsing and lexing
> than it does interaction with DPDK by line count. Also, since I am
> > proposing making this a separate application, we would be able to
> gradually migrate the tests inside of DTS. This would have no effect on
> > anything except for Testpmd, the new application and the addition of a
> flag to toggle the use of a C++ compiler.
> > >
> > > I'm not sure exactly what you mean by gRPC model-based tests. gRPC
> uses classes to model services, but for this usecase we are
> > essentially using it to transfer function arguments across the internet
> and then pass the return value back. Any RPC framework would
> > function similarly if I ignored the restrictions of which languages to
> use, and the choice is not important to how tests are conducted. Put
> > another way, how you write a test for DTS will not change much if you
> are using this or testpmd, it's just how you transfer data and get it
> > back that I want to change.
> - In general I think it is a good idea to adding gRPC binding to testpmd
> to expose/improve testing automation.
>   Though I think we shouldn’t remove existing CLI interface.
>   Ideally I’d like to have both – CLI and gRPC for all commands.
>   Don’t know how realistic is that, but at least for major commands -
> port/queue configure, start/stop, etc.
> - Conditional compilation (new meson flag or so) is probably good enough
> for this case.
> - About RFC itself - I understand that you choose testacl for simplicity,
> but in fact, it is a standalone application
>   that has not much common with testpmd itself and the problems that you
> mentioned:
>   interactive commands, parameter and results parsing, etc.
>   Would it be possible to try implement something more realistic with
> testpmd itself,
>   like simple test-pmd port/queue configure, start,  result collection,
> etc.?
>   To get a better idea how it is going to work and how complicated it
> would be.

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