From: Christian Ehrhardt <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 6, 2022 2:49 PM
To: Jiang, YuX <>
Cc:;; Abhishek Marathe 
<>; Ali Alnubani <>; Walker, 
Benjamin <>; David Christensen 
<>;; Hemant Agrawal 
<>; Stokes, Ian <>; Jerin Jacob 
<>; Mcnamara, John <>; Ju-Hyoung Lee 
<>; Kevin Traynor <>; Luca Boccassi 
<>; Pei Zhang <>; Xu, Qian Q 
<>; Raslan Darawsheh <>; Thomas Monjalon 
<>; Peng, Yuan <>; Chen, Zhaoyan 
Subject: Re: 19.11.12 patches review and test

On Thu, Mar 31, 2022 at 12:00 PM Christian Ehrhardt 

On Wed, Mar 30, 2022 at 1:04 PM Jiang, YuX 
<<>> wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> <<>>
> Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 7:55 PM
> To:<>
> Cc:<>; Abhishek Marathe 
> <<>>;
> Ali Alnubani <<>>; Walker, Benjamin
> <<>>; David 
> Christensen
> <<>>; 
>  Hemant
> Agrawal <<>>; Stokes, Ian 
> <<>>;
> Jerin Jacob <<>>; Mcnamara, John
> <<>>; Ju-Hyoung Lee 
> <<>>;
> Kevin Traynor <<>>; Luca 
> Boccassi <<>>;
> Pei Zhang <<>>; Xu, Qian Q 
> <<>>;
> Raslan Darawsheh <<>>; Thomas 
> Monjalon
> <<>>; Peng, Yuan 
> <<>>; Chen,
> Zhaoyan <<>>
> Subject: 19.11.12 patches review and test
> Hi all,
> Here is a list of patches targeted for stable release 19.11.12.
> The planned date for the final release is 7th of April.
> Please help with testing and validation of your use cases and report any
> issues/results with reply-all to this mail. For the final release the fixes 
> and
> reported validations will be added to the release notes.
> A release candidate tarball can be found at:
> These patches are located at branch 19.11 of dpdk-stable repo:
> Thanks.
> Christian Ehrhardt 
> <<>>
Update the test status for Intel part. DPDK19.11.12-rc1 test rate is 60%, 
totally find four defects as below:

Hi Christian,

Bug1: [dpdk-19.11.12] metering_and_policing/ipv4_HASH_table_RFC2698: unable to 
forward packets normally. Intel Dev is investigating.

         First test with 4ports, also can reproduce with 19.11, confirmed with 
Dev -- not fixed yet, but also not too bad (or not a regression to the former 
state) and thereby does not block 19.11.12

Bug2: [LTS DPDK-19.11.12-rc1] cryptodev_qat_asym_autotest is failing. Intel Dev 
is investigating. Bad commit: commit d2b406a1da4f4cbc1f6a1b1940659819e2ae2d34

         Confirmed with Dev, need revert the commit which is sent for 21.xx fix 
but not for 19.11 LTS, and validation team test passed after revert the commit.

Bug3: [dpdk-19.11.12-rc1] 
drivers/net/qede make build failed on Fedora35 with Clang13.0.0.( may dup:

       Bad commit from Vanshika Shukla 
<<>>, no fix yet.

Bug4: [dpdk-19.11.12-rc1] bnxt_stats 
meson&&make build Error on Fedora35-64 and Ubuntu2110-64 with 
gcc11.2.1&&gcc11.2.0.  -->Fixed by latest LTS19.11

Thank you for all your work!

Bug1:[dpdk-19.11.12] metering_and_policing/ipv4_HASH_table_RFC2698: unable to 
forward packets normally. Intel Dev is investigating.
Bug2:[LTS DPDK-19.11.12-rc1] cryptodev_qat_asym_autotest is failing. Intel Dev 
is investigating.

Both are very interesting, could you make sure that by next Wednesday (6th of 
April) there is feedback on this thread if this is either:

Hi Jiang YuX,
by now everything else is in place to tag the 19.11.12 release tomorrow,
therefore I wanted to ping for these updates so that we can make the right 
decision to release or delay.

1. fixable, with a pointer to a fix
2. not fixed yet, but also not too bad (or not a regression to the former 
state) and thereby does not block 19.11.12
3. not fixed yet, but being very severe blocking 19.11.12, but identified the 
offending commit that shall be reverted
4. not fixed yet, but being very severe blocking 19.11.12, and an ETA of a 

Based on that outcome we then need to decide if we need to tag -rc2 and another 
round of verifications.

Bug3: [dpdk-19.11.12-rc1] 
drivers/net/qede make build failed on Fedora35 with Clang13.0.0.
> Bad commit from Vanshika Shukla 
> <<>>, no fix yet.

Thanks for identifying this one.
As in the past, we are willing to take build time fixes for newer compiler 
stacks, but we are not blocked on releasing 19.11.12 unless platforms formerly 
building and using it are affected.

Bug4: [dpdk-19.11.12-rc1] bnxt_stats 
meson&&make build Error on Fedora35-64 and Ubuntu2110-64 with 
> Has fix 
> (
>  and verify passed.

Yes thanks, this one is indeed already applied

# Basic Intel(R) NIC testing
* Build: cover the build test combination with latest GCC/Clang/ICC version and 
the popular OS revision such as Ubuntu20.04, Fedora35, RHEL8.4, etc.
- All test done. Two new bugs are found, and one known 
* PF(i40e, ixgbe): test scenarios including RTE_FLOW/TSO/Jumboframe/checksum 
offload/VLAN/VXLAN, etc.
- Execution rate is 30%, no new issue is found.
* VF(i40e, ixgbe): test scenarios including VF-RTE_FLOW/TSO/Jumboframe/checksum 
offload/VLAN/VXLAN, etc.
- Execution rate is 30%, no new issue is found.
* PF/VF(ice): test scenarios including Switch features/Package Management/Flow 
Director/Advanced Tx, etc.
- All test done. No new issue is found.
* Intel NIC single core/NIC performance: test scenarios including PF/VF single 
core performance test etc.
- All test done. No big performance drop.
* IPsec: test scenarios including ipsec/ipsec-gw/ipsec library basic test - 
QAT&SW/FIB library, etc.
- On going.
# Basic cryptodev and virtio testing
* Virtio: both function and performance test are covered. Such as 
PVP/Virtio_loopback/virtio-user loopback/virtio-net VM2VM perf testing, etc.
- All test done. No new issue is found.
* Cryptodev:
* Function test: test scenarios including Cryptodev API testing/CompressDev 
ISA-L/QAT/ZLIB PMD Testing/ etc.
- On going.
* Performance test: test scenarios including Thoughput Performance /Cryptodev 
Latency, etc.
- On going.

Yu Jiang

Christian Ehrhardt
Staff Engineer, Ubuntu Server
Canonical Ltd

Christian Ehrhardt
Staff Engineer, Ubuntu Server
Canonical Ltd

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